name: Linux Static Analyzer Build on: push: # Pushes to this branch get the scan-build treatment branches: - 'scan-build*' pull_request: # Changing this build gets it to run paths: - '.github/workflows/scanbuild.yml' jobs: unix: runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: name: [linux-clang] include: - name: linux-clang os: ubuntu-22.04 compiler: clang steps: - name: Clone repository uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Install packages if: startsWith(matrix.os, 'ubuntu') run: | sudo apt-get update -qq sudo apt-get install -y bison comerr-dev flex libcap-ng-dev libdb-dev libedit-dev libjson-perl libldap2-dev libncurses5-dev libperl4-corelibs-perl libsqlite3-dev libkeyutils-dev pkg-config python3 ss-dev texinfo unzip netbase keyutils ldap-utils gdb apport curl libmicrohttpd-dev clang-tools clang-format jq valgrind # Temporary workaround for: # sudo hostname localhost - name: Build env: CC: ${{ matrix.compiler }} MAKEVARS: ${{ matrix.makevars }} CONFIGURE_OPTS: ${{ matrix.configureopts }} run: | /bin/sh ./ mkdir build cd build ../configure --srcdir=`dirname "$PWD"` --enable-maintainer-mode --enable-developer --with-ldap $CONFIGURE_OPTS --prefix=$HOME/inst CFLAGS="-Wno-error=shadow -Wno-error=bad-function-cast -Wno-error=unused-function -Wno-error=unused-result -Wno-error=deprecated-declarations" ulimit -c unlimited # We don't want to scan-build libedit nor SQLite3 because ETOOSLOW (cd lib/libedit && make -j4) (cd lib/sqlite && make -j4) scan-build --keep-going make -j4 - name: Test env: CC: ${{ matrix.compiler }} MAKEVARS: ${{ matrix.makevars }} run: | cd build ulimit -c unlimited scan-build --keep-going make check - name: Failed Test logs if: ${{ failure() }} run: | find build -name \*.trs|xargs grep -lw FAIL|sed -e 's/trs$/log/'|xargs cat - name: Upload Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2 with: name: Scan-Build Reports path: '/tmp/scan-build*/'