path: root/lib/Buildd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
12 files changed, 4773 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b90e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+# library for buildd and friends
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+use FileHandle;
+use Sbuild::LogBase;
+require Exporter;
+@Buildd::ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@Buildd::EXPORT = qw(unset_env lock_file unlock_file send_mail
+ ll_send_mail exitstatus isin);
+$Buildd::lock_interval = 15;
+$Buildd::max_lock_trys = 120;
+($Buildd::progname = $0) =~ s,.*/,,;
+my @pwinfo = getpwuid($>);
+$Buildd::username = $pwinfo[0];
+$Buildd::gecos = $pwinfo[6];
+$Buildd::gecos =~ s/,.*$//;
+$Buildd::hostname = `/bin/hostname -f`;
+$Buildd::hostname =~ /^(\S+)$/; $Buildd::hostname = $1; # untaint
+sub isin ($@);
+sub unset_env ();
+sub lock_file ($;$);
+sub unlock_file ($);
+sub send_mail ($$$;$);
+sub ll_send_mail ($$);
+sub exitstatus ($);
+sub isin ($@) {
+ my $val = shift;
+ return grep( $_ eq $val, @_ );
+sub unset_env () {
+ # unset any locale variables (sorted to match output from locale(1))
+ delete $ENV{'LANG'};
+ delete $ENV{'LANGUAGE'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_CTYPE'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_NUMERIC'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_TIME'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_COLLATE'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_MONETARY'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_PAPER'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_NAME'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_ADDRESS'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_TELEPHONE'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_MEASUREMENT'};
+ delete $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
+ # other unneeded variables that might be set
+ delete $ENV{'DISPLAY'};
+ delete $ENV{'TERM'};
+ delete $ENV{'XDG_RUNTIME_DIR'};
+ delete $ENV{'XDG_SEAT'};
+ delete $ENV{'XDG_SESSION_ID'};
+ delete $ENV{'XDG_VTNR'};
+sub lock_file ($;$) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $nowait = shift;
+ my $lockfile = "$file.lock";
+ my $try = 0;
+ my $username = (getpwuid($<))[0] || $ENV{'LOGNAME'} || $ENV{'USER'};
+ if (!defined($nowait)) {
+ $nowait = 0;
+ }
+ repeat:
+ if (!sysopen( F, $lockfile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL, 0644 )){
+ if ($! == EEXIST) {
+ # lock file exists, wait
+ goto repeat if !open( F, "<$lockfile" );
+ my $line = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ # If this goes wrong it would be a spinlock and the world will
+ # end.
+ goto repeat if !defined( $line );
+ if ($line !~ /^(\d+)\s+([\w\d.-]+)$/) {
+ warn "Bad lock file contents ($lockfile) -- still trying\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ my($pid, $user) = ($1, $2);
+ my $cnt = kill( 0, $pid );
+ if ($cnt == 0 && $! == ESRCH) {
+ # process doesn't exist anymore, remove stale lock
+ warn "Removing stale lock file $lockfile ".
+ " (pid $pid, user $user)\n";
+ unlink( $lockfile );
+ goto repeat;
+ } elsif ($cnt >= 1 and $nowait == 1) {
+ # process exists.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (++$try > $Buildd::max_lock_trys) {
+ warn "Lockfile $lockfile still present after ".
+ "$Buildd::max_lock_trys * $Buildd::lock_interval ".
+ " seconds -- giving up\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ sleep $Buildd::lock_interval;
+ goto repeat;
+ }
+ die "$Buildd::progname: Can't create lock file $lockfile: $!\n";
+ }
+ F->print("$$ $username\n");
+ F->close();
+ return 1;
+sub unlock_file ($) {
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $lockfile = "$file.lock";
+ unlink( $lockfile );
+sub send_mail ($$$;$) {
+ my $addr = shift;
+ my $subject = shift;
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $add_headers = shift;
+ return ll_send_mail( $addr,
+ "To: $addr\n".
+ "Subject: $subject\n".
+ "From: $Buildd::gecos ".
+ "<$Buildd::username\@$Buildd::hostname>\n".
+ ($add_headers ? $add_headers : "").
+ "\n$text\n" );
+sub ll_send_mail ($$) {
+ my $to = shift;
+ my $text = shift;
+ local( *MAIL );
+ # TODO: Don't log to STDERR: Implement as class method using
+ # standard pipe interface using normal log streams.
+ $text =~ s/^\.$/../mg;
+ local $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE';
+ if (!open( MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -oem '$to'" )) {
+ print STDERR "Could not open pipe to /usr/sbin/sendmail: $!\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ print MAIL $text;
+ if (!close( MAIL )) {
+ print STDERR "sendmail failed (exit status ", exitstatus($?), ")\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub exitstatus ($) {
+ my $stat = shift;
+ return ($stat >> 8) . "/" . ($stat % 256);
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7240c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Buildd common base functionality
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::Base;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use IO::File;
+use Buildd qw(lock_file unlock_file);
+use Buildd::Client qw();
+use Sbuild::Base;
+use Sbuild qw($devnull);
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter Sbuild::Base);
+ @EXPORT = qw();
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($conf);
+ bless($self, $class);
+ $self->set('PID', $$);
+ $self->open_log();
+ return $self;
+sub open_log ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $logfile = $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_FILE');
+ my $log = IO::File->new("$logfile", O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_APPEND, 0640)
+ or die "$0: Cannot open logfile $logfile: $!\n";
+ $log->autoflush(1);
+ # Since we are a daemon, fully detach from terminal by reopening
+ # stdout and stderr to redirect to the log file. Note messages
+ # should be printed using log(), not printing directly to the
+ # filehandle. This is a fallback only.
+ open(STDOUT, '>&', $log) or warn "Can't redirect stderr\n";
+ open(STDERR, '>&', $log) or warn "Can't redirect stderr\n";
+ $self->set('Log Stream', $log);
+ return $log;
+sub close_log ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # We can't close stdout and stderr, so redirect to /dev/null.
+ open(STDOUT, '>&', $devnull) or warn "Can't redirect stderr\n";
+ open(STDERR, '>&', $devnull) or warn "Can't redirect stderr\n";
+ my $log = $self->get('Log Stream');
+ $self->set('Log Stream', undef);
+ return $log->close();
+sub reopen_log ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $log = $self->get('Log Stream');
+ if ($self->close_log()) {
+ $log = $self->open_log();
+ }
+ return $log;
+sub write_stats ($$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($cat, $val) = @_;
+ local( *F );
+ my $home = $self->get_conf('HOME');
+ lock_file( "$home/stats" );
+ open( F, ">>$home/stats/$cat" );
+ print F "$val\n";
+ close( F );
+ unlock_file( "$home/stats" );
+sub get_db_handle ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $db = Buildd::Client->new($dist_config);
+ $db->set('Log Stream', $self->get('Log Stream'));
+ return $db;
+sub get_dist_config_by_name ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_name = shift;
+ my $dist_config;
+ for my $dist_config_entry (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ if ($dist_config_entry->get('DIST_NAME') eq $dist_name) {
+ $dist_config = $dist_config_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$dist_config) {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "No configuration found for dist $dist_name\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Answer could not be processed, as dist=$dist_name does not match any of\n".
+ "the entries in the buildd configuration.\n");
+ }
+ return $dist_config;
+sub get_arch_dist_config_by_name ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $arch_name = shift;
+ my $dist_name = shift;
+ my $arch_config, my $dist_config;
+ for my $dist_config_entry (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ if ($dist_config_entry->get('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE') eq $arch_name &&
+ $dist_config_entry->get('DIST_NAME') eq $dist_name) {
+ $dist_config = $dist_config_entry;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$dist_config) {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "No configuration found for arch=$arch_name, dist=$dist_name\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Answer could not be processed, as arch=$arch_name, dist=$dist_name".
+ "does not match any of the entries in the buildd configuration.\n");
+ }
+ return $dist_config;
+sub log {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $timestamp = localtime;
+ # omit weekday and year for brevity
+ $timestamp =~ s/^\w+\s(.*)\s\d+$/$1/;
+ my $prefix = "$timestamp $Buildd::progname\[" .
+ $self->get('PID') . "\]: ";
+ for my $line (split(/\n/, join("", @_))) {
+ Sbuild::Base::log($self, $prefix, $line, "\n");
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14a9104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+# client library for wanna-build
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# Copyright © 2005-2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::Client;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sbuild qw($devnull);
+use Sbuild::ChrootRoot;
+use Cwd;
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter Sbuild::Base);
+ @EXPORT = qw();
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($conf);
+ bless($self, $class);
+ $self->set('SETUP', 0);
+ return $self;
+sub setup {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (!$self->get('SETUP')) {
+ my $host = Sbuild::ChrootRoot->new($self->get('Config'));
+ $host->begin_session();
+ $host->set('Log Stream', $self->get('Log Stream'));
+ $self->set('Host', $host);
+ $self->set('SETUP', 1);
+ }
+sub get_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @command = (@{$self->get_conf('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_CMD')}, 'wanna-build');
+ if ($self->get_conf('WANNA_BUILD_DB_NAME')) {
+ push(@command, "--database=" . $self->get_conf('WANNA_BUILD_DB_NAME'));
+ } else {
+ if ($self->get_conf('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE')) {
+ push(@command, "--arch=" . $self->get_conf('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE'));
+ }
+ if ($self->get_conf('DIST_NAME')) {
+ push(@command, "--dist=" . $self->get_conf('DIST_NAME'));
+ }
+ }
+ push(@command, "--user=" . $self->get_conf('WANNA_BUILD_DB_USER'))
+ if $self->get_conf('WANNA_BUILD_DB_USER');
+ push(@command, @_);
+ return @command;
+sub run_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @command = $self->get_query(@_);
+ $self->setup();
+ my $pipe = $self->get('Host')->run_command(
+ { COMMAND => [@command],
+ USER => $self->get_conf('USERNAME'),
+ PRIORITY => 0,
+ });
+sub pipe_query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @command = $self->get_query(@_);
+ $self->setup();
+ my $pipe = $self->get('Host')->pipe_command(
+ { COMMAND => [@command],
+ USER => $self->get_conf('USERNAME'),
+ PRIORITY => 0,
+ DIR => getcwd(),
+ });
+ return $pipe;
+sub pipe_query_out {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @command = $self->get_query(@_);
+ $self->setup();
+ my $pipe = $self->get('Host')->pipe_command(
+ { COMMAND => [@command],
+ USER => $self->get_conf('USERNAME'),
+ PIPE => 'out',
+ STREAMOUT => $devnull,
+ PRIORITY => 0,
+ });
+ return $pipe;
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e38eb7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# configuration library for wanna-build clients
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# Copyright © 2006-2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::ClientConf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sbuild::Sysconfig;
+use File::Spec;
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(setup);
+sub setup ($) {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $validate_program = sub {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $key = $entry->{'NAME'};
+ my $program = $conf->get($key);
+ die "$key binary is not defined"
+ if !defined($program) || !$program;
+ # Emulate execvp behaviour by searching the binary in the PATH.
+ my @paths = split(/:/, $ENV{'PATH'});
+ # Also consider the empty path for absolute locations.
+ push (@paths, '');
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $path (@paths) {
+ $found = 1 if (-x File::Spec->catfile($path, $program));
+ }
+ die "$key binary '$program' does not exist or is not executable"
+ if !$found;
+ };
+ my $validate_ssh = sub {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+# TODO: Provide self, config and entry contexts, which functions to
+# get at needed data. Provide generic configuration functions.
+ $validate_program->($conf, $conf->{'KEYS'}->{'SSH'});
+ my $ssh = $conf->get('SSH');
+ my $sshuser = $conf->get('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_USER');
+ my $sshhost = $conf->get('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_HOST');
+ my @sshoptions = @{$conf->get('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_OPTIONS')};
+ my $sshsocket = $conf->get('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_SOCKET');
+ my @command = ();
+ if ($sshhost) {
+ push (@command, $ssh);
+ push (@command, '-l', $sshuser) if $sshuser;
+ push (@command, '-S', $sshsocket) if $sshsocket;
+ push (@command, @sshoptions) if @sshoptions;
+ push (@command, $sshhost);
+ }
+ $conf->set('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_CMD', \@command);
+ };
+ our $HOME = $conf->get('HOME');
+ my $arch = $conf->get('ARCH');
+ my %db_keys = (
+ 'SSH' => {
+ VARNAME => 'ssh',
+ GROUP => 'Programs',
+ DEFAULT => 'ssh',
+ CHECK => $validate_ssh,
+ HELP => 'Path to ssh binary'
+ },
+ DEFAULT => '',
+ HELP => 'Command to run wanna-build (set automatically from the other wanna-build options)'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'wanna_build_ssh_user',
+ GROUP => 'wanna-build client',
+ DEFAULT => '',
+ CHECK => $validate_ssh,
+ HELP => 'Username for SSH connection'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'wanna_build_ssh_host',
+ GROUP => 'wanna-build client',
+ DEFAULT => '',
+ CHECK => $validate_ssh,
+ HELP => 'Host for SSH connection'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'wanna_build_ssh_socket',
+ GROUP => 'wanna-build client',
+ DEFAULT => '',
+ CHECK => $validate_ssh,
+ HELP => 'Socket for SSH connection'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'wanna_build_ssh_options',
+ GROUP => 'wanna-build client',
+ DEFAULT => [],
+ CHECK => $validate_ssh,
+ HELP => 'SSH options. Note this is an array reference.'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'wanna_build_db_name',
+ GROUP => 'wanna-build client',
+ DEFAULT => undef,
+ HELP => 'Database name'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'wanna_build_db_user',
+ GROUP => 'wanna-build client',
+ DEFAULT => $conf->get('USERNAME'),
+ # arch:all packages must not differ depending on which user is
+ # building the source package, so don't show the default for
+ # example config and man page generation
+ HELP => 'Database user'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'wanna_build_built_architecture',
+ GROUP => 'wanna-build client',
+ DEFAULT => $arch,
+ # the $native_arch is different depending on the machine where
+ # sbuild is built but arch:all packages must not differ depending on
+ # the architecture they are built on, so don't show the default for
+ # example config and man page generation
+ HELP => 'Architecture for database'
+ });
+ $conf->set_allowed_keys(\%db_keys);
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dca902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+# configuration library for buildd
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# Copyright © 2006-2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::Conf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Buildd::DistConf qw();
+use Buildd::UploadQueueConf qw();
+use Sbuild::ConfBase;
+use Sbuild::Sysconfig;
+use Buildd::ClientConf qw();
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw($reread_config new setup read);
+our $reread_config = 0;
+sub setup ($);
+sub read ($);
+sub new {
+ my $conf = Sbuild::ConfBase->new(@_);
+ Buildd::Conf::setup($conf);
+ Buildd::Conf::read($conf);
+ return $conf;
+sub setup ($) {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $validate_program = sub {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $key = $entry->{'NAME'};
+ my $program = $conf->get($key);
+ die "$key binary is not defined"
+ if !defined($program) || !$program;
+ # Emulate execvp behaviour by searching the binary in the PATH.
+ my @paths = split(/:/, $conf->get('PATH'));
+ # Also consider the empty path for absolute locations.
+ push (@paths, '');
+ my $found = 0;
+ foreach my $path (@paths) {
+ $found = 1 if (-x File::Spec->catfile($path, $program));
+ }
+ die "$key binary '$program' does not exist or is not executable"
+ if !$found;
+ };
+ my $validate_directory = sub {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $key = $entry->{'NAME'};
+ my $directory = $conf->get($key);
+ die "$key directory is not defined"
+ if !defined($directory) || !$directory;
+ die "$key directory '$directory' does not exist"
+ if !-d $directory;
+ };
+ our $HOME = $conf->get('HOME');
+ $main::HOME = $HOME; # TODO: Remove once uses $conf
+ my $arch = $conf->get('ARCH');
+ my %buildd_keys = (
+ 'ADMIN_MAIL' => {
+ VARNAME => 'admin_mail',
+ GROUP => 'Mail',
+ DEFAULT => 'root',
+ HELP => 'email address for admin'
+ },
+ 'APT_GET' => {
+ VARNAME => 'apt_get',
+ GROUP => 'Programs',
+ CHECK => $validate_program,
+ DEFAULT => 'apt-get',
+ HELP => 'Path to apt-get binary'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'dpkg_file_suffix',
+ GROUP => 'Programs',
+ DEFAULT => '',
+ HELP => 'Value for the sbuild dpkg-file-suffix option, to be passed on to sbuild',
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'build_log_keep',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 2,
+ HELP => 'Number of days until build logs are archived'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'daemon_log_file',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+ IGNORE_DEFAULT => 1, # Don't dump the current home
+ DEFAULT => "$HOME/daemon.log",
+ HELP => 'Main buildd daemon log file'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'daemon_log_keep',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 7,
+ HELP => 'Number of days until old daemon logs are archived in a .tar.gz file'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'daemon_log_rotate',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 1,
+ HELP => 'Number how many days until daemon logs are rotated (one is kept as daemon.log.old, others are moved to old-logs and gzipped)'
+ },
+ TYPE => 'BOOL',
+ VARNAME => 'daemon_log_send',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 1,
+ HELP => 'email rotated daemon logs to the admin?'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'delay_after_give_back',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+ DEFAULT => 8 * 60, # 8 hours
+ HELP => 'Time to avoid packages that have automatically been given back by sbuild (in minutes)'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'error_mail_window',
+ GROUP => 'Mail',
+ DEFAULT => 8*60*60,
+ HELP => 'If more than five error mails are received within the specified time (in seconds), do not forward (to avoid possible mail loops)'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'idle_sleep_time',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+ DEFAULT => 5*60,
+ HELP => 'Time to sleep when idle (in seconds) between wanna-build --list=needs-build calls)'
+ },
+ TYPE => 'BOOL',
+ VARNAME => 'log_queued_messages',
+ GROUP => 'Mail',
+ DEFAULT => 0,
+ HELP => 'Log success messages from upload queue daemon?'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'max_sbuild_fails',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+ DEFAULT => 2,
+ HELP => 'Maximum number of times sbuild can fail before sleeping'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'min_free_space',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+ DEFAULT => 50*1024,
+ HELP => 'Minimum free space (in KiB) on build filesystem'
+ },
+ 'NICE_LEVEL' => {
+ VARNAME => 'nice_level',
+ GROUP => 'Build options',
+ DEFAULT => 10,
+ HELP => 'Nice level to run sbuild. Dedicated build daemons should not be niced.'
+ },
+ 'NO_DETACH' => {
+ TYPE => 'BOOL',
+ VARNAME => 'no_detach',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+ DEFAULT => 0,
+ HELP => 'Disable becoming a daemon, for debugging purposes. Set to 1 to stop daemonising, otherwise set to 0 to become a daemon.'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'no_warn_pattern',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => '^build/(SKIP|REDO|SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK|buildd\.pid|[^/]*.ssh|chroot-[^/]*|current-[^/]*)$',
+ HELP => 'Don\'t complain about old files if they match the regexp.'
+ },
+ 'PIDFILE' => {
+ VARNAME => 'pidfile',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+# Set once running as a system service.
+# DEFAULT => "${Sbuild::Sysconfig::paths{'LOCALSTATEDIR'}/run/"
+ IGNORE_DEFAULT => 1, # Don't dump the current home
+ DEFAULT => "$HOME/build/",
+ HELP => 'PID file to identify running daemon.'
+ },
+ 'PKG_LOG_KEEP' => {
+ VARNAME => 'pkg_log_keep',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 7,
+ HELP => 'Number of days until to package logs are archived'
+ },
+ TYPE => 'BOOL',
+ VARNAME => 'should_build_msgs',
+ GROUP => 'Daemon',
+ DEFAULT => 1,
+ HELP => 'Should buildd send "Should I build" messages?'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'statistics_mail',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 'root',
+ HELP => 'email address for statistics summaries'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'statistics_period',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 7,
+ HELP => 'Period for statistic summaries (days)'
+ },
+ 'SUDO' => {
+ VARNAME => 'sudo',
+ GROUP => 'Programs',
+ CHECK => $validate_program,
+ DEFAULT => 'sudo',
+ HELP => 'Path to sudo binary'
+ },
+ 'WARNING_AGE' => {
+ VARNAME => 'warning_age',
+ GROUP => 'Watcher',
+ DEFAULT => 7,
+ HELP => 'Age (in days) after which a warning is issued for files in upload and dirs in build'
+ },
+ 'CONFIG_TIME' => {
+ VARNAME => 'config_time',
+ DEFAULT => {},
+ HELP => 'Time configuration was last read'
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'distributions',
+ GROUP => 'Build options',
+ DEFAULT => [],
+ IGNORE_DEFAULT => 1, # Don't dump class to config
+ HELP => 'List of distributions that buildd should take packages from',
+'$distributions = [
+ {
+ # name of the suite to build (also used to query wanna-build)
+ dist_name => ["unstable", "testing"],
+ # architecture to be built (will be passed to sbuild and can be
+ # used to compute wanna_build_db_name)
+ built_architecture => undef,
+ # host on which wanna-build is run
+ wanna_build_ssh_host => "",
+ # user as who we are going to connect to the host running wanna-build
+ wanna_build_ssh_user => "buildd_arch",
+ # SSH control socket path for ssh -S option
+ wanna_build_ssh_socket => "",
+ # Additional SSH options used when connecting
+ wanna_build_ssh_options => [],
+ # database used for wanna-build
+ wanna_build_db_name => "arch/build-db",
+ # Username to use for wanna-build.
+ wanna_build_db_user => $Buildd::username,
+ # Local queue directory where binaries are stored before uploaded
+ # by dupload. You need to configure this directory in
+ # @upload_queues to get packages uploaded from there.
+ dupload_local_queue_dir => "upload",
+ # list of packages which shouldn\'t be picked up by buildd
+ no_auto_build => [],
+ # list of packages which should only be taken if there absolutely
+ # nothing else to do (probably packages included in no_auto_build
+ # because they take too long)
+ weak_no_auto_build => [],
+ # regex used to filter out unwanted packages:
+ #no_build_regex => "^(contrib/|non-free/)?non-US/",
+ # regex used to filter packages to build:
+ #build_regex => "",
+ # mail addr of buildd admin handling packages from this distribution
+ logs_mailed_to => $admin_mail,
+ # schroot name (or alias) of the chrooted environment to use for
+ # building (will be passed to sbuild). sbuild\'s default is
+ # the first of $distribution-$arch-sbuild, $distribution-sbuild,
+ # $distribution-$arch and $distribution.
+ sbuild_chroot => undef,
+ }
+ },
+ VARNAME => 'upload_queues',
+ GROUP => 'Uploader',
+ DEFAULT => [],
+ IGNORE_DEFAULT => 1, # Don't dump class to config
+ HELP => 'Package upload queues',
+'$upload_queues = [
+ {
+ # Local queue directory where binaries are stored before uploaded
+ # by dupload.
+ dupload_local_queue_dir => "upload",
+ # Upload site for buildd-upload to pass to dupload(1); see
+ # /etc/dupload.conf for possible values.
+ dupload_archive_name => "anonymous-ftp-master",
+ },
+ {
+ # Local queue directory where binaries are stored before uploaded
+ # by dupload.
+ dupload_local_queue_dir => "upload-security",
+ # Upload site for buildd-upload to pass to dupload(1); see
+ # /etc/dupload.conf for possible values.
+ dupload_archive_name => "security",
+ }
+ });
+ $conf->set_allowed_keys(\%buildd_keys);
+ Buildd::ClientConf::setup($conf);
+sub read ($) {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $HOME = $conf->get('HOME');
+ my $global = $Sbuild::Sysconfig::paths{'BUILDD_CONF'};
+ my $user = "$HOME/.builddrc";
+ my %config_time = ();
+ my $user_time = 0;
+ my $reread = 0;
+ sub ST_MTIME () { 9 }
+ my @config_files = ($global, $user);
+ $reread = 1 if $reread_config;
+ foreach (@config_files) {
+ if (-r $_) {
+ $config_time{$_} = 0;
+ my @stat = stat($_);
+ if (!defined($conf->get('CONFIG_TIME')->{$_}) ||
+ $conf->get('CONFIG_TIME')->{$_} < $stat[ST_MTIME]) {
+ $config_time{$_} = $stat[ST_MTIME];
+ $reread = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # For compatibility only. Non-scalars are deprecated.
+ my $deprecated_init = <<END;
+# Variables are undefined, so config will default to DEFAULT if unset.
+my \$defaults;
+my \@distributions;
+undef \@distributions;
+my \@upload_queues;
+undef \@upload_queues;
+#legacy fields:
+my \@weak_no_auto_build;
+undef \@weak_no_auto_build;
+my \$build_regex = undef; # Should this be user settable?
+my \@no_auto_build;
+undef \@no_auto_build;
+my \$no_build_regex = undef;
+my \@take_from_dists;
+undef \@take_from_dists;
+my \$sshcmd = undef;
+my \$sshsocket = undef;
+my \$wanna_build_user = undef;
+my \$wanna_build_dbbase = undef;
+ my $deprecated_setup = '';
+ my $custom_setup = <<END;
+if (\$sshcmd && \$sshcmd =~ /^\\s*(\\S+)\\s+(.+)/) {
+ my \$rest = \$2;
+ \$conf->set('SSH', \$1);
+ #Try to pry the user out:
+ if (\$rest =~ /(-l\\s*(\\S+))\\s+/) {
+ \$wanna_build_ssh_user = \$2;
+ #purge this from the rest:
+ \$rest =~ s/\\Q\$1//;
+ } elsif (\$rest =~ /\\s+(\\S+)\@/) {
+ \$wanna_build_ssh_user = \$1;
+ \$rest =~ s/\\Q\$1\\E\@//;
+ }
+ #Hope that the last argument is the host:
+ if (\$rest =~ /\\s+(\\S+)\\s*\$/) {
+ \$wanna_build_ssh_host = \$1;
+ \$rest =~ s/\\Q\$1//;
+ }
+ #rest should be options:
+ if (\$rest !~ /\\s*/) {
+ \$wanna_build_ssh_options = [split \$rest];
+ }
+if (\$sshsocket) {
+ \$wanna_build_ssh_socket = \$sshsocket;
+if (\$wanna_build_user) {
+ \$wanna_build_db_user = \$wanna_build_user;
+if (\$wanna_build_dbbase) {
+ \$wanna_build_db_name = \$wanna_build_dbbase;
+#Convert old config, if needed:
+my \@distributions_info;
+if (\@take_from_dists) {
+ for my \$dist (\@take_from_dists) {
+ my \%entry;
+ \$entry{DIST_NAME} = \$dist;
+ \$entry{SSH} = \$ssh;
+ if (\$dist =~ /security/) {
+ \$entry{DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR} = 'upload-security';
+ }
+ if (\$build_regex) {
+ \$entry{BUILD_REGEX} = \$build_regex;
+ }
+ if (\$no_build_regex) {
+ \$entry{NO_BUILD_REGEX} = \$build_regex;
+ }
+ if (\@no_auto_build) {
+ \$entry{NO_AUTO_BUILD} = \\\@no_auto_build;
+ }
+ if (\@weak_no_auto_build) {
+ \$entry{WEAK_NO_AUTO_BUILD} = \\\@weak_no_auto_build;
+ }
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_DB_NAME} = \$wanna_build_db_name;
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_DB_USER} = \$wanna_build_db_user;
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_SSH_HOST} = \$wanna_build_ssh_host;
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_SSH_USER} = \$wanna_build_ssh_user;
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_SSH_SOCKET} = \$wanna_build_ssh_socket;
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_SSH_OPTIONS} = \$wanna_build_ssh_options;
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_API} = 0;
+ my \$dist_config = Buildd::DistConf::new_hash(CHECK=>$conf->{'CHECK'},
+ HASH=>\\\%entry);
+ push \@distributions_info, \$dist_config;
+ }
+} else {
+ my \@dists = ();
+ push \@dists, \@{\$distributions} if defined \$distributions;
+ if (\@distributions) {
+ warn 'W: \@distributions is deprecated; please use the array reference \$distributions[]\n';
+ push \@dists, \@distributions;
+ }
+ for my \$raw_entry (\@dists) {
+ my \%entry;
+ my \@dist_names;
+ #Find out for which distributions this entry is intended:
+ for my \$key (keys \%\$raw_entry) {
+ if (uc(\$key) eq "DIST_NAME") {
+ if (ref(\$raw_entry->{\$key}) eq "ARRAY") {
+ push \@dist_names, \@{\$raw_entry->{\$key}};
+ } else {
+ push \@dist_names, \$raw_entry->{\$key};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my \$key (keys \%\$raw_entry) {
+ if (uc(\$key) ne "DIST_NAME") {
+ \$entry{uc(\$key)} = \$raw_entry->{\$key};
+ }
+ }
+ for my \$key (keys \%\$defaults) {
+ if (uc(\$key) ne "DIST_NAME" && not defined \$entry{uc(\$key)}) {
+ \$entry{uc(\$key)} = \$defaults->{\$key};
+ }
+ }
+ \$entry{WANNA_BUILD_API} //= 1;
+ #We need this to pass this to Buildd::Client:
+ \$entry{SSH} = \$ssh;
+ #Make one entry per distribution, it's easier later on:
+ for my \$dist (\@dist_names) {
+ \$entry{'DIST_NAME'} = \$dist;
+ my \$dist_config = Buildd::DistConf::new_hash(HASH=>\\\%entry);
+ push \@distributions_info, \$dist_config;
+ }
+ }
+\$conf->set('DISTRIBUTIONS', \\\@distributions_info);
+my \@queues = ();
+push \@queues, \@{\$upload_queues} if defined \$upload_queues;
+if (\@upload_queues) {
+ warn 'W: \@upload_queues is deprecated; please use the array reference \$upload_queues[]\n';
+ push \@queues, \@upload_queues;
+if (\@queues) {
+ my \@upload_queue_configs;
+ for my \$raw_entry (\@queues) {
+ my \%entry;
+ for my \$key (keys \%\$raw_entry) {
+ \$entry{uc(\$key)} = \$raw_entry->{\$key};
+ }
+ my \$queue_config = Buildd::UploadQueueConf::new_hash(CHECK=>$conf->{'CHECK'},
+ HASH=>\\\%entry);
+ push \@upload_queue_configs, \$queue_config;
+ }
+ \$conf->set('UPLOAD_QUEUES', \\\@upload_queue_configs);
+} else {
+ push \@{\$conf->get('UPLOAD_QUEUES')},
+ Buildd::UploadQueueConf::new_hash(CHECK=>$conf->{'CHECK'},
+ HASH=>
+ {
+ DUPLOAD_ARCHIVE_NAME => 'anonymous-ftp-master'
+ }
+ ),
+ Buildd::UploadQueueConf::new_hash(CHECK=>$conf->{'CHECK'},
+ HASH=>
+ {
+ DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR => 'upload-security',
+ DUPLOAD_ARCHIVE_NAME => 'security'
+ }
+ );
+# Set here to allow user to override.
+if (-t STDIN && -t STDOUT && \$conf->get('NO_DETACH')) {
+ \$conf->_set_default('VERBOSE', 1);
+} else {
+ \$conf->_set_default('VERBOSE', 0);
+ $conf->read(\@config_files, $deprecated_init, $deprecated_setup,
+ $custom_setup);
+ # Update times
+ if ($reread) {
+ foreach (@config_files) {
+ if (-r $_) {
+ $conf->get('CONFIG_TIME')->{$_} = $config_time{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc07254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
+# buildd: daemon to automatically build packages
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::Daemon;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use POSIX;
+use Buildd qw(isin lock_file unlock_file send_mail exitstatus);
+use Buildd::Conf qw();
+use Buildd::Base;
+use Sbuild qw($devnull df);
+use Sbuild::Sysconfig;
+use Sbuild::ChrootRoot;
+use Buildd::Client;
+use Cwd;
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter Buildd::Base);
+ @EXPORT = qw();
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($conf);
+ bless($self, $class);
+ $self->set('Daemon', 0);
+ return $self;
+sub ST_MTIME () { 9 }
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $host = Sbuild::ChrootRoot->new($self->get('Config'));
+ $host->set('Log Stream', $self->get('Log Stream'));
+ $self->set('Host', $host);
+ $host->begin_session() or die "Can't begin session\n";
+ my $my_binary = $0;
+ $my_binary = cwd . "/" . $my_binary if $my_binary !~ m,^/,;
+ $self->set('MY_BINARY', $my_binary);
+ my @bin_stats = stat( $my_binary );
+ die "Cannot stat $my_binary: $!\n" if !@bin_stats;
+ $self->set('MY_BINARY_TIME', $bin_stats[ST_MTIME]);
+ chdir( $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build" )
+ or die "Can't cd to " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build: $!\n";
+ open( STDIN, "</dev/null" )
+ or die "$0: can't redirect stdin to /dev/null: $!\n";
+ if (open( PID, "<" . $self->get_conf('PIDFILE') )) {
+ my $pid = <PID>;
+ close( PID );
+ $pid =~ /^[[:space:]]*(\d+)/; $pid = $1;
+ if (!$pid || (kill( 0, $pid ) == 0 && $! == ESRCH)) {
+ warn "Removing stale pid file (process $pid dead)\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ die "Another buildd (pid $pid) is already running.\n";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ die "distribution list is empty, aborting.";
+ }
+ if (!$self->get_conf('NO_DETACH')) {
+ defined(my $pid = fork) or die "can't fork: $!\n";
+ exit if $pid; # parent exits
+ setsid or die "can't start a new session: $!\n";
+ }
+ $self->set('PID', $$); # Needed for cleanup
+ $self->set('Daemon', 1);
+ open( PID, ">" . $self->get_conf('PIDFILE') )
+ or die "can't create " . $self->get_conf('PIDFILE') . ": $!\n";
+ printf PID "%5d\n", $self->get('PID');
+ close( PID );
+ $self->log("Daemon started. (pid=$$)\n");
+ undef $ENV{'DISPLAY'};
+# the main loop
+ while( 1 ) {
+ $self->check_restart();
+ my ( $dist_config, $pkg_ver) = get_next_REDO($self);
+ $self->do_build( $dist_config, $pkg_ver) if $pkg_ver;
+ next MAINLOOP if $pkg_ver;
+ ( $dist_config, $pkg_ver) = get_next_WANNABUILD($self);
+ $self->do_build( $dist_config, $pkg_ver) if $pkg_ver;
+ next MAINLOOP if $pkg_ver;
+ # sleep a little bit if there was nothing to do this time
+ $self->log("Nothing to do -- sleeping " .
+ $self->get_conf('IDLE_SLEEP_TIME') . " seconds\n");
+ my $idle_start_time = time;
+ sleep( $self->get_conf('IDLE_SLEEP_TIME') );
+ my $idle_end_time = time;
+ $self->write_stats("idle-time", $idle_end_time - $idle_start_time);
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub get_next_WANNABUILD {
+ my $self = shift;
+ foreach my $dist_config (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ $self->check_ssh_master($dist_config);
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my %givenback = $self->read_givenback();
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query(
+ ($dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_API') ? '--api '.$dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_API') : ''),
+ '--list=needs-build',
+ ($dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_MIN_AGE') ? '--min-age '.$dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_MIN_AGE') : ''),
+ );
+ if (!$pipe) {
+ $self->log("Can't spawn wanna-build --list=needs-build: $!\n");
+ next MAINLOOP;
+ }
+ my($pkg_ver, $total, $nonex, $lowprio_pkg_ver);
+ while( <$pipe> ) {
+ my $socket = $dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_SOCKET');
+ if ($socket &&
+ (/^Couldn't connect to $socket: Connection refused[\r]?$/ ||
+ /^Control socket connect\($socket\): Connection refused[\r]?$/)) {
+ unlink($socket);
+ $self->check_ssh_master($dist_config);
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Total (\d+) package/) {
+ $total = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif (/^Database for \S+ doesn.t exist/) {
+ $nonex = 1;
+ }
+ next if $nonex;
+ next if defined($pkg_ver); #we only want one!
+ my @line = (split( /\s+/, $_));
+ my $pv = $line[0];
+ my $no_build_regex = $dist_config->get('NO_BUILD_REGEX');
+ my $build_regex = $dist_config->get('BUILD_REGEX');
+ next if $no_build_regex && $pv =~ m,$no_build_regex,;
+ next if $build_regex && $pv !~ m,$build_regex,;
+ $pv =~ s,^.*/,,;
+ my $p;
+ ($p = $pv) =~ s/_.*$//;
+ next if isin( $p, @{$dist_config->get('NO_AUTO_BUILD')} );
+ next if $givenback{$pv};
+ if (isin( $p, @{$dist_config->get('WEAK_NO_AUTO_BUILD')} )) {
+ # only consider the first lowprio item if there are
+ # multiple ones
+ next if defined($lowprio_pkg_ver);
+ $lowprio_pkg_ver = $pv;
+ next;
+ }
+ $pkg_ver = $pv;
+ }
+ close( $pipe );
+ next if $nonex;
+ if ($?) {
+ $self->log("wanna-build --list=needs-build --dist=${dist_name} failed; status ",
+ exitstatus($?), "\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ $self->log("${dist_name}: total $total packages to build.\n") if defined($total);
+ # Build weak_no_auto packages before the next dist
+ if (!defined($pkg_ver) && defined($lowprio_pkg_ver)) {
+ $pkg_ver = $lowprio_pkg_ver;
+ }
+ next if !defined($pkg_ver);
+ my $todo = $self->do_wanna_build( $dist_config, $pkg_ver );
+ last if !$todo;
+ return ( $dist_config, $todo );
+ }
+sub get_next_REDO {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ( $dist_config, $pkg_ver);
+ foreach my $current_dist_config (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ $pkg_ver = $self->get_from_REDO( $current_dist_config );
+ $dist_config = $current_dist_config;
+ last if defined($pkg_ver);
+ }
+ return ( $dist_config, $pkg_ver);
+sub get_from_REDO {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $wanted_dist_config = shift;
+ my $ret = undef;
+ local( *F );
+ lock_file( "REDO" );
+ goto end if ! -f "REDO";
+ if (!open( F, "<REDO" )) {
+ $self->log("File REDO exists, but can't open it: $!\n");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ my @lines = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ $self->block_signals();
+ if (!open( F, ">REDO" )) {
+ $self->log("Can't open REDO for writing: $!\n",
+ "Raw contents:\n@lines\n");
+ goto end;
+ }
+ foreach (@lines) {
+ if (!/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)(?:\s*|\s+(\d+)\s+(\S.*))?$/) {
+ $self->log("Ignoring/deleting bad line in REDO: $_");
+ next;
+ }
+ my($pkg, $dist, $binNMUver, $changelog) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
+ if ($dist eq $wanted_dist_config->get('DIST_NAME') && !defined($ret)) {
+ $ret = {'pv' => $pkg };
+ if (defined $binNMUver) {
+ $ret->{'changelog'} = $changelog;
+ $ret->{'binNMU'} = $binNMUver;
+ }
+ } else {
+ print F $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close( F );
+ end:
+ unlock_file( "REDO" );
+ $self->unblock_signals();
+ return $ret;
+sub add_given_back ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg_ver = shift;
+ local( *F );
+ lock_file("SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK", 0);
+ if (open( F, ">>SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" )) {
+ print F $pkg_ver . " " . time() . "\n";
+ close( F );
+ } else {
+ $self->log("Can't open SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK: $!\n");
+ }
+ unlock_file("SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK");
+sub read_givenback {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %gb;
+ my $now = time;
+ local( *F );
+ lock_file( "SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" );
+ if (open( F, "<SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" )) {
+ %gb = map { split } <F>;
+ close( F );
+ }
+ if (open( F, ">SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" )) {
+ foreach (keys %gb) {
+ if ($now - $gb{$_} > $self->get_conf('DELAY_AFTER_GIVE_BACK') *60) {
+ delete $gb{$_};
+ }
+ else {
+ print F "$_ $gb{$_}\n";
+ }
+ }
+ close( F );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Can't open SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK: $!\n");
+ }
+ unlock:
+ unlock_file( "SBUILD-GIVEN-BACK" );
+ return %gb;
+sub do_wanna_build {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $pkgver = shift;
+ my @output = ();
+ my $ret = undef;
+ my $n = 0;
+ $self->block_signals();
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ if ($dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_API') >= 1) {
+ use YAML::Tiny;
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query(
+ '--api '.$dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_API'),
+ $pkgver);
+ unless ($pipe) {
+ $self->unblock_signals();
+ $self->log("Can't spawn wanna-build: $!\n");
+ return undef;
+ }
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $yaml = <$pipe>;
+ $yaml =~ s,^update transactions:.*$,,m; # get rid of simulate output in case simulate is specified above
+ $self->log($yaml);
+ $yaml = YAML::Tiny->read_string($yaml);
+ $yaml = $yaml->[0];
+ foreach my $pkgv (@$yaml) {
+ my $pkg = (keys %$pkgv)[0];
+ my $pkgd;
+ foreach my $k (@{$pkgv->{$pkg}}) {
+ foreach my $l (keys %$k) {
+ $pkgd->{$l} = $k->{$l};
+ }
+ };
+ if ($pkgd->{'status'} ne 'ok') {
+ $self->log("Can't take $pkg: $pkgd->{'status'}\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ $ret = { 'pv' => $pkgver };
+# if ($self->get_conf('SHOULD_BUILD_MSGS')) {
+# $self->handle_prevfailed( $dist_config, grep( /^\Q$pkg\E_/, @_ ) );
+# } else {
+# push( @output, grep( /^\Q$pkg\E_/, @_ ) );
+ my $fields = { 'changelog' => 'extra-changelog',
+ 'binNMU' => 'binNMU',
+ 'extra-depends' => 'extra-depends',
+ 'extra-conflicts' => 'extra-conflicts',
+ 'build_dep_resolver' => 'build_dep_resolver',
+ 'arch_all' => 'arch_all',
+ 'mail_logs' => 'mail_logs',
+ };
+ for my $f (keys %$fields) {
+ $ret->{$f} = $pkgd->{$fields->{$f}} if $pkgd->{$fields->{$f}};
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ close( $pipe );
+ $self->unblock_signals();
+ $self->write_stats("taken", $n) if $n;
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query(
+ '-v',
+ $pkgver);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ while( <$pipe> ) {
+ next if /^wanna-build Revision/;
+ if (/^(\S+):\s*ok/) {
+ $ret = { 'pv' => $pkgver };
+ ++$n;
+ }
+ elsif (/^(\S+):.*NOT OK/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $nextline = <$pipe>;
+ chomp( $nextline );
+ $nextline =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $self->log("Can't take $pkg: $nextline\n");
+ }
+ elsif (/^(\S+):.*previous version failed/i) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ ++$n;
+ if ($self->get_conf('SHOULD_BUILD_MSGS')) {
+ $self->handle_prevfailed( $dist_config, $pkgver );
+ } else {
+ $ret = { 'pv' => $pkgver };
+ }
+ # skip until ok line
+ while( <$pipe> ) {
+ last if /^\Q$pkg\E:\s*ok/;
+ }
+ }
+ elsif (/^(\S+):.*needs binary NMU (\d+)/) {
+ my $pkg = $1;
+ my $binNMUver = $2;
+ chop (my $changelog = <$pipe>);
+ my $newpkg;
+ ++$n;
+ push( @output, grep( /^\Q$pkg\E_/, @_ ) );
+ $ret = { 'pv' => $pkgver };
+ $ret->{'changelog'} = $changelog;
+ $ret->{'binNMU'} = $binNMUver;
+ # skip until ok line
+ while( <$pipe> ) {
+ last if /^\Q$pkg\E:\s*aok/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ close( $pipe );
+ $self->unblock_signals();
+ $self->write_stats("taken", $n) if $n;
+ return $ret;
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->unblock_signals();
+ $self->log("Can't spawn wanna-build: $!\n");
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub should_skip {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkgv = shift;
+ my $found = 0;
+ $self->lock_file("SKIP", 0);
+ goto unlock if !open( F, "SKIP" );
+ my @pkgs = <F>;
+ close(F);
+ if (!open( F, ">SKIP" )) {
+ $self->log("Can't open SKIP for writing: $!\n",
+ "Would write: @pkgs\nminus $pkgv\n");
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ foreach (@pkgs) {
+ if (/^\Q$pkgv\E$/) {
+ ++$found;
+ $self->log("$pkgv found in SKIP file -- skipping building it\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ print F $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close( F );
+ unlock:
+ $self->unlock_file("SKIP");
+ return $found;
+sub do_build {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $todo = shift;
+ # $todo = { 'pv' => $pkg_ver, 'changelog' => $binNMUlog->{$pkg_ver}, 'binNMU' => $binNMUver; };
+ # If the package to build is in SKIP, then skip.
+ if ($self->should_skip($todo->{'pv'})) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my $free_space;
+ while (($free_space = df(".")) < $self->get_conf('MIN_FREE_SPACE')) {
+ $self->log("Delaying build, because free space is low ($free_space KB)\n");
+ my $idle_start_time = time;
+ sleep( 10*60 );
+ my $idle_end_time = time;
+ $self->write_stats("idle-time", $idle_end_time - $idle_start_time);
+ }
+ $self->log("Starting build (dist=" . $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME') . ") of "
+ .($todo->{'binNMU'} ? "!".$todo->{'binNMU'}."!" : "")
+ ."$todo->{'pv'}\n");
+ $self->write_stats("builds", 1);
+ my @sbuild_args = ();
+ if ($self->get_conf('NICE_LEVEL') != 0) {
+ @sbuild_args = ( 'nice', '-n', $self->get_conf('NICE_LEVEL') );
+ }
+ push @sbuild_args, 'sbuild',
+ '--apt-update',
+ '--no-apt-upgrade',
+ '--no-apt-distupgrade',
+ '--no-run-lintian',
+ '--batch',
+ "--stats-dir=" . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/stats",
+ "--dist=" . $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ push @sbuild_args, "--sbuild-mode=buildd";
+ push @sbuild_args, "--mailfrom=".$dist_config->get('MAILFROM') if $dist_config->get('MAILFROM');
+ push @sbuild_args, "--maintainer=".$dist_config->get('MAINTAINER_NAME') if $dist_config->get('MAINTAINER_NAME');
+ push @sbuild_args, "--dpkg-file-suffix=".$self->get_conf('DPKG_FILE_SUFFIX') if $self->get_conf('DPKG_FILE_SUFFIX');
+ if ($dist_config->get('SIGN_WITH')) {
+ push @sbuild_args, '--keyid=' . $dist_config->get('SIGN_WITH');
+ }
+ #multi-archive-buildd keeps the mailto configuration in the builddrc, so
+ #this needs to be passed over to sbuild. If the buildd config doesn't have
+ #it, we hope that the address is configured in .sbuildrc and the right one:
+ if ($dist_config->get('LOGS_MAILED_TO')) {
+ push @sbuild_args, '--mail-log-to=' . $dist_config->get('LOGS_MAILED_TO');
+ } elsif ($dist_config->get('LOGS_MAIL_ALSO') || $todo->{'mail_logs'}) {
+ push @sbuild_args, '--mail-log-to=' . join (',', grep { $_ } ($dist_config->get('LOGS_MAIL_ALSO'), $todo->{'mail_logs'}));
+ }
+ #Some distributions (bpo, experimental) require a more complex dep resolver.
+ #Ask sbuild to use another build-dep resolver if the config says so:
+ if ($dist_config->get('BUILD_DEP_RESOLVER') || $todo->{'build_dep_resolver'}) {
+ push @sbuild_args, '--build-dep-resolver=' . ($dist_config->get('BUILD_DEP_RESOLVER') || $todo->{'build_dep_resolver'});
+ }
+ if ($dist_config->get('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE')) {
+ if ($dist_config->get('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE') eq 'all') {
+ push ( @sbuild_args, "--arch-all", "--no-arch-any" );
+ } else {
+ push ( @sbuild_args, "--no-arch-all", "--arch-any", "--arch=" . $dist_config->get('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE') );
+ }
+ }
+ push ( @sbuild_args, "--chroot=" . $dist_config->get('SBUILD_CHROOT') )
+ if $dist_config->get('SBUILD_CHROOT');
+ push ( @sbuild_args, "--binNMU=$todo->{'binNMU'}") if $todo->{'binNMU'};
+ push ( @sbuild_args, "--make-binNMU=$todo->{'changelog'}") if $todo->{'changelog'};
+ push ( @sbuild_args, "--add-conflicts=$todo->{'extra-conflicts'}") if $todo->{'extra-conflicts'};
+ push ( @sbuild_args, "--add-depends=$todo->{'extra-depends'}") if $todo->{'extra-depends'};
+ push @sbuild_args, $todo->{'pv'};
+ $self->log("command line: @sbuild_args\n");
+ $main::sbuild_pid = open(SBUILD_OUT, "-|");
+ #We're childish, so call sbuild:
+ if ($main::sbuild_pid == 0) {
+ { exec (@sbuild_args) };
+ $self->log("Cannot execute sbuild: $!\n");
+ exit(64);
+ }
+ if (!defined $main::sbuild_pid) {
+ $self->log("Cannot fork for sbuild: $!\n");
+ goto failed;
+ }
+ #We want to collect the first few lines of sbuild output:
+ my ($sbuild_output_line_count, @sbuild_output_buffer) = (0, ());
+ while (<SBUILD_OUT>) {
+ #5 lines are enough:
+ if (++$sbuild_output_line_count < 5) {
+ push @sbuild_output_buffer, $_;
+ }
+ }
+ #We got enough output, now just wait for sbuild to die:
+ my $rc;
+ while (($rc = wait) != $main::sbuild_pid) {
+ if ($rc == -1) {
+ last if $! == ECHILD;
+ next if $! == EINTR;
+ $self->log("wait for sbuild: $!; continuing to wait\n");
+ } elsif ($rc != $main::sbuild_pid) {
+ $self->log("wait for sbuild: returned unexpected pid $rc\n");
+ }
+ }
+ my $sbuild_exit_code = $?;
+ undef $main::sbuild_pid;
+ close(SBUILD_OUT);
+ #Process sbuild's results:
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $failed = 1;
+ my $giveback = 1;
+ if (WIFEXITED($sbuild_exit_code)) {
+ my $status = WEXITSTATUS($sbuild_exit_code);
+ if ($status == 0) {
+ $failed = 0;
+ $giveback = 0;
+ $self->log("sbuild of $todo->{'pv'} succeeded -- marking as built in wanna-build\n");
+ $db->run_query('--built', '--dist=' . $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME'), $todo->{'pv'});
+ if ($dist_config->get('SIGN_WITH') && $dist_config->get('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE')) {
+ # XXX: Check if signature is present.
+ $self->move_to_upload($dist_config, $todo->{'pv'}, $todo->{'binNMU'});
+ }
+ } elsif ($status == 2) {
+ $giveback = 0;
+ $self->log("sbuild of $todo->{'pv'} failed with status $status (build failed) -- marking as attempted in wanna-build\n");
+ $db->run_query('--attempted', '--dist=' . $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME'), $todo->{'pv'});
+ $self->write_stats("failed", 1);
+ } else {
+ $self->log("sbuild of $todo->{'pv'} failed with status $status (local problem) -- giving back\n");
+ }
+ } elsif (WIFSIGNALED($sbuild_exit_code)) {
+ my $sig = WTERMSIG($sbuild_exit_code);
+ $self->log("sbuild of $todo->{'pv'} failed with signal $sig (local problem) -- giving back\n");
+ } else {
+ $self->log("sbuild of $todo->{'pv'} failed with unknown reason (local problem) -- giving back\n");
+ }
+ if ($giveback) {
+ $db->run_query('--give-back', '--dist=' . $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME'), $todo->{'pv'});
+ $self->add_given_back($todo->{'pv'});
+ $self->write_stats("give-back", 1);
+ }
+ # Check if we encountered some local error to stop further building
+ if ($giveback) {
+ if (!defined $main::sbuild_fails) {
+ $main::sbuild_fails = 0;
+ }
+ $main::sbuild_fails++;
+ if ($main::sbuild_fails > $self->get_conf('MAX_SBUILD_FAILS')) {
+ $self->log("sbuild now failed $main::sbuild_fails times in ".
+ "a row; going to sleep\n");
+ send_mail( $self->get_conf('ADMIN_MAIL'),
+ "Repeated mess with sbuild",
+ <<EOF );
+The execution of sbuild now failed for $main::sbuild_fails times.
+These are the first $sbuild_output_line_count lines of the last failed sbuild call:
+The daemon is going to sleep for 1 hour, or can be restarted with SIGUSR2.
+ my $oldsig;
+ eval <<'EOF';
+$oldsig = $SIG{'USR2'};
+$SIG{'USR2'} = sub ($) { die "signal\n" };
+my $idle_start_time = time;
+sleep( 60*60 );
+my $idle_end_time = time;
+$SIG{'USR2'} = $oldsig;
+$self->write_stats("idle-time", $idle_end_time - $idle_start_time);
+ $main::sbuild_fails = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # Either a build success or an attempted build will cause the
+ # counter to reset.
+ $main::sbuild_fails = 0;
+ }
+ $self->log("Build finished.\n");
+sub move_to_upload {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $pv = shift;
+ my $binNMUver = shift;
+ my $arch = $dist_config->get('BUILT_ARCHITECTURE');
+ my $upload_dir = $dist_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR');
+ my $file_suffix = $self->get_conf('DPKG_FILE_SUFFIX');
+ if ($binNMUver) {
+ $pv .= '+b' . $binNMUver;
+ }
+ my $pkg_noepoch = $pv;
+ $pkg_noepoch =~ s/_\d*:/_/;
+ my $changes_name = $pkg_noepoch . '_' . $arch . $file_suffix . '.changes';
+ my $upload_path = $self->get_conf('HOME') . '/' . $dist_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR') . '/' . $pkg_noepoch . '_' . $arch . '.upload';
+ $self->log("$pv is autosigned, moving to '$upload_dir'\n");
+ if ( -f $upload_path ) {
+ unlink( $upload_path );
+ $self->log("'$upload_path' removed.\n");
+ }
+ system(qw(dcmd mv --),
+ sprintf('%s/build/%s', $self->get_conf('HOME'), $changes_name),
+ sprintf('%s/%s/', $self->get_conf('HOME'), $dist_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR'))
+ );
+ $self->log("$pv moved to '$upload_dir'\n");
+sub handle_prevfailed {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $pkgv = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my( $pkg, $fail_msg, $changelog);
+ $self->log("$pkgv previously failed -- asking admin first\n");
+ ($pkg = $pkgv) =~ s/_.*$//;
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query(
+ '--info',
+ $pkg);
+ if (!$pipe) {
+ $self->log("Can't run wanna-build: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ $fail_msg = "";
+ while (<$pipe>) {
+ $fail_msg .= $_;
+ }
+ close($pipe);
+ if ($?) {
+ $self->log("wanna-build exited with error $?\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ send_mail( $self->get_conf('ADMIN_MAIL'),
+ "Should I build $pkgv (dist=${dist_name})?",
+ "The package $pkg failed to build in a previous version. ".
+ "The fail\n".
+ "messages are:\n\n$fail_msg\n".
+ "Should buildd try to build the new version, or should it ".
+ "fail with the\n".
+ "same messages again.? Please answer with 'build' (or 'ok'), ".
+ "or 'fail'.\n" );
+sub get_changelog {
+ # This method is currently broken. It makes some assumptions about source
+ # layout that are no longer true. Furthermore it tries fetching through
+ # the host instead of creating a session (which is necessary for snapshot-
+ # based chroots) and work in the chroot.
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my $changelog = "";
+ my $analyze = "";
+ my $chroot_apt_options;
+ my $file;
+ my $retried = 0;
+ $pkg =~ /^([\w\d.+-]+)_([\w\d:.~+-]+)/;
+ my ($n, $v) = ($1, $2);
+ (my $v_ne = $v) =~ s/^\d+://;
+ my $pkg_ne = "${n}_${v_ne}";
+ my @schroot = ($self->get_conf('SCHROOT'), '-c',
+ $dist_name . '-' . $self->get_conf('ARCH') . '-sbuild', '--');
+ my @schroot_root = ($self->get_conf('SCHROOT'), '-c',
+ $dist_name . '-' . $self->get_conf('ARCH') . '-sbuild',
+ '-u', 'root', '--');
+ my $apt_get = $self->get_conf('APT_GET');
+ my $pipe = $self->get('Host')->pipe_command(
+ { COMMAND => [@schroot,
+ "$apt_get", '-q', '-d',
+ '--diff-only', 'source', "$n=$v"],
+ USER => $self->get_conf('USERNAME'),
+ PRIORITY => 0,
+ });
+ if (!$pipe) {
+ $self->log("Can't run schroot: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $msg = "";
+ while (<$pipe>) {
+ $msg .= $_;
+ }
+ close($pipe);
+ if ($? == 0 && $msg !~ /get 0B/) {
+ $analyze = "diff";
+ $file = "${n}_${v_ne}.diff.gz";
+ }
+ if (!$analyze) {
+ my $pipe2 = $self->get('Host')->pipe_command(
+ { COMMAND => [@schroot,
+ "$apt_get", '-q', '-d',
+ '--tar-only', 'source', "$n=$v"],
+ USER => $self->get_conf('USERNAME'),
+ PRIORITY => 0,
+ });
+ if (!$pipe2) {
+ $self->log("Can't run schroot: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $msg = <$pipe2>;
+ close($pipe2);
+ if ($? == 0 && $msg !~ /get 0B/) {
+ $analyze = "tar";
+ $file = "${n}_${v_ne}.tar.gz";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$analyze && !$retried) {
+ $self->get('Host')->run_command(
+ { COMMAND => [@schroot_root,
+ $apt_get, '-qq',
+ 'update'],
+ USER => $self->get_conf('USERNAME'),
+ PRIORITY => 0,
+ STREAMOUT => $devnull
+ });
+ $retried = 1;
+ goto retry;
+ }
+ return "ERROR: cannot find any source" if !$analyze;
+ if ($analyze eq "diff") {
+ if (!open( F, "gzip -dc '$file' 2>/dev/null |" )) {
+ return "ERROR: Cannot spawn gzip to zcat $file: $!";
+ }
+ while( <F> ) {
+ # look for header line of a file */debian/changelog
+ last if m,^\+\+\+\s+[^/]+/debian/changelog(\s+|$),;
+ }
+ while( <F> ) {
+ last if /^---/; # end of control changelog patch
+ next if /^\@\@/;
+ $changelog .= "$1\n" if /^\+(.*)$/;
+ last if /^\+\s+--\s+/;
+ }
+ while( <F> ) { } # read to end of file to avoid broken pipe
+ close( F );
+ if ($?) {
+ return "ERROR: error status ".exitstatus($?)." from gzip on $file";
+ }
+ unlink( $file );
+ }
+ elsif ($analyze eq "tar") {
+ if (!open( F, "tar -xzOf '$file' '*/debian/changelog' ".
+ "2>/dev/null |" )) {
+ return "ERROR: Cannot spawn tar for $file: $!";
+ }
+ while( <F> ) {
+ $changelog .= $_;
+ last if /^\s+--\s+/;
+ }
+ while( <F> ) { } # read to end of file to avoid broken pipe
+ close( F );
+ if ($?) {
+ return "ERROR: error status ".exitstatus($?)." from tar on $file";
+ }
+ unlink( $file );
+ }
+ return $changelog;
+sub check_restart {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @stats = stat( $self->get('MY_BINARY') );
+ if (@stats && $self->get('MY_BINARY_TIME') != $stats[ST_MTIME]) {
+ $self->log("My binary has been updated -- restarting myself (pid=$$)\n");
+ unlink( $self->get_conf('PIDFILE') );
+ kill ( 15, $main::ssh_pid ) if $main::ssh_pid;
+ exec $self->get('MY_BINARY');
+ }
+ if ( -f $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/EXIT-DAEMON-PLEASE" ) {
+ unlink($self->get_conf('HOME') . "/EXIT-DAEMON-PLEASE");
+ $self->shutdown("NONE (flag file exit)");
+ }
+sub block_signals {
+ my $self = shift;
+ POSIX::sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, $main::block_sigset );
+sub unblock_signals {
+ my $self = shift;
+ POSIX::sigprocmask( SIG_UNBLOCK, $main::block_sigset );
+sub check_ssh_master {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $ssh_socket = $dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_SOCKET');
+ return 1 if (!$ssh_socket);
+ return 1 if ( -S $ssh_socket );
+ my $ssh_master_pids = {};
+ if ($self->get('SSH_MASTER_PIDS')) {
+ $ssh_master_pids = $self->get('SSH_MASTER_PIDS');
+ } else {
+ $self->set('SSH_MASTER_PIDS', $ssh_master_pids);
+ }
+ if ($ssh_master_pids->{$ssh_socket})
+ {
+ my $wpid = waitpid ( $ssh_master_pids->{$ssh_socket}, WNOHANG );
+ return 1 if ($wpid != -1 and $wpid != $ssh_master_pids->{$ssh_socket});
+ }
+ my $new_master_pid = fork;
+ #We are in the newly forked child:
+ if (defined($new_master_pid) && $new_master_pid == 0) {
+ exec (@{$dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_SSH_CMD')}, "-MN");
+ }
+ #We are the parent:
+ if (!defined $new_master_pid) {
+ $self->log("Cannot fork for ssh master: $!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ $ssh_master_pids->{$ssh_socket} = $new_master_pid;
+ while ( ! -S $ssh_socket )
+ {
+ sleep 1;
+ my $wpid = waitpid ( $new_master_pid, WNOHANG );
+ return 0 if ($wpid == -1 or $wpid == $new_master_pid);
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub shutdown {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $signame = shift;
+ $self->log("buildd ($$) received SIG$signame -- shutting down\n");
+ if ($self->get('SSH_MASTER_PIDS')) {
+ my $ssh_master_pids = $self->get('SSH_MASTER_PIDS');
+ for my $ssh_socket (keys %{$ssh_master_pids}) {
+ my $master_pid = $ssh_master_pids->{$ssh_socket};
+ kill ( 15, $master_pid );
+ delete ( $ssh_master_pids->{$ssh_socket} );
+ }
+ }
+ if (defined $main::sbuild_pid) {
+ $self->log("Killing sbuild (pid=$main::sbuild_pid)\n");
+ kill( 15, $main::sbuild_pid );
+ $self->log("Waiting max. 2 minutes for sbuild to finish\n");
+ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub ($) { die "timeout\n"; };
+ alarm( 120 );
+ eval "waitpid( $main::sbuild_pid, 0 )";
+ alarm( 0 );
+ if ($@) {
+ $self->log("sbuild did not die!");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("sbuild died normally");
+ }
+ unlink( "SBUILD-REDO-DUMPED" );
+ }
+ unlink( $self->get('Config')->get('PIDFILE') );
+ $self->log("exiting now\n");
+ $self->close_log();
+ exit 1;
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6edffba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+# configuration library for buildd
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# Copyright © 2006-2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::DistConf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sbuild::ConfBase;
+use Sbuild::Sysconfig;
+use Buildd::ClientConf qw();
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(new_hash setup read_hash);
+sub new_hash (@);
+sub setup ($);
+sub read_hash ($$);
+sub new_hash (@) {
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $queue_config = Sbuild::ConfBase->new(%opts);
+ Buildd::DistConf::setup($queue_config);
+ Buildd::DistConf::read_hash($queue_config, $opts{'HASH'});
+ return $queue_config;
+sub setup ($) {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $validate_directory_in_home = sub {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $key = $entry->{'NAME'};
+ my $directory = $conf->get($key);
+ my $home_directory = $conf->get('HOME');
+ die "$key directory is not defined"
+ if !defined($directory) || !$directory;
+ die "$key directory '$home_directory/$directory' does not exist"
+ if !-d $home_directory . "/" . $directory;
+ };
+ my $arch = $conf->get('ARCH');
+ my %buildd_dist_keys = (
+ 'DIST_NAME' => {
+ DEFAULT => 'unstable'
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef,
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef,
+ },
+ DEFAULT => ''
+ },
+ DEFAULT => 'buildd_' . $arch
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ DEFAULT => []
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef,
+ },
+ DEFAULT => $Buildd::username
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef,
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef,
+ },
+ CHECK => $validate_directory_in_home,
+ DEFAULT => 'upload'
+ },
+ 'NO_AUTO_BUILD' => {
+ DEFAULT => []
+ },
+ DEFAULT => []
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ 'BUILD_REGEX' => {
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ 'SIGN_WITH' => {
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ 'MAILFROM' => {
+ DEFAULT => undef
+ },
+ );
+ $conf->set_allowed_keys(\%buildd_dist_keys);
+ Buildd::ClientConf::setup($conf);
+sub read_hash($$) {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $data = shift;
+ for my $key (keys %$data) {
+ $conf->set($key, $data->{$key});
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09f43ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,1354 @@
+# buildd-mail: mail answer processor for buildd
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::Mail;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Buildd qw(ll_send_mail lock_file unlock_file send_mail exitstatus);
+use Buildd::Conf qw();
+use Buildd::Base;
+use Sbuild qw(binNMU_version $devnull);
+use Sbuild::ChrootRoot;
+use Buildd::Client;
+use POSIX;
+use File::Basename;
+use MIME::QuotedPrint;
+use MIME::Base64;
+use Encode;
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter Buildd::Base);
+ @EXPORT = qw();
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($conf);
+ bless($self, $class);
+ $self->set('Mail Error', undef);
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error', undef);
+ $self->set('Mail Header', {});
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text', '');
+ $self->open_log();
+ return $self;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ chdir($self->get_conf('HOME'));
+ $self->set('Mail Error', undef);
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error', undef);
+ $self->set('Mail Header', {});
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text', '');
+ $self->process_mail();
+ return 0;
+sub process_mail () {
+ my $self = shift;
+# Note: Mail Header (to|from|subject|message-id|date) are mandatory.
+# Check for these and bail out if not present.
+ my $header_text = "";
+ my $lastheader = "";
+ $self->set('Mail Header', {});
+ $self->set('Mail Error', '');
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error', '');
+ $self->set('Mail Header', {});
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text', '');
+ while( <STDIN> ) {
+ $header_text .= $_;
+ last if /^$/;
+ if (/^\s/ && $lastheader) {
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+//;
+ $_ = "$lastheader $_";
+ }
+ if (/^From (\S+)/) {
+ ;
+ }
+ if (/^([\w\d-]+):\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
+ my $hname;
+ ($hname = $1) =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $self->get('Mail Header')->{$hname} = $2;
+ $lastheader = $_;
+ chomp( $lastheader );
+ }
+ else {
+ $lastheader = "";
+ }
+ }
+ while( <STDIN> ) {
+ last if !/^\s*$/;
+ }
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text',
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') . $_)
+ if defined($_);
+ if (!eof)
+ {
+ local($/);
+ undef $/;
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text',
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') . <STDIN>);
+ }
+ if ($self->get('Mail Header')->{'from'} =~ /mail\s+delivery\s+(sub)?system|mailer.\s*daemon/i) {
+ # is an error mail from a mailer daemon
+ # To avoid mail loops if this error resulted from a mail we sent
+ # outselves, we break the loop by not forwarding this mail after the 5th
+ # error mail within 8 hours or so.
+ my $n = $self->add_error_mail();
+ if ($n > 5) {
+ $self->log("Too much error mails ($n) within ",
+ int($self->get_conf('ERROR_MAIL_WINDOW')/(60*60)), " hours\n",
+ "Not forwarding mail from ".$self->get('Mail Header')->{'from'}."\n",
+ "Subject: " . $self->get('Mail Header')->{'subject'} . "\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ goto forward_mail if !$self->get('Mail Header')->{'subject'};
+ my $subject = $self->get('Mail Header')->{'subject'};
+ Encode::from_to($subject, "MIME-Header", "utf-8");
+ if ($subject =~ /^Re: Log for \S+ build of (\S+)(?: on [\w-]+)? \(dist=(\S+)\)/i) {
+ # reply to a build log
+ my( $package, $dist_name ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ my $dist_config = $self->get_dist_config_by_name($dist_name);
+ return if (!$dist_config); #get_dist_config sets the error mail
+ my $text = $self->get('Mail Body Text');
+ $text =~ /^(\S+)/;
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text', $text);
+ if (defined($self->get('Mail Header')->{'content-transfer-encoding'})) {
+ # Decode the mail if necessary.
+ if ($self->get('Mail Header')->{'content-transfer-encoding'} =~ /quoted-printable/) {
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text',
+ decode_qp($self->get('Mail Body Text')));
+ } elsif ($self->get('Mail Header')->{'content-transfer-encoding'} =~ /base64/) {
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text',
+ decode_base64($self->get('Mail Body Text')));
+ }
+ }
+ my $keyword = $1;
+ my $from = $self->get('Mail Header')->{'from'};
+ $from = $1 if $from =~ /<(.+)>/;
+ $self->log("Log reply from $from\n");
+ my %newv;
+ if ($keyword =~ /^not-for-us/) {
+ $self->no_build( $package, $dist_config );
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^up(l(oad)?)?-rem/) {
+ $self->remove_from_upload( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ elsif ($self->check_is_outdated( $dist_config, $package )) {
+ # Error has been set already -> no action here
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^fail/) {
+ my $text = $self->get('Mail Body Text');
+ $text =~ s/^fail.*\n(\s*\n)*//;
+ $text =~ s/\n+$/\n/;
+ $self->set_to_failed( $package, $dist_config, $text );
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^ret/) {
+ if (!$self->check_state( $package, $dist_config, qw(Built Building Build-Attempted) )) {
+ # Error already set
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->append_to_REDO( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^d(ep(endency)?)?-(ret|w)/) {
+ if (!$self->check_state( $package, $dist_config, qw(Built Building Build-Attempted) )) {
+ # Error already set
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^\S+\s+(.*)$/m;
+ my $deps = $1;
+ $self->set_to_depwait( $package, $dist_config, $deps );
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^man/) {
+ if (!$self->check_state( $package, $dist_config, qw(Built Building Build-Attempted) )) {
+ # Error already set
+ }
+ else {
+ # no action
+ $self->log("$package($dist_name) will be finished manually\n");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^newv/) {
+ # build a newer version instead
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^newv\S*\s+(\S+)/;
+ my $newv = $1;
+ if ($newv =~ /_/) {
+ $self->log("Removing unneeded package name from $newv\n");
+ $newv =~ s/^.*_//;
+ $self->log("Result: $newv\n");
+ }
+ my $pkgname;
+ ($pkgname = $package) =~ s/_.*$//;
+ $self->redo_new_version( $dist_config, $package, "${pkgname}_${newv}" );
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^(give|back)/) {
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^(give|back) ([-0-9]+)/;
+ my $pri = $1;
+ if (!$self->check_state( $package, $dist_config, qw(Built Building Build-Attempted) )) {
+ # Error already set
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->give_back( $package, $dist_config );
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^purge/) {
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ elsif ($self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^---+\s*BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE/) {
+ if ($self->prepare_for_upload( $package,
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') )) {
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^--/ &&
+ $self->get('Mail Header')->{'content-type'} =~ m,multipart/signed,) {
+ my ($prot) = ($self->get('Mail Header')->{'content-type'} =~ m,protocol="([^"]*)",);
+ my ($bound) = ($self->get('Mail Header')->{'content-type'} =~ m,boundary="([^"]*)",);
+ my $text = $self->get('Mail Body Text');
+ $text =~ s,^--\Q$bound\E\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\n\n,-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----\n\n,;
+ $text =~ s,--\Q$bound\E\nContent-Type: application/pgp-signature\n\n,,;
+ $text =~ s,\n\n--\Q$bound\E--\n,,;
+ $self->set('Mail Body Text', $text);
+ if ($self->prepare_for_upload($package,
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text'))) {
+ $self->purge_pkg( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "Bad keyword in answer $keyword\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Answer not understood (expected retry, failed, manual,\n".
+ "dep-wait, giveback, not-for-us, purge, upload-rem,\n".
+ "newvers, or a signed changes file)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($subject =~ /^Re: Should I build (\S+) \(dist=(\S+)\)/i) {
+ # reply whether a prev-failed package should be built
+ my( $package, $dist_name ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ my $dist_config = $self->get_dist_config_by_name($dist_name);
+ return if (!$dist_config); #get_dist_config sets the error mail
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^(\S+)/;
+ my $keyword = $1;
+ $self->log("Should-build reply for $package($dist_name)\n");
+ if ($self->check_is_outdated( $dist_config, $package )) {
+ # Error has been set already -> no action here
+ }
+ elsif (!$self->check_state( $package, $dist_config, qw(Built Building Build-Attempted) )) {
+ # Error already set
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^(build|ok)/) {
+ $self->append_to_REDO( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^fail/) {
+ my $text = $self->get_fail_msg( $package, $dist_config );
+ $self->set_to_failed( $package, $dist_config, $text );
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^(not|no-b)/) {
+ $self->no_build( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ elsif ($keyword =~ /^(give|back)/) {
+ $self->give_back( $package, $dist_config );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "Bad keyword in answer $keyword\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Answer not understood (expected build, ok, fail, ".
+ "give-back, or no-build)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($subject =~ /^Processing of (\S+)/) {
+ my $job = $1;
+ # mail from Erlangen queue daemon: forward all non-success messages
+ my $text = $self->get('Mail Body Text');
+ goto forward_mail if $text !~ /uploaded successfully/mi;
+ $self->log("$job processed by upload queue\n")
+ if $self->get_conf('LOG_QUEUED_MESSAGES');
+ }
+ elsif ($subject =~ /^([-+~\.\w]+\.changes) (INSTALL|ACCEPT)ED/) {
+ # success mail from dinstall
+ my $changes_f = $1;
+ my( @to_remove, $upload_f, $pkgv );
+ my @upload_dirs = $self->find_upload_dirs_for_changes_file($changes_f);
+ if ((scalar @upload_dirs) < 1) {
+ $self->log("Can't identify upload directory for $changes_f!\n");
+ return 0;
+ } elsif ((scalar @upload_dirs) > 1) {
+ $self->log("Found more than one upload directory for $changes_f - not deleting binaries!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $upload_dir = $upload_dirs[0];
+ if (-f "$upload_dir/$changes_f" && open( F, "<$upload_dir/$changes_f" )) {
+ local($/); undef $/;
+ my $changetext = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ push( @to_remove, $self->get_files_from_changes( $changetext ) );
+ } else {
+ foreach (split( "\n", $self->get('Mail Body Text'))) {
+ if (/^(\[-+~\.\w]+\.(u?deb))$/) {
+ my $f = $1;
+ push( @to_remove, $f ) if !grep { $_ eq $f } @to_remove;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ($upload_f = $changes_f) =~ s/\.changes$/\.upload/;
+ push( @to_remove, $changes_f, $upload_f );
+ ($pkgv = $changes_f) =~ s/_(\S+)\.changes//;
+ $self->log("$pkgv has been installed; removing from upload dir:\n",
+ "@to_remove\n");
+ my @dists;
+ if (open( F, "<$upload_dir/$changes_f" )) {
+ my $changes_text;
+ { local($/); undef $/; $changes_text = <F>; }
+ close( F );
+ @dists = $self->get_dists_from_changes( $changes_text );
+ } else {
+ $self->log("Cannot get dists from $upload_dir/$changes_f: $! (assuming unstable)\n");
+ @dists = ( "unstable" );
+ }
+FILE: foreach (@to_remove) {
+ if (/\.deb$/) {
+ # first listed wins
+ foreach my $dist (@dists) {
+ if ( -d $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/chroot-$dist" &&
+ -w $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/chroot-$dist/var/cache/apt/archives/") {
+ # TODO: send all of to_remove to perl-apt if it's available, setting a try_mv list
+ # that only has build-depends in it.
+ # if that's too much cpu, have buildd use perl-apt if avail to export the
+ # build-depends list, which could then be read in at this point
+ if (system (qw(mv --), "$upload_dir/$_",
+ $self->get_conf('HOME') .
+ "/build/chroot-$dist/var/cache/apt/archives/")) {
+ $self->log("Cannot move $upload_dir/$_ to cache dir\n");
+ } else {
+ next FILE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unlink "$upload_dir/$_"
+ or $self->log("Can't remove $upload_dir/$_: $!\n");
+ }
+ elsif ($subject =~ /^(\S+\.changes) is NEW$/) {
+ # "is new" mail from dinstall
+ my $changes_f = $1;
+ my $pkgv;
+ ($pkgv = $changes_f) =~ s/_(\S+)\.changes//;
+ $self->log("$pkgv must be manually dinstall-ed -- delayed\n");
+ }
+ elsif ($subject =~ /^new version of (\S+) \(dist=(\S+)\)$/) {
+ # notice from wanna-build
+ my ($pkg, $dist_name) = ($1, $2);
+ my $dist_config = $self->get_dist_config_by_name($dist_name);
+ goto forward if $self->get('Mail Body Text') !~ /^in version (\S+)\.$/m;
+ my $pkgv = $pkg."_".$1;
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /new source version (\S+)\./m;
+ my $newv = $1;
+ $self->log("Build of $pkgv ($dist_name) obsolete -- new version $newv\n");
+ $self->register_outdated( $dist_name, $pkgv, $pkg."_".$newv );
+ my @ds;
+ if (!(@ds = $self->check_building_any_dist( $pkgv ))) {
+ if (!$self->remove_from_REDO( $pkgv )) {
+ $self->append_to_SKIP( $pkgv );
+ }
+ $self->purge_pkg( $pkgv, $dist_config );
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Not deleting, still building for @ds\n");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^blacklist (\S+)\n$/) {
+ my $pattern = "\Q$1\E";
+ if (open( F, ">>mail-blacklist" )) {
+ print F "$pattern\n";
+ close( F );
+ $self->log("Added $pattern to blacklist.\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Can't open mail-blacklist for appending: $!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ goto forward_mail;
+ }
+ if ($self->get('Mail Error')) {
+ $self->log("Error: ",
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') || $self->get('Mail Error'));
+ $self->reply("Your mail could not be processed:\n" .
+ $self->get('Mail Error'));
+ }
+ return;
+ my $header = $self->get('Mail Header');
+ $self->log("Mail from $header->{'from'}\nSubject: $subject\n");
+ if ($self->is_blacklisted( $self->get('Mail Header')->{'from'} )) {
+ $self->log("Address is blacklisted, deleting mail.\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Not for me, forwarding to admin\n");
+ ll_send_mail( $self->get_conf('ADMIN_MAIL'),
+ "To: $header->{'to'}\n".
+ ($header->{'cc'} ? "Cc: $header->{'cc'}\n" : "").
+ "From: $header->{'from'}\n".
+ "Subject: $header->{'subject'}\n".
+ "Date: $header->{'date'}\n".
+ "Message-Id: $header->{'message-id'}\n".
+ ($header->{'reply-to'} ? "Reply-To: $header->{'reply-to'}\n" : "").
+ ($header->{'in-reply-to'} ? "In-Reply-To: $header->{'in-reply-to'}\n" : "").
+ ($header->{'references'} ? "References: $header->{'references'}\n" : "").
+ ($header->{'content-type'} ? "Content-Type: $header->{'content-type'}\n": "").
+ "Resent-From: $Buildd::gecos <$Buildd::username\@$Buildd::hostname>\n".
+ "Resent-To: " . $self->get_conf('ADMIN_MAIL') . "\n\n".
+ $self->get('Mail Body Text') );
+ }
+sub prepare_for_upload ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $changes = shift;
+ $changes =~ s/\n+$/\n/;
+ my( @files, @md5, @missing, @md5fail, $i );
+ my @to_dists = $self->get_dists_from_changes( $changes );
+ if (!@to_dists) { # probably not a valid changes
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error'));
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Couldn't find a valid Distribution: line.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $changes_filename_arch = $self->get_conf('ARCH');
+ #Try to extract the arch from the actual changes file (see #566398)
+ if ($changes =~ /^Architecture:\s*(.+)/m) {
+ my @arches = grep { $_ ne "all" } split /\s+/, $1;
+ if (@arches > 1) {
+ $changes_filename_arch = "multi";
+ } else {
+ $changes_filename_arch = $arches[0];
+ }
+ }
+ $changes =~ /^Files:\s*\n((^[ ]+.*\n)*)/m;
+ foreach (split( "\n", $1 )) {
+ push( @md5, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[1] );
+ push( @files, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[5] );
+ }
+ if (!@files) { # probably not a valid changes
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error'));
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "No files listed in changes.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my @wrong_dists = ();
+ foreach my $d (@to_dists) {
+ push( @wrong_dists, $d )
+ if !$self->check_state(
+ $pkg,
+ $self->get_dist_config_by_name($d),
+ qw(Building Built Install-Wait Reupload-Wait Build-Attempted));
+ }
+ if (@wrong_dists) {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error'));
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Package $pkg has target distributions @wrong_dists\n".
+ "for which it isn't registered as Building.\n".
+ "Please fix this by either modifying the Distribution: ".
+ "header or\n".
+ "taking the package in those distributions, too.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ for( $i = 0; $i < @files; ++$i ) {
+ if (! -f $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$files[$i]") {
+ push( @missing, $files[$i] ) ;
+ }
+ else {
+ my $home = $self->get_conf('HOME');
+ chomp( my $sum = `md5sum $home/build/$files[$i]` );
+ push( @md5fail, $files[$i] ) if (split(/\s+/,$sum))[0] ne $md5[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (@missing) {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "Missing files for move: @missing\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "While trying to move the built package $pkg to upload,\n".
+ "the following files mentioned in the .changes were not found:\n".
+ "@missing\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (@md5fail) {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "md5 failure during move: @md5fail\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "While trying to move the built package $pkg to upload,\n".
+ "the following files had bad md5 checksums:\n".
+ "@md5fail\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my @upload_dirs = $self->get_upload_queue_dirs ( $changes );
+ my $pkg_noep = $pkg;
+ $pkg_noep =~ s/_\d*:/_/;
+ my $changes_name = $pkg_noep . "_" . $changes_filename_arch . ".changes";
+ for my $upload_dir (@upload_dirs) {
+ if (! -d $upload_dir &&!mkdir( $upload_dir, 0750 )) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Cannot create directory $upload_dir");
+ $self->log("Cannot create dir $upload_dir\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ my $errs = 0;
+ for my $upload_dir (@upload_dirs) {
+ lock_file( $upload_dir );
+ foreach (@files) {
+ if (system('cp', '--', $self->get_conf('HOME')."/build/$_", "$upload_dir/$_")) {
+ $self->log("Cannot copy $_ to $upload_dir/\n");
+ ++$errs;
+ }
+ }
+ open( F, ">$upload_dir/$changes_name" );
+ print F $changes;
+ close( F );
+ unlock_file( $upload_dir );
+ $self->log("Moved $pkg to ", basename($upload_dir), "\n");
+ }
+ foreach (@files) {
+ if (!unlink($self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$_")) {
+ $self->log("Cannot remove build/$_\n");
+ ++$errs;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($errs) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Could not move all files to upload dir.");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ unlink( $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/build/$changes_name" )
+ or $self->log("Cannot remove " . $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/$changes_name: $!\n");
+sub redo_new_version ($$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $oldv = shift;
+ my $newv = shift;
+ my $err = 0;
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('-v', $newv);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ while(<$pipe>) {
+ next if /^wanna-build Revision/ ||
+ /^\S+: Warning: Older version / ||
+ /^\S+: ok$/;
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') . $_);
+ $err = 1;
+ }
+ close($pipe);
+ } else {
+ $self->log("Can't spawn wanna-build: $!\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Can't spawn wanna-build: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($err) {
+ $self->log("Can't take newer version $newv due to wanna-build errors\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->log("Going to build $newv instead of $oldv\n");
+ $self->append_to_REDO( $newv, $dist_config );
+sub purge_pkg ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my $dir;
+ local( *F );
+ $self->remove_from_REDO( $pkg );
+ # remove .changes and .deb in build dir (if existing)
+ my $pkg_noep = $pkg;
+ $pkg_noep =~ s/_\d*:/_/;
+ my $changes = "${pkg_noep}_" . $self->get_conf('ARCH') . ".changes";
+ if (-f "build/$changes" && open( F, "<build/$changes" )) {
+ local($/); undef $/;
+ my $changetext = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ my @files = $self->get_files_from_changes( $changetext );
+ push( @files, $changes );
+ $self->log("Purging files: $changes\n");
+ unlink( map { "build/$_" } @files );
+ }
+ # schedule dir for purging
+ ($dir = $pkg_noep) =~ s/-[^-]*$//; # remove Debian revision
+ $dir =~ s/_/-/; # change _ to -
+ if (-d "build/chroot-$dist_name/build/$Buildd::username/$dir") {
+ $dir = "build/chroot-$dist_name/build/$Buildd::username/$dir";
+ }
+ else {
+ $dir = "build/$dir";
+ }
+ return if ! -d $dir;
+ lock_file( "build/PURGE" );
+ if (open( F, ">>build/PURGE" )) {
+ print F "$dir\n";
+ close( F );
+ $self->log("Scheduled $dir for purging\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Can't open build/PURGE: $!\n");
+ $self->log("Can't open build/PURGE: $!\n");
+ }
+ unlock_file( "build/PURGE" );
+sub remove_from_upload ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my($changes_f, $upload_f, $changes_text, @to_remove);
+ local( *F );
+ $self->log("Remove $pkg from upload dir\n");
+ my $pkg_noep = $pkg;
+ $pkg_noep =~ s/_\d*:/_/;
+ $changes_f = "${pkg_noep}_" . $self->get_conf('ARCH') . ".changes";
+ my $upload_dir = $self->get_conf('HOME') . '/' . $dist_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR');
+ if (!-f "$upload_dir/$changes_f") {
+ $self->log("$changes_f does not exist\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!open( F, "<$upload_dir/$changes_f" )) {
+ $self->log("Cannot open $upload_dir/$changes_f: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ { local($/); undef $/; $changes_text = <F>; }
+ close( F );
+ @to_remove = $self->get_files_from_changes( $changes_text );
+ ($upload_f = $changes_f) =~ s/\.changes$/\.upload/;
+ push( @to_remove, $changes_f, $upload_f );
+ $self->log("Removing files:\n", "@to_remove\n");
+ foreach (@to_remove) {
+ unlink "$upload_dir/$_"
+ or $self->log("Can't remove $upload_dir/$_: $!\n");
+ }
+sub append_to_REDO ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ local( *F );
+ lock_file( "build/REDO" );
+ if (open( F, "build/REDO" )) {
+ my @pkgs = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ if (grep( /^\Q$pkg\E\s/, @pkgs )) {
+ $self->log("$pkg is already in REDO -- not rescheduled\n");
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ }
+ if (open( F, ">>build/REDO" )) {
+ print F "$pkg $dist_name\n";
+ close( F );
+ $self->log("Scheduled $pkg for rebuild\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Can't open build/REDO: $!\n");
+ $self->log("Can't open build/REDO: $!\n");
+ }
+ unlock:
+ unlock_file( "build/REDO" );
+sub remove_from_REDO ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ local( *F );
+ lock_file( "build/REDO" );
+ goto unlock if !open( F, "<build/REDO" );
+ my @pkgs = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ if (!open( F, ">build/REDO" )) {
+ $self->log("Can't open REDO for writing: $!\n",
+ "Would write: @pkgs\nminus $pkg\n");
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ my $done = 0;
+ foreach (@pkgs) {
+ if (/^\Q$pkg\E\s/) {
+ ++$done;
+ }
+ else {
+ print F $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close( F );
+ $self->log("Deleted $pkg from REDO list.\n") if $done;
+ unlock:
+ unlock_file( "build/REDO" );
+ return $done;
+sub append_to_SKIP ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ local( *F );
+ return if !open( F, "<build/build-progress" );
+ my @lines = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ if (grep( /^\s*\Q$pkg\E$/, @lines )) {
+ # pkg is in build-progress, but without a suffix (failed,
+ # successful, currently building), so it can be skipped
+ lock_file( "build/SKIP" );
+ if (open( F, ">>build/SKIP" )) {
+ print F "$pkg\n";
+ close( F );
+ $self->log("Told sbuild to skip $pkg\n");
+ }
+ unlock_file( "build/SKIP" );
+ }
+sub check_is_outdated ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $package = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my %newv;
+ return 0 if !(%newv = $self->is_outdated( $dist_name, $package ));
+ my $have_changes = 1 if $self->get('Mail Body Text') =~ /^---+\s*BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE/;
+ # If we have a changes file, we can see which distributions that
+ # package is aimed to. Otherwise, we're out of luck because we can't see
+ # reliably anymore for which distribs the package was for. Let the user
+ # find out this...
+ #
+ # If the package is outdated in all dists we have to consider,
+ # send a plain error message. If only outdated in some of them, send a
+ # modified error that tells to send a restricted changes (with
+ # Distribution: only for those dists where it isn't outdated), or to do
+ # the action manually, because it would be (wrongly) propagated.
+ goto all_outdated if !$have_changes;
+ my @check_dists = ();
+ @check_dists = $self->get_dists_from_changes($self->get('Mail Body Text'));
+ my @not_outdated = ();
+ my @outdated = ();
+ foreach (@check_dists) {
+ if (!exists $newv{$_}) {
+ push( @not_outdated, $_ );
+ }
+ else {
+ push( @outdated, $_ );
+ }
+ }
+ return 0 if !@outdated;
+ if (@not_outdated) {
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "$package ($dist_name) partially outdated ".
+ "(ok for @not_outdated)\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Package $package ($dist_name) is partially outdated.\n".
+ "The following new versions have appeared in the meantime:\n ".
+ join( "\n ", map { "$_: $newv{$_}" } keys %newv )."\n\n".
+ "Please send a .changes for the following distributions only:\n".
+ " Distribution: ".join( " ", @not_outdated )."\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ all_outdated:
+ $self->set('Mail Short Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Short Error') .
+ "$package ($dist_name) outdated; new versions ".
+ join( ", ", map { "$_:$newv{$_}" } keys %newv )."\n");
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Package $package ($dist_name) is outdated.\n".
+ "The following new versions have appeared in the meantime:\n ".
+ join( "\n ", map { "$_: $newv{$_}" } keys %newv )."\n");
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub is_outdated ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist_name = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my %result = ();
+ local( *F );
+ lock_file( "outdated-packages" );
+ goto unlock if !open( F, "<outdated-packages" );
+ while( <F> ) {
+ my($oldpkg, $newpkg, $t, $d) = split( /\s+/, $_ );
+ $d ||= "unstable";
+ if ($oldpkg eq $pkg && $d eq $dist_name) {
+ $result{$d} = $newpkg;
+ }
+ }
+ close( F );
+ unlock:
+ unlock_file( "outdated-packages" );
+ return %result;
+sub register_outdated ($$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dist = shift;
+ my $oldv = shift;
+ my $newv = shift;
+ my(@pkgs);
+ local( *F );
+ lock_file( "outdated-packages" );
+ if (open( F, "<outdated-packages" )) {
+ @pkgs = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ }
+ if (!open( F, ">outdated-packages" )) {
+ $self->log("Cannot open outdated-packages for writing: $!\n");
+ goto unlock;
+ }
+ my $now = time;
+ my @d = ();
+ foreach (@pkgs) {
+ my($oldpkg, $newpkg, $t, $d) = split( /\s+/, $_ );
+ $d ||= "unstable";
+ next if ($oldpkg eq $oldv && $d eq $dist) || ($now - $t) > 21*24*60*60;
+ print F $_;
+ }
+ print F "$oldv $newv $now $dist\n";
+ close( F );
+ unlock:
+ unlock_file( "outdated-packages" );
+sub set_to_failed ($$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $text = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my $is_bugno = 0;
+ $text =~ s/^\.$/../mg;
+ $is_bugno = 1 if $text =~ /^\(see #\d+\)$/;
+ return if !$self->check_state( $pkg, $dist_config, $is_bugno ? "Failed" : qw(Built Building Build-Attempted BD-Uninstallable) );
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query_out('--failed', $pkg);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ print $pipe "${text}.\n";
+ close($pipe);
+ }
+ if ($?) {
+ my $t = "wanna-build --failed failed with status ".exitstatus($?)."\n";
+ $self->log($t);
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') . $t);
+ } elsif ($is_bugno) {
+ $self->log("Bug# appended to fail message of $pkg ($dist_name)\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Set package $pkg ($dist_name) to Failed\n");
+ $self->write_stats("failed", 1);
+ }
+sub set_to_depwait ($$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $deps = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query_out('--dep-wait', $pkg);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ print $pipe "$deps\n";
+ close($pipe);
+ }
+ if ($?) {
+ my $t = "wanna-build --dep-wait failed with status ".exitstatus($?)."\n";
+ $self->log($t);
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') . $t);
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Set package $pkg ($dist_name) to Dep-Wait\nDependencies: $deps\n");
+ }
+ $self->write_stats("dep-wait", 1);
+sub give_back ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my $answer;
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('--give-back', $pkg);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ $answer = <$pipe>;
+ close($pipe);
+ }
+ if ($?) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "wanna-build --give-back failed:\n$answer");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Given back package $pkg ($dist_name)\n");
+ }
+sub no_build ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my $answer_cmd;
+ my $answer;
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('--no-build', $pkg);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ $answer = <$pipe>;
+ close($pipe);
+ }
+ if ($?) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "no-build failed:\n$answer");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Package $pkg ($dist_name) to set Not-For-Us\n");
+ }
+ $self->write_stats("no-build", 1);
+sub get_fail_msg ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ $pkg =~ s/_.*//;
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('--info', $pkg);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ my $msg = "";
+ while(<$pipe>) {
+ if (/^\s*Old-Failed\s*:/) {
+ while(<$pipe>) {
+ last if /^ \S+\s*/;
+ $_ =~ s/^\s+//;
+ if (/^----+\s+\S+\s+----+$/) {
+ last if $msg;
+ }
+ else {
+ $msg .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ close($pipe);
+ return $msg if $msg;
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Couldn't find Old-Failed in info for $pkg\n");
+ return "Same as previous version (couldn't extract the text)\n";
+ } else {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Couldn't start wanna-build --info: $!\n");
+ return "Same as previous version (couldn't extract the text)\n";
+ }
+sub check_state ($@) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $mail_error = $self->get('Mail Error');
+ my $retval = $self->check_state_internal(@_);
+ # check if we should retry the call
+ if ($retval == -1) {
+ my $interval = int(rand(120));
+ $self->log("Retrying --info in $interval seconds...\n");
+ # reset error to old value
+ $self->set('Mail Error', $mail_error);
+ # 0..120s of sleep ought to be enough for retrying;
+ # for mail bursts, this should get us out of the
+ # crticial mass
+ sleep $interval;
+ $retval = $self->check_state_internal(@_);
+ # remap the -1 retry code to failure
+ if ($retval == -1) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return $retval;
+ }
+ }
+ return $retval;
+sub check_state_internal ($$@) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkgv = shift;
+ my $dist_config = shift;
+ my @wanted_states = @_;
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ $pkgv =~ /^([^_]+)_(.+)/;
+ my ($pkg, $vers) = ($1, $2);
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('--info', $pkg);
+ if (!$pipe) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Couldn't start wanna-build --info: $!\n");
+ $self->log("Couldn't start wanna-build --info: $!\n");
+ # let check_state() retry if needed
+ return -1;
+ }
+ my ($av, $as, $ab, $an);
+ while(<$pipe>) {
+ $av = $1 if /^\s*Version\s*:\s*(\S+)/;
+ $as = $1 if /^\s*State\s*:\s*(\S+)/;
+ $ab = $1 if /^\s*Builder\s*:\s*(\S+)/;
+ $an = $1 if /^\s*Binary-NMU-Version\s*:\s*(\d+)/;
+ }
+ close($pipe);
+ if ($?) {
+ my $t = "wanna-build --info failed with status ".exitstatus($?)."\n";
+ $self->log($t);
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') . $t);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $msg = "$pkgv($dist_name) check_state(@wanted_states): ";
+ $av = binNMU_version($av,$an,undef) if (defined $an);
+ if ($av ne $vers) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ $msg."version $av registered as $as\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!Buildd::isin( $as, @wanted_states)) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ $msg."state is $as\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ($as eq "Building" && $ab ne $dist_config->get('WANNA_BUILD_DB_USER')) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ $msg."is building by $ab\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub check_building_any_dist ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkgv = shift;
+ my @dists;
+ $pkgv =~ /^([^_]+)_(.+)/;
+ my ($pkg, $vers) = ($1, $2);
+ for my $dist_config (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ my $dist_name = $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME');
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('--info', $pkg);
+ if (!$pipe) {
+ $self->set('Mail Error',
+ $self->get('Mail Error') .
+ "Couldn't start wanna-build --info: $!\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my $text;
+ { local ($/); $text = <$pipe>; }
+ close($pipe);
+ while( $text =~ /^\Q$pkg\E\((\w+)\):(.*)\n((\s.*\n)*)/mg ) {
+ my ($dist, $rest, $info) = ($1, $2, $3);
+ next if $rest =~ /not registered/;
+ my ($av, $as, $ab);
+ $av = $1 if $info =~ /^\s*Version\s*:\s*(\S+)/mi;
+ $as = $1 if $info =~ /^\s*State\s*:\s*(\S+)/mi;
+ $ab = $1 if $info =~ /^\s*Builder\s*:\s*(\S+)/mi;
+ push( @dists, $dist )
+ if $av eq $vers && $as eq "Building" &&
+ $ab eq $self->get_conf('WANNA_BUILD_DB_USER');
+ }
+ }
+ return @dists;
+sub get_files_from_changes ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $changes_text = shift;
+ my(@filelines, @files);
+ $changes_text =~ /^Files:\s*\n((^[ ]+.*\n)*)/m;
+ @filelines = split( "\n", $1 );
+ foreach (@filelines) {
+ push( @files, (split( /\s+/, $_ ))[5] );
+ }
+ return @files;
+sub get_dists_from_changes ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $changes_text = shift;
+ $changes_text =~ /^Distribution:\s*(.*)\s*$/mi;
+ return split( /\s+/, $1 );
+sub get_upload_queue_dirs ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $changes_text = shift;
+ my %upload_dirs;
+ my @dists = $self->get_dists_from_changes( $changes_text );
+ for my $dist_config (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ my $upload_dir = $self->get_conf('HOME') . '/' . $dist_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR');
+ if (grep { $dist_config->get('DIST_NAME') eq $_ } @dists) {
+ $upload_dirs{$upload_dir} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return keys %upload_dirs;
+sub find_upload_dirs_for_changes_file ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $changes_file_name = shift;
+ my %dirs;
+ for my $dist_config (@{$self->get_conf('DISTRIBUTIONS')}) {
+ my $upload_dir = $self->get_conf('HOME') . '/' . $dist_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR');
+ if (-f "$upload_dir/$changes_file_name") {
+ $dirs{$upload_dir} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return keys %dirs;
+sub reply ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $text = shift;
+ my( $to, $subj, $quoting );
+ $to = $self->get('Mail Header')->{'reply-to'} ||
+ $self->get('Mail Header')->{'from'};
+ $subj = $self->get('Mail Header')->{'subject'};
+ $subj = "Re: $subj" if $subj !~ /^Re\S{0,2}:/;
+ ($quoting = $self->get('Mail Body Text')) =~ s/\n+$/\n/;
+ $quoting =~ s/^/> /mg;
+ send_mail( $to, $subj, "$text\n$quoting",
+ "In-Reply-To: ". $self->get('Mail Header')->{'message-id'}. "\n" );
+sub is_blacklisted ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $addr = shift;
+ local( *BL );
+ $addr = $1 if $addr =~ /<(.*)>/;
+ return 0 if !open( BL, "<mail-blacklist" );
+ while( <BL> ) {
+ chomp;
+ if ($addr =~ /$_$/) {
+ close( BL );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ close( BL );
+ return 0;
+sub add_error_mail () {
+ my $self = shift;
+ local( *F );
+ my $now = time;
+ my @em = ();
+ if (open( F, "<mail-errormails" )) {
+ chomp( @em = <F> );
+ close( F );
+ }
+ push( @em, $now );
+ shift @em while @em && ($now - $em[0]) > $self->get_conf('ERROR_MAIL_WINDOW');
+ if (@em) {
+ open( F, ">mail-errormails" );
+ print F join( "\n", @em ), "\n";
+ close( F );
+ }
+ else {
+ unlink( "mail-errormails" );
+ }
+ return scalar(@em);
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b5b930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# sbuild Makefile template
+# Copyright © 2004-2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# sbuild is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# sbuild is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+include $(top_srcdir)/scripts/
+perlmodbuildddir = $(perlmoddir)/Buildd
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+perlmodbuildd_DATA = \
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0fb1e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# configuration library for buildd
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# Copyright © 2006-2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::UploadQueueConf;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Sbuild::ConfBase;
+use Sbuild::Sysconfig;
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+ @EXPORT = qw(new_hash setup read_hash);
+sub new_hash (@);
+sub setup ($);
+sub read_hash ($$);
+sub new_hash (@) {
+ my %opts = @_;
+ my $queue_config = Sbuild::ConfBase->new(%opts);
+ Buildd::UploadQueueConf::setup($queue_config);
+ Buildd::UploadQueueConf::read_hash($queue_config, $opts{'HASH'});
+ return $queue_config;
+sub setup ($) {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $validate_directory_in_home = sub {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $entry = shift;
+ my $key = $entry->{'NAME'};
+ my $directory = $conf->get($key);
+ my $home_directory = $conf->get('HOME');
+ die "$key directory is not defined"
+ if !defined($directory) || !$directory;
+ die "$key directory '$home_directory/$directory' does not exist"
+ if !-d $home_directory . "/" . $directory;
+ };
+ my %dupload_queue_keys = (
+ CHECK => $validate_directory_in_home,
+ DEFAULT => 'upload'
+ },
+ DEFAULT => 'anonymous-ftp-master'
+ },
+ );
+ $conf->set_allowed_keys(\%dupload_queue_keys);
+ Buildd::ClientConf::setup($conf);
+sub read_hash ($$) {
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $data = shift;
+ for my $key (keys %$data) {
+ $conf->set($key, $data->{$key});
+ }
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..302f5da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# buildd-uploader: upload finished packages for buildd
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# Copyright © 2005 Ryan Murray <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::Uploader;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Buildd qw(lock_file unlock_file unset_env exitstatus send_mail);
+use Buildd::Base;
+use Buildd::Conf qw();
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter Buildd::Base);
+ @EXPORT = qw();
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($conf);
+ bless($self, $class);
+ $self->set('Uploader Lock', undef);
+ $self->set('Uploaded Pkgs', {});
+ $self->open_log();
+ return $self;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unset_env();
+ $self->set('Uploader Lock',
+ lock_file("$main::HOME/buildd-uploader", 1));
+ if (!$self->get('Uploader Lock')) {
+ $self->log("exiting; another buildd-uploader is still running");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ for my $queue_config (@{$self->get_conf('UPLOAD_QUEUES')}) {
+ $self->upload(
+ $queue_config->get('DUPLOAD_LOCAL_QUEUE_DIR'),
+ $queue_config->get('DUPLOAD_ARCHIVE_NAME'));
+ }
+ my $uploaded_pkgs = $self->get('Uploaded Pkgs');
+ foreach my $archdist (keys %{$uploaded_pkgs}) {
+ $self->log("Set to Uploaded($archdist):$uploaded_pkgs->{$archdist}");
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub uploaded ($@) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $pkg = shift;
+ my $arch_name = shift;
+ my $dist_name = shift;
+ my $msgs = "";
+ my $dist_config = $self->get_arch_dist_config_by_name($arch_name, $dist_name);
+ my $db = $self->get_db_handle($dist_config);
+ my $pipe = $db->pipe_query('--uploaded', $pkg);
+ if ($pipe) {
+ while(<$pipe>) {
+ if (!/^(\S+): Propagating new state /) {
+ $msgs .= $_;
+ }
+ }
+ close($pipe);
+ if ($msgs or $?) {
+ $self->log($msgs) if $msgs;
+ $self->log("wanna-build --uploaded failed with status ",
+ exitstatus($?), "\n" )
+ if $?;
+ } else {
+ my $archdist_name = "$arch_name/$dist_name";
+ $self->get('Uploaded Pkgs')->{$archdist_name} .= " $pkg";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self->log("Can't spawn wanna-build --uploaded: $!\n");
+ }
+sub upload ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $udir = shift;
+ my $upload_to = shift;
+ chdir( "$main::HOME/$udir" ) || return;
+ lock_file( "$main::HOME/$udir" );
+ my( $f, $g, @before, @after );
+ foreach $f (<*.changes>) {
+ ($g = $f) =~ s/\.changes$/\.upload/;
+ push( @before, $f ) if ! -f $g;
+ }
+ unlock_file( "$main::HOME/$udir" );
+ if (!@before) {
+ $self->log("Nothing to do for $udir\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ $self->log(scalar(@before), " jobs to upload in $udir: @before\n");
+ foreach $f (@before) {
+ ($g = $f) =~ s/\.changes$/\.upload/;
+ my $logref = $self->do_dupload( $upload_to, $f );
+ if (defined $logref and scalar(@$logref) > 0) {
+ my $line;
+ foreach $line (@$logref) {
+ $self->log($line);
+ }
+ }
+ if ( -f $g ) {
+ if (!open( F, "<$f" )) {
+ $self->log("Cannot open $f: $!\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ my $text;
+ { local($/); undef $/; $text = <F>; }
+ close( F );
+ if ($text !~ /^Architecture:\s*(.*)\s*$/m) {
+ $self->log("$f doesn't have a Architecture: field\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ my @archs = split( /\s+/, $1 );
+ if ($text !~ /^Distribution:\s*(.*)\s*$/m) {
+ $self->log("$f doesn't have a Distribution: field\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ my @dists = split( /\s+/, $1 );
+ my ($version,$source,$pkg);
+ if ($text =~ /^Version:\s*(\S+)\s*$/m) {
+ $version = $1;
+ }
+ if ($text =~ /^Source:\s*(\S+)(?:\s+\(\S+\))?\s*$/m) {
+ $source = $1;
+ }
+ if (defined($version) and defined($source)) {
+ $pkg = "${source}_$version";
+ } else {
+ ($pkg = $f) =~ s/_\S+\.changes$//;
+ }
+ $self->uploaded($pkg, @archs, @dists);
+ } else {
+ push (@after, $f);
+ }
+ }
+ if (@after) {
+ $self->log("The following jobs were not processed (successfully):\n" .
+ "@after\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("dupload successful.\n");
+ }
+ $self->write_stats("uploads", scalar(@before) - scalar(@after));
+sub do_dupload ($@) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $upload_to = shift;
+ my @jobs = @_;
+ my @log;
+ local( *PIPE );
+ my( $current_job, $current_file, @failed, $errs );
+ if (!open( PIPE, "dupload -k --to $upload_to @jobs </dev/null 2>&1 |" )) {
+ return "Cannot spawn dupload: $!";
+ }
+ my $dup_log = "";
+ while( <PIPE> ) {
+ $dup_log .= $_;
+ chomp;
+ if (/^\[ job \S+ from (\S+\.changes)$/) {
+ $current_job = $1;
+ }
+ elsif (/^warning: MD5sum mismatch for (\S+), skipping/i) {
+ my $f = $1;
+ push( @log, "dupload error: md5sum mismatch for $f\n" );
+ $errs .= "md5sum mismatch on file $f ($current_job)\n";
+ push( @failed, $current_job );
+ }
+ elsif (/^\[ Uploading job (\S+)$/) {
+ $current_job = "$1.changes";
+ }
+ elsif (/dupload fatal error: Can't upload (\S+)/i ||
+ /^\s(\S+).*scp: (.*)$/) {
+ my($f, $e) = ($1, $2);
+ push( @log, "dupload error: upload error for $f\n" );
+ push( @log, "($e)\n" ) if $e;
+ $errs .= "upload error on file $f ($current_job)\n";
+ push( @failed, $current_job );
+ }
+ elsif (/Timeout at [\S]+ line [\d]+$/) {
+ $errs .= "upload timeout on file $current_job\n";
+ push( @failed, $current_job );
+ }
+ elsif (/^\s(\S+)\s+[\d.]+ kB /) {
+ $current_file = $1;
+ }
+ }
+ close( PIPE );
+ if ($?) {
+ if (($? >> 8) == 141) {
+ push( @log, "dupload error: SIGPIPE (broken connection)\n" );
+ $errs .= "upload error (broken connection) during ".
+ "file $current_file ($current_job)\n";
+ push( @failed, $current_job );
+ }
+ else {
+ push( @log, "dupload exit status ". exitstatus($?) );
+ $errs .= "dupload exit status ".exitstatus($?)."\n";
+ push( @failed, $current_job );
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (@failed) {
+ my $u = $_;
+ $u =~ s/\.changes$/\.upload/;
+ unlink( $u );
+ push( @log, "Removed $u due to upload errors.\n" );
+ $errs .= "Removed $u to reupload later.\n";
+ }
+ if ($errs) {
+ $errs .= "\nComplete output from dupload:\n\n$dup_log";
+ send_mail($self->get_conf('ADMIN_MAIL'), "dupload errors", $errs);
+ }
+ return \@log;
diff --git a/lib/Buildd/ b/lib/Buildd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd83d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Buildd/
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+# buildd-watcher:
+# Copyright © 1998 Roman Hodek <>
+# Copyright © 2009 Roger Leigh <>
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see
+# <>.
+package Buildd::Watcher;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Buildd qw(send_mail lock_file unlock_file unset_env);
+use Buildd::Conf qw();
+use Buildd::Base;
+use Cwd;
+sub ST_MTIME () { 9 }
+ use Exporter ();
+ our (@ISA, @EXPORT);
+ @ISA = qw(Exporter Buildd::Base);
+ @EXPORT = qw();
+sub new {
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $conf = shift;
+ my $self = $class->SUPER::new($conf);
+ bless($self, $class);
+ $self->set('Fudge', 1/24/6); # 10 minutes in units of a day
+ $self->set('Graph Maxval', {
+ 'builds-per-day' => 100,
+ 'uploads-per-day' => 100,
+ 'failed-per-day' => 50,
+ 'dep-wait-per-day' => 50,
+ 'give-back-per-day' => 50,
+ 'time-per-build' => 10*60*60,
+ 'build-time-percent' => 1,
+ 'idle-time-percent' => 1});
+ $self->open_log();
+ return $self;
+sub run {
+ my $self = shift;
+ unset_env();
+ chdir($self->get_conf('HOME'));
+# check if another watcher is still running
+ my $watcher_pid;
+ if (open( PID, "<watcher-running")) {
+ $watcher_pid = <PID>;
+ close( PID );
+ $watcher_pid =~ /^\s*(\d+)/; $watcher_pid = $1;
+ if (!$watcher_pid || (kill( 0, $watcher_pid ) == 0 && $! == ESRCH)) {
+ $self->log("Ignoring stale watcher-running file (pid $watcher_pid).\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("Another buildd-watcher is still running ".
+ "(pid $watcher_pid) -- exiting.\n");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ open( F, ">" )
+ or die "Can't create $!\n";
+ printf F "%5d\n", $$;
+ close( F );
+ rename( "", "watcher-running" )
+ or die "Can't rename $!\n";
+# check if buildd is still running, restart it if needed.
+ my $restart = 0;
+ my $daemon_pid;
+ if (open( PID, "<" . $self->get_conf('PIDFILE') )) {
+ $daemon_pid = <PID>;
+ close( PID );
+ $daemon_pid =~ /^\s*(\d+)/; $daemon_pid = $1;
+ if (!$daemon_pid || (kill( 0, $daemon_pid ) == 0 && $! == ESRCH)) {
+ $self->log("pid file exists, but process $daemon_pid doesn't exist.\n");
+ $restart = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("daemon not running (no pid file).\n");
+ $restart = 1;
+ }
+# do dir-purges that buildd-mail can't do (is running as nobody, so no sudo)
+ lock_file( "build/PURGE" );
+ my @to_purge = ();
+ if (open( F, "<build/PURGE" )) {
+ @to_purge = <F>;
+ close( F );
+ unlink( "build/PURGE" );
+ chomp( @to_purge );
+ }
+ unlock_file( "build/PURGE" );
+ foreach (@to_purge) {
+ next if ! -d $_;
+ system(qw(sudo rm -rf --), $_);
+ $self->log("Purged $_\n");
+ }
+# cut down mail-errormails file
+ my $now = time;
+ my @em = ();
+ if (open( F, "<mail-errormails" )) {
+ chomp( @em = <F> );
+ close( F );
+ }
+ shift @em while @em && ($now - $em[0]) > $self->get_conf('ERROR_MAIL_WINDOW');
+ if (@em) {
+ open( F, ">mail-errormails" );
+ print F join( "\n", @em ), "\n";
+ close( F );
+ }
+ else {
+ unlink( "mail-errormails" );
+ }
+# check for old stuff in build and upload dirs
+ my %warnfile;
+ my $file;
+ my $dev;
+ my $ino;
+ foreach $file (<upload/*>) {
+ ($dev,$ino) = lstat $file;
+ $warnfile{"$dev:$ino"} = $file if -M $file >= $self->get_conf('WARNING_AGE');
+ }
+ # TODO: Glob is incompatible with modern sbuild, which doesn't use
+ # separate user directories.
+ my $username = $self->get_conf('USERNAME');
+ foreach $file (<build/chroot-*/build/$username/*>) {
+ ($dev,$ino) = lstat $file;
+ if (! -d _ && ! -l _) {
+ $warnfile{"$dev:$ino"} = $file if -C _ >= $self->get_conf('WARNING_AGE');
+ }
+ else {
+ my $warnage = $self->get_conf('WARNING_AGE');
+ my $changed_files =
+ `find $file -ctime -$warnage -print 2>/dev/null`;
+ $warnfile{"$dev:$ino"} = $file if !$changed_files;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach $file (<build/*>) {
+ next if $file =~ m#^build/chroot-[^/]+$#;
+ ($dev,$ino) = lstat $file;
+ if (! -d _ && ! -l _) {
+ $warnfile{"$dev:$ino"} = $file if -C _ >= $self->get_conf('WARNING_AGE');
+ }
+ else {
+ my $warnage = $self->get_conf('WARNING_AGE');
+ my $changed_files =
+ `find $file -ctime -$warnage -print 2>/dev/null`;
+ $warnfile{"$dev:$ino"} = $file if !$changed_files;
+ }
+ }
+ my $nowarnpattern = $self->get_conf('NO_WARN_PATTERN');
+ my @warnings = grep( !/$nowarnpattern/, sort values %warnfile );
+ if (@warnings) {
+ my %reported;
+ my @do_warn;
+ if (open( W, "<reported-old-files" )) {
+ while( <W> ) {
+ next if !/^(\S+)\s+(\d+)$/;
+ $reported{$1} = $2;
+ }
+ close( W );
+ }
+ foreach (@warnings) {
+ if (!exists($reported{$_}) ||
+ ($now - $reported{$_}) >= $self->get_conf('WARNING_AGE')*24*60*60) {
+ push( @do_warn, $_ );
+ $reported{$_} = $now;
+ }
+ }
+ my $old_umask = umask 007;
+ open( W, ">reported-old-files" )
+ or die "Can't create/write reported-old-files: $!\n";
+ foreach (keys %reported) {
+ print W "$_ $reported{$_}\n" if -e $_ || -l $_;
+ }
+ close( W );
+ umask $old_umask;
+ send_mail( $self->get_conf('ADMIN_MAIL'), "buildd-watcher found some old files",
+ "buildd-watcher has found some old files or directories in\n".
+ "~buildd/upload and/or ~buildd/build. Those are:\n\n ".
+ join( "\n ", @do_warn ). "\n\n".
+ "Please have a look at them and remove them if ".
+ "they're obsolete.\n" )
+ if @do_warn;
+ }
+# archive old package/build log files
+ $self->archive_logs( "logs", "*", "old-logs/plog", $self->get_conf('PKG_LOG_KEEP') );
+ $self->archive_logs( "build", "build-*.log", "old-logs/blog", $self->get_conf('BUILD_LOG_KEEP') );
+# rotate daemon's log file
+ if (!-f "old-logs/daemon-stamp" ||
+ -M "old-logs/daemon-stamp" > $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_ROTATE')-$self->get('Fudge')) {
+ $self->log("Rotating daemon log file\n");
+ system(qw(touch old-logs/daemon-stamp));
+ my $d = $self->format_time(time);
+ if (-f $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_FILE') . ".old") {
+ system(qw(mv --), $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_FILE') . '.old', "old-logs/daemon-$d.log");
+ system(qw(gzip -9), "old-logs/daemon-$d.log");
+ }
+ rename( $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_FILE'),
+ $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_FILE') . ".old" );
+ my $old_umask = umask 0007;
+ system(qw(touch --), $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_FILE'));
+ umask $old_umask;
+ kill( 1, $daemon_pid ) if $daemon_pid;
+ $self->reopen_log();
+ if ($self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_SEND')) {
+ my $text;
+ open( F, "<" . $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_FILE') . ".old" );
+ { local($/); undef $/; $text = <F>; }
+ close( F );
+ send_mail( $self->get_conf('ADMIN_MAIL'), "Build Daemon Log $d", $text );
+ }
+ }
+ $self->archive_logs( "old-logs", "daemon-*.log.gz", "old-logs/dlog", $self->get_conf('DAEMON_LOG_KEEP') );
+# make buildd statistics
+ if (!-f "stats/Stamp" ||
+ -M "stats/Stamp" > $self->get_conf('STATISTICS_PERIOD')-$self->get('Fudge')) {
+ $self->log("Making buildd statistics\n");
+ lock_file( "stats" );
+ my $lasttime = 0;
+ if (open( F, "<stats/Stamp" )) {
+ chomp( $lasttime = <F> );
+ close( F );
+ }
+ my $now = time;
+ $self->make_statistics( $lasttime, $now );
+ open( F, ">stats/Stamp" );
+ print F "$now\n";
+ close( F );
+ unlock_file( "stats" );
+ my $text;
+ open( F, "<stats/Summary" );
+ { local($/); undef $/; $text = <F>; }
+ close( F );
+ send_mail( $self->get_conf('STATISTICS_MAIL'), "Build Daemon Statistics", $text );
+ }
+ if ($restart) {
+ if (-f "NO-DAEMON-PLEASE") {
+ $self->log("NO-DAEMON-PLEASE exists, not starting daemon\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->close_log();
+ unlink ("watcher-running");
+ exec "buildd";
+ }
+ }
+ unlink ("watcher-running");
+ return 0;
+sub archive_logs ($$$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my $pattern = shift;
+ my $destpat = shift;
+ my $minage = shift;
+ my( $olddir, $file, @todo, $oldest, $newest, $oldt, $newt );
+ return if -f "$destpat-stamp" && -M "$destpat-stamp" < $minage-$self->get('Fudge');
+ $self->log("Archiving logs in $dir:\n");
+ system(qw(touch --), "$destpat-stamp");
+ $olddir = cwd;
+ chdir( $dir );
+ $oldest = LONG_MAX;
+ $newest = 0;
+ foreach $file (glob($pattern)) {
+ if (-M $file >= $minage) {
+ push( @todo, $file );
+ my $modtime = (stat(_))[ST_MTIME];
+ $oldest = $modtime if $oldest > $modtime;
+ $newest = $modtime if $newest < $modtime;
+ }
+ }
+ if (@todo) {
+ $oldt = $self->format_time($oldest);
+ $newt = $self->format_time($newest);
+ $file = $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/$destpat-$oldt-$newt.tar";
+ system(qw(tar cf), $file, '--', @todo);
+ system(qw(gzip -9 --), $file);
+ if ($dir eq "logs") {
+ local (*F);
+ my $index = $self->get_conf('HOME') . "/$destpat-$oldt-$newt.index";
+ if (open( F, ">$index" )) {
+ print F join( "\n", @todo ), "\n";
+ close( F );
+ }
+ }
+ unlink( @todo );
+ $self->log("Archived ", scalar(@todo), " files from $oldt to $newt\n");
+ }
+ else {
+ $self->log("No files to archive\n");
+ }
+ chdir( $olddir );
+sub make_statistics ($$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $start_time = shift;
+ my $end_time = shift;
+ my @svars = qw(taken builds uploads failed dep-wait no-build
+ give-back idle-time build-time remove-time
+ install-download-time);
+ my ($s_taken, $s_builds, $s_uploads, $s_failed, $s_dep_wait,
+ $s_no_build, $s_give_back, $s_idle_time, $s_build_time,
+ $s_remove_time, $s_install_download_time);
+ local( *F, *G, *OUT );
+ my $var;
+ foreach $var (@svars) {
+ my $svar = "s_$var";
+ $svar =~ s/-/_/g;
+ eval "\$$svar = 0;";
+ if (-f "stats/$var") {
+ if (!open( F, "<stats/$var" )) {
+ $self->log("can't open stats/$var: $!\n");
+ next;
+ }
+ my $n = 0;
+ while( <F> ) {
+ chomp;
+ $n += $_;
+ }
+ close( F );
+ eval "\$$svar = $n;";
+ unlink( "stats/$var" );
+ }
+ }
+ my $total_time = $end_time - $start_time;
+ my $days = $total_time / (24*60*60);
+ if (!open( OUT, ">stats/Summary" )) {
+ $self->log("Can't create stats/Summary: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ printf OUT "Build daemon statistics from %s to %s (%3.2f days):\n\n",
+ $self->format_time($start_time), $self->format_time($end_time), $days;
+ print OUT " #packages % of taken pkgs/day\n";
+ print OUT "-------------------------------------------\n";
+ printf OUT "taken : %5d %7.2f\n",
+ $s_taken, $s_taken/$days;
+ printf OUT "builds : %5d %7.2f%% %7.2f\n",
+ $s_builds, $s_taken ? $s_builds*100/$s_taken : 0, $s_builds/$days;
+ printf OUT "uploaded : %5d %7.2f%% %7.2f\n",
+ $s_uploads, $s_taken ? $s_uploads*100/$s_taken : 0, $s_uploads/$days;
+ printf OUT "failed : %5d %7.2f%% %7.2f\n",
+ $s_failed, $s_taken ? $s_failed*100/$s_taken : 0, $s_failed/$days;
+ printf OUT "dep-wait : %5d %7.2f%% %7.2f\n",
+ $s_dep_wait, $s_taken ? $s_dep_wait*100/$s_taken : 0, $s_dep_wait/$days;
+ printf OUT "give-back: %5d %7.2f%% %7.2f\n",
+ $s_give_back, $s_taken ? $s_give_back*100/$s_taken : 0, $s_give_back/$days;
+ printf OUT "no-build : %5d %7.2f%% %7.2f\n",
+ $s_no_build, $s_taken ? $s_no_build*100/$s_taken : 0, $s_no_build/$days;
+ print OUT "\n";
+ print OUT " time % of total\n";
+ print OUT "----------------------------------\n";
+ printf OUT "building: %s %7.2f%%\n",
+ $self->print_time($s_build_time), $s_build_time*100/$total_time;
+ printf OUT "install : %s %7.2f%%\n",
+ $self->print_time($s_install_download_time), $s_install_download_time*100/$total_time;
+ printf OUT "removing: %s %7.2f%%\n",
+ $self->print_time($s_remove_time), $s_remove_time*100/$total_time;
+ printf OUT "idle : %s %7.2f%%\n",
+ $self->print_time($s_idle_time), $s_idle_time*100/$total_time;
+ printf OUT "total : %s\n", $self->print_time($total_time);
+ print OUT "\n";
+ my $proc = $s_uploads+$s_failed+$s_dep_wait+$s_no_build+$s_give_back;
+ printf OUT "processed package (upl+fail+dep+nob): %7d\n", $proc;
+ printf OUT "slipped (proc-taken) : %7d\n", $proc-$s_taken;
+ printf OUT "builds/taken package : %7.2f\n",
+ $s_builds/$s_taken
+ if $s_taken;
+ printf OUT "avg. time/taken package : %s\n",
+ $self->print_time($s_build_time/$s_taken)
+ if $s_taken;
+ printf OUT "avg. time/processed package : %s\n",
+ $self->print_time($s_build_time/$proc)
+ if $proc;
+ printf OUT "avg. time/build : %s\n",
+ $self->print_time($s_build_time/$s_builds)
+ if $s_builds;
+ print OUT "\n";
+ my $date = $self->format_date(time);
+ $self->print_graph( $s_builds/$days, $date, "builds-per-day" );
+ $self->print_graph( $s_uploads/$days, $date, "uploads-per-day" );
+ $self->print_graph( $s_failed/$days, $date, "failed-per-day" );
+ $self->print_graph( $s_dep_wait/$days, $date, "dep-wait-per-day" );
+ $self->print_graph( $s_give_back/$days, $date, "give-back-per-day" );
+ $self->print_graph( $s_build_time/$s_builds, $date, "time-per-build" )
+ if $s_builds;
+ $self->print_graph( $s_build_time/$total_time, $date, "build-time-percent" );
+ $self->print_graph( $s_idle_time/$total_time, $date, "idle-time-percent" );
+ my $g;
+ my $graph_maxval = $self->get('Graph Maxval');
+ foreach $g (keys %{$graph_maxval}) {
+ next if !open( G, "<stats/graphs/$g" );
+ print OUT "$g (max. $graph_maxval->{$g}):\n\n";
+ while( <G> ) {
+ print OUT $_;
+ }
+ close( G );
+ print OUT "\n";
+ }
+ close( OUT );
+sub print_time ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $t = shift;
+ my $str = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", int($t/3600), int(($t%3600)/60),
+ int($t%60);
+ $str = " "x(10-length($str)) . $str;
+ return $str;
+sub print_graph ($$$) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $val = shift;
+ my $date = shift;
+ my $graph = shift;
+ my $width = 72;
+ local( *G );
+ my $graph_maxval = $self->get('Graph Maxval');
+ if (!exists $graph_maxval->{$graph}) {
+ $self->log("Unknown graph $graph\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!open( G, ">>stats/graphs/$graph" )) {
+ $self->log("Can't create stats/graphs/$graph: $!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ $val = int( $val*$width/$graph_maxval->{$graph} + 0.5 );
+ my $str = $val > $width ? "*"x($width-1)."+" : "*"x$val;
+ $date = substr( $date, 0, 6 );
+ $date .= " " x (6-length($date));
+ print G "$date $str\n";
+ close( G );
+sub format_time ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $t = shift;
+ my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = localtime($t);
+ return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d",
+ $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min;
+sub format_date ($) {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $t = shift;
+ my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday) = localtime($t);
+ return sprintf "%02d%02d%02d", $year%100, $mon+1, $mday;