path: root/sphinx/ext/
diff options
authorDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:25:40 +0000
committerDaniel Baumann <>2024-04-15 17:25:40 +0000
commitcf7da1843c45a4c2df7a749f7886a2d2ba0ee92a (patch)
tree18dcde1a8d1f5570a77cd0c361de3b490d02c789 /sphinx/ext/
parentInitial commit. (diff)
Adding upstream version 7.2.6.upstream/7.2.6
Signed-off-by: Daniel Baumann <>
Diffstat (limited to 'sphinx/ext/')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sphinx/ext/ b/sphinx/ext/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a015a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sphinx/ext/
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+r"""Defines a docutils directive for inserting inheritance diagrams.
+Provide the directive with one or more classes or modules (separated
+by whitespace). For modules, all of the classes in that module will
+be used.
+ Given the following classes:
+ class A: pass
+ class B(A): pass
+ class C(A): pass
+ class D(B, C): pass
+ class E(B): pass
+ .. inheritance-diagram: D E
+ Produces a graph like the following:
+ A
+ / \
+ B C
+ / \ /
+ E D
+The graph is inserted as a PNG+image map into HTML and a PDF in
+from __future__ import annotations
+import builtins
+import hashlib
+import inspect
+import re
+from import Iterable, Sequence
+from importlib import import_module
+from os import path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.parsers.rst import directives
+import sphinx
+from sphinx import addnodes
+from sphinx.ext.graphviz import (
+ figure_wrapper,
+ graphviz,
+ render_dot_html,
+ render_dot_latex,
+ render_dot_texinfo,
+from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxDirective
+ from docutils.nodes import Node
+ from sphinx.application import Sphinx
+ from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment
+ from sphinx.util.typing import OptionSpec
+ from sphinx.writers.html import HTML5Translator
+ from sphinx.writers.latex import LaTeXTranslator
+ from sphinx.writers.texinfo import TexinfoTranslator
+module_sig_re = re.compile(r'''^(?:([\w.]*)\.)? # module names
+ (\w+) \s* $ # class/final module name
+ ''', re.VERBOSE)
+py_builtins = [obj for obj in vars(builtins).values()
+ if inspect.isclass(obj)]
+def try_import(objname: str) -> Any:
+ """Import a object or module using *name* and *currentmodule*.
+ *name* should be a relative name from *currentmodule* or
+ a fully-qualified name.
+ Returns imported object or module. If failed, returns None value.
+ """
+ try:
+ return import_module(objname)
+ except TypeError:
+ # Relative import
+ return None
+ except ImportError:
+ matched = module_sig_re.match(objname)
+ if not matched:
+ return None
+ modname, attrname = matched.groups()
+ if modname is None:
+ return None
+ try:
+ module = import_module(modname)
+ return getattr(module, attrname, None)
+ except ImportError:
+ return None
+def import_classes(name: str, currmodule: str) -> Any:
+ """Import a class using its fully-qualified *name*."""
+ target = None
+ # import class or module using currmodule
+ if currmodule:
+ target = try_import(currmodule + '.' + name)
+ # import class or module without currmodule
+ if target is None:
+ target = try_import(name)
+ if target is None:
+ raise InheritanceException(
+ 'Could not import class or module %r specified for '
+ 'inheritance diagram' % name)
+ if inspect.isclass(target):
+ # If imported object is a class, just return it
+ return [target]
+ elif inspect.ismodule(target):
+ # If imported object is a module, return classes defined on it
+ classes = []
+ for cls in target.__dict__.values():
+ if inspect.isclass(cls) and cls.__module__ == target.__name__:
+ classes.append(cls)
+ return classes
+ raise InheritanceException('%r specified for inheritance diagram is '
+ 'not a class or module' % name)
+class InheritanceException(Exception):
+ pass
+class InheritanceGraph:
+ """
+ Given a list of classes, determines the set of classes that they inherit
+ from all the way to the root "object", and then is able to generate a
+ graphviz dot graph from them.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, class_names: list[str], currmodule: str, show_builtins: bool = False,
+ private_bases: bool = False, parts: int = 0,
+ aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None, top_classes: Sequence[Any] = (),
+ ) -> None:
+ """*class_names* is a list of child classes to show bases from.
+ If *show_builtins* is True, then Python builtins will be shown
+ in the graph.
+ """
+ self.class_names = class_names
+ classes = self._import_classes(class_names, currmodule)
+ self.class_info = self._class_info(classes, show_builtins,
+ private_bases, parts, aliases, top_classes)
+ if not self.class_info:
+ msg = 'No classes found for inheritance diagram'
+ raise InheritanceException(msg)
+ def _import_classes(self, class_names: list[str], currmodule: str) -> list[Any]:
+ """Import a list of classes."""
+ classes: list[Any] = []
+ for name in class_names:
+ classes.extend(import_classes(name, currmodule))
+ return classes
+ def _class_info(self, classes: list[Any], show_builtins: bool, private_bases: bool,
+ parts: int, aliases: dict[str, str] | None, top_classes: Sequence[Any],
+ ) -> list[tuple[str, str, list[str], str]]:
+ """Return name and bases for all classes that are ancestors of
+ *classes*.
+ *parts* gives the number of dotted name parts to include in the
+ displayed node names, from right to left. If given as a negative, the
+ number of parts to drop from the left. A value of 0 displays the full
+ dotted name. E.g. ``sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceGraph``
+ with ``parts=2`` or ``parts=-2`` gets displayed as
+ ``inheritance_diagram.InheritanceGraph``, and as
+ ``ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceGraph`` with ``parts=3`` or
+ ``parts=-1``.
+ *top_classes* gives the name(s) of the top most ancestor class to
+ traverse to. Multiple names can be specified separated by comma.
+ """
+ all_classes = {}
+ def recurse(cls: Any) -> None:
+ if not show_builtins and cls in py_builtins:
+ return
+ if not private_bases and cls.__name__.startswith('_'):
+ return
+ nodename = self.class_name(cls, parts, aliases)
+ fullname = self.class_name(cls, 0, aliases)
+ # Use first line of docstring as tooltip, if available
+ tooltip = None
+ try:
+ if cls.__doc__:
+ doc = cls.__doc__.strip().split("\n")[0]
+ if doc:
+ tooltip = '"%s"' % doc.replace('"', '\\"')
+ except Exception: # might raise AttributeError for strange classes
+ pass
+ baselist: list[str] = []
+ all_classes[cls] = (nodename, fullname, baselist, tooltip)
+ if fullname in top_classes:
+ return
+ for base in cls.__bases__:
+ if not show_builtins and base in py_builtins:
+ continue
+ if not private_bases and base.__name__.startswith('_'):
+ continue
+ baselist.append(self.class_name(base, parts, aliases))
+ if base not in all_classes:
+ recurse(base)
+ for cls in classes:
+ recurse(cls)
+ return list(all_classes.values()) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ def class_name(
+ self, cls: Any, parts: int = 0, aliases: dict[str, str] | None = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Given a class object, return a fully-qualified name.
+ This works for things I've tested in matplotlib so far, but may not be
+ completely general.
+ """
+ module = cls.__module__
+ if module in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'):
+ fullname = cls.__name__
+ else:
+ fullname = f'{module}.{cls.__qualname__}'
+ if parts == 0:
+ result = fullname
+ else:
+ name_parts = fullname.split('.')
+ result = '.'.join(name_parts[-parts:])
+ if aliases is not None and result in aliases:
+ return aliases[result]
+ return result
+ def get_all_class_names(self) -> list[str]:
+ """Get all of the class names involved in the graph."""
+ return [fullname for (_, fullname, _, _) in self.class_info]
+ # These are the default attrs for graphviz
+ default_graph_attrs = {
+ 'rankdir': 'LR',
+ 'size': '"8.0, 12.0"',
+ 'bgcolor': 'transparent',
+ }
+ default_node_attrs = {
+ 'shape': 'box',
+ 'fontsize': 10,
+ 'height': 0.25,
+ 'fontname': '"Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, '
+ 'Arial, Helvetica, sans"',
+ 'style': '"setlinewidth(0.5),filled"',
+ 'fillcolor': 'white',
+ }
+ default_edge_attrs = {
+ 'arrowsize': 0.5,
+ 'style': '"setlinewidth(0.5)"',
+ }
+ def _format_node_attrs(self, attrs: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
+ return ','.join(['%s=%s' % x for x in sorted(attrs.items())])
+ def _format_graph_attrs(self, attrs: dict[str, Any]) -> str:
+ return ''.join(['%s=%s;\n' % x for x in sorted(attrs.items())])
+ def generate_dot(self, name: str, urls: dict[str, str] | None = None,
+ env: BuildEnvironment | None = None,
+ graph_attrs: dict | None = None,
+ node_attrs: dict | None = None,
+ edge_attrs: dict | None = None,
+ ) -> str:
+ """Generate a graphviz dot graph from the classes that were passed in
+ to __init__.
+ *name* is the name of the graph.
+ *urls* is a dictionary mapping class names to HTTP URLs.
+ *graph_attrs*, *node_attrs*, *edge_attrs* are dictionaries containing
+ key/value pairs to pass on as graphviz properties.
+ """
+ if urls is None:
+ urls = {}
+ g_attrs = self.default_graph_attrs.copy()
+ n_attrs = self.default_node_attrs.copy()
+ e_attrs = self.default_edge_attrs.copy()
+ if graph_attrs is not None:
+ g_attrs.update(graph_attrs)
+ if node_attrs is not None:
+ n_attrs.update(node_attrs)
+ if edge_attrs is not None:
+ e_attrs.update(edge_attrs)
+ if env:
+ g_attrs.update(env.config.inheritance_graph_attrs)
+ n_attrs.update(env.config.inheritance_node_attrs)
+ e_attrs.update(env.config.inheritance_edge_attrs)
+ res: list[str] = []
+ res.append('digraph %s {\n' % name)
+ res.append(self._format_graph_attrs(g_attrs))
+ for name, fullname, bases, tooltip in sorted(self.class_info):
+ # Write the node
+ this_node_attrs = n_attrs.copy()
+ if fullname in urls:
+ this_node_attrs['URL'] = '"%s"' % urls[fullname]
+ this_node_attrs['target'] = '"_top"'
+ if tooltip:
+ this_node_attrs['tooltip'] = tooltip
+ res.append(' "%s" [%s];\n' %
+ (name, self._format_node_attrs(this_node_attrs)))
+ # Write the edges
+ for base_name in bases:
+ res.append(' "%s" -> "%s" [%s];\n' %
+ (base_name, name,
+ self._format_node_attrs(e_attrs)))
+ res.append('}\n')
+ return ''.join(res)
+class inheritance_diagram(graphviz):
+ """
+ A docutils node to use as a placeholder for the inheritance diagram.
+ """
+ pass
+class InheritanceDiagram(SphinxDirective):
+ """
+ Run when the inheritance_diagram directive is first encountered.
+ """
+ has_content = False
+ required_arguments = 1
+ optional_arguments = 0
+ final_argument_whitespace = True
+ option_spec: OptionSpec = {
+ 'parts': int,
+ 'private-bases': directives.flag,
+ 'caption': directives.unchanged,
+ 'top-classes': directives.unchanged_required,
+ }
+ def run(self) -> list[Node]:
+ node = inheritance_diagram()
+ node.document = self.state.document
+ class_names = self.arguments[0].split()
+ class_role = self.env.get_domain('py').role('class')
+ # Store the original content for use as a hash
+ node['parts'] = self.options.get('parts', 0)
+ node['content'] = ', '.join(class_names)
+ node['top-classes'] = []
+ for cls in self.options.get('top-classes', '').split(','):
+ cls = cls.strip()
+ if cls:
+ node['top-classes'].append(cls)
+ # Create a graph starting with the list of classes
+ try:
+ graph = InheritanceGraph(
+ class_names, self.env.ref_context.get('py:module'), # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ parts=node['parts'],
+ private_bases='private-bases' in self.options,
+ aliases=self.config.inheritance_alias,
+ top_classes=node['top-classes'])
+ except InheritanceException as err:
+ return [node.document.reporter.warning(err, line=self.lineno)]
+ # Create xref nodes for each target of the graph's image map and
+ # add them to the doc tree so that Sphinx can resolve the
+ # references to real URLs later. These nodes will eventually be
+ # removed from the doctree after we're done with them.
+ for name in graph.get_all_class_names():
+ refnodes, x = class_role( # type: ignore[call-arg,misc]
+ 'class', ':class:`%s`' % name, name, 0, self.state) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+ node.extend(refnodes)
+ # Store the graph object so we can use it to generate the
+ # dot file later
+ node['graph'] = graph
+ if 'caption' not in self.options:
+ self.add_name(node)
+ return [node]
+ else:
+ figure = figure_wrapper(self, node, self.options['caption'])
+ self.add_name(figure)
+ return [figure]
+def get_graph_hash(node: inheritance_diagram) -> str:
+ encoded = (node['content'] + str(node['parts'])).encode()
+ return hashlib.md5(encoded, usedforsecurity=False).hexdigest()[-10:]
+def html_visit_inheritance_diagram(self: HTML5Translator, node: inheritance_diagram) -> None:
+ """
+ Output the graph for HTML. This will insert a PNG with clickable
+ image map.
+ """
+ graph = node['graph']
+ graph_hash = get_graph_hash(node)
+ name = 'inheritance%s' % graph_hash
+ # Create a mapping from fully-qualified class names to URLs.
+ graphviz_output_format = self.builder.env.config.graphviz_output_format.upper()
+ current_filename = path.basename(self.builder.current_docname + self.builder.out_suffix)
+ urls = {}
+ pending_xrefs = cast(Iterable[addnodes.pending_xref], node)
+ for child in pending_xrefs:
+ if child.get('refuri') is not None:
+ # Construct the name from the URI if the reference is external via intersphinx
+ if not child.get('internal', True):
+ refname = child['refuri'].rsplit('#', 1)[-1]
+ else:
+ refname = child['reftitle']
+ urls[refname] = child.get('refuri')
+ elif child.get('refid') is not None:
+ if graphviz_output_format == 'SVG':
+ urls[child['reftitle']] = current_filename + '#' + child.get('refid')
+ else:
+ urls[child['reftitle']] = '#' + child.get('refid')
+ dotcode = graph.generate_dot(name, urls, env=self.builder.env)
+ render_dot_html(self, node, dotcode, {}, 'inheritance', 'inheritance',
+ alt='Inheritance diagram of ' + node['content'])
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+def latex_visit_inheritance_diagram(self: LaTeXTranslator, node: inheritance_diagram) -> None:
+ """
+ Output the graph for LaTeX. This will insert a PDF.
+ """
+ graph = node['graph']
+ graph_hash = get_graph_hash(node)
+ name = 'inheritance%s' % graph_hash
+ dotcode = graph.generate_dot(name, env=self.builder.env,
+ graph_attrs={'size': '"6.0,6.0"'})
+ render_dot_latex(self, node, dotcode, {}, 'inheritance')
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+def texinfo_visit_inheritance_diagram(self: TexinfoTranslator, node: inheritance_diagram,
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Output the graph for Texinfo. This will insert a PNG.
+ """
+ graph = node['graph']
+ graph_hash = get_graph_hash(node)
+ name = 'inheritance%s' % graph_hash
+ dotcode = graph.generate_dot(name, env=self.builder.env,
+ graph_attrs={'size': '"6.0,6.0"'})
+ render_dot_texinfo(self, node, dotcode, {}, 'inheritance')
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+def skip(self: nodes.NodeVisitor, node: inheritance_diagram) -> None:
+ raise nodes.SkipNode
+def setup(app: Sphinx) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.graphviz')
+ app.add_node(
+ inheritance_diagram,
+ latex=(latex_visit_inheritance_diagram, None),
+ html=(html_visit_inheritance_diagram, None),
+ text=(skip, None),
+ man=(skip, None),
+ texinfo=(texinfo_visit_inheritance_diagram, None))
+ app.add_directive('inheritance-diagram', InheritanceDiagram)
+ app.add_config_value('inheritance_graph_attrs', {}, False)
+ app.add_config_value('inheritance_node_attrs', {}, False)
+ app.add_config_value('inheritance_edge_attrs', {}, False)
+ app.add_config_value('inheritance_alias', {}, False)
+ return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}