.. highlight:: rst =========================== The reStructuredText Domain =========================== .. versionadded:: 1.0 The reStructuredText domain (name **rst**) provides the following directives: .. rst:directive:: .. rst:directive:: name Describes a reST directive. The *name* can be a single directive name or actual directive syntax (`..` prefix and `::` suffix) with arguments that will be rendered differently. For example:: .. rst:directive:: foo Foo description. .. rst:directive:: .. bar:: baz Bar description. will be rendered as: .. rst:directive:: foo :no-contents-entry: :no-index-entry: Foo description. .. rst:directive:: .. bar:: baz :no-contents-entry: :no-index-entry: Bar description. .. rst:directive:: .. rst:directive:option:: name Describes an option for reST directive. The *name* can be a single option name or option name with arguments which separated with colon (``:``). For example:: .. rst:directive:: toctree .. rst:directive:option:: caption: caption of ToC .. rst:directive:option:: glob will be rendered as: .. rst:directive:: toctree :no-index: .. rst:directive:option:: caption: caption of ToC :no-index: .. rst:directive:option:: glob :no-index: .. rubric:: options .. rst:directive:option:: type: description of argument :type: text Describe the type of option value. For example:: .. rst:directive:: toctree .. rst:directive:option:: maxdepth :type: integer or no value .. versionadded:: 2.1 .. rst:directive:: .. rst:role:: name Describes a reST role. For example:: .. rst:role:: foo Foo description. will be rendered as: .. rst:role:: foo :no-contents-entry: :no-index-entry: Foo description. .. _rst-roles: These roles are provided to refer to the described objects: .. rst:role:: rst:dir rst:role