path: root/README
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+Build-essential and friends
+sbuild-createchroot installs build-essentials so your working
+environment should already be ok. You will only need to add a few more
+packages in the chroot, using sbuild-apt. eg.
+ sbuild-apt <chroot> apt-get install sudo fakeroot ssmtp
+To show what needs to be added or removed from the unstable chroot you
+can use:
+ sbuild-checkpackages --list <chroot>
+To add packages:
+ sbuild-apt <chroot> apt-get install
+or if you wish to remove packages:
+ sbuild-apt <chroot> apt-get --purge remove
+Alternatively, to enter the chroot and work inside it, use:
+ sbuild-shell <chroot>
+With these new tools buildd.chroot has been made obsolete.
+Possible problems
+ssmtp won't install and debootstrap will fail if it can't
+find the hostname. /etc/hosts not copied over?
+You may need to use the latest debootstrap.
+You'll have to log in again for you to be in group sbuild.
+debconf needs to be set noninteractive:
+$ sbuild-shell <chroot> ( or "sudo chroot /your/chroot /bin/sh" )
+$ dpkg-reconfigure -plow debconf
+ 1. Dialog 2. Readline 3. Gnome 4. Editor 5. Noninteractive
+ What interface should be used for configuring packages? [1] 5
+ 1. critical 2. high 3. medium 4. low
+ Ignore questions with a priority less than.. [3] 1
+ Show all old questions again and again? [no]
+md5sum mismatch when building a source package (sbuild --source):
+ - the original tarball has to be in the work directory -
+ $CHROOT/build/<user> - for a sourceful build or a new
+ orig.tar.gz will be created with an incorrect md5sum.
diff --git a/README.buildd-admin b/README.buildd-admin
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+ -*- mode: indented-text -*-
+ Overview of buildd Administration
+ =================================
+This document should give you a rough idea how to administer a build
+daemon, i.e. basics of how it works, and how to reply to the mails sent
+to you. It does not yet cover configuration of buildd in a proper way,
+1) Overview of Operation
+The buildd system consists of the following parts:
+ buildd: This is the daemon itself. It basically runs in a loop,
+ first requesting some package in state Needs-Build from the
+ wanna-build database and then compiling those packages.
+ buildd-mail: This script processes mails directed to buildd, i.e.
+ your answers to build logs etc.
+ buildd-uploader: This script uploads finished jobs regularly and is
+ called by cron.
+ buildd-watcher: This does some regular maintenance stuff, like
+ archiving log files and finding outdated files so that the disk
+ doesn't fill up with them. It also restarts buildd should it
+ have died for some reason.
+1.1) buildd
+The most important component is of course buildd itself. It runs as a
+daemon, i.e. all the time, no need to start it by cron or the like. It
+usually lowers its priority (config var $nice_level), so that other
+foreground jobs aren't delayed too much.
+buildd runs in a permanent loop where it tries to compile packages. To
+do this, it needs to know which packages to build. To determine this, it
+calls wanna-build --list=needs-build for all distributions (in order
+stable -> frozen -> unstable) and if the output is non-empty, it takes
+some of those packages needing rebuilding. You can restrict which
+distributions to look at with the @take_from_dists config var, and how
+many packages to take at a time with $max_build.
+Additionally, there is a file called REDO in ~/build, where
+some packages are occasionally dumped to be picked up later by buildd.
+This file is checked before new packages are requested from
+wanna-build. REDO also contains distributions for the packages, and
+here again stable has priority before frozen, which has priority over
+unstable. The rationale is that stable/frozen packages are usually more
+urgent than unstable ones.
+If buildd has some packages from wanna-build, it tries to take them for
+building (wanna-build --take). This should usually go ok, but in rare
+cases it can happen that somebody else takes the package in the time
+between listing and taking (race condition). Those packages are ignored.
+Another exception that can happen are packages that failed in the previous
+version. To avoid unnecessary work, buildd doesn't immediately start to build
+those packages but asks its administrator first. This will be discussed in
+greater length in a following section ("Should I build" mails).
+If a set of packages are taken (either from wanna-build or from REDO),
+buildd starts an sbuild run to build all the packages. sbuild will send
+log mails to the admin, who will (later) send answers, but this doesn't
+touch buildd anymore. It goes back to the start of the loop and tries
+to take more packages and build them...
+Some special notes:
+buildd automatically detects if either the config file ~/buildd.conf
+or its binary has been changed while it is running, and it takes
+appropriate action. So there's no need to restart the daemon or send
+it some signal.
+You can interrupt a running buildd by sending it a SIGINT or SIGTERM.
+It will then kill a subsidiary sbuild process (if currently running).
+sbuild also has shutdown handling for this, and dumps unfinished jobs
+into the REDO file, so they'll be retried later. buildd blocks these
+signals if they could lead to inconsistencies.
+There is also some way to influence which packages buildd takes (or
+more precisely) doesn't take to build. The config variable
+@no_auto_build lists packages that should never be taken by buildd,
+either because auto-building doesn't work or because they need to much
+time on this machine, or ... There is also a @weak_no_auto_build for
+packages that usually are too (time-)expensive to build here, but
+should be taken nevertheless if the daemon would be idle otherwise.
+Packages in @weak_no_auto_build are taken only if there are no other
+packages left in state Needs-Build in any distribution, and also REDO
+is empty.
+If sbuild gives back a package to wanna-build (because source couldn't
+be downloaded or the like), buildd will find the SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK
+file created by sbuild and it will remember when those give-backs have
+happened. To avoid trying the same package(s) over and over, such
+given back packages aren't taken immediately again. They have a
+waiting period of $delay_after_give_back minutes.
+1.2 buildd-mail
+buildd-mail is the mail processor of the buildd system. It should be
+listed in the user buildd's ~/.forward file, e.g.:
+ "|/usr/bin/buildd-mail"
+The wrapper is necessary to allow setuid-ness, and also queues up
+incoming mails in ~/mqueue, so that the MTA process can exit and
+doesn't need to wait for buildd-mail to finish.
+There's not much to say here about operating buildd-mail, because
+it just receives your answers to log files etc., and this will be
+described in more detail in the next section.
+The only (a bit) special thing is that buildd-mail also receives the
+"INSTALLED" mails from dinstall and analyzes them. It deletes all
+files from ~/upload when they're installed in the master archive.
+It also receives the "new version of ..." mails from wanna-build, that
+are sent whenever a new version of a package in state Building
+There is also a file ~/mail-blacklist that contains a list of (Perl)
+regular expressions. If a mail arrives from an address that matches
+one of those patterns, the mail is deleted. This is simply to avoid
+1.3 buildd-uploader
+buildd-uploader is started by cron a few times per day and uploads all
+finished jobs which are in ~/upload. It simply uses dupload, as you would
+expect. It of course ignores jobs for which an *.upload file already
+exists, i.e. those which already have been uploaded. After uploading,
+it calls wanna-build --uploaded for all the packages it processed.
+The --to option of dupload can be set with the $dupload_to config var;
+default is "erlangen". In all other respects, dupload is configured
+with ~/.duploadrc.
+In case of upload errors it sends a log mail to the admin, who has to
+fix the situation manually. However, errors should be seldom. The
+*.upload file of a failed job is deleted, so it's retried as a whole
+in the next run.
+1.4 buildd-watcher
+buildd-watcher performs some regular maintenance tasks:
+ - If checks if buildd is running and restarts it if not. This is
+ meant as a safeguard against spuriously crashing daemons, no manual
+ intervention is required to restart it.
+ If you don't really need to have a daemon running, create a file
+ NO-DAEMON-PLEASE in the daemon's home dir. Then buildd-watcher
+ won't restart buildd.
+ - It purges build directories that are no longer needed. This would
+ be actually the job of buildd-mail, but since the latter is started
+ setuid, it can't use sudo and the build dirs can contain root-owned
+ files. So buildd-mail just appends the name of a directory to
+ delete to ~/build/PURGE, and buildd-watcher reads that file and
+ removes all the directories.
+ - It checks for old files in the build/ and upload/ directories, so
+ that no forgotten files can fill up the disk over time. Files are
+ considered "old" if they're older than $warning_age days. There's
+ additionally a Perl regexp $no_warn_pattern. buildd-watcher doesn't
+ warn about files matching this pattern. So files expected to be
+ there should be included in it, like build/, build/REDO,
+ ...
+ - It archives old log files into ~/old-logs/ and rotates the main log
+ file ~/daemon.log. Files to be archived are:
+ - package logs: logs/* -> old-logs/plog-<DATE>.tar.gz
+ - sbuild logs: build/build*.log -> old-logs/blog-<DATE>.tar.gz
+ - daemon logs: old-logs/daemon-*.log.gz -> old-logs/dlog-<DATE>.tar.gz
+ Additionally daemon.log is renamed to daemon.log.old, and SIGHUP is
+ sent to buildd to open the new log file. If a daemon.log.old already
+ exists, it's compressed and moved to old-logs/daemon-<DATE>.log.gz.
+ There are several config vars that control long to keep the various
+ log files until they're archived: $pkg_log_keep, $build_log_keep,
+ $daemon_log_rotate, and $daemon_log_keep. All are measured in days.
+2) Replying to Mails
+You'll receive lots of mail from buildd and its friends, most of it
+build logs. But there are also some other kinds of mail: "Should I
+build?" from buildd, dupload errors, and warnings about old files. The
+latter two are not complicated and are obvious to handle. But the former
+two require that you reply in a certain way.
+To make daily administration easier, there is a set of Emacs Lisp
+functions (for Rmail and Gnus) that allow you to send most answers
+with two keystrokes. The library is called buildd-reply.el and can be
+found in the wanna-build Git archive, where other buildd scripts reside.
+The keystrokes in Emacs are given in square brackets.
+2.1) Build Logs
+All build log replies are recognized by their subject. It should be
+of the form
+ Re: Log for (successful|failed) build of PACKAGE_VERSION (dist=DIST)
+The subject line provides buildd-mail with a lot of needed info: The
+package name, version, and for which distribution it was compiled. The
+successful/failed information is ignored.
+The body of the reply mail is in most cases only a single keyword,
+sometimes with arguments. Despite this, there should be no excess blank
+lines or similar.
+2.1.1 Successful [C-c C-o]
+This is the most often used reply, and also different from the others
+because it does not consist of a single keyword. Instead, you send
+back a signed version of the .changes file of the package. The
+.changes can be found at the end of the build log. The Emacs function
+automatically extracts the .changes from the log and signs it (with
+mailcrypt). If you do not Emacs, you have to cut the .changes manually
+somehow (depending on the mailer) and invoke some kind of PGP backend.
+buildd-mail recognizes "ok" mails by the "--- BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE"
+line. If such a mail is received, it first checks that the package
+isn't outdated.
+2.1.2 retry [C-c C-r]
+2.1.3 fail [C-c C-f]
+2.1.4 dep-wait [C-c C-d]
+2.1.5 giveback [C-c M-g]
+2.1.6 manual [C-c C-m]
+2.1.7 newvers [C-c C-n]
+2.1.8 not-for-us [C-c M-n]
+2.1.9 upload-remove [C-c C-]
+2.1.10 purge [C-c C-p]
+2.2 Other Emacs Actions
+"\C-c\C-s" 'buildd-edit-manual-source-deps
+"\C-c\C-b" 'buildd-bug
+"\C-c\C-a" 'buildd-bug-ack-append
+3) Log Files
diff --git a/README.chroot-building b/README.chroot-building
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+ -*- mode: indented-text -*-
+ Building in chroot environments with sbuild
+ -------------------------------------------
+ Roman Hodek, June 7th 2000
+Starting with revision 1.133, sbuild can build packages also in a
+chroot environment. (You also need buildd-addpkg >= 1.5). There are
+different such environments for each distribution. The advantages of
+this are:
+ - You can build for different distributions on the same machine
+ without headaches about shared library version or the like.
+ - Badly programmed build procedures can't modify files on the build
+ host.
+ - The access time check for binaries used without a source dependency
+ becomes a bit more reliable, because normal user activities can't
+ cause an atime change.
+It works like in the following outline:
+ - For each distribution (stable, frozen, unstable), there's a
+ separate installation in (e.g.) /usr/local/chroot/DIST. (This path
+ isn't hardwired, but used in this documentation.)
+ - The chroot environment can be prepared with buildd-setup-chroot.
+ - If in the build directory a symlink chroot-DIST exists (and the
+ build is for DIST), then sbuild will unpack the sources in
+ chroot-DIST/build/USERNAME and build the package there.
+ dpkg-buildpackage will be called under chroot, so that the whole
+ build process can't access files outside the build root.
+ - All apt and dpkg and similar operations are also chroot-ed, so only
+ the chroot environment for that distribution is affected. That way,
+ different shared lib versions can coexist on the same machine and
+ the like. (It also reduces waiting time for parallel builds: If
+ they're for different distributions, installations can happen at
+ the same time and don't need to wait for each other.)
+Ok, now a bit more slowly:
+Best you prepare your chroot environments with the script
+buildd-make-chroot. It does lots of things automatically. However,
+manual fixes may be required. buildd-make-chroot is usually called
+ sudo buildd-make-chroot buildd DIST chroot-DIST http://optional.nearby.mirror/debian
+This will call debootstrap 0.3.2 or higher to create a new chroot, and then set
+it up for the buildd user specified.
+Ok, after the chroot environments for all the distributions you want
+are set up, you can start building in them. sbuild recognizes the
+chroot environments by the existance of a chroot-DIST symlink in its
+build directory (the dir where sbuild is started). If such a link
+doesn't exist for the requested distribution, a normal build in the
+host filesystem is performed like you're used to.
+If, however, the symlink exists, it should point to the root of the
+chroot environment. Sources are unpacked in
+chroot-DIST/build/USERNAME. (The username is appended so that multiple
+users can utilize the chroot environment at the same time without
+mixing the source trees.) All checks for packages and package
+installations are performed --of course-- in the chroot. After
+building, the .debs and the .changes file are moved back to the normal
+build directory. (If a build fails, the source tree isn't moved back
+but remains in chroot-DIST/build/USERNAME.)
+One point still worth mentioning is how the AddPkg directories are
+handled. Those directories contain freshly built packages that might
+be needed for building other packages before they're installed in the
+archive. Since revision 1.5 of buildd-addpkg, the AddPkg packages are
+separated by distribution, which is necessary to export them
+selectivly into the chroot environments. For example, in the frozen
+chroot, only AddPkg/stable and AddPkg/frozen will be mounted but not
+AddPkg/unstable, because unstable packages may not be used for
+building frozen packages. Likewise the stable chroot mounts only
+AddPkg/stable, and the unstable one mounts all three.
+The access from inside the chroot environments to the AddPkg packages
+works over the local NFS mounts described above. The appropriate deb
+lines in sources.list should have been created by buildd-setup-chroot.
+The installation into an AddPkg directory by sbuild and buildd-addpkg
+is done from outside the chroot environment.