from collections import defaultdict from docutils.parsers.rst import directives from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.application import Sphinx from sphinx.directives import ObjectDescription from import Domain, Index from sphinx.roles import XRefRole from sphinx.util.nodes import make_refnode from sphinx.util.typing import ExtensionMetadata class RecipeDirective(ObjectDescription): """A custom directive that describes a recipe.""" has_content = True required_arguments = 1 option_spec = { 'contains': directives.unchanged_required, } def handle_signature(self, sig, signode): signode += addnodes.desc_name(text=sig) return sig def add_target_and_index(self, name_cls, sig, signode): signode['ids'].append('recipe' + '-' + sig) if 'contains' in self.options: ingredients = [x.strip() for x in self.options.get('contains').split(',')] recipes = self.env.get_domain('recipe') recipes.add_recipe(sig, ingredients) class IngredientIndex(Index): """A custom index that creates an ingredient matrix.""" name = 'ingredient' localname = 'Ingredient Index' shortname = 'Ingredient' def generate(self, docnames=None): content = defaultdict(list) recipes = { name: (dispname, typ, docname, anchor) for name, dispname, typ, docname, anchor, _ in self.domain.get_objects() } recipe_ingredients =['recipe_ingredients'] ingredient_recipes = defaultdict(list) # flip from recipe_ingredients to ingredient_recipes for recipe_name, ingredients in recipe_ingredients.items(): for ingredient in ingredients: ingredient_recipes[ingredient].append(recipe_name) # convert the mapping of ingredient to recipes to produce the expected # output, shown below, using the ingredient name as a key to group # # name, subtype, docname, anchor, extra, qualifier, description for ingredient, recipe_names in ingredient_recipes.items(): for recipe_name in recipe_names: dispname, typ, docname, anchor = recipes[recipe_name] content[ingredient].append((dispname, 0, docname, anchor, docname, '', typ)) # convert the dict to the sorted list of tuples expected content = sorted(content.items()) return content, True class RecipeIndex(Index): """A custom index that creates an recipe matrix.""" name = 'recipe' localname = 'Recipe Index' shortname = 'Recipe' def generate(self, docnames=None): content = defaultdict(list) # sort the list of recipes in alphabetical order recipes = self.domain.get_objects() recipes = sorted(recipes, key=lambda recipe: recipe[0]) # generate the expected output, shown below, from the above using the # first letter of the recipe as a key to group thing # # name, subtype, docname, anchor, extra, qualifier, description for _name, dispname, typ, docname, anchor, _priority in recipes: content[dispname[0].lower()].append(( dispname, 0, docname, anchor, docname, '', typ, )) # convert the dict to the sorted list of tuples expected content = sorted(content.items()) return content, True class RecipeDomain(Domain): name = 'recipe' label = 'Recipe Sample' roles = { 'ref': XRefRole(), } directives = { 'recipe': RecipeDirective, } indices = { RecipeIndex, IngredientIndex, } initial_data = { 'recipes': [], # object list 'recipe_ingredients': {}, # name -> object } def get_full_qualified_name(self, node): return f'recipe.{node.arguments[0]}' def get_objects(self): yield from['recipes'] def resolve_xref(self, env, fromdocname, builder, typ, target, node, contnode): match = [ (docname, anchor) for name, sig, typ, docname, anchor, prio in self.get_objects() if sig == target ] if len(match) > 0: todocname = match[0][0] targ = match[0][1] return make_refnode(builder, fromdocname, todocname, targ, contnode, targ) else: print('Awww, found nothing') return None def add_recipe(self, signature, ingredients): """Add a new recipe to the domain.""" name = f'recipe.{signature}' anchor = f'recipe-{signature}'['recipe_ingredients'][name] = ingredients # name, dispname, type, docname, anchor, priority['recipes'].append((name, signature, 'Recipe', self.env.docname, anchor, 0)) def setup(app: Sphinx) -> ExtensionMetadata: app.add_domain(RecipeDomain) return { 'version': '0.1', 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }