====== Sphinx ====== .. cssclass:: sphinx-tagline .. epigraph:: Create intelligent and beautiful documentation with ease .. container:: sphinx-features .. admonition:: 📝 Rich Text Formatting :class: sphinx-feature Author in :ref:`reStructuredText ` or :ref:`MyST Markdown ` to create highly structured technical documents, including tables, highlighted code blocks, mathematical notations, and more. .. admonition:: 🔗 Powerful Cross-Referencing :class: sphinx-feature Create :ref:`cross-references ` within your project, and even across :ref:`different projects `. Include references to sections, figures, tables, citations, glossaries, code objects, and more. .. admonition:: 📚 Versatile Documentation Formats :class: sphinx-feature Generate documentation in the preferred formats of your audience, including HTML, LaTeX (for PDF), ePub, Texinfo, :ref:`and more `. .. admonition:: 🎨 Extensive Theme Support :class: sphinx-feature Create visually appealing documentation, with a wide choice of :ref:`built-in ` and :ref:`third-party ` HTML themes and the ability to customize or :ref:`create new themes `. .. admonition:: 🔌 Fully Extensible :class: sphinx-feature Add custom functionality, via robust :ref:`extension mechanisms ` with numerous :ref:`built-in ` and :ref:`third-party ` extensions available for tasks like creating diagrams, testing code, and more. .. admonition:: 🛠️ Automatic API Documentation :class: sphinx-feature Generate API documentation for Python, C++ and other :ref:`software domains `, manually or :ref:`automatically from docstrings `, ensuring your code documentation stays up-to-date with minimal effort. .. admonition:: 🌍 Internationalization (i18n) :class: sphinx-feature Add documentation :ref:`translations ` multiple languages to reach a global audience. .. admonition:: 🌟 Active Community and Support :class: sphinx-feature Benefit from an :ref:`active community `, with numerous resources, tutorials, forums, and examples. .. .. admonition:: 🌐 Integration with Version Control .. :class: sphinx-feature .. Sphinx integrates seamlessly with version control systems like Git. .. This allows for easy collaboration, version tracking, .. and deployment of documentation as part of a continuous integration pipeline. ---------------- .. container:: sphinx-users As used by: .. container:: sphinx-users-logos .. figure:: _static/python-logo.png :alt: Python Logo :height: 100px :align: center :target: https://docs.python.org Python .. figure:: _static/linux-logo.png :alt: Linux Logo :height: 100px :align: center :target: https://docs.kernel.org/ Linux Kernel .. figure:: _static/jupyter-logo.png :alt: Jupyter Logo :height: 100px :align: center :target: https://docs.jupyter.org Project Jupyter ---------------- See below for how to navigate Sphinx's documentation. .. seealso:: The `Sphinx documentation Table of Contents `_ has a full list of this site's pages. .. _get-started: Get started =========== These sections cover the basics of getting started with Sphinx, including creating and building your own documentation from scratch. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: The Basics usage/installation usage/quickstart tutorial/index .. _user-guides: User Guides =========== These sections cover various topics in using and extending Sphinx for various use-cases. They are a comprehensive guide to using Sphinx in many contexts and assume more knowledge of Sphinx. If you are new to Sphinx, we recommend starting with :ref:`get-started`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: User Guides usage/index development/index extdev/index latex Community guide =============== Sphinx is community supported and welcomes contributions from anybody. The sections below should help you get started joining the Sphinx community as well as contributing. See the :doc:`Sphinx contributors' guide ` if you would like to contribute to the project. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Community support internals/index faq authors Reference guide =============== Reference documentation is more complete and programmatic in nature, it is a collection of information that can be quickly referenced. If you would like usecase-driven documentation, see :ref:`get-started` or :ref:`user-guides`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: Reference man/index usage/configuration usage/extensions/index usage/restructuredtext/index glossary changes examples