path: root/doc/usage/quickstart.rst
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diff --git a/doc/usage/quickstart.rst b/doc/usage/quickstart.rst
index fcbfa80..774a581 100644
--- a/doc/usage/quickstart.rst
+++ b/doc/usage/quickstart.rst
@@ -54,7 +54,8 @@ to contain the root of the "table of contents tree" (or *toctree*). This is one
of the main things that Sphinx adds to reStructuredText, a way to connect
multiple files to a single hierarchy of documents.
-.. sidebar:: reStructuredText directives
+.. admonition:: reStructuredText directives
+ :class: note
``toctree`` is a reStructuredText :dfn:`directive`, a very versatile piece
of markup. Directives can have arguments, options and content.
@@ -95,7 +96,9 @@ documents to include are given as :term:`document name`\ s, which in short
means that you leave off the file name extension and use forward slashes
(``/``) as directory separators.
-|more| Read more about :ref:`the toctree directive <toctree-directive>`.
+.. seealso::
+ Read more about :ref:`the toctree directive <toctree-directive>`.
You can now create the files you listed in the ``toctree`` and add content, and
their section titles will be inserted (up to the ``maxdepth`` level) at the
@@ -118,8 +121,11 @@ for this document -- use the "Show Source" link in the sidebar.
.. todo:: Update the below link when we add new guides on these.
-|more| See :doc:`/usage/restructuredtext/index` for a more in-depth
-introduction to reStructuredText, including markup added by Sphinx.
+.. seealso::
+ :doc:`/usage/restructuredtext/index`
+ for a more in-depth introduction to reStructuredText,
+ including markup added by Sphinx.
Running the build
@@ -137,8 +143,10 @@ directory in which you want to place the built documentation.
The :option:`-M <sphinx-build -M>` option selects a builder; in this example
Sphinx will build HTML files.
-|more| Refer to the :doc:`sphinx-build man page </man/sphinx-build>` for all
-options that :program:`sphinx-build` supports.
+.. seealso::
+ Refer to the :doc:`sphinx-build man page </man/sphinx-build>`
+ for all options that :program:`sphinx-build` supports.
However, :program:`sphinx-quickstart` script creates a :file:`Makefile` and a
:file:`make.bat` which make life even easier for you. These can be executed by
@@ -220,8 +228,10 @@ Each domain will have special rules for how the signatures can look like, and
make the formatted output look pretty, or add specific features like links to
parameter types, e.g. in the C/C++ domains.
-|more| See :doc:`/usage/domains/index` for all the available domains
-and their directives/roles.
+.. seealso::
+ :doc:`/usage/domains/index`
+ for all the available domains and their directives/roles.
Basic configuration
@@ -245,8 +255,10 @@ Keep in mind that the file uses Python syntax for strings, numbers, lists and
so on. The file is saved in UTF-8 by default, as indicated by the encoding
declaration in the first line.
-|more| See :doc:`/usage/configuration` for documentation of all available
-config values.
+.. seealso::
+ :doc:`/usage/configuration`
+ for documentation of all available config values.
.. todo:: Move this entire doc to a different section
@@ -259,42 +271,10 @@ source files, in documentation strings. Sphinx supports the inclusion of
docstrings from your modules with an :dfn:`extension` (an extension is a Python
module that provides additional features for Sphinx projects) called *autodoc*.
-In order to use *autodoc*, you need to activate it in :file:`` by
-putting the string ``'sphinx.ext.autodoc'`` into the list assigned to the
-:confval:`extensions` config value::
- extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']
-Then, you have a few additional directives at your disposal. For example, to
-document the function ````, reading its signature and
-docstring from the source file, you'd write this::
- .. autofunction::
-You can also document whole classes or even modules automatically, using member
-options for the auto directives, like ::
+.. seealso::
- .. automodule:: io
- :members:
-*autodoc* needs to import your modules in order to extract the docstrings.
-Therefore, you must add the appropriate path to :py:data:`sys.path` in your
-.. warning::
- :mod:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc` **imports** the modules to be documented. If any
- modules have side effects on import, these will be executed by ``autodoc``
- when ``sphinx-build`` is run.
- If you document scripts (as opposed to library modules), make sure their
- main routine is protected by a ``if __name__ == '__main__'`` condition.
-|more| See :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` for the complete description of the
-features of autodoc.
-.. todo:: Move this doc to another section
+ :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc`
+ for the complete description of the features of autodoc.
@@ -322,8 +302,10 @@ download the list of valid targets). Intersphinx also works for some other
:term:`domain`\'s roles including ``:ref:``, however it doesn't work for
``:doc:`` as that is non-domain role.
-|more| See :mod:`sphinx.ext.intersphinx` for the complete description of the
-features of intersphinx.
+.. seealso::
+ :mod:`sphinx.ext.intersphinx`
+ for the complete description of the features of intersphinx.
More topics to be covered
@@ -342,7 +324,3 @@ More topics to be covered
.. [#] This is the usual layout. However, :file:`` can also live in
another directory, the :term:`configuration directory`. Refer to the
:doc:`sphinx-build man page </man/sphinx-build>` for more information.
-.. |more| image:: /_static/more.png
- :align: middle
- :alt: more info