Configuring builders ==================== Discover builders by entry point -------------------------------- .. versionadded:: 1.6 :term:`builder` extensions can be discovered by means of `entry points`_ so that they do not have to be listed in the :confval:`extensions` configuration value. Builder extensions should define an entry point in the ```` group. The name of the entry point needs to match your builder's :attr:`` attribute, which is the name passed to the :option:`sphinx-build -b` option. The entry point value should equal the dotted name of the extension module. Here is an example of how an entry point for 'mybuilder' can be defined in the extension's ```` .. code-block:: python setup( # ... entry_points={ '': [ 'mybuilder = my.extension.module', ], } ) Note that it is still necessary to register the builder using :meth:`~.Sphinx.add_builder` in the extension's :func:`setup` function. .. _entry points: