.. highlight:: rst :mod:`sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram` -- Include inheritance diagrams ===================================================================== .. module:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram :synopsis: Support for displaying inheritance diagrams via graphviz. .. versionadded:: 0.6 This extension allows you to include inheritance diagrams, rendered via the :mod:`Graphviz extension `. It adds this directive: .. rst:directive:: inheritance-diagram This directive has one or more arguments, each giving a module or class name. Class names can be unqualified; in that case they are taken to exist in the currently described module (see :rst:dir:`py:module`). For each given class, and each class in each given module, the base classes are determined. Then, from all classes and their base classes, a graph is generated which is then rendered via the graphviz extension to a directed graph. This directive supports an option called ``parts`` that, if given, must be an integer, advising the directive to keep that many dot-separated parts in the displayed names (from right to left). For example, ``parts=1`` will only display class names, without the names of the modules that contain them. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 The value of for ``parts`` can also be negative, indicating how many parts to drop from the left. For example, if all your class names start with ``lib.``, you can give ``:parts: -1`` to remove that prefix from the displayed node names. The directive also supports a ``private-bases`` flag option; if given, private base classes (those whose name starts with ``_``) will be included. You can use ``caption`` option to give a caption to the diagram. .. versionchanged:: 1.1 Added ``private-bases`` option; previously, all bases were always included. .. versionchanged:: 1.5 Added ``caption`` option It also supports a ``top-classes`` option which requires one or more class names separated by comma. If specified inheritance traversal will stop at the specified class names. Given the following Python module:: """ A / \ B C / \ / \ E D F """ class A: pass class B(A): pass class C(A): pass class D(B, C): pass class E(B): pass class F(C): pass If you have specified a module in the inheritance diagram like this:: .. inheritance-diagram:: dummy.test :top-classes: dummy.test.B, dummy.test.C any base classes which are ancestors to ``top-classes`` and are also defined in the same module will be rendered as stand alone nodes. In this example class A will be rendered as stand alone node in the graph. This is a known issue due to how this extension works internally. If you don't want class A (or any other ancestors) to be visible then specify only the classes you would like to generate the diagram for like this:: .. inheritance-diagram:: dummy.test.D dummy.test.E dummy.test.F :top-classes: dummy.test.B, dummy.test.C .. versionchanged:: 1.7 Added ``top-classes`` option to limit the scope of inheritance graphs. Examples -------- The following are different inheritance diagrams for the internal ``InheritanceDiagram`` class that implements the directive. With full names:: .. inheritance-diagram:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceDiagram .. inheritance-diagram:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceDiagram Showing class names only:: .. inheritance-diagram:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceDiagram :parts: 1 .. inheritance-diagram:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceDiagram :parts: 1 Stopping the diagram at :class:`sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective` (the highest superclass still part of Sphinx), and dropping the common left-most part (``sphinx``) from all names:: .. inheritance-diagram:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceDiagram :top-classes: sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective :parts: -1 .. inheritance-diagram:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceDiagram :top-classes: sphinx.util.docutils.SphinxDirective :parts: -1 .. py:class:: sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram.InheritanceDiagram :no-contents-entry: :no-index-entry: The internal class that implements the ``inheritance-diagram`` directive. Configuration ------------- .. confval:: inheritance_graph_attrs A dictionary of graphviz graph attributes for inheritance diagrams. For example:: inheritance_graph_attrs = dict(rankdir="LR", size='"6.0, 8.0"', fontsize=14, ratio='compress') .. confval:: inheritance_node_attrs A dictionary of graphviz node attributes for inheritance diagrams. For example:: inheritance_node_attrs = dict(shape='ellipse', fontsize=14, height=0.75, color='dodgerblue1', style='filled') .. confval:: inheritance_edge_attrs A dictionary of graphviz edge attributes for inheritance diagrams. .. confval:: inheritance_alias Allows mapping the full qualified name of the class to custom values (useful when exposing the underlying path of a class is not desirable, e.g. it's a private class and should not be instantiated by the user). For example:: inheritance_alias = {'_pytest.Magic': 'pytest.Magic'}