.. highlight:: rst =================== The Standard Domain =================== .. versionadded:: 1.0 The so-called "standard" domain collects all markup that doesn't warrant a domain of its own. Its directives and roles are not prefixed with a domain name. The standard domain is also where custom object descriptions, added using the :func:`~sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_object_type` API, are placed. There is a set of directives allowing documenting command-line programs: .. rst:directive:: .. option:: name args, name args, ... Describes a command line argument or switch. Option argument names should be enclosed in angle brackets. Examples:: .. option:: dest_dir Destination directory. .. option:: -m , --module Run a module as a script. The directive will create cross-reference targets for the given options, referenceable by :rst:role:`option` (in the example case, you'd use something like ``:option:`dest_dir```, ``:option:`-m```, or ``:option:`--module```). .. versionchanged:: 5.3 One can cross-reference including an option value: ``:option:`--module=foobar```, ,``:option:`--module[=foobar]``` or ``:option:`--module foobar```. Use :confval:`option_emphasise_placeholders` for parsing of "variable part" of a literal text (similarly to the :rst:role:`samp` role). ``cmdoption`` directive is a deprecated alias for the ``option`` directive. .. rst:directive:: .. envvar:: name Describes an environment variable that the documented code or program uses or defines. Referenceable by :rst:role:`envvar`. .. rst:directive:: .. program:: name Like :rst:dir:`py:currentmodule`, this directive produces no output. Instead, it serves to notify Sphinx that all following :rst:dir:`option` directives document options for the program called *name*. If you use :rst:dir:`program`, you have to qualify the references in your :rst:role:`option` roles by the program name, so if you have the following situation :: .. program:: rm .. option:: -r Work recursively. .. program:: svn .. option:: -r Specify the revision to work upon. then ``:option:`rm -r``` would refer to the first option, while ``:option:`svn -r``` would refer to the second one. If ``None`` is passed to the argument, the directive will reset the current program name. The program name may contain spaces (in case you want to document subcommands like ``svn add`` and ``svn commit`` separately). .. versionadded:: 0.5 There is also a very generic object description directive, which is not tied to any domain: .. rst:directive:: .. describe:: text .. object:: text This directive produces the same formatting as the specific ones provided by domains, but does not create index entries or cross-referencing targets. Example:: .. describe:: PAPER You can set this variable to select a paper size.