# Wyrm Built primarily by Dave Snider for use on his web sites. Here be documentation for the poor souls that have to work with him and wonder why he doesn't just use bootstrap. Wyrm is a small library of [Bourbon](http://bourbon.io) powered SASS files meant for use in minimalistic Document and Form heavy sites. It was primarily built for [Webhook](http://www.webhook.com) but can also be found in use on [Read the Docs sphinx theme](http://snide.github.com/sphinx_rtd_theme) among other places. ## Installation Wyrm is best installed through [bower](http://bower.io) and is updated regularly. ``` bower install wyrm ``` By default, Wyrm installs [Font Awesome](http://fontawesome.io) setting the `$icon-prefix` to FA's default of `fa`. You'll want to use [Grunt](http://gruntjs.org) or some other method to copy the font files to your font folder in your project. Wyrm by default assumes that it is `../fonts/` relative to your css, but this variable can be changed with `$fa-font-path`. You can use any font icons though, and all icons actually used in Wyrm itself are set as variables in the `_wy_variables.sass` files. ## Things to know 1. Uses indented Sass style because it's awesome. 2. `$base-line-height` is the magic number used for calculations across wyrm. `$gutter` is it's em based cousin usefual for grids. 4. Because `$gutter` is an em value, I've included an `em()` mixin for converting pixels to ems should you need to make calculations with the two. 3. Vertical margin is only applied to the **bottom** of elements, not spread top/bottom like other frameworks. It is always some multiple of `$base-line-height` ## Wyrm core / add-on structure Files that you'll likely want to install are in `/wyrm_core/` and you can handly call all of them using the `_wyrm_core.sass` file. Alternatively, I've built a whole lot of addons, located in `/wym_addons/`, which you can plug and play into wyrm as you need. Most of them are documented here. To install core + plus all the addons, there's a handy `_wyrm_all.sass` file, though honestly you'll prolly just make your own document at that point.