/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan * (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of the Institute nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE INSTITUTE AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE INSTITUTE OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* $Id$ */ command = { name = "add" option = { long = "principal" short = "p" type = "string" help = "principal to add" argument = "principal" default = "" } option = { long = "kvno" short = "V" type = "integer" help = "key version number" default = "-1" } option = { long = "enctype" short = "e" type = "string" argument = "enctype" help = "encryption type(s)" } option = { long = "password" short = "w" type = "string" help = "password for key" } option = { long = "salt" short = "s" type = "-flag" help = "use unsalted keys" default = "1" } option = { long = "random" short = "r" type = "flag" help = "generate random key" } option = { long = "keepold" type = "flag" help = "keep old keys/password needed to decrypt extant tickets (default)" } option = { long = "keepallold" type = "flag" help = "keep all old keys/password" } option = { long = "pruneall" type = "flag" help = "delete all old keys" } option = { long = "hex" short = "H" type = "flag" help = "password is a hexadecimal string" } function = "kt_add" help = "Adds a key to a keytab." max_args = "0" } command = { name = "change" option = { long = "realm" short = "r" type = "string" argument = "realm" help = "realm to use" } option = { long = "enctype" short = "e" type = "string" argument = "enctype" help = "encryption type(s)" } option = { long = "keepold" type = "flag" help = "keep old keys/password needed to decrypt extant tickets (default)" } option = { long = "keepallold" type = "flag" help = "keep all old keys/password" } option = { long = "pruneall" type = "flag" help = "delete all old keys" } option = { long = "admin-server" short = "a" type = "string" argument = "host" help = "server to contact" } option = { long = "server-port" short = "s" type = "integer" argument = "port number" help = "port number on server" } function = "kt_change" argument = "[principal...]" help = "Change keys for specified principals (default all)." } command = { name = "copy" name = "merge" function = "kt_copy" option = { long = "copy-duplicates" type = "flag" help = "copy entries for the same principal and kvno, but different keys" } argument = "source destination" min_args = "2" max_args = "2" help = "Merges one keytab into another." } command = { name = "get" option = { long = "principal" short = "p" type = "string" help = "admin principal" argument = "principal" } option = { long = "create" type = "-flag" help = "do not create the principal" } option = { long = "change-keys" type = "-flag" help = "do not change the principal's keys" } option = { long = "enctypes" short = "e" type = "strings" help = "encryption types to use" argument = "enctype" } option = { long = "keepold" type = "flag" help = "keep old keys/password needed to decrypt extant tickets (default)" } option = { long = "keepallold" type = "flag" help = "keep all old keys/password" } option = { long = "pruneall" type = "flag" help = "delete all old keys" } option = { long = "realm" short = "r" type = "string" argument = "realm" help = "realm to use" } option = { long = "admin-server" short = "a" type = "string" argument = "host" help = "server to contact" } option = { long = "server-port" short = "s" type = "integer" argument = "port number" help = "port number on server" } function = "kt_get" min_args = "1" argument = "principal..." help = "Change keys for specified principals, and add them to the keytab." } command = { name = "import" function = "kt_import" help = "Imports a keytab from JSON output of ktutil list --json --keys." min_args = "0" max_args = "1" argument = "JSON-FILE" } command = { name = "list" option = { long = "keys" type = "flag" help = "show key values" } option = { long = "timestamp" type = "flag" help = "show timestamps" } option = { long = "json" type = "flag" help = "output JSON representation" } max_args = "0" function = "kt_list" help = "Show contents of keytab." } command = { name = "purge" option = { long = "age" type = "string" help = "age to retiere" default = "1 week"; argument = "time" } max_args = "0" function = "kt_purge" help = "Remove superceded keys from keytab." } command = { name = "remove" name = "delete" option = { long = "principal" short = "p" type = "string" help = "principal to remove" argument = "principal" } option = { long = "kvno" short = "V" type = "integer" help = "key version to remove" argument = "kvno" default = "0" } option = { long = "enctype" short = "e" type = "string" help = "enctype to remove" argument = "enctype" } max_args = "0" function = "kt_remove" help = "Remove keys from keytab." } command = { name = "rename" function = "kt_rename" argument = "from to" min_args = "2" max_args = "2" help = "Renames an entry in the keytab." option = { long = "delete" type = "-flag" help = "don't delete orignal entry" } } command = { name = "destroy" function = "kt_destroy" max_args = "0" help = "Destroy (remove) the keytab." } command = { name = "help" argument = "command" max_args = "1" function = "help" }