---------------------------- What's new in screen-3.6 ? ---------------------------- * Input translation! This makes the vt100 emulation complete. As an addition it is now possible to bind any command to any (function-) key. See the man page for more details (bindkey command). * Status line support. Each window can have a different status line. Use the ANSI APC string to set the status line, i.e.: _\ (For convenience the xterm sequence is also accepted.) You may want to add termcap * '' ':hs:ts=\E_:fs=\E\\:ds=\E_\E\\:' terminfo * '' ':hs:ts=\E_:fs=\E\\:ds=\E_\E\\:' to your ~/.screenrc to make screen advertise the hardstatus support. * Zombie feature added. Windows now may generate a message (with a timestamp) if they die and stay around until the user presses a key. * New paste syntax: Paste can now concatenate registers and paste either on screen or in another register. This makes the old "ins_reg", "copy_reg" commands obsolete. * More architectures supported. Screen now runs on AIX3.2.5, Solaris, NeXT and some other exotic platforms. * Kanji support added. Screen understands JIS, EUC and SJIS coding. This is an experimental feature. * GR charset switching (ISO 2022) implemented. Can be enabled with the "gr" command. * C1 sequences implemented (see the "c1" command). * Tek support from Xiaoguang Zhang. Apply tek.patch if you want to make screen pass tek sequences. * List of new commands: bindkey, c1, command, defc1, defgr, defkanji, gr, kanji, mapdefault, mapnotnext, maptimeout, pastefont, printcmd, readreg, stuff, zombie * Lots of other bugs fixed.