'\" t .\" Title: usermod .\" Author: Julianne Frances Haugh .\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets vsnapshot .\" Date: 06/21/2024 .\" Manual: System Management Commands .\" Source: shadow-utils 4.15.2 .\" Language: Russian .\" .TH "usermod" "8" "06/21/2024" "shadow\-utils 4\&.15\&.2" "System Management Commands" .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * Define some portability stuff .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .\" http://bugs.debian.org/507673 .\" http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/groff/2009-02/msg00013.html .\" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .ie \n(.g .ds Aq \(aq .el .ds Aq ' .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * set default formatting .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" disable hyphenation .nh .\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only) .ad l .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .\" * MAIN CONTENT STARTS HERE * .\" ----------------------------------------------------------------- .SH "НАЗВАНИЕ" usermod \- изменяет учётную запись пользователя .SH "СИНТАКСИС" .HP \w'\fBusermod\fR\ 'u \fBusermod\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fILOGIN\fR .SH "ОПИСАНИЕ" .PP The \fBusermod\fR command modifies the system account files\&. .SH "ПАРАМЕТРЫ" .PP The options which apply to the \fBusermod\fR command are: .PP \fB\-a\fR, \fB\-\-append\fR .RS 4 Add the user to the supplementary group(s)\&. Use only with the \fB\-G\fR option\&. .RE .PP \fB\-b\fR, \fB\-\-badname\fR .RS 4 Allow names that do not conform to standards\&. .RE .PP \fB\-c\fR, \fB\-\-comment\fR\ \&\fICOMMENT\fR .RS 4 update the comment field of the user in /etc/passwd, which is normally modified using the \fBchfn\fR(1) utility\&. .RE .PP \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-home\fR\ \&\fIHOME_DIR\fR .RS 4 Домашний каталог нового пользователя\&. .sp If the \fB\-m\fR option is given, the contents of the current home directory will be moved to the new home directory, which is created if it does not already exist\&. If the current home directory does not exist the new home directory will not be created\&. .RE .PP \fB\-e\fR, \fB\-\-expiredate\fR\ \&\fIEXPIRE_DATE\fR .RS 4 The date on which the user account will be disabled\&. The date is specified in the format \fIYYYY\-MM\-DD\fR\&. Integers as input are interpreted as days after 1970\-01\-01\&. .sp An input of \-1 or an empty string will blank the account expiration field in the shadow password file\&. The account will remain available with no date limit\&. .sp This option requires a /etc/shadow file\&. A /etc/shadow entry will be created if there were none\&. .RE .PP \fB\-f\fR, \fB\-\-inactive\fR\ \&\fIINACTIVE\fR .RS 4 defines the number of days after the password exceeded its maximum age during which the user may still login by immediately replacing the password\&. This grace period before the account becomes inactive is stored in the shadow password file\&. An input of 0 will disable an expired password with no delay\&. An input of \-1 will blank the respective field in the shadow password file\&. See \fBshadow\fR(5) for more information\&. .sp This option requires a /etc/shadow file\&. A /etc/shadow entry will be created if there were none\&. .RE .PP \fB\-g\fR, \fB\-\-gid\fR\ \&\fIGROUP\fR .RS 4 The name or numerical ID of the user\*(Aqs new primary group\&. The group must exist\&. .sp Все файлы в домашнем каталоге пользователя, принадлежавшие предыдущей первичной группе пользователя, будут принадлежать новой группе\&. .sp Группового владельца файлов вне домашнего каталога нужно изменить вручную\&. .sp The change of the group ownership of files inside of the user\*(Aqs home directory is also not done if the home dir owner uid is different from the current or new user id\&. This is a safety measure for special home directories such as /\&. .RE .PP \fB\-G\fR, \fB\-\-groups\fR\ \&\fIGROUP1\fR[\fI,GROUP2,\&.\&.\&.\fR[\fI,GROUPN\fR]]] .RS 4 A list of supplementary groups which the user is also a member of\&. Each group is separated from the next by a comma, with no intervening whitespace\&. The groups must exist\&. .sp If the user is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group\&. This behaviour can be changed via the \fB\-a\fR option, which appends the user to the current supplementary group list\&. .RE .PP \fB\-l\fR, \fB\-\-login\fR\ \&\fINEW_LOGIN\fR .RS 4 The name of the user will be changed from \fILOGIN\fR to \fINEW_LOGIN\fR\&. Nothing else is changed\&. In particular, the user\*(Aqs home directory or mail spool should probably be renamed manually to reflect the new login name\&. .RE .PP \fB\-L\fR, \fB\-\-lock\fR .RS 4 Lock a user\*(Aqs password\&. This puts a \*(Aq!\*(Aq in front of the encrypted password, effectively disabling the password\&. You can\*(Aqt use this option with \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-U\fR\&. .sp Note: if you wish to lock the account (not only access with a password), you should also set the \fIEXPIRE_DATE\fR to \fI1\fR\&. .RE .PP \fB\-m\fR, \fB\-\-move\-home\fR .RS 4 moves the content of the user\*(Aqs home directory to the new location\&. If the current home directory does not exist the new home directory will not be created\&. .sp This option is only valid in combination with the \fB\-d\fR (or \fB\-\-home\fR) option\&. .sp \fBusermod\fR will try to adapt the ownership of the files and to copy the modes, ACL and extended attributes, but manual changes might be needed afterwards\&. .RE .PP \fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-non\-unique\fR .RS 4 allows to change the user ID to a non\-unique value\&. .sp This option is only valid in combination with the \fB\-u\fR option\&. As a user identity serves as key to map between users on one hand and permissions, file ownerships and other aspects that determine the system\*(Aqs behavior on the other hand, more than one login name will access the account of the given UID\&. .RE .PP \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-password\fR\ \&\fIPASSWORD\fR .RS 4 defines a new password for the user\&. PASSWORD is expected to be encrypted, as returned by \fBcrypt \fR(3)\&. .sp \fBNote:\fR Avoid this option on the command line because the password (or encrypted password) will be visible by users listing the processes\&. .sp Вы должны проверить, что пароль соответствует политике системных паролей\&. .RE .PP \fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-remove\fR .RS 4 Remove the user from named supplementary group(s)\&. Use only with the \fB\-G\fR option\&. .RE .PP \fB\-R\fR, \fB\-\-root\fR\ \&\fICHROOT_DIR\fR .RS 4 Apply changes in the \fICHROOT_DIR\fR directory and use the configuration files from the \fICHROOT_DIR\fR directory\&. Only absolute paths are supported\&. .RE .PP \fB\-P\fR, \fB\-\-prefix\fR\ \&\fIPREFIX_DIR\fR .RS 4 Apply changes within the directory tree starting with \fIPREFIX_DIR\fR and use as well the configuration files located there\&. This option does not chroot and is intended for preparing a cross\-compilation target\&. Some limitations: NIS and LDAP users/groups are not verified\&. PAM authentication is using the host files\&. No SELINUX support\&. .RE .PP \fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-shell\fR\ \&\fISHELL\fR .RS 4 changes the user\*(Aqs login shell\&. An empty string for SHELL blanks the field in /etc/passwd and logs the user into the system\*(Aqs default shell\&. .RE .PP \fB\-u\fR, \fB\-\-uid\fR\ \&\fIUID\fR .RS 4 The new value of the user\*(Aqs ID\&. .sp This value must be unique, unless the \fB\-o\fR option is used\&. The value must be non\-negative\&. .sp Для почтового ящика и всех файлов, которыми владеет пользователь и которые расположены в его домашнем каталоге, идентификатор владельца файла будет изменён автоматически\&. .sp Для файлов, расположенных вне домашнего каталога, идентификатор нужно изменять вручную\&. .sp The change of the user ownership of files inside of the user\*(Aqs home directory is also not done if the home dir owner uid is different from the current or new user id\&. This is a safety measure for special home directories such as /\&. .sp No checks will be performed with regard to the \fBUID_MIN\fR, \fBUID_MAX\fR, \fBSYS_UID_MIN\fR, or \fBSYS_UID_MAX\fR from /etc/login\&.defs\&. .RE .PP \fB\-U\fR, \fB\-\-unlock\fR .RS 4 Unlock a user\*(Aqs password\&. This removes the \*(Aq!\*(Aq in front of the encrypted password\&. You can\*(Aqt use this option with \fB\-p\fR or \fB\-L\fR\&. .sp Note: if you wish to unlock the account (not only access with a password), you should also set the \fIEXPIRE_DATE\fR (for example to \fI99999\fR, or to the \fBEXPIRE\fR value from /etc/default/useradd)\&. .RE .PP \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-add\-subuids\fR\ \&\fIFIRST\fR\-\fILAST\fR .RS 4 Add a range of subordinate uids to the user\*(Aqs account\&. .sp This option may be specified multiple times to add multiple ranges to a user\*(Aqs account\&. .sp No checks will be performed with regard to \fBSUB_UID_MIN\fR, \fBSUB_UID_MAX\fR, or \fBSUB_UID_COUNT\fR from /etc/login\&.defs\&. .RE .PP \fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-del\-subuids\fR\ \&\fIFIRST\fR\-\fILAST\fR .RS 4 Remove a range of subordinate uids from the user\*(Aqs account\&. .sp This option may be specified multiple times to remove multiple ranges to a user\*(Aqs account\&. When both \fB\-\-del\-subuids\fR and \fB\-\-add\-subuids\fR are specified, the removal of all subordinate uid ranges happens before any subordinate uid range is added\&. .sp No checks will be performed with regard to \fBSUB_UID_MIN\fR, \fBSUB_UID_MAX\fR, or \fBSUB_UID_COUNT\fR from /etc/login\&.defs\&. .RE .PP \fB\-w\fR, \fB\-\-add\-subgids\fR\ \&\fIFIRST\fR\-\fILAST\fR .RS 4 Add a range of subordinate gids to the user\*(Aqs account\&. .sp This option may be specified multiple times to add multiple ranges to a user\*(Aqs account\&. .sp No checks will be performed with regard to \fBSUB_GID_MIN\fR, \fBSUB_GID_MAX\fR, or \fBSUB_GID_COUNT\fR from /etc/login\&.defs\&. .RE .PP \fB\-W\fR, \fB\-\-del\-subgids\fR\ \&\fIFIRST\fR\-\fILAST\fR .RS 4 Remove a range of subordinate gids from the user\*(Aqs account\&. .sp This option may be specified multiple times to remove multiple ranges to a user\*(Aqs account\&. When both \fB\-\-del\-subgids\fR and \fB\-\-add\-subgids\fR are specified, the removal of all subordinate gid ranges happens before any subordinate gid range is added\&. .sp No checks will be performed with regard to \fBSUB_GID_MIN\fR, \fBSUB_GID_MAX\fR, or \fBSUB_GID_COUNT\fR from /etc/login\&.defs\&. .RE .PP \fB\-Z\fR, \fB\-\-selinux\-user\fR\ \&\fISEUSER\fR .RS 4 defines the SELinux user to be mapped with \fILOGIN\fR\&. An empty string ("") will remove the respective entry (if any)\&. Note that the shadow system doesn\*(Aqt store the selinux\-user, it uses semanage(8) for that\&. .RE .PP \fB\-\-selinux\-range\fR\ \&\fISERANGE\fR .RS 4 defines the SELinux MLS range for the new account\&. Note that the shadow system doesn\*(Aqt store the selinux\-range, it uses \fBsemanage\fR(8) for that\&. .sp This option is only valid if the \fB\-Z\fR (or \fB\-\-selinux\-user\fR) option is specified\&. .RE .SH "ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЯ" .PP You must make certain that the named user is not executing any processes when this command is being executed if the user\*(Aqs numerical user ID, the user\*(Aqs name, or the user\*(Aqs home directory is being changed\&. \fBusermod\fR checks this on Linux\&. On other operating systems it only uses utmp to check if the user is logged in\&. .PP You must change the owner of any \fBcrontab\fR files or \fBat\fR jobs manually\&. .PP Вы должны сделать все изменения NIS на сервере NIS самостоятельно\&. .SH "НАСТРОЙКА" .PP The following configuration variables in /etc/login\&.defs change the behavior of this tool: .SH "ФАЙЛЫ" .PP /etc/group .RS 4 Group account information .RE .PP /etc/gshadow .RS 4 Secure group account information .RE .PP /etc/login\&.defs .RS 4 Shadow password suite configuration .RE .PP /etc/passwd .RS 4 User account information .RE .PP /etc/shadow .RS 4 Secure user account information .RE .PP /etc/subgid .RS 4 Per user subordinate group IDs .RE .PP /etc/subuid .RS 4 Per user subordinate user IDs .RE .SH "СМОТРИТЕ ТАКЖЕ" .PP \fBchfn\fR(1), \fBchsh\fR(1), \fBpasswd\fR(1), \fBcrypt\fR(3), \fBgpasswd\fR(8), \fBgroupadd\fR(8), \fBgroupdel\fR(8), \fBgroupmod\fR(8), \fBlogin.defs\fR(5), \fBsubgid\fR(5), \fBsubuid\fR(5), \fBuseradd\fR(8), \fBuserdel\fR(8)\&.