path: root/pyproject.toml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pyproject.toml')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a9bc9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+requires = ["flit_core>=3.7"]
+build-backend = "flit_core.buildapi"
+# project metadata
+name = "Sphinx"
+description = "Python documentation generator"
+readme = "README.rst"
+urls.Changelog = ""
+urls.Code = ""
+urls.Download = ""
+urls.Homepage = ""
+urls."Issue tracker" = ""
+license.text = "BSD-2-Clause"
+requires-python = ">=3.9"
+# Classifiers list:
+classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
+ "Environment :: Console",
+ "Environment :: Web Environment",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Intended Audience :: Education",
+ "Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop",
+ "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
+ "Intended Audience :: System Administrators",
+ "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy",
+ "Framework :: Sphinx",
+ "Framework :: Sphinx :: Extension",
+ "Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme",
+ "Topic :: Documentation",
+ "Topic :: Documentation :: Sphinx",
+ "Topic :: Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management",
+ "Topic :: Printing",
+ "Topic :: Software Development",
+ "Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation",
+ "Topic :: Text Processing",
+ "Topic :: Text Processing :: General",
+ "Topic :: Text Processing :: Indexing",
+ "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup",
+ "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML",
+ "Topic :: Text Processing :: Markup :: LaTeX",
+ "Topic :: Utilities",
+dependencies = [
+ "sphinxcontrib-applehelp",
+ "sphinxcontrib-devhelp",
+ "sphinxcontrib-jsmath",
+ "sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp>=2.0.0",
+ "sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml>=1.1.9",
+ "sphinxcontrib-qthelp",
+ "Jinja2>=3.0",
+ "Pygments>=2.14",
+ "docutils>=0.18.1,<0.21",
+ "snowballstemmer>=2.0",
+ "babel>=2.9",
+ "alabaster>=0.7,<0.8",
+ "imagesize>=1.3",
+ "requests>=2.25.0",
+ "packaging>=21.0",
+ "importlib-metadata>=4.8; python_version < '3.10'",
+ "colorama>=0.4.5; sys_platform == 'win32'",
+dynamic = ["version"]
+docs = [
+ "sphinxcontrib-websupport",
+lint = [
+ "flake8>=3.5.0",
+ "flake8-simplify",
+ "isort",
+ "ruff",
+ "mypy>=0.990",
+ "sphinx-lint",
+ "docutils-stubs",
+ "types-requests",
+test = [
+ "pytest>=4.6",
+ "html5lib",
+ "cython>=3.0",
+ "setuptools>=67.0", # for Cython compilation
+ "filelock",
+name = "Georg Brandl"
+email = ""
+sphinx-build = ""
+sphinx-quickstart = "sphinx.cmd.quickstart:main"
+sphinx-apidoc = "sphinx.ext.apidoc:main"
+sphinx-autogen = "sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate:main"
+name = "sphinx"
+include = [
+ # Documentation
+ "doc/",
+ "CODE_OF_CONDUCT", # used as an include in the Documentation
+ "EXAMPLES", # used as an include in the Documentation
+ # Tests
+ "tests/",
+ "tox.ini",
+ # Utilities
+ "utils/",
+ "babel.cfg",
+exclude = [
+ "doc/_build",
+line_length = 95
+profile = "black"
+remove_redundant_aliases = true
+target-version = "py39" # Pin Ruff to Python 3.9
+line-length = 95
+show-source = true
+exclude = [
+ ".git",
+ ".tox",
+ ".venv",
+ "tests/roots/*",
+ "build/*",
+ "doc/_build/*",
+ "sphinx/search/*",
+ "doc/usage/extensions/example*.py",
+ignore = [
+ # pycodestyle
+ "E251", # unexpected spaces around equals
+ "E721", # do not compare types, use isinstance()
+ "E741", # ambiguous variable name
+ "F821", # undefined name
+ "W291", # trailing whitespace
+ # flake8-builtins
+ "A001", # variable is shadowing a python builtin
+ "A002", # argument is shadowing a python builtin
+ "A003", # class attribute is shadowing a python builtin
+ # flake8-annotations
+ "ANN001", # missing type annotation for function argument
+ "ANN002", # missing type annotation for *args
+ "ANN003", # missing type annotation for **kwargs
+ "ANN101", # missing type annotation for self in method
+ "ANN102", # missing type annotation for cls in classmethod
+ "ANN201", # missing type annotation for public function
+ "ANN202", # missing type annotation for private function
+ "ANN204", # missing type annotation for special method
+ "ANN205", # missing type annotation for static method
+ "ANN206", # missing type annotation for classmethod
+ "ANN401", # dynamically typed expressions (typing.Any) are disallowed
+ # flake8-unused-arguments
+ "ARG001", # unused function argument
+ "ARG002", # unused method argument
+ "ARG003", # unused class method argument
+ "ARG005", # unused lambda argument
+ # flake8-blind-except
+ "BLE001", # do not catch blind exception
+ # mccabe
+ "C901", # ... is too complex
+ # pydocstyle
+ "D",
+ # flake8-django
+ "DJ", # Django is not used in Sphinx
+ # eradicate
+ "ERA001", # found commented-out code
+ # flake8-future-annotations
+ "FA100", # missing from __future__ import annotations
+ "FA102", # missing from __future__ import annotations
+ # flake8-boolean-trap
+ "FBT001", # boolean positional arg in function definition
+ "FBT002", # boolean default value in function definition
+ "FBT003", # boolean positional value in function call
+ # flake8-fixme
+ "FIX001", # line contains FIXME
+ "FIX002", # line contains TODO
+ "FIX003", # line contains XXX
+ "FIX004", # line contains HACK
+ # flynt
+ "FLY002", # Consider f-string instead of string join
+ # flake8-logging-format
+ "G002", # logging statement uses `%`
+ "G003", # logging statement uses `+`
+ # flake8-implicit-str-concat
+ "ISC001", # implicitly concatenated string literals on one line
+ "ISC002", # implicitly concatenated string literals over multiple lines
+ "ISC003", # explicitly concatenated string should be implicitly concatenated
+ # pep8-naming
+ "N",
+ # NumPy-specific rules
+ "NPY", # numpy is not used in Sphinx
+ # pandas-vet
+ "PD", # pandas is not used in Sphinx
+ # Perflint
+ "PERF101", # do not cast an iterable to list before iterating over it
+ "PERF102", # use either dict.keys() or dict.values()
+ "PERF203", # try-except within a loop incurs performance overhead
+ "PERF401", # Use a list comprehension to create a transformed list
+ "PERF402", # Use list or list.copy to create a copy of a list
+ # flake8-pie
+ "PIE790", # unnecessary 'pass' statement
+ # pylint
+ "PLC0205", # Class __slots__ should be a non-string iterable
+ "PLC0208", # Use a sequence type instead of a set when iterating over values
+ "PLC1901", # simplify truthy/falsey string comparisons
+ "PLR0124", # Name compared with itself
+ "PLR1714", # Consider merging multiple comparisons
+ "PLR2004", # avoid magic values
+ "PLR0911", # too many return statements
+ "PLR0912", # too many branches
+ "PLR0913", # too many arguments to function call
+ "PLR0915", # too many statements
+ "PLR5501", # consider using elif to remove an indentation level
+ "PLW0603", # using the global statement to update variables is discouraged
+ "PLW2901", # outer loop variable overwritten by inner assignment
+ # flake8-use-pathlib
+ "PTH",
+ # flake8-pyi
+ "PYI",
+ # flake8-quotes
+ "Q000", # double quotes found but single quotes preferred
+ "Q001", # single quote docstring found but double quotes preferred
+ # flake8-return
+ "RET503", # missing explicit return at the end of function able to return non-None value
+ "RET504", # unnecessary variable assignment before `return` statement
+ "RET505", # unnecessary `else` after `return` statement
+ "RET506", # Unnecessary {branch} after raise statement
+ # Ruff-specific rules
+ "RUF001", # string contains ambiguous unicode character
+ "RUF003", # comment contains ambiguous unicode character
+ "RUF005", # consider unpacking instead of concatenation
+ "RUF012", # mutable class attributes should be annotated with typing.ClassVar
+ "RUF013", # PEP 484 prohibits implicit Optional
+ "RUF015", # prefer next({iterable}) over single element slice
+ "RUF100", # unused noqa directive
+ # flake8-bandit
+ "S101", # assert used
+ "S105", # possible hardcoded password
+ "S110", # try/except/pass detected
+ "S113", # probable use of requests call without timeout
+ "S301", # 'pickle' unsafe when loading untrusted data
+ "S307", # use of possibly insecure function (eval)
+ "S324", # probable use of insecure hash functions
+ "S603", # subprocess call: check for execution of untrusted input
+ "S607", # Starting a process with a partial executable path
+ "S701", # use autoescape=True for Jinja
+ # flake8-simplify
+ "SIM102", # nested 'if' statements
+ "SIM103", # return condition directly
+ "SIM108", # use ternary operator
+ # flake8-self
+ "SLF001", # private member accessed
+ # flake8-todo
+ "TD001", # invalid TODO tag
+ "TD002", # missing author in TODO
+ "TD003", # missing issue link on the line following this TODO
+ "TD004", # missing colon in TODO
+ "TD005", # missing issue description after TODO
+ # tryceratops
+ "TRY",
+ # pyupgrade
+ "UP031", # replace with format specifiers
+ "UP032", # use f-string instead of format call
+external = [ # Whitelist for RUF100 unknown code warnings
+ "E704",
+ "SIM113",
+select = [
+ "ALL", # every check supported by Ruff
+ # nursery rules
+ "E111", # Indentation is not a multiple of {indent_size}
+ "E112", # Expected an indented block
+ "E113", # Unexpected indentation
+ "E114", # Indentation is not a multiple of {indent_size} (comment)
+ "E115", # Expected an indented block (comment)
+ "E116", # Unexpected indentation (comment)
+ "E117", # Over-indented (comment)
+ "E201", # Whitespace after '{symbol}'
+ "E201", # Whitespace after '{symbol}'
+ "E202", # Whitespace before '{symbol}'
+ "E203", # Whitespace before '{punctuation}'
+ "E211", # Whitespace before '{bracket}'
+ "E221", # Multiple spaces before operator
+ "E222", # Multiple spaces after operator
+ "E223", # Tab before operator
+ "E224", # Tab after operator
+ "E225", # Missing whitespace around operator
+ "E226", # Missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
+ "E227", # Missing whitespace around bitwise or shift operator
+ "E228", # Missing whitespace around modulo operator
+ "E231", # Missing whitespace after '{token}'
+ "E241", # Multiple spaces after comma
+ "E242", # Tab after comma
+ "E252", # Missing whitespace around parameter equals
+ "E261", # Insert at least two spaces before an inline comment
+ "E262", # Inline comment should start with `# `
+ "E265", # Block comment should start with `# `
+ "E266", # Too many leading `#` before block comment
+ "E271", # Multiple spaces after keyword
+ "E272", # Multiple spaces before keyword
+ "E273", # Tab after keyword
+ "E274", # Tab before keyword
+ "E275", # Missing whitespace after keyword
+"doc/" = ["INP001"]
+"doc/development/tutorials/examples/*" = ["INP001"]
+# allow print() in the tutorial
+"doc/development/tutorials/examples/" = ["T201"]
+# from .flake8
+"sphinx/*" = ["E241"]
+# whitelist ``print`` for stdout messages
+"sphinx/cmd/" = ["T201"]
+"sphinx/cmd/" = ["T201"]
+"sphinx/cmd/" = ["T201"]
+"sphinx/environment/collectors/" = ["B026"]
+"sphinx/environment/adapters/" = ["B026"]
+# whitelist ``print`` for stdout messages
+"sphinx/ext/" = ["T201"]
+# whitelist ``print`` for stdout messages
+"sphinx/testing/" = ["T201"]
+# Ruff bug:
+"sphinx/transforms/" = ["PGH004"]
+"tests/*" = [
+ "E501",
+ "T201" # whitelist ``print`` for tests
+# these tests need old ``typing`` generic aliases
+"tests/" = ["UP006", "UP035"]
+"tests/" = ["UP006", "UP035"]
+# whitelist ``print`` for stdout messages
+"utils/*" = ["T201"]
+inline-quotes = "single"
+check_untyped_defs = true
+disallow_incomplete_defs = true
+follow_imports = "skip"
+ignore_missing_imports = true
+no_implicit_optional = true
+python_version = "3.9"
+show_column_numbers = true
+show_error_codes = true
+show_error_context = true
+strict_optional = true
+warn_redundant_casts = true
+warn_unused_ignores = true
+disallow_any_generics = true
+module = [
+ "",
+ "",
+strict_optional = false
+module = [
+ "sphinx.application",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "sphinx.cmd.quickstart",
+ "sphinx.config",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "sphinx.environment.*",
+ "",
+ "sphinx.ext.*",
+ "sphinx.highlighting",
+ "sphinx.jinja2glue",
+ "sphinx.registry",
+ "sphinx.roles",
+ "*",
+ "sphinx.testing.*",
+ "sphinx.util",
+ "sphinx.util.display",
+ "sphinx.util.docfields",
+ "sphinx.util.docutils",
+ "sphinx.util.fileutil",
+ "sphinx.util.i18n",
+ "sphinx.util.inspect",
+ "sphinx.util.inventory",
+ "sphinx.util.logging",
+ "sphinx.util.nodes",
+ "sphinx.util.parallel",
+ "sphinx.util.template",
+disallow_any_generics = false
+minversion = 4.6
+addopts = [
+ "--import-mode=importlib",
+# "--pythonwarnings=error",
+ "--strict-config",
+ "--strict-markers",
+empty_parameter_set_mark = "xfail"
+filterwarnings = [
+ "all",
+ "",
+ "ignore::DeprecationWarning:pyximport.pyximport",
+ "ignore::ImportWarning:importlib._bootstrap",
+markers = [
+ "apidoc",
+testpaths = ["tests"]
+xfail_strict = true
+branch = true
+parallel = true
+source = ['sphinx']
+exclude_lines = [
+ # Have to re-enable the standard pragma
+ 'pragma: no cover',
+ # Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code:
+ 'raise NotImplementedError',
+ # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run:
+ 'if __name__ == .__main__.:',
+ignore_errors = true