path: root/sphinx/cmd/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sphinx/cmd/ b/sphinx/cmd/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ee0ceb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sphinx/cmd/
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+"""Build documentation from a provided source."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+import bdb
+import contextlib
+import locale
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import pdb # NoQA: T100
+import sys
+import traceback
+from os import path
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TextIO
+from docutils.utils import SystemMessage
+import sphinx.locale
+from sphinx import __display_version__
+from sphinx.application import Sphinx
+from sphinx.errors import SphinxError, SphinxParallelError
+from sphinx.locale import __
+from sphinx.util import Tee
+from sphinx.util.console import ( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ color_terminal,
+ nocolor,
+ red,
+ terminal_safe,
+from sphinx.util.docutils import docutils_namespace, patch_docutils
+from sphinx.util.exceptions import format_exception_cut_frames, save_traceback
+from sphinx.util.osutil import ensuredir
+ from import Sequence
+def handle_exception(
+ app: Sphinx | None, args: Any, exception: BaseException, stderr: TextIO = sys.stderr,
+) -> None:
+ if isinstance(exception, bdb.BdbQuit):
+ return
+ if args.pdb:
+ print(red(__('Exception occurred while building, starting debugger:')),
+ file=stderr)
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ pdb.post_mortem(sys.exc_info()[2])
+ else:
+ print(file=stderr)
+ if args.verbosity or args.traceback:
+ exc = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if isinstance(exc, SphinxParallelError):
+ exc_format = '(Error in parallel process)\n' + exc.traceback
+ print(exc_format, file=stderr)
+ else:
+ traceback.print_exc(None, stderr)
+ print(file=stderr)
+ if isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt):
+ print(__('Interrupted!'), file=stderr)
+ elif isinstance(exception, SystemMessage):
+ print(red(__('reST markup error:')), file=stderr)
+ print(terminal_safe(exception.args[0]), file=stderr)
+ elif isinstance(exception, SphinxError):
+ print(red('%s:' % exception.category), file=stderr)
+ print(str(exception), file=stderr)
+ elif isinstance(exception, UnicodeError):
+ print(red(__('Encoding error:')), file=stderr)
+ print(terminal_safe(str(exception)), file=stderr)
+ tbpath = save_traceback(app, exception)
+ print(red(__('The full traceback has been saved in %s, if you want '
+ 'to report the issue to the developers.') % tbpath),
+ file=stderr)
+ elif isinstance(exception, RuntimeError) and 'recursion depth' in str(exception):
+ print(red(__('Recursion error:')), file=stderr)
+ print(terminal_safe(str(exception)), file=stderr)
+ print(file=stderr)
+ print(__('This can happen with very large or deeply nested source '
+ 'files. You can carefully increase the default Python '
+ 'recursion limit of 1000 in with e.g.:'), file=stderr)
+ print(' import sys; sys.setrecursionlimit(1500)', file=stderr)
+ else:
+ print(red(__('Exception occurred:')), file=stderr)
+ print(format_exception_cut_frames().rstrip(), file=stderr)
+ tbpath = save_traceback(app, exception)
+ print(red(__('The full traceback has been saved in %s, if you '
+ 'want to report the issue to the developers.') % tbpath),
+ file=stderr)
+ print(__('Please also report this if it was a user error, so '
+ 'that a better error message can be provided next time.'),
+ file=stderr)
+ print(__('A bug report can be filed in the tracker at '
+ '<>. Thanks!'),
+ file=stderr)
+def jobs_argument(value: str) -> int:
+ """
+ Special type to handle 'auto' flags passed to 'sphinx-build' via -j flag. Can
+ be expanded to handle other special scaling requests, such as setting job count
+ to cpu_count.
+ """
+ if value == 'auto':
+ return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ else:
+ jobs = int(value)
+ if jobs <= 0:
+ raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(__('job number should be a positive number'))
+ else:
+ return jobs
+def get_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser:
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ epilog=__('For more information, visit <>.'),
+ description=__("""
+Generate documentation from source files.
+sphinx-build generates documentation from the files in SOURCEDIR and places it
+in OUTPUTDIR. It looks for '' in SOURCEDIR for the configuration
+settings. The 'sphinx-quickstart' tool may be used to generate template files,
+including ''
+sphinx-build can create documentation in different formats. A format is
+selected by specifying the builder name on the command line; it defaults to
+HTML. Builders can also perform other tasks related to documentation
+By default, everything that is outdated is built. Output only for selected
+files can be built by specifying individual filenames.
+ parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', dest='show_version',
+ version='%%(prog)s %s' % __display_version__)
+ parser.add_argument('sourcedir',
+ help=__('path to documentation source files'))
+ parser.add_argument('outputdir',
+ help=__('path to output directory'))
+ parser.add_argument('filenames', nargs='*',
+ help=__('a list of specific files to rebuild. Ignored '
+ 'if -a is specified'))
+ group = parser.add_argument_group(__('general options'))
+ group.add_argument('-b', metavar='BUILDER', dest='builder',
+ default='html',
+ help=__('builder to use (default: html)'))
+ group.add_argument('-a', action='store_true', dest='force_all',
+ help=__('write all files (default: only write new and '
+ 'changed files)'))
+ group.add_argument('-E', action='store_true', dest='freshenv',
+ help=__("don't use a saved environment, always read "
+ 'all files'))
+ group.add_argument('-d', metavar='PATH', dest='doctreedir',
+ help=__('path for the cached environment and doctree '
+ 'files (default: OUTPUTDIR/.doctrees)'))
+ group.add_argument('-j', '--jobs', metavar='N', default=1, type=jobs_argument,
+ dest='jobs',
+ help=__('build in parallel with N processes where '
+ 'possible (special value "auto" will set N to cpu-count)'))
+ group = parser.add_argument_group('build configuration options')
+ group.add_argument('-c', metavar='PATH', dest='confdir',
+ help=__('path where configuration file ( is '
+ 'located (default: same as SOURCEDIR)'))
+ group.add_argument('-C', action='store_true', dest='noconfig',
+ help=__('use no config file at all, only -D options'))
+ group.add_argument('-D', metavar='setting=value', action='append',
+ dest='define', default=[],
+ help=__('override a setting in configuration file'))
+ group.add_argument('-A', metavar='name=value', action='append',
+ dest='htmldefine', default=[],
+ help=__('pass a value into HTML templates'))
+ group.add_argument('-t', metavar='TAG', action='append',
+ dest='tags', default=[],
+ help=__('define tag: include "only" blocks with TAG'))
+ group.add_argument('-n', action='store_true', dest='nitpicky',
+ help=__('nit-picky mode, warn about all missing '
+ 'references'))
+ group = parser.add_argument_group(__('console output options'))
+ group.add_argument('-v', action='count', dest='verbosity', default=0,
+ help=__('increase verbosity (can be repeated)'))
+ group.add_argument('-q', action='store_true', dest='quiet',
+ help=__('no output on stdout, just warnings on stderr'))
+ group.add_argument('-Q', action='store_true', dest='really_quiet',
+ help=__('no output at all, not even warnings'))
+ group.add_argument('--color', action='store_const', const='yes',
+ default='auto',
+ help=__('do emit colored output (default: auto-detect)'))
+ group.add_argument('-N', '--no-color', dest='color', action='store_const',
+ const='no',
+ help=__('do not emit colored output (default: '
+ 'auto-detect)'))
+ group.add_argument('-w', metavar='FILE', dest='warnfile',
+ help=__('write warnings (and errors) to given file'))
+ group.add_argument('-W', action='store_true', dest='warningiserror',
+ help=__('turn warnings into errors'))
+ group.add_argument('--keep-going', action='store_true', dest='keep_going',
+ help=__("with -W, keep going when getting warnings"))
+ group.add_argument('-T', action='store_true', dest='traceback',
+ help=__('show full traceback on exception'))
+ group.add_argument('-P', action='store_true', dest='pdb',
+ help=__('run Pdb on exception'))
+ return parser
+def make_main(argv: Sequence[str]) -> int:
+ """Sphinx build "make mode" entry."""
+ from sphinx.cmd import make_mode
+ return make_mode.run_make_mode(argv[1:])
+def _parse_arguments(argv: Sequence[str]) -> argparse.Namespace:
+ parser = get_parser()
+ args = parser.parse_args(argv)
+ if args.noconfig:
+ args.confdir = None
+ elif not args.confdir:
+ args.confdir = args.sourcedir
+ if not args.doctreedir:
+ args.doctreedir = os.path.join(args.outputdir, '.doctrees')
+ if args.force_all and args.filenames:
+ parser.error(__('cannot combine -a option and filenames'))
+ if args.color == 'no' or (args.color == 'auto' and not color_terminal()):
+ nocolor()
+ status: TextIO | None = sys.stdout
+ warning: TextIO | None = sys.stderr
+ error = sys.stderr
+ if args.quiet:
+ status = None
+ if args.really_quiet:
+ status = warning = None
+ if warning and args.warnfile:
+ try:
+ warnfile = path.abspath(args.warnfile)
+ ensuredir(path.dirname(warnfile))
+ warnfp = open(args.warnfile, 'w', encoding="utf-8") # NoQA: SIM115
+ except Exception as exc:
+ parser.error(__('cannot open warning file %r: %s') % (
+ args.warnfile, exc))
+ warning = Tee(warning, warnfp) # type: ignore[assignment]
+ error = warning
+ args.status = status
+ args.warning = warning
+ args.error = error
+ confoverrides = {}
+ for val in args.define:
+ try:
+ key, val = val.split('=', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ parser.error(__('-D option argument must be in the form name=value'))
+ confoverrides[key] = val
+ for val in args.htmldefine:
+ try:
+ key, val = val.split('=')
+ except ValueError:
+ parser.error(__('-A option argument must be in the form name=value'))
+ with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
+ val = int(val)
+ confoverrides['html_context.%s' % key] = val
+ if args.nitpicky:
+ confoverrides['nitpicky'] = True
+ args.confoverrides = confoverrides
+ return args
+def build_main(argv: Sequence[str]) -> int:
+ """Sphinx build "main" command-line entry."""
+ args = _parse_arguments(argv)
+ app = None
+ try:
+ confdir = args.confdir or args.sourcedir
+ with patch_docutils(confdir), docutils_namespace():
+ app = Sphinx(args.sourcedir, args.confdir, args.outputdir,
+ args.doctreedir, args.builder, args.confoverrides, args.status,
+ args.warning, args.freshenv, args.warningiserror,
+ args.tags, args.verbosity,, args.keep_going,
+ args.pdb)
+, args.filenames)
+ return app.statuscode
+ except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as exc:
+ handle_exception(app, args, exc, args.error)
+ return 2
+def _bug_report_info() -> int:
+ from platform import platform, python_implementation
+ import docutils
+ import jinja2
+ import pygments
+ print('Please paste all output below into the bug report template\n\n')
+ print('```text')
+ print(f'Platform: {sys.platform}; ({platform()})')
+ print(f'Python version: {sys.version})')
+ print(f'Python implementation: {python_implementation()}')
+ print(f'Sphinx version: {sphinx.__display_version__}')
+ print(f'Docutils version: {docutils.__version__}')
+ print(f'Jinja2 version: {jinja2.__version__}')
+ print(f'Pygments version: {pygments.__version__}')
+ print('```')
+ return 0
+def main(argv: Sequence[str] = (), /) -> int:
+ locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+ sphinx.locale.init_console()
+ if not argv:
+ argv = sys.argv[1:]
+ # Allow calling as 'python -m sphinx build …'
+ if argv[:1] == ['build']:
+ argv = argv[1:]
+ if argv[:1] == ['--bug-report']:
+ return _bug_report_info()
+ if argv[:1] == ['-M']:
+ return make_main(argv)
+ else:
+ return build_main(argv)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))