path: root/sphinx/builders/html/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:25:40 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:25:40 +0000
commitcf7da1843c45a4c2df7a749f7886a2d2ba0ee92a (patch)
tree18dcde1a8d1f5570a77cd0c361de3b490d02c789 /sphinx/builders/html/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 7.2.6.upstream/7.2.6
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sphinx/builders/html/')
1 files changed, 1399 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sphinx/builders/html/ b/sphinx/builders/html/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..85067be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sphinx/builders/html/
@@ -0,0 +1,1399 @@
+"""Several HTML builders."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import contextlib
+import hashlib
+import html
+import os
+import posixpath
+import re
+import sys
+import time
+import warnings
+from os import path
+from typing import IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Any
+from urllib.parse import quote
+import docutils.readers.doctree
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.core import Publisher
+from docutils.frontend import OptionParser
+from import DocTreeInput, StringOutput
+from docutils.utils import relative_path
+from sphinx import __display_version__, package_dir
+from sphinx import version_info as sphinx_version
+from import Builder
+from import _CascadingStyleSheet, _file_checksum, _JavaScript
+from sphinx.config import ENUM, Config
+from sphinx.deprecation import _deprecation_warning
+from import Domain, Index, IndexEntry
+from sphinx.environment.adapters.asset import ImageAdapter
+from sphinx.environment.adapters.indexentries import IndexEntries
+from sphinx.environment.adapters.toctree import document_toc, global_toctree_for_doc
+from sphinx.errors import ConfigError, ThemeError
+from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge
+from sphinx.locale import _, __
+from import js_index
+from sphinx.theming import HTMLThemeFactory
+from sphinx.util import isurl, logging
+from sphinx.util.display import progress_message, status_iterator
+from sphinx.util.docutils import new_document
+from sphinx.util.fileutil import copy_asset
+from sphinx.util.i18n import format_date
+from sphinx.util.inventory import InventoryFile
+from sphinx.util.matching import DOTFILES, Matcher, patmatch
+from sphinx.util.osutil import SEP, copyfile, ensuredir, os_path, relative_uri
+from sphinx.writers.html import HTMLWriter
+from sphinx.writers.html5 import HTML5Translator
+ from import Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
+ from docutils.nodes import Node
+ from sphinx.application import Sphinx
+ from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
+ from sphinx.util.tags import Tags
+#: the filename for the inventory of objects
+INVENTORY_FILENAME = 'objects.inv'
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+return_codes_re = re.compile('[\r\n]+')
+ # Index name (e.g. py-modindex)
+ str,
+ # Index class
+ type[Index],
+ # list of (heading string, list of index entries) pairs.
+ list[tuple[str, list[IndexEntry]]],
+ # whether sub-entries should start collapsed
+ bool,
+def get_stable_hash(obj: Any) -> str:
+ """
+ Return a stable hash for a Python data structure. We can't just use
+ the md5 of str(obj) since for example dictionary items are enumerated
+ in unpredictable order due to hash randomization in newer Pythons.
+ """
+ if isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return get_stable_hash(list(obj.items()))
+ elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+ obj = sorted(get_stable_hash(o) for o in obj)
+ return hashlib.md5(str(obj).encode(), usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()
+def convert_locale_to_language_tag(locale: str | None) -> str | None:
+ """Convert a locale string to a language tag (ex. en_US -> en-US).
+ refs: BCP 47 (:rfc:`5646`)
+ """
+ if locale:
+ return locale.replace('_', '-')
+ else:
+ return None
+class BuildInfo:
+ """buildinfo file manipulator.
+ HTMLBuilder and its family are storing their own envdata to ``.buildinfo``.
+ This class is a manipulator for the file.
+ """
+ @classmethod
+ def load(cls, f: IO) -> BuildInfo:
+ try:
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ assert lines[0].rstrip() == '# Sphinx build info version 1'
+ assert lines[2].startswith('config: ')
+ assert lines[3].startswith('tags: ')
+ build_info = BuildInfo()
+ build_info.config_hash = lines[2].split()[1].strip()
+ build_info.tags_hash = lines[3].split()[1].strip()
+ return build_info
+ except Exception as exc:
+ raise ValueError(__('build info file is broken: %r') % exc) from exc
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ config: Config | None = None,
+ tags: Tags | None = None,
+ config_categories: Sequence[str] = (),
+ ) -> None:
+ self.config_hash = ''
+ self.tags_hash = ''
+ if config:
+ values = { c.value for c in config.filter(config_categories)}
+ self.config_hash = get_stable_hash(values)
+ if tags:
+ self.tags_hash = get_stable_hash(sorted(tags))
+ def __eq__(self, other: BuildInfo) -> bool: # type: ignore[override]
+ return (self.config_hash == other.config_hash and
+ self.tags_hash == other.tags_hash)
+ def dump(self, f: IO) -> None:
+ f.write('# Sphinx build info version 1\n'
+ '# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files.'
+ ' When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.\n'
+ 'config: %s\n'
+ 'tags: %s\n' %
+ (self.config_hash, self.tags_hash))
+class StandaloneHTMLBuilder(Builder):
+ """
+ Builds standalone HTML docs.
+ """
+ name = 'html'
+ format = 'html'
+ epilog = __('The HTML pages are in %(outdir)s.')
+ default_translator_class = HTML5Translator
+ copysource = True
+ allow_parallel = True
+ out_suffix = '.html'
+ link_suffix = '.html' # defaults to matching out_suffix
+ indexer_format: Any = js_index
+ indexer_dumps_unicode = True
+ # create links to original images from images [True/False]
+ html_scaled_image_link = True
+ supported_image_types = ['image/svg+xml', 'image/png',
+ 'image/gif', 'image/jpeg']
+ supported_remote_images = True
+ supported_data_uri_images = True
+ searchindex_filename = 'searchindex.js'
+ add_permalinks = True
+ allow_sharp_as_current_path = True
+ embedded = False # for things like HTML help or Qt help: suppresses sidebar
+ search = True # for things like HTML help and Apple help: suppress search
+ use_index = False
+ download_support = True # enable download role
+ imgpath: str = ''
+ domain_indices: list[DOMAIN_INDEX_TYPE] = []
+ def __init__(self, app: Sphinx, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None:
+ super().__init__(app, env)
+ # CSS files
+ self._css_files: list[_CascadingStyleSheet] = []
+ # JS files
+ self._js_files: list[_JavaScript] = []
+ # Cached Publisher for writing doctrees to HTML
+ reader = docutils.readers.doctree.Reader(parser_name='restructuredtext')
+ pub = Publisher(
+ reader=reader,
+ parser=reader.parser,
+ writer=HTMLWriter(self),
+ source_class=DocTreeInput,
+ destination=StringOutput(encoding='unicode'),
+ )
+ if docutils.__version_info__[:2] >= (0, 19):
+ pub.get_settings(output_encoding='unicode', traceback=True)
+ else:
+ op = pub.setup_option_parser(output_encoding='unicode', traceback=True)
+ pub.settings = op.get_default_values()
+ self._publisher = pub
+ def init(self) -> None:
+ self.build_info = self.create_build_info()
+ # basename of images directory
+ self.imagedir = '_images'
+ # section numbers for headings in the currently visited document
+ self.secnumbers: dict[str, tuple[int, ...]] = {}
+ # currently written docname
+ self.current_docname: str = ''
+ self.init_templates()
+ self.init_highlighter()
+ self.init_css_files()
+ self.init_js_files()
+ html_file_suffix = self.get_builder_config('file_suffix', 'html')
+ if html_file_suffix is not None:
+ self.out_suffix = html_file_suffix
+ html_link_suffix = self.get_builder_config('link_suffix', 'html')
+ if html_link_suffix is not None:
+ self.link_suffix = html_link_suffix
+ else:
+ self.link_suffix = self.out_suffix
+ self.use_index = self.get_builder_config('use_index', 'html')
+ def create_build_info(self) -> BuildInfo:
+ return BuildInfo(self.config, self.tags, ['html'])
+ def _get_translations_js(self) -> str:
+ candidates = [path.join(dir, self.config.language,
+ 'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js')
+ for dir in self.config.locale_dirs] + \
+ [path.join(package_dir, 'locale', self.config.language,
+ 'LC_MESSAGES', 'sphinx.js'),
+ path.join(sys.prefix, 'share/sphinx/locale',
+ self.config.language, 'sphinx.js')]
+ for jsfile in candidates:
+ if path.isfile(jsfile):
+ return jsfile
+ return ''
+ def _get_style_filenames(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ if isinstance(self.config.html_style, str):
+ yield self.config.html_style
+ elif self.config.html_style is not None:
+ yield from self.config.html_style
+ elif self.theme:
+ stylesheet = self.theme.get_config('theme', 'stylesheet')
+ yield from map(str.strip, stylesheet.split(','))
+ else:
+ yield 'default.css'
+ def get_theme_config(self) -> tuple[str, dict]:
+ return self.config.html_theme, self.config.html_theme_options
+ def init_templates(self) -> None:
+ theme_factory = HTMLThemeFactory(
+ themename, themeoptions = self.get_theme_config()
+ self.theme = theme_factory.create(themename)
+ self.theme_options = themeoptions.copy()
+ self.create_template_bridge()
+ self.templates.init(self, self.theme)
+ def init_highlighter(self) -> None:
+ # determine Pygments style and create the highlighter
+ if self.config.pygments_style is not None:
+ style = self.config.pygments_style
+ elif self.theme:
+ style = self.theme.get_config('theme', 'pygments_style', 'none')
+ else:
+ style = 'sphinx'
+ self.highlighter = PygmentsBridge('html', style)
+ if self.theme:
+ dark_style = self.theme.get_config('theme', 'pygments_dark_style', None)
+ else:
+ dark_style = None
+ self.dark_highlighter: PygmentsBridge | None
+ if dark_style is not None:
+ self.dark_highlighter = PygmentsBridge('html', dark_style)
+ media='(prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
+ id='pygments_dark_css')
+ else:
+ self.dark_highlighter = None
+ @property
+ def css_files(self) -> list[_CascadingStyleSheet]:
+ _deprecation_warning(__name__, f'{self.__class__.__name__}.css_files', '',
+ remove=(9, 0))
+ return self._css_files
+ def init_css_files(self) -> None:
+ self._css_files = []
+ self.add_css_file('pygments.css', priority=200)
+ for filename in self._get_style_filenames():
+ self.add_css_file(filename, priority=200)
+ for filename, attrs in
+ self.add_css_file(filename, **attrs)
+ for filename, attrs in self.get_builder_config('css_files', 'html'):
+ attrs.setdefault('priority', 800) # User's CSSs are loaded after extensions'
+ self.add_css_file(filename, **attrs)
+ def add_css_file(self, filename: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ if '://' not in filename:
+ filename = posixpath.join('_static', filename)
+ if (asset := _CascadingStyleSheet(filename, **kwargs)) not in self._css_files:
+ self._css_files.append(asset)
+ @property
+ def script_files(self) -> list[_JavaScript]:
+ _deprecation_warning(__name__, f'{self.__class__.__name__}.script_files', '',
+ remove=(9, 0))
+ return self._js_files
+ def init_js_files(self) -> None:
+ self._js_files = []
+ self.add_js_file('documentation_options.js', priority=200)
+ self.add_js_file('doctools.js', priority=200)
+ self.add_js_file('sphinx_highlight.js', priority=200)
+ for filename, attrs in
+ self.add_js_file(filename or '', **attrs)
+ for filename, attrs in self.get_builder_config('js_files', 'html'):
+ attrs.setdefault('priority', 800) # User's JSs are loaded after extensions'
+ self.add_js_file(filename or '', **attrs)
+ if self._get_translations_js():
+ self.add_js_file('translations.js')
+ def add_js_file(self, filename: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ if filename and '://' not in filename:
+ filename = posixpath.join('_static', filename)
+ if (asset := _JavaScript(filename, **kwargs)) not in self._js_files:
+ self._js_files.append(asset)
+ @property
+ def math_renderer_name(self) -> str | None:
+ name = self.get_builder_config('math_renderer', 'html')
+ if name is not None:
+ # use given name
+ return name
+ else:
+ # not given: choose a math_renderer from registered ones as possible
+ renderers = list(
+ if len(renderers) == 1:
+ # only default math_renderer (mathjax) is registered
+ return renderers[0]
+ elif len(renderers) == 2:
+ # default and another math_renderer are registered; prior the another
+ renderers.remove('mathjax')
+ return renderers[0]
+ else:
+ # many math_renderers are registered. can't choose automatically!
+ return None
+ def get_outdated_docs(self) -> Iterator[str]:
+ try:
+ with open(path.join(self.outdir, '.buildinfo'), encoding="utf-8") as fp:
+ buildinfo = BuildInfo.load(fp)
+ if self.build_info != buildinfo:
+ logger.debug('[build target] did not match: build_info ')
+ yield from self.env.found_docs
+ return
+ except ValueError as exc:
+ logger.warning(__('Failed to read build info file: %r'), exc)
+ except OSError:
+ # ignore errors on reading
+ pass
+ if self.templates:
+ template_mtime = self.templates.newest_template_mtime()
+ else:
+ template_mtime = 0
+ for docname in self.env.found_docs:
+ if docname not in self.env.all_docs:
+ logger.debug('[build target] did not in env: %r', docname)
+ yield docname
+ continue
+ targetname = self.get_outfilename(docname)
+ try:
+ targetmtime = path.getmtime(targetname)
+ except Exception:
+ targetmtime = 0
+ try:
+ srcmtime = max(path.getmtime(self.env.doc2path(docname)), template_mtime)
+ if srcmtime > targetmtime:
+ logger.debug(
+ '[build target] targetname %r(%s), template(%s), docname %r(%s)',
+ targetname,
+ _format_modified_time(targetmtime),
+ _format_modified_time(template_mtime),
+ docname,
+ _format_modified_time(path.getmtime(self.env.doc2path(docname))),
+ )
+ yield docname
+ except OSError:
+ # source doesn't exist anymore
+ pass
+ def get_asset_paths(self) -> list[str]:
+ return self.config.html_extra_path + self.config.html_static_path
+ def render_partial(self, node: Node | None) -> dict[str, str]:
+ """Utility: Render a lone doctree node."""
+ if node is None:
+ return {'fragment': ''}
+ doc = new_document('<partial node>')
+ doc.append(node)
+ self._publisher.set_source(doc)
+ self._publisher.publish()
+ return # type: ignore[union-attr]
+ def prepare_writing(self, docnames: set[str]) -> None:
+ # create the search indexer
+ self.indexer = None
+ if
+ from import IndexBuilder
+ lang = self.config.html_search_language or self.config.language
+ self.indexer = IndexBuilder(self.env, lang,
+ self.config.html_search_options,
+ self.config.html_search_scorer)
+ self.load_indexer(docnames)
+ self.docwriter = HTMLWriter(self)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
+ # DeprecationWarning: The frontend.OptionParser class will be replaced
+ # by a subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser in Docutils 0.21 or later.
+ self.docsettings: Any = OptionParser(
+ defaults=self.env.settings,
+ components=(self.docwriter,),
+ read_config_files=True).get_default_values()
+ self.docsettings.compact_lists = bool(self.config.html_compact_lists)
+ # determine the additional indices to include
+ self.domain_indices = []
+ # html_domain_indices can be False/True or a list of index names
+ indices_config = self.config.html_domain_indices
+ if indices_config:
+ for domain_name in sorted(
+ domain: Domain =[domain_name]
+ for indexcls in domain.indices:
+ indexname = f'{}-{}'
+ if isinstance(indices_config, list):
+ if indexname not in indices_config:
+ continue
+ content, collapse = indexcls(domain).generate()
+ if content:
+ self.domain_indices.append(
+ (indexname, indexcls, content, collapse))
+ # format the "last updated on" string, only once is enough since it
+ # typically doesn't include the time of day
+ self.last_updated: str | None
+ lufmt = self.config.html_last_updated_fmt
+ if lufmt is not None:
+ self.last_updated = format_date(lufmt or _('%b %d, %Y'),
+ language=self.config.language)
+ else:
+ self.last_updated = None
+ # If the logo or favicon are urls, keep them as-is, otherwise
+ # strip the relative path as the files will be copied into _static.
+ logo = self.config.html_logo or ''
+ favicon = self.config.html_favicon or ''
+ if not isurl(logo):
+ logo = path.basename(logo)
+ if not isurl(favicon):
+ favicon = path.basename(favicon)
+ self.relations = self.env.collect_relations()
+ rellinks: list[tuple[str, str, str, str]] = []
+ if self.use_index:
+ rellinks.append(('genindex', _('General Index'), 'I', _('index')))
+ for indexname, indexcls, _content, _collapse in self.domain_indices:
+ # if it has a short name
+ if indexcls.shortname:
+ rellinks.append((indexname, indexcls.localname,
+ '', indexcls.shortname))
+ # add assets registered after ``Builder.init()``.
+ for css_filename, attrs in
+ self.add_css_file(css_filename, **attrs)
+ for js_filename, attrs in
+ self.add_js_file(js_filename or '', **attrs)
+ # back up _css_files and _js_files to allow adding CSS/JS files to a specific page.
+ self._orig_css_files = list(dict.fromkeys(self._css_files))
+ self._orig_js_files = list(dict.fromkeys(self._js_files))
+ styles = list(self._get_style_filenames())
+ self.globalcontext = {
+ 'embedded': self.embedded,
+ 'project': self.config.project,
+ 'release': return_codes_re.sub('', self.config.release),
+ 'version': self.config.version,
+ 'last_updated': self.last_updated,
+ 'copyright': self.config.copyright,
+ 'master_doc': self.config.root_doc,
+ 'root_doc': self.config.root_doc,
+ 'use_opensearch': self.config.html_use_opensearch,
+ 'docstitle': self.config.html_title,
+ 'shorttitle': self.config.html_short_title,
+ 'show_copyright': self.config.html_show_copyright,
+ 'show_search_summary': self.config.html_show_search_summary,
+ 'show_sphinx': self.config.html_show_sphinx,
+ 'has_source': self.config.html_copy_source,
+ 'show_source': self.config.html_show_sourcelink,
+ 'sourcelink_suffix': self.config.html_sourcelink_suffix,
+ 'file_suffix': self.out_suffix,
+ 'link_suffix': self.link_suffix,
+ 'script_files': self._js_files,
+ 'language': convert_locale_to_language_tag(self.config.language),
+ 'css_files': self._css_files,
+ 'sphinx_version': __display_version__,
+ 'sphinx_version_tuple': sphinx_version,
+ 'docutils_version_info': docutils.__version_info__[:5],
+ 'styles': styles,
+ 'rellinks': rellinks,
+ 'builder':,
+ 'parents': [],
+ 'logo_url': logo,
+ 'favicon_url': favicon,
+ 'html5_doctype': True,
+ }
+ if self.theme:
+ self.globalcontext.update(
+ ('theme_' + key, val) for (key, val) in
+ self.theme.get_options(self.theme_options).items())
+ self.globalcontext.update(self.config.html_context)
+ def get_doc_context(self, docname: str, body: str, metatags: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Collect items for the template context of a page."""
+ # find out relations
+ prev = next = None
+ parents = []
+ rellinks = self.globalcontext['rellinks'][:]
+ related = self.relations.get(docname)
+ titles = self.env.titles
+ if related and related[2]:
+ try:
+ next = {
+ 'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[2]),
+ 'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[2]])['title'],
+ }
+ rellinks.append((related[2], next['title'], 'N', _('next')))
+ except KeyError:
+ next = None
+ if related and related[1]:
+ try:
+ prev = {
+ 'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[1]),
+ 'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[1]])['title'],
+ }
+ rellinks.append((related[1], prev['title'], 'P', _('previous')))
+ except KeyError:
+ # the relation is (somehow) not in the TOC tree, handle
+ # that gracefully
+ prev = None
+ while related and related[0]:
+ with contextlib.suppress(KeyError):
+ parents.append(
+ {'link': self.get_relative_uri(docname, related[0]),
+ 'title': self.render_partial(titles[related[0]])['title']})
+ related = self.relations.get(related[0])
+ if parents:
+ # remove link to the master file; we have a generic
+ # "back to index" link already
+ parents.pop()
+ parents.reverse()
+ # title rendered as HTML
+ title_node = self.env.longtitles.get(docname)
+ title = self.render_partial(title_node)['title'] if title_node else ''
+ # Suffix for the document
+ source_suffix = self.env.doc2path(docname, False)[len(docname):]
+ # the name for the copied source
+ if self.config.html_copy_source:
+ sourcename = docname + source_suffix
+ if source_suffix != self.config.html_sourcelink_suffix:
+ sourcename += self.config.html_sourcelink_suffix
+ else:
+ sourcename = ''
+ # metadata for the document
+ meta = self.env.metadata.get(docname)
+ # local TOC and global TOC tree
+ self_toc = document_toc(self.env, docname, self.tags)
+ toc = self.render_partial(self_toc)['fragment']
+ return {
+ 'parents': parents,
+ 'prev': prev,
+ 'next': next,
+ 'title': title,
+ 'meta': meta,
+ 'body': body,
+ 'metatags': metatags,
+ 'rellinks': rellinks,
+ 'sourcename': sourcename,
+ 'toc': toc,
+ # only display a TOC if there's more than one item to show
+ 'display_toc': (self.env.toc_num_entries[docname] > 1),
+ 'page_source_suffix': source_suffix,
+ }
+ def copy_assets(self) -> None:
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_download_files)
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_static_files)
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_extra_files)
+ self.finish_tasks.join()
+ def write_doc(self, docname: str, doctree: nodes.document) -> None:
+ destination = StringOutput(encoding='utf-8')
+ doctree.settings = self.docsettings
+ self.secnumbers = self.env.toc_secnumbers.get(docname, {})
+ self.fignumbers = self.env.toc_fignumbers.get(docname, {})
+ self.imgpath = relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(docname), '_images')
+ self.dlpath = relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(docname), '_downloads')
+ self.current_docname = docname
+ self.docwriter.write(doctree, destination)
+ self.docwriter.assemble_parts()
+ body =['fragment']
+ metatags = self.docwriter.clean_meta
+ ctx = self.get_doc_context(docname, body, metatags)
+ self.handle_page(docname, ctx, event_arg=doctree)
+ def write_doc_serialized(self, docname: str, doctree: nodes.document) -> None:
+ self.imgpath = relative_uri(self.get_target_uri(docname), self.imagedir)
+ self.post_process_images(doctree)
+ title_node = self.env.longtitles.get(docname)
+ title = self.render_partial(title_node)['title'] if title_node else ''
+ self.index_page(docname, doctree, title)
+ def finish(self) -> None:
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.gen_indices)
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.gen_pages_from_extensions)
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.gen_additional_pages)
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.copy_image_files)
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.write_buildinfo)
+ # dump the search index
+ self.handle_finish()
+ @progress_message(__('generating indices'))
+ def gen_indices(self) -> None:
+ # the global general index
+ if self.use_index:
+ self.write_genindex()
+ # the global domain-specific indices
+ self.write_domain_indices()
+ def gen_pages_from_extensions(self) -> None:
+ # pages from extensions
+ for pagelist in'html-collect-pages'):
+ for pagename, context, template in pagelist:
+ self.handle_page(pagename, context, template)
+ @progress_message(__('writing additional pages'))
+ def gen_additional_pages(self) -> None:
+ # additional pages from
+ for pagename, template in self.config.html_additional_pages.items():
+ + ' ', nonl=True)
+ self.handle_page(pagename, {}, template)
+ # the search page
+ if
+'search ', nonl=True)
+ self.handle_page('search', {}, 'search.html')
+ # the opensearch xml file
+ if self.config.html_use_opensearch and
+'opensearch ', nonl=True)
+ fn = path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'opensearch.xml')
+ self.handle_page('opensearch', {}, 'opensearch.xml', outfilename=fn)
+ def write_genindex(self) -> None:
+ # the total count of lines for each index letter, used to distribute
+ # the entries into two columns
+ genindex = IndexEntries(self.env).create_index(self)
+ indexcounts = []
+ for _k, entries in genindex:
+ indexcounts.append(sum(1 + len(subitems)
+ for _, (_, subitems, _) in entries))
+ genindexcontext = {
+ 'genindexentries': genindex,
+ 'genindexcounts': indexcounts,
+ 'split_index': self.config.html_split_index,
+ }
+'genindex ', nonl=True)
+ if self.config.html_split_index:
+ self.handle_page('genindex', genindexcontext,
+ 'genindex-split.html')
+ self.handle_page('genindex-all', genindexcontext,
+ 'genindex.html')
+ for (key, entries), count in zip(genindex, indexcounts):
+ ctx = {'key': key, 'entries': entries, 'count': count,
+ 'genindexentries': genindex}
+ self.handle_page('genindex-' + key, ctx,
+ 'genindex-single.html')
+ else:
+ self.handle_page('genindex', genindexcontext, 'genindex.html')
+ def write_domain_indices(self) -> None:
+ for indexname, indexcls, content, collapse in self.domain_indices:
+ indexcontext = {
+ 'indextitle': indexcls.localname,
+ 'content': content,
+ 'collapse_index': collapse,
+ }
+ + ' ', nonl=True)
+ self.handle_page(indexname, indexcontext, 'domainindex.html')
+ def copy_image_files(self) -> None:
+ if self.images:
+ stringify_func = ImageAdapter(
+ ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, self.imagedir))
+ for src in status_iterator(self.images, __('copying images... '), "brown",
+ len(self.images),,
+ stringify_func=stringify_func):
+ dest = self.images[src]
+ try:
+ copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src),
+ path.join(self.outdir, self.imagedir, dest))
+ except Exception as err:
+ logger.warning(__('cannot copy image file %r: %s'),
+ path.join(self.srcdir, src), err)
+ def copy_download_files(self) -> None:
+ def to_relpath(f: str) -> str:
+ return relative_path(self.srcdir, f) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ # copy downloadable files
+ if self.env.dlfiles:
+ ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, '_downloads'))
+ for src in status_iterator(self.env.dlfiles, __('copying downloadable files... '),
+ "brown", len(self.env.dlfiles),,
+ stringify_func=to_relpath):
+ try:
+ dest = path.join(self.outdir, '_downloads', self.env.dlfiles[src][1])
+ ensuredir(path.dirname(dest))
+ copyfile(path.join(self.srcdir, src), dest)
+ except OSError as err:
+ logger.warning(__('cannot copy downloadable file %r: %s'),
+ path.join(self.srcdir, src), err)
+ def create_pygments_style_file(self) -> None:
+ """create a style file for pygments."""
+ with open(path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'pygments.css'), 'w',
+ encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ f.write(self.highlighter.get_stylesheet())
+ if self.dark_highlighter:
+ with open(path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'pygments_dark.css'), 'w',
+ encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ f.write(self.dark_highlighter.get_stylesheet())
+ def copy_translation_js(self) -> None:
+ """Copy a JavaScript file for translations."""
+ jsfile = self._get_translations_js()
+ if jsfile:
+ copyfile(jsfile, path.join(self.outdir, '_static', 'translations.js'))
+ def copy_stemmer_js(self) -> None:
+ """Copy a JavaScript file for stemmer."""
+ if self.indexer is not None:
+ if hasattr(self.indexer, 'get_js_stemmer_rawcodes'):
+ for jsfile in self.indexer.get_js_stemmer_rawcodes():
+ copyfile(jsfile, path.join(self.outdir, '_static', path.basename(jsfile)))
+ else:
+ if js_stemmer_rawcode := self.indexer.get_js_stemmer_rawcode():
+ copyfile(js_stemmer_rawcode,
+ path.join(self.outdir, '_static', '_stemmer.js'))
+ def copy_theme_static_files(self, context: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
+ def onerror(filename: str, error: Exception) -> None:
+ logger.warning(__('Failed to copy a file in html_static_file: %s: %r'),
+ filename, error)
+ if self.theme:
+ for entry in self.theme.get_theme_dirs()[::-1]:
+ copy_asset(path.join(entry, 'static'),
+ path.join(self.outdir, '_static'),
+ excluded=DOTFILES, context=context,
+ renderer=self.templates, onerror=onerror)
+ def copy_html_static_files(self, context: dict) -> None:
+ def onerror(filename: str, error: Exception) -> None:
+ logger.warning(__('Failed to copy a file in html_static_file: %s: %r'),
+ filename, error)
+ excluded = Matcher(self.config.exclude_patterns + ["**/.*"])
+ for entry in self.config.html_static_path:
+ copy_asset(path.join(self.confdir, entry),
+ path.join(self.outdir, '_static'),
+ excluded, context=context, renderer=self.templates, onerror=onerror)
+ def copy_html_logo(self) -> None:
+ if self.config.html_logo and not isurl(self.config.html_logo):
+ copy_asset(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_logo),
+ path.join(self.outdir, '_static'))
+ def copy_html_favicon(self) -> None:
+ if self.config.html_favicon and not isurl(self.config.html_favicon):
+ copy_asset(path.join(self.confdir, self.config.html_favicon),
+ path.join(self.outdir, '_static'))
+ def copy_static_files(self) -> None:
+ try:
+ with progress_message(__('copying static files')):
+ ensuredir(path.join(self.outdir, '_static'))
+ # prepare context for templates
+ context = self.globalcontext.copy()
+ if self.indexer is not None:
+ context.update(self.indexer.context_for_searchtool())
+ self.create_pygments_style_file()
+ self.copy_translation_js()
+ self.copy_stemmer_js()
+ self.copy_theme_static_files(context)
+ self.copy_html_static_files(context)
+ self.copy_html_logo()
+ self.copy_html_favicon()
+ except OSError as err:
+ logger.warning(__('cannot copy static file %r'), err)
+ def copy_extra_files(self) -> None:
+ """copy html_extra_path files."""
+ try:
+ with progress_message(__('copying extra files')):
+ excluded = Matcher(self.config.exclude_patterns)
+ for extra_path in self.config.html_extra_path:
+ entry = path.join(self.confdir, extra_path)
+ copy_asset(entry, self.outdir, excluded)
+ except OSError as err:
+ logger.warning(__('cannot copy extra file %r'), err)
+ def write_buildinfo(self) -> None:
+ try:
+ with open(path.join(self.outdir, '.buildinfo'), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as fp:
+ self.build_info.dump(fp)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ logger.warning(__('Failed to write build info file: %r'), exc)
+ def cleanup(self) -> None:
+ # clean up theme stuff
+ if self.theme:
+ self.theme.cleanup()
+ def post_process_images(self, doctree: Node) -> None:
+ """Pick the best candidate for an image and link down-scaled images to
+ their high res version.
+ """
+ super().post_process_images(doctree)
+ if self.config.html_scaled_image_link and self.html_scaled_image_link:
+ for node in doctree.findall(nodes.image):
+ if not any((key in node) for key in ['scale', 'width', 'height']):
+ # resizing options are not given. scaled image link is available
+ # only for resized images.
+ continue
+ if isinstance(node.parent, nodes.reference):
+ # A image having hyperlink target
+ continue
+ if 'no-scaled-link' in node['classes']:
+ # scaled image link is disabled for this node
+ continue
+ uri = node['uri']
+ reference = nodes.reference('', '', internal=True)
+ if uri in self.images:
+ reference['refuri'] = posixpath.join(self.imgpath,
+ self.images[uri])
+ else:
+ reference['refuri'] = uri
+ node.replace_self(reference)
+ reference.append(node)
+ def load_indexer(self, docnames: Iterable[str]) -> None:
+ assert self.indexer is not None
+ keep = set(self.env.all_docs) - set(docnames)
+ try:
+ searchindexfn = path.join(self.outdir, self.searchindex_filename)
+ if self.indexer_dumps_unicode:
+ with open(searchindexfn, encoding='utf-8') as ft:
+ self.indexer.load(ft, self.indexer_format)
+ else:
+ with open(searchindexfn, 'rb') as fb:
+ self.indexer.load(fb, self.indexer_format)
+ except (OSError, ValueError):
+ if keep:
+ logger.warning(__("search index couldn't be loaded, but not all "
+ 'documents will be built: the index will be '
+ 'incomplete.'))
+ # delete all entries for files that will be rebuilt
+ self.indexer.prune(keep)
+ def index_page(self, pagename: str, doctree: nodes.document, title: str) -> None:
+ # only index pages with title
+ if self.indexer is not None and title:
+ filename = self.env.doc2path(pagename, base=False)
+ metadata = self.env.metadata.get(pagename, {})
+ if 'nosearch' in metadata:
+ self.indexer.feed(pagename, filename, '', new_document(''))
+ else:
+ self.indexer.feed(pagename, filename, title, doctree)
+ def _get_local_toctree(self, docname: str, collapse: bool = True, **kwargs: Any) -> str:
+ if 'includehidden' not in kwargs:
+ kwargs['includehidden'] = False
+ if kwargs.get('maxdepth') == '':
+ kwargs.pop('maxdepth')
+ toctree = global_toctree_for_doc(self.env, docname, self, collapse=collapse, **kwargs)
+ return self.render_partial(toctree)['fragment']
+ def get_outfilename(self, pagename: str) -> str:
+ return path.join(self.outdir, os_path(pagename) + self.out_suffix)
+ def add_sidebars(self, pagename: str, ctx: dict) -> None:
+ def has_wildcard(pattern: str) -> bool:
+ return any(char in pattern for char in '*?[')
+ sidebars = None
+ matched = None
+ customsidebar = None
+ # default sidebars settings for selected theme
+ if == 'alabaster':
+ # provide default settings for alabaster (for compatibility)
+ # Note: this will be removed before Sphinx-2.0
+ try:
+ # get default sidebars settings from alabaster (if defined)
+ theme_default_sidebars = self.theme.config.get('theme', 'sidebars')
+ if theme_default_sidebars:
+ sidebars = [name.strip() for name in theme_default_sidebars.split(',')]
+ except Exception:
+ # fallback to better default settings
+ sidebars = ['about.html', 'navigation.html', 'relations.html',
+ 'searchbox.html', 'donate.html']
+ else:
+ theme_default_sidebars = self.theme.get_config('theme', 'sidebars', None)
+ if theme_default_sidebars:
+ sidebars = [name.strip() for name in theme_default_sidebars.split(',')]
+ # user sidebar settings
+ html_sidebars = self.get_builder_config('sidebars', 'html')
+ for pattern, patsidebars in html_sidebars.items():
+ if patmatch(pagename, pattern):
+ if matched:
+ if has_wildcard(pattern):
+ # warn if both patterns contain wildcards
+ if has_wildcard(matched):
+ logger.warning(__('page %s matches two patterns in '
+ 'html_sidebars: %r and %r'),
+ pagename, matched, pattern)
+ # else the already matched pattern is more specific
+ # than the present one, because it contains no wildcard
+ continue
+ matched = pattern
+ sidebars = patsidebars
+ if sidebars is None:
+ # keep defaults
+ pass
+ ctx['sidebars'] = sidebars
+ ctx['customsidebar'] = customsidebar
+ # --------- these are overwritten by the serialization builder
+ def get_target_uri(self, docname: str, typ: str | None = None) -> str:
+ return quote(docname) + self.link_suffix
+ def handle_page(self, pagename: str, addctx: dict, templatename: str = 'page.html',
+ outfilename: str | None = None, event_arg: Any = None) -> None:
+ ctx = self.globalcontext.copy()
+ # current_page_name is backwards compatibility
+ ctx['pagename'] = ctx['current_page_name'] = pagename
+ ctx['encoding'] = self.config.html_output_encoding
+ default_baseuri = self.get_target_uri(pagename)
+ # in the singlehtml builder, default_baseuri still contains an #anchor
+ # part, which relative_uri doesn't really like...
+ default_baseuri = default_baseuri.rsplit('#', 1)[0]
+ if self.config.html_baseurl:
+ ctx['pageurl'] = posixpath.join(self.config.html_baseurl,
+ pagename + self.out_suffix)
+ else:
+ ctx['pageurl'] = None
+ def pathto(
+ otheruri: str, resource: bool = False, baseuri: str = default_baseuri,
+ ) -> str:
+ if resource and '://' in otheruri:
+ # allow non-local resources given by scheme
+ return otheruri
+ elif not resource:
+ otheruri = self.get_target_uri(otheruri)
+ uri = relative_uri(baseuri, otheruri) or '#'
+ if uri == '#' and not self.allow_sharp_as_current_path:
+ uri = baseuri
+ return uri
+ ctx['pathto'] = pathto
+ def hasdoc(name: str) -> bool:
+ if name in self.env.all_docs:
+ return True
+ if name == 'search' and
+ return True
+ if name == 'genindex' and self.get_builder_config('use_index', 'html'):
+ return True
+ return False
+ ctx['hasdoc'] = hasdoc
+ ctx['toctree'] = lambda **kwargs: self._get_local_toctree(pagename, **kwargs)
+ self.add_sidebars(pagename, ctx)
+ ctx.update(addctx)
+ # 'blah.html' should have content_root = './' not ''.
+ ctx['content_root'] = (f'..{SEP}' * default_baseuri.count(SEP)) or f'.{SEP}'
+ outdir =
+ def css_tag(css: _CascadingStyleSheet) -> str:
+ attrs = []
+ for key, value in css.attributes.items():
+ if value is not None:
+ attrs.append(f'{key}="{html.escape(value, quote=True)}"')
+ uri = pathto(os.fspath(css.filename), resource=True)
+ if checksum := _file_checksum(outdir, css.filename):
+ uri += f'?v={checksum}'
+ return f'<link {" ".join(sorted(attrs))} href="{uri}" />'
+ ctx['css_tag'] = css_tag
+ def js_tag(js: _JavaScript | str) -> str:
+ if not isinstance(js, _JavaScript):
+ # str value (old styled)
+ return f'<script src="{pathto(js, resource=True)}"></script>'
+ attrs = []
+ body = js.attributes.get('body', '')
+ for key, value in js.attributes.items():
+ if key == 'body':
+ continue
+ if value is not None:
+ attrs.append(f'{key}="{html.escape(value, quote=True)}"')
+ if not js.filename:
+ if attrs:
+ return f'<script {" ".join(sorted(attrs))}>{body}</script>'
+ return f'<script>{body}</script>'
+ uri = pathto(os.fspath(js.filename), resource=True)
+ if 'MathJax.js?' in os.fspath(js.filename):
+ # MathJax v2 reads a ``?config=...`` query parameter,
+ # special case this and just skip adding the checksum.
+ #
+ #
+ pass
+ elif checksum := _file_checksum(outdir, js.filename):
+ uri += f'?v={checksum}'
+ if attrs:
+ return f'<script {" ".join(sorted(attrs))} src="{uri}"></script>'
+ return f'<script src="{uri}"></script>'
+ ctx['js_tag'] = js_tag
+ # revert _css_files and _js_files
+ self._css_files[:] = self._orig_css_files
+ self._js_files[:] = self._orig_js_files
+ self.update_page_context(pagename, templatename, ctx, event_arg)
+ newtmpl ='html-page-context', pagename,
+ templatename, ctx, event_arg)
+ if newtmpl:
+ templatename = newtmpl
+ # sort JS/CSS before rendering HTML
+ try: # NoQA: SIM105
+ # Convert script_files to list to support non-list script_files (refs: #8889)
+ ctx['script_files'] = sorted(ctx['script_files'], key=lambda js: js.priority)
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Skip sorting if users modifies script_files directly (maybe via `html_context`).
+ # refs: #8885
+ #
+ # Note: priority sorting feature will not work in this case.
+ pass
+ with contextlib.suppress(AttributeError):
+ ctx['css_files'] = sorted(ctx['css_files'], key=lambda css: css.priority)
+ try:
+ output = self.templates.render(templatename, ctx)
+ except UnicodeError:
+ logger.warning(__("a Unicode error occurred when rendering the page %s. "
+ "Please make sure all config values that contain "
+ "non-ASCII content are Unicode strings."), pagename)
+ return
+ except Exception as exc:
+ raise ThemeError(__("An error happened in rendering the page %s.\nReason: %r") %
+ (pagename, exc)) from exc
+ if not outfilename:
+ outfilename = self.get_outfilename(pagename)
+ # outfilename's path is in general different from self.outdir
+ ensuredir(path.dirname(outfilename))
+ try:
+ with open(outfilename, 'w', encoding=ctx['encoding'],
+ errors='xmlcharrefreplace') as f:
+ f.write(output)
+ except OSError as err:
+ logger.warning(__("error writing file %s: %s"), outfilename, err)
+ if self.copysource and ctx.get('sourcename'):
+ # copy the source file for the "show source" link
+ source_name = path.join(self.outdir, '_sources',
+ os_path(ctx['sourcename']))
+ ensuredir(path.dirname(source_name))
+ copyfile(self.env.doc2path(pagename), source_name)
+ def update_page_context(self, pagename: str, templatename: str,
+ ctx: dict, event_arg: Any) -> None:
+ pass
+ def handle_finish(self) -> None:
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.dump_search_index)
+ self.finish_tasks.add_task(self.dump_inventory)
+ @progress_message(__('dumping object inventory'))
+ def dump_inventory(self) -> None:
+ InventoryFile.dump(path.join(self.outdir, INVENTORY_FILENAME), self.env, self)
+ def dump_search_index(self) -> None:
+ if self.indexer is None:
+ return
+ with progress_message(__('dumping search index in %s') % self.indexer.label()):
+ self.indexer.prune(self.env.all_docs)
+ searchindexfn = path.join(self.outdir, self.searchindex_filename)
+ # first write to a temporary file, so that if dumping fails,
+ # the existing index won't be overwritten
+ if self.indexer_dumps_unicode:
+ with open(searchindexfn + '.tmp', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as ft:
+ self.indexer.dump(ft, self.indexer_format)
+ else:
+ with open(searchindexfn + '.tmp', 'wb') as fb:
+ self.indexer.dump(fb, self.indexer_format)
+ os.replace(searchindexfn + '.tmp', searchindexfn)
+def convert_html_css_files(app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
+ """This converts string styled html_css_files to tuple styled one."""
+ html_css_files: list[tuple[str, dict]] = []
+ for entry in config.html_css_files:
+ if isinstance(entry, str):
+ html_css_files.append((entry, {}))
+ else:
+ try:
+ filename, attrs = entry
+ html_css_files.append((filename, attrs))
+ except Exception:
+ logger.warning(__('invalid css_file: %r, ignored'), entry)
+ continue
+ config.html_css_files = html_css_files # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+def _format_modified_time(timestamp: float) -> str:
+ """Return an RFC 3339 formatted string representing the given timestamp."""
+ seconds, fraction = divmod(timestamp, 1)
+ return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(seconds)) + f'.{fraction:.3f}'
+def convert_html_js_files(app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
+ """This converts string styled html_js_files to tuple styled one."""
+ html_js_files: list[tuple[str, dict]] = []
+ for entry in config.html_js_files:
+ if isinstance(entry, str):
+ html_js_files.append((entry, {}))
+ else:
+ try:
+ filename, attrs = entry
+ html_js_files.append((filename, attrs))
+ except Exception:
+ logger.warning(__('invalid js_file: %r, ignored'), entry)
+ continue
+ config.html_js_files = html_js_files # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+def setup_resource_paths(app: Sphinx, pagename: str, templatename: str,
+ context: dict, doctree: Node) -> None:
+ """Set up relative resource paths."""
+ pathto = context['pathto']
+ # favicon_url
+ favicon_url = context.get('favicon_url')
+ if favicon_url and not isurl(favicon_url):
+ context['favicon_url'] = pathto('_static/' + favicon_url, resource=True)
+ # logo_url
+ logo_url = context.get('logo_url')
+ if logo_url and not isurl(logo_url):
+ context['logo_url'] = pathto('_static/' + logo_url, resource=True)
+def validate_math_renderer(app: Sphinx) -> None:
+ if app.builder.format != 'html':
+ return
+ name = app.builder.math_renderer_name # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ if name is None:
+ raise ConfigError(__('Many math_renderers are registered. '
+ 'But no math_renderer is selected.'))
+ if name not in app.registry.html_inline_math_renderers:
+ raise ConfigError(__('Unknown math_renderer %r is given.') % name)
+def validate_html_extra_path(app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
+ """Check html_extra_paths setting."""
+ for entry in config.html_extra_path[:]:
+ extra_path = path.normpath(path.join(app.confdir, entry))
+ if not path.exists(extra_path):
+ logger.warning(__('html_extra_path entry %r does not exist'), entry)
+ config.html_extra_path.remove(entry)
+ elif (path.splitdrive(app.outdir)[0] == path.splitdrive(extra_path)[0] and
+ path.commonpath((app.outdir, extra_path)) == path.normpath(app.outdir)):
+ logger.warning(__('html_extra_path entry %r is placed inside outdir'), entry)
+ config.html_extra_path.remove(entry)
+def validate_html_static_path(app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
+ """Check html_static_paths setting."""
+ for entry in config.html_static_path[:]:
+ static_path = path.normpath(path.join(app.confdir, entry))
+ if not path.exists(static_path):
+ logger.warning(__('html_static_path entry %r does not exist'), entry)
+ config.html_static_path.remove(entry)
+ elif (path.splitdrive(app.outdir)[0] == path.splitdrive(static_path)[0] and
+ path.commonpath((app.outdir, static_path)) == path.normpath(app.outdir)):
+ logger.warning(__('html_static_path entry %r is placed inside outdir'), entry)
+ config.html_static_path.remove(entry)
+def validate_html_logo(app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
+ """Check html_logo setting."""
+ if (config.html_logo and
+ not path.isfile(path.join(app.confdir, config.html_logo)) and
+ not isurl(config.html_logo)):
+ logger.warning(__('logo file %r does not exist'), config.html_logo)
+ config.html_logo = None # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+def validate_html_favicon(app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
+ """Check html_favicon setting."""
+ if (config.html_favicon and
+ not path.isfile(path.join(app.confdir, config.html_favicon)) and
+ not isurl(config.html_favicon)):
+ logger.warning(__('favicon file %r does not exist'), config.html_favicon)
+ config.html_favicon = None # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+def error_on_html_4(_app: Sphinx, config: Config) -> None:
+ """Error on HTML 4."""
+ if config.html4_writer:
+ raise ConfigError(_(
+ 'HTML 4 is no longer supported by Sphinx. '
+ '("html4_writer=True" detected in configuration options)',
+ ))
+def setup(app: Sphinx) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ # builders
+ app.add_builder(StandaloneHTMLBuilder)
+ # config values
+ app.add_config_value('html_theme', 'alabaster', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_theme_path', [], 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_theme_options', {}, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_title',
+ lambda self: _('%s %s documentation') % (self.project, self.release),
+ 'html', [str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_short_title', lambda self: self.html_title, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_style', None, 'html', [list, str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_logo', None, 'html', [str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_favicon', None, 'html', [str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_css_files', [], 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_js_files', [], 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_static_path', [], 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_extra_path', [], 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_last_updated_fmt', None, 'html', [str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_sidebars', {}, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_additional_pages', {}, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_domain_indices', True, 'html', [list])
+ app.add_config_value('html_permalinks', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_permalinks_icon', 'ΒΆ', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_use_index', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_split_index', False, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_copy_source', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_show_sourcelink', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_sourcelink_suffix', '.txt', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_use_opensearch', '', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_file_suffix', None, 'html', [str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_link_suffix', None, 'html', [str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_show_copyright', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_show_search_summary', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_show_sphinx', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_context', {}, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_output_encoding', 'utf-8', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_compact_lists', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_secnumber_suffix', '. ', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_search_language', None, 'html', [str])
+ app.add_config_value('html_search_options', {}, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_search_scorer', '', '')
+ app.add_config_value('html_scaled_image_link', True, 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_baseurl', '', 'html')
+ app.add_config_value('html_codeblock_linenos_style', 'inline', 'html', # RemovedInSphinx70Warning # noqa: E501
+ ENUM('table', 'inline'))
+ app.add_config_value('html_math_renderer', None, 'env')
+ app.add_config_value('html4_writer', False, 'html')
+ # events
+ app.add_event('html-collect-pages')
+ app.add_event('html-page-context')
+ # event handlers
+ app.connect('config-inited', convert_html_css_files, priority=800)
+ app.connect('config-inited', convert_html_js_files, priority=800)
+ app.connect('config-inited', validate_html_extra_path, priority=800)
+ app.connect('config-inited', validate_html_static_path, priority=800)
+ app.connect('config-inited', validate_html_logo, priority=800)
+ app.connect('config-inited', validate_html_favicon, priority=800)
+ app.connect('config-inited', error_on_html_4, priority=800)
+ app.connect('builder-inited', validate_math_renderer)
+ app.connect('html-page-context', setup_resource_paths)
+ # load default math renderer
+ app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.mathjax')
+ # load transforms for HTML builder
+ app.setup_extension('')
+ return {
+ 'version': 'builtin',
+ 'parallel_read_safe': True,
+ 'parallel_write_safe': True,
+ }
+# deprecated name -> (object to return, canonical path or empty string)
+ 'Stylesheet': (_CascadingStyleSheet, '', (9, 0)), # NoQA: E501
+ 'JavaScript': (_JavaScript, '', (9, 0)),
+def __getattr__(name):
+ if name not in _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS:
+ msg = f'module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}'
+ raise AttributeError(msg)
+ from sphinx.deprecation import _deprecation_warning
+ deprecated_object, canonical_name, remove = _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS[name]
+ _deprecation_warning(__name__, name, canonical_name, remove=remove)
+ return deprecated_object