smartmontools for Debian ------------------------ Disabling the service --------------------- By default smartmontools service is starting automatically. To disable the service on Systemd: sudo systemctl disable smartmontools.service on SysV: sudo update-rc.d smartmontools disable update-smart-drivedb -------------------- There were number of tickets discussing removal of "update-smart-drivedb" utility (#894534, #824795, #804299, #85404). Maintainer's position is to provide this utility. If admin (i.e. root) decides to service they system then they can download drivedb manually using browser or a download utility. Upstream provides "update-smart-drivedb" as a _glove_ to protect admin from mistakes and since 7.0 script uses GPG to ensure integrity of the downloaded database. Maintainer assumes that admins understand risks of using "update-smart-drivedb" utility and that updating drivedb is better to be done with this utility rather than without it. Maintainer advises to update drivedb _only when necessary_. Notes ----- Don't use enable_smart for any disk monitored by smartd, this is likely to cause problems, especially for SATA (see e.g. Package Maintainers and system administrators can put scripts to be run when smartd detects an error into /etc/smartmontools/run.d. These scripts will be run by smartd-runner using run-parts(8). The script will receive the filename of the file containing the errormessage as first parameter. See /etc/smartmontools/run.d/10mail for an example. Upstream recommends running short self tests every day and long self tests once per week. Please read -- Guido Guenther , Wen, 03 May 2006 21:47:00 +0000