// ------------------------------------------------------------ // CONTRIBUTORS, PLEASE READ THIS! // ------------------------------------------------------------ // This theme pulls from other frontend projects. The only // things you should edit are the sass files that start with // "theme_*.sass". All other files are loaded through bower. // ------------------------------------------------------------ // Variable defaults set by Wyrm @import wyrm_core/wy_variables // Variable overrides that change coloring and fonts for this theme. @import theme_variables // bourbon.io framework @import ~bourbon/app/assets/stylesheets/bourbon // Bourbon.io/neat framework, with some default media queries @import wyrm_core/grid_settings @import ~bourbon-neat/app/assets/stylesheets/neat // Some corrections for neat @import wyrm_core/neat_extra // Custom reset @import wyrm_core/reset // Wyrm mixins @import wyrm_core/mixin // Font Awesome with wyrm extras @import ~font-awesome/scss/font-awesome @import wyrm_core/font_icon_defaults // Wyrm core styles used in this theme @import wyrm_core/alert @import wyrm_core/button @import wyrm_core/dropdown @import wyrm_core/form @import wyrm_core/generic @import wyrm_core/table @import wyrm_core/type // Theme specific styles. These are likely the files you want to edit. @import theme_breadcrumbs @import theme_layout @import theme_badge @import theme_rst @import theme_mathjax @import theme_font_awesome_compatibility @import theme_font_local