Utilities ========= Sphinx provides utility classes and functions to develop extensions. Base classes for components --------------------------- These base classes are useful to allow your extensions to obtain Sphinx components (e.g. :class:`.Config`, :class:`.BuildEnvironment` and so on) easily. .. note:: The subclasses of them might not work with bare docutils because they are strongly coupled with Sphinx. .. autoclass:: sphinx.transforms.SphinxTransform :members: .. autoclass:: sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.SphinxPostTransform :members: .. autoclass:: sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective :members: .. autoclass:: sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxRole :members: .. autoclass:: sphinx.util.docutils.ReferenceRole :members: .. autoclass:: sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.images.ImageConverter :members: Utility components ------------------ .. autoclass:: sphinx.events.EventManager :members: