path: root/docs/contributing.rst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/contributing.rst')
1 files changed, 265 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/contributing.rst b/docs/contributing.rst
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+++ b/docs/contributing.rst
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+This project follows the Read the Docs :doc:`code of conduct
+<rtd-dev:code-of-conduct>`. If you are not familiar with our code of conduct policy,
+take a minute to read the policy before starting with your first contribution.
+.. tip::
+ There is a new dockerized build environment, see :ref:`dockerized-build`.
+Modifying the theme
+The styles for this theme use SASS_ and a custom CSS framework called Wyrm_. We
+use Webpack_ and node-sass_ to build the CSS. Webpack_ is used to watch for
+changes, rebuild the static assets, and rebuild the Sphinx demo documentation.
+.. note::
+ The installation of Node is outside the scope of this documentation. You
+ will need Node version 10+ in order to make changes to this theme.
+Set up your environment
+#. Install Sphinx_ and documentation build dependencies.
+ .. code:: console
+ $ pip install -e '.[dev]'
+#. Install Webpack_, node-sass_, and theme dependencies locally.
+ .. code:: console
+ $ npm install
+Making changes
+Changes to the theme can be compiled and tested with Webpack_:
+.. code:: console
+ $ npm run dev
+This script will do the following:
+#. Install and update any dependencies.
+#. Build the static CSS from SASS source files.
+#. Build the demo documentation.
+#. Watch for changes to the SASS files and documentation and rebuild everything
+ on any detected changes.
+Alternatively, if you don't need to watch the files, the release build script
+can be used to test built assets:
+.. code:: console
+ $ npm run build
+.. _Webpack:
+.. _node-sass:
+.. _SASS:
+.. _Wyrm:
+.. _Sphinx:
+.. _dockerized-build:
+Dockerized development
+If you have Docker available on your platform, you can get started building CSS and JS artifacts a bit faster and won't have to worry about any of the setup spilling over into your general environment.
+When building with Docker, we create an image containing the build dependencies. Some of these are quite outdated and therefore ideal to isolate a container. The image is tagged as ``sphinx_rtd_theme:latest``.
+Inside the running docker image, we mount the working copy of the repository, build the artifacts and finally observe that the artifacts have been built and left in your current git checkout.
+Use the following steps:
+.. code-block:: console
+ # Builds an updated version of the docker image
+ $ docker-compose build
+ # Runs the development webserver
+ $ docker-compose run sphinx_rtd_theme dev
+ # If you want to copy stuff out of the Docker environment, run this make
+ # target or read the actual Makefile to see what is going on.
+ # We suggest running this command every time that you want to quickly build
+ # new CSS/JS assets
+ $ make docker-build-all
+Every time you change the Node or Python requirements, you will need to rebuild images with ``docker-compose run sphinx_rtd_theme build``. If you change SASS or JS, you will need to rebuild assets.
+QA testing theme changes and pull requests is complex, due to backwards
+The following cases need to be tested with changes to CSS or JavaScript:
+* Multiple, modern browsers should be tested.
+* Multiple viewport sizes should be tested for changes.
+ We support large, tablet, and mobile viewport sizes
+* We currently support only HTML5 writer.
+* Multiple major versions of Sphinx should be tested.
+ We currently support Sphinx ``>=5.0``
+It's easiest to test combinations of dependency versions using ``tox``:
+.. code:: console
+ % tox -e py310-sphinx62
+If the tests and build are successful, you can view the built documentation at
+the directory noted by Sphinx:
+.. code:: console
+ build succeeded, 10 warnings.
+ The HTML pages are in .tox/py310-sphinx62/tmp/html.
+ ___________________________ summary ___________________________
+ py310-sphinx62: commands succeeded
+ congratulations :)
+You can then open up this path with a series of browsers to test.
+The best way to spot UI issues is to compare two or more builds. You can build
+multiple ``tox`` environments, and open both up for comparison:
+.. code:: console
+ % tox -e py310-sphinx62
+ ...
+ % tox -e py310-sphinx53
+ ...
+ % firefox .tox/py310-sphinx62/tmp/html/index.html
+ % firefox .tox/py310-sphinx53/tmp/html/index.html
+You can also use a separate ``tox`` environment for building output to compare
+against. All of the ``tox`` environments have an additional postfix, ``-qa``, to
+allow building the same environment twice, without overwriting any files. In
+this test scenario, you would build from a branch or tag before building the
+same ``tox`` environment for the pull request branch you are testing.
+For example, to test against the tag ``0.5.2``:
+.. code:: console
+ % git checkout 0.5.2
+ % tox -e py310-sphinx53-qa
+ ...
+ % git checkout feature/example-pull-request
+ % tox -e py310-sphinx53
+ ...
+ % firefox .tox/py310-sphinx53-qa/tmp/html/index.html
+ % firefox .tox/py310-sphinx53/tmp/html/index.html
+Currently, the most important environments to QA are:
+.. This list is purposely shorter than what we describe above. If we test all of
+ the cases above, we'll be here all day. Python 3, and latest
+ minor of each major Sphinx release should give us enough work.
+* ``py310-sphinx53``
+* ``py310-sphinx62``
+* ``py310-sphinx72``
+* ``py310-sphinxlatest``
+* ``py310-sphinxdev``
+Translations are managed using `Transifex`_. You can join any of the existing
+language teams or request a new language is added to the project. For more
+information on our translation standards, see our docs on
+Periodically, core team should update the translation files outside our normal
+releases. Someone from the core team, with write access to Transifex, should run
+the following:
+.. code:: console
+ $ python update_translations
+This will extract new messages, upload the messages to Transifex, and will
+update our local translation files. Changes can be checked in to a branch and
+put up for review.
+.. _Transifex:
+ TODO make these instructions organization wide. We've talked about
+ standardizing packaging version and tooling here (bumpver instead of
+ bump2version).
+In between releases, the package version specified will always be a alpha
+release, matching ``1.1.1alpha1``.
+As pull requests are merged and the release impact changes, this version will
+incremented ahead of release. For example, if we merge a new feature pull
+request, we'd run ``bump2version minor`` to increment ``1.1.1alpha1`` to
+To put out a release for testing, we will upload a release candidate. We would
+run ``bump2version release`` to increment ``1.2.0alpha1`` to ``1.2.0rc1``.
+After a testing period, the release candidate can become a full release. We
+would run ``bump2version release`` again to increment ``1.2.0rc1`` to ``1.2.0``.
+After the release process below, we increment the version again, so that the
+development version -- the version found in the repository -- is always greater
+than the most recent release. We follow up with another pull request by running
+``bump2version patch``, which increments ``1.2.0`` to ``1.2.1alpha1``.
+Releasing the theme
+To release a new version of the theme, core team will take the following steps:
+#. Bump the version by running ``bump2version [major|minor|patch|dev]``.
+ This will automatically increase the correct part(s) of the version number,
+ you do not need to specify the exact version number.
+ We follow `semantic versioning`_ and `PEP440`_
+ (with regards to alpha release and development versions). The version
+ increment should reflect these releases and any potentially breaking changes.
+#. New versions are by default ``alpha`` releases. If this is a release candidate,
+ run ``bump2version --allow-dirty release`` to update the release to an ``rc``
+ release. If this is a final release, run the command again.
+#. Update the changelog (``docs/changelog.rst``) with the version information.
+#. Run ``python update_translations`` to compile new translation files
+ and update Transifex.
+#. Run ``npm install && npm run build`` to rebuild all the theme assets,
+ notice that ``package-lock.json`` will be updated with a new package
+ version. But take care that it isn't also bumping versions of dependencies
+ in ways that are risky to the release. *If* ``package-lock.json`` changes, you
+ need to commit it to git and tag it together with your release.
+#. Commit these changes to a pull request.
+#. Merge the pull request after review.
+#. Check out ``master`` branch locally for tagging. **Remember to pull from remote**.
+#. Tag the release in git: ``git tag -s $NEW_VERSION``.
+#. Push the tag to GitHub: ``git push --tags origin``.
+#. Upload the package to PyPI:
+ .. code:: console
+ $ rm -rf dist/
+ $ python sdist bdist_wheel
+ $ twine upload --sign --identity dist/*
+#. Finally, open a new pull request updating the development release version to
+ the next patch by running ``bump2version patch``. Open a pull request with
+ this change. See `Versioning`_ above for more details.
+.. _PEP440:
+.. _semantic versioning: