path: root/docs/demo/demo.rst
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:56:50 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:56:50 +0000
commit6637322c8ab1c5ff80a2b6ca59c9ba1d40aeba2c (patch)
tree04e41667e9eae835f5d88bda4f6d3f5c2664de01 /docs/demo/demo.rst
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 2.0.0+dfsg.upstream/2.0.0+dfsgupstream
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/demo/demo.rst')
1 files changed, 477 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/demo/demo.rst b/docs/demo/demo.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f470d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/demo/demo.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
+.. This is a comment. Note how any initial comments are moved by
+ transforms to after the document title, subtitle, and docinfo.
+.. demo.rst from:
+.. |EXAMPLE| image:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg
+ :width: 1em
+Paragraph Level Markup
+.. contents:: Table of Contents
+Inline Markup
+Paragraphs contain text and may contain inline markup: *emphasis*, **strong emphasis**, ``inline literals``,
+standalone hyperlinks (, external hyperlinks (Python_), internal cross-references (example_),
+external hyperlinks with embedded URIs (`Python web site <>`__), footnote references
+(manually numbered [1]_, anonymous auto-numbered [#]_, labeled auto-numbered [#label]_, or symbolic [*]_),
+citation references ([12]_), substitution references (|example|), and _`inline hyperlink targets`
+(see Targets_ below for a reference back to here). Character-level inline markup is also possible
+(although exceedingly ugly!) in *re*\ ``Structured``\ *Text*. Problems are indicated by |problematic|
+text (generated by processing errors; this one is intentional).
+Also with ``sphinx.ext.autodoc``, which I use in the demo, I can link to :class:`test_py_module.test.Foo`.
+It will link you right to my code documentation for it.
+The default role for [1]_ interpreted text is `Title Reference`. Here are some explicit interpreted text roles:
+a PEP reference (:PEP:`287`); an RFC reference (:RFC:`2822`); a :sub:`subscript`; a :sup:`superscript`;
+and explicit roles for :emphasis:`standard` :strong:`inline` :literal:`markup`.
+GUI labels are a useful way to indicate that :guilabel:`Some action` is to be taken by the user.
+The GUI label should not run over ``line-height`` so as not to :guilabel:`interfere` with text from adjacent lines.
+Key-bindings indicate that [1]_ the read is to press a button on the keyboard or mouse,
+for example :kbd:`MMB` and :kbd:`Shift-MMB`. Another useful markup to indicate a user action
+is to use ``menuselection`` this [1]_ can [1]_ be [1]_ used [1]_ to [1]_ show [1]_ short [1]_ and long menus in software.
+For example, and ``menuselection`` can be seen here that breaks is too long to fit on this line.
+:menuselection:`My --> Software --> Some menu --> Some sub menu 1 --> sub menu 2`.
+Let's test wrapping and whitespace significance in inline literals:
+``This is an example of --inline-literal --text, --including some--
+strangely--hyphenated-words. Adjust-the-width-of-your-browser-window
+to see how the text is wrapped. -- ---- -------- Now note the
+spacing between the words of this sentence (words
+should be grouped in pairs).``
+If the ``--pep-references`` option was supplied, there should be a live link to PEP 258 here.
+.. regression test for
+Very long URLs should be wrapped so lines do not overflow and cause horizontal scrolling:
+This is a test. Here is an equation:
+:math:`X_{0:5} = (X_0, X_1, X_2, X_3, X_4)`.
+Here is another:
+.. math::
+ :label: This is a label
+ \nabla^2 f =
+ \frac{1}{r^2} \frac{\partial}{\partial r}
+ \left( r^2 \frac{\partial f}{\partial r} \right) +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin \theta} \frac{\partial f}{\partial \theta}
+ \left( \sin \theta \, \frac{\partial f}{\partial \theta} \right) +
+ \frac{1}{r^2 \sin^2\theta} \frac{\partial^2 f}{\partial \phi^2}
+You can add a link to equations like the one above :eq:`This is a label` by using ``:eq:``.
+.. meta::
+ :keywords: reStructuredText, demonstration, demo, parser
+ :description lang=en: A demonstration of the reStructuredText
+ markup language, containing examples of all basic
+ constructs and many advanced constructs.
+Literal Blocks
+Literal blocks are indicated with a double-colon ("::") at the end of
+the preceding paragraph (over there ``-->``). They can be indented::
+ if literal_block:
+ text = 'is left as-is'
+ spaces_and_linebreaks = 'are preserved'
+ markup_processing = None
+Or they can be quoted without indentation::
+>> Great idea!
+> Why didn't I think of that?
+Line Blocks
+| This is a line block. It ends with a blank line.
+| Each new line begins with a vertical bar ("|").
+| Line breaks and initial indents are preserved.
+| Continuation lines are wrapped portions of long lines;
+ they begin with a space in place of the vertical bar.
+| The left edge of a continuation line need not be aligned with
+ the left edge of the text above it.
+| This is a second line block.
+| Blank lines are permitted internally, but they must begin with a "|".
+Take it away, Eric the Orchestra Leader!
+ | A one, two, a one two three four
+ |
+ | Half a bee, philosophically,
+ | must, *ipso facto*, half not be.
+ | But half the bee has got to be,
+ | *vis a vis* its entity. D'you see?
+ |
+ | But can a bee be said to be
+ | or not to be an entire bee,
+ | when half the bee is not a bee,
+ | due to some ancient injury?
+ |
+ | Singing...
+Block Quotes
+Block quotes consist of indented body elements:
+ My theory by A. Elk. Brackets Miss, brackets. This theory goes
+ as follows and begins now. All brontosauruses are thin at one
+ end, much much thicker in the middle and then thin again at the
+ far end. That is my theory, it is mine, and belongs to me and I
+ own it, and what it is too.
+ -- Anne Elk (Miss)
+Doctest Blocks
+>>> print 'Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"'
+Python-specific usage examples; begun with ">>>"
+>>> print '(cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)'
+(cut and pasted from interactive Python sessions)
+Code Blocks
+.. parsed-literal::
+ # parsed-literal test
+ curl -O http://someurl/release-|version|.tar-gz
+.. code-block:: json
+ :caption: Code Blocks can have captions.
+ {
+ "windows": [
+ {
+ "panes": [
+ {
+ "shell_command": [
+ "echo 'did you know'",
+ "echo 'you can inline'"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "shell_command": "echo 'single commands'"
+ },
+ "echo 'for panes'"
+ ],
+ "window_name": "long form"
+ }
+ ],
+ "session_name": "shorthands"
+ }
+Emphasized lines with line numbers
+.. code-block:: python
+ :linenos:
+ :emphasize-lines: 3,5
+ def some_function():
+ interesting = False
+ print 'This line is highlighted.'
+ print 'This one is not...'
+ print '...but this one is.'
+.. sidebar:: Ch'ien / The Creative
+ .. image:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg
+The first hexagram is made up of six unbroken lines. These unbroken lines stand for the primal power,
+which is light-giving, active, strong, and of the spirit. The hexagram is consistently strong in character,
+and since it is without weakness, its essence is power or energy. Its image is heaven.
+Its energy is represented as unrestricted by any fixed conditions in space and is therefore conceived of as motion.
+Time is regarded as the basis of this motion.
+Thus the hexagram includes also the power of time and the power of persisting in time, that is, duration.
+The power represented by the hexagram is to be interpreted in a dual sense in terms of its action
+on the universe and of its action on the world of men. In relation to the universe, the hexagram expresses the strong,
+creative action of the Deity. In relation to the human world, it denotes the creative action of the holy man or sage,
+of the ruler or leader of men, who through his power awakens and develops their higher nature.
+Code with Sidebar
+.. sidebar:: A code example
+ With a sidebar on the right.
+.. literalinclude:: test_py_module/
+ :language: python
+ :caption: Literal includes can also have captions.
+ :linenos:
+ :lines: 1-40
+.. [1] A footnote contains body elements, consistently indented by at
+ least 3 spaces.
+ This is the footnote's second paragraph.
+.. [#label] Footnotes may be numbered, either manually (as in [1]_) or
+ automatically using a "#"-prefixed label. This footnote has a
+ label so it can be referred to from multiple places, both as a
+ footnote reference ([#label]_) and as a hyperlink reference
+ (label_).
+.. [#] This footnote is numbered automatically and anonymously using a
+ label of "#" only.
+.. [*] Footnotes may also use symbols, specified with a "*" label.
+ Here's a reference to the next footnote: [*]_.
+.. [*] This footnote shows the next symbol in the sequence.
+.. [4] Here's an unreferenced footnote, with a reference to a
+ nonexistent footnote: [5]_.
+.. [Citation] This is the citation I made, let's make this extremely long so that we can tell that it doesn't follow the normal responsive table stuff.
+.. [12] This citation has some ``code blocks`` in it, maybe some **bold** and
+ *italics* too. Heck, lets put a link to a meta citation [13]_ too.
+.. [13] This citation will have two backlinks.
+Here's a reference to the above, [Citation]_, and a [nonexistent]_ citation.
+This is a glossary with definition terms for thing like :term:`Writing`:
+.. glossary::
+ Documentation
+ Provides users with the knowledge they need to use something.
+ Reading
+ The process of taking information into ones mind through the use of eyes.
+ Writing
+ The process of putting thoughts into a medium for other people to :term:`read <Reading>`.
+.. _example:
+This paragraph is pointed to by the explicit "example" target.
+A reference can be found under `Inline Markup`_, above. `Inline
+hyperlink targets`_ are also possible.
+Section headers are implicit targets, referred to by name. See
+Targets_, which is a subsection of `References`_.
+Explicit external targets are interpolated into references such as "Python_".
+.. _Python:
+Targets may be indirect and anonymous. Thus `this phrase`__ may also
+refer to the Targets_ section.
+__ Targets_
+Here's a `hyperlink reference without a target`_, which generates an error.
+.. contents:: :local:
+These are just a sample of the many reStructuredText Directives. For others, please see:
+Centered text
+You can create a statement with centered text with ``.. centered::``
+.. centered:: This is centered text!
+Images & Figures
+An image directive (also clickable -- a hyperlink reference):
+.. image:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg
+ :target: directives_
+.. figure:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg
+ :alt: reStructuredText, the markup syntax
+ A figure is an image with a caption and/or a legend:
+ +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | re | Revised, revisited, based on 're' module. |
+ +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | Structured | Structure-enhanced text, structuredtext. |
+ +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ | Text | Well it is, isn't it? |
+ +------------+-----------------------------------------------+
+ This paragraph is also part of the legend.
+A figure directive with center alignment
+.. figure:: static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg
+ :align: center
+ This caption should be centered.
+.. Attention:: Directives at large.
+.. Caution:: Don't take any wooden nickels.
+.. DANGER:: Mad scientist at work!
+.. Error:: Does not compute.
+.. Hint:: It's bigger than a bread box.
+.. Important::
+ - Wash behind your ears.
+ - Clean up your room.
+ - Including the closet.
+ - The bathroom too.
+ - Take the trash out of the bathroom.
+ - Clean the sink.
+ - Call your mother.
+ - Back up your data.
+.. Note:: This is a note.
+ Equations within a note:
+ :math:`G_{\mu\nu} = 8 \pi G (T_{\mu\nu} + \rho_\Lambda g_{\mu\nu})`.
+.. Tip:: 15% if the service is good.
+ +---------+
+ | Example |
+ +=========+
+ | Thing1 |
+ +---------+
+ | Thing2 |
+ +---------+
+ | Thing3 |
+ +---------+
+.. WARNING:: Strong prose may provoke extreme mental exertion.
+ Reader discretion is strongly advised.
+.. admonition:: And, by the way...
+ You can make up your own admonition too.
+Topics, Sidebars, and Rubrics
+.. sidebar:: Sidebar Title
+ :subtitle: Optional Subtitle
+ This is a sidebar. It is for text outside the flow of the main
+ text.
+ .. rubric:: This is a rubric inside a sidebar
+ Sidebars often appears beside the main text with a border and
+ background color.
+.. topic:: Topic Title
+ This is a topic.
+.. rubric:: This is a rubric
+Target Footnotes
+.. target-notes::
+Replacement Text
+I recommend you try |Python|_.
+.. |Python| replace:: Python, *the* best language around
+Compound Paragraph
+.. compound::
+ This paragraph contains a literal block::
+ Connecting... OK
+ Transmitting data... OK
+ Disconnecting... OK
+ and thus consists of a simple paragraph, a literal block, and
+ another simple paragraph. Nonetheless it is semantically *one*
+ paragraph.
+This construct is called a *compound paragraph* and can be produced
+with the "compound" directive.
+Download Links
+:download:`This long long long long long long long long long long long long long long long download link should be blue, normal weight text with a leading icon, and should wrap white-spaces <static/yi_jing_01_chien.jpg>`