.. highlight:: rst .. _math-support: Math support for HTML outputs in Sphinx ======================================= .. module:: sphinx.ext.mathbase :synopsis: Common math support for imgmath and mathjax / jsmath. .. versionadded:: 0.5 .. versionchanged:: 1.8 Math support for non-HTML builders is integrated to sphinx-core. So mathbase extension is no longer needed. Since mathematical notation isn't natively supported by HTML in any way, Sphinx gives a math support to HTML document with several extensions. These use the reStructuredText math :rst:dir:`directive ` and :rst:role:`role `. :mod:`sphinx.ext.imgmath` -- Render math as images -------------------------------------------------- .. module:: sphinx.ext.imgmath :synopsis: Render math as PNG or SVG images. .. versionadded:: 1.4 This extension renders math via LaTeX and dvipng_ or dvisvgm_ into PNG or SVG images. This of course means that the computer where the docs are built must have both programs available. There are various configuration values you can set to influence how the images are built: .. confval:: imgmath_image_format The output image format. The default is ``'png'``. It should be either ``'png'`` or ``'svg'``. The image is produced by first executing ``latex`` on the TeX mathematical mark-up then (depending on the requested format) either `dvipng`_ or `dvisvgm`_. .. confval:: imgmath_use_preview ``dvipng`` and ``dvisvgm`` both have the ability to collect from LaTeX the "depth" of the rendered math: an inline image should use this "depth" in a ``vertical-align`` style to get correctly aligned with surrounding text. This mechanism requires the `LaTeX preview package`_ (available as ``preview-latex-style`` on Ubuntu xenial). Therefore, the default for this option is ``False`` but it is strongly recommended to set it to ``True``. .. versionchanged:: 2.2 This option can be used with the ``'svg'`` :confval:`imgmath_image_format`. .. confval:: imgmath_add_tooltips Default: ``True``. If false, do not add the LaTeX code as an "alt" attribute for math images. .. confval:: imgmath_font_size The font size (in ``pt``) of the displayed math. The default value is ``12``. It must be a positive integer. .. confval:: imgmath_latex The command name with which to invoke LaTeX. The default is ``'latex'``; you may need to set this to a full path if ``latex`` is not in the executable search path. Since this setting is not portable from system to system, it is normally not useful to set it in ``conf.py``; rather, giving it on the :program:`sphinx-build` command line via the :option:`-D ` option should be preferable, like this:: sphinx-build -M html -D imgmath_latex=C:\tex\latex.exe . _build This value should only contain the path to the latex executable, not further arguments; use :confval:`imgmath_latex_args` for that purpose. .. hint:: To use `OpenType Math fonts`__ with ``unicode-math``, via a custom :confval:`imgmath_latex_preamble`, you can set :confval:`imgmath_latex` to ``'dvilualatex'``, but must then set :confval:`imgmath_image_format` to ``'svg'``. Note: this has only been tested with ``dvisvgm 3.0.3``. It significantly increases image production duration compared to using standard ``'latex'`` with traditional TeX math fonts. __ https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/425098/which-opentype-math-fonts-are-available .. hint:: Some fancy LaTeX mark-up (an example was reported which used TikZ to add various decorations to the equation) require multiple runs of the LaTeX executable. To handle this, set this configuration setting to ``'latexmk'`` (or a full path to it) as this Perl script reliably chooses dynamically how many latex runs are needed. .. versionchanged:: 6.2.0 Using ``'xelatex'`` (or a full path to it) is now supported. But you must then add ``'-no-pdf'`` to the :confval:`imgmath_latex_args` list of the command options. The ``'svg'`` :confval:`imgmath_image_format` is required. Also, you may need the ``dvisvgm`` binary to be relatively recent (testing was done only with its ``3.0.3`` release). .. note:: Regarding the previous note, it is currently not supported to use ``latexmk`` with option ``-xelatex``. .. confval:: imgmath_latex_args Additional arguments to give to latex, as a list. The default is an empty list. .. confval:: imgmath_latex_preamble Additional LaTeX code to put into the preamble of the LaTeX files used to translate the math snippets. This is left empty by default. Use it e.g. to add packages which modify the fonts used for math, such as ``'\\usepackage{newtxsf}'`` for sans-serif fonts, or ``'\\usepackage{fouriernc}'`` for serif fonts. Indeed, the default LaTeX math fonts have rather thin glyphs which (in HTML output) often do not match well with the font for text. .. confval:: imgmath_dvipng The command name to invoke ``dvipng``. The default is ``'dvipng'``; you may need to set this to a full path if ``dvipng`` is not in the executable search path. This option is only used when ``imgmath_image_format`` is set to ``'png'``. .. confval:: imgmath_dvipng_args Additional arguments to give to dvipng, as a list. The default value is ``['-gamma', '1.5', '-D', '110', '-bg', 'Transparent']`` which makes the image a bit darker and larger then it is by default (this compensates somewhat for the thinness of default LaTeX math fonts), and produces PNGs with a transparent background. This option is used only when ``imgmath_image_format`` is ``'png'``. .. confval:: imgmath_dvisvgm The command name to invoke ``dvisvgm``. The default is ``'dvisvgm'``; you may need to set this to a full path if ``dvisvgm`` is not in the executable search path. This option is only used when ``imgmath_image_format`` is ``'svg'``. .. confval:: imgmath_dvisvgm_args Additional arguments to give to dvisvgm, as a list. The default value is ``['--no-fonts']``, which means that ``dvisvgm`` will render glyphs as path elements (cf the `dvisvgm FAQ`_). This option is used only when ``imgmath_image_format`` is ``'svg'``. .. confval:: imgmath_embed Default: ``False``. If true, encode LaTeX output images within HTML files (base64 encoded) and do not save separate png/svg files to disk. .. versionadded:: 5.2 :mod:`sphinx.ext.mathjax` -- Render math via JavaScript ------------------------------------------------------- .. module:: sphinx.ext.mathjax :synopsis: Render math using JavaScript via MathJax. .. warning:: Version 4.0 changes the version of MathJax used to version 3. You may need to override ``mathjax_path`` to ``https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mathjax@2/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML`` or update your configuration options for version 3 (see :confval:`mathjax3_config`). .. versionadded:: 1.1 This extension puts math as-is into the HTML files. The JavaScript package MathJax_ is then loaded and transforms the LaTeX markup to readable math live in the browser. Because MathJax (and the necessary fonts) is very large, it is not included in Sphinx but is set to automatically include it from a third-party site. .. attention:: You should use the math :rst:dir:`directive ` and :rst:role:`role `, not the native MathJax ``$$``, ``\(``, etc. .. confval:: mathjax_path The path to the JavaScript file to include in the HTML files in order to load MathJax. The default is the ``https://`` URL that loads the JS files from the `jsdelivr`__ Content Delivery Network. See the `MathJax Getting Started page`__ for details. If you want MathJax to be available offline or without including resources from a third-party site, you have to download it and set this value to a different path. __ https://www.jsdelivr.com/ __ https://www.mathjax.org/#gettingstarted The path can be absolute or relative; if it is relative, it is relative to the ``_static`` directory of the built docs. For example, if you put MathJax into the static path of the Sphinx docs, this value would be ``MathJax/MathJax.js``. If you host more than one Sphinx documentation set on one server, it is advisable to install MathJax in a shared location. You can also give a full ``https://`` URL different from the CDN URL. .. confval:: mathjax_options The options to script tag for mathjax. For example, you can set integrity option with following setting:: mathjax_options = { 'integrity': 'sha384-......', } The default is empty (``{}``). .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 4.4.1 Allow to change the loading method (async or defer) of MathJax if "async" or "defer" key is set. .. confval:: mathjax3_config The configuration options for MathJax v3 (which is used by default). The given dictionary is assigned to the JavaScript variable ``window.MathJax``. For more information, please read `Configuring MathJax`__. __ https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/web/configuration.html#configuration The default is empty (not configured). .. versionadded:: 4.0 .. confval:: mathjax2_config The configuration options for MathJax v2 (which can be loaded via :confval:`mathjax_path`). The value is used as a parameter of ``MathJax.Hub.Config()``. For more information, please read `Using in-line configuration options`__. __ https://docs.mathjax.org/en/v2.7-latest/ configuration.html#using-in-line-configuration-options For example:: mathjax2_config = { 'extensions': ['tex2jax.js'], 'jax': ['input/TeX', 'output/HTML-CSS'], } The default is empty (not configured). .. versionadded:: 4.0 :confval:`mathjax_config` has been renamed to :confval:`mathjax2_config`. .. confval:: mathjax_config Former name of :confval:`mathjax2_config`. For help converting your old MathJax configuration to to the new :confval:`mathjax3_config`, see `Converting Your v2 Configuration to v3`__. __ https://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/web/ configuration.html#converting-your-v2-configuration-to-v3 .. versionadded:: 1.8 .. versionchanged:: 4.0 This has been renamed to :confval:`mathjax2_config`. :confval:`mathjax_config` is still supported for backwards compatibility. :mod:`sphinx.ext.jsmath` -- Render math via JavaScript ------------------------------------------------------ .. module:: sphinx.ext.jsmath :synopsis: Render math using JavaScript via JSMath. This extension works just as the MathJax extension does, but uses the older package jsMath_. It provides this config value: .. confval:: jsmath_path The path to the JavaScript file to include in the HTML files in order to load JSMath. There is no default. The path can be absolute or relative; if it is relative, it is relative to the ``_static`` directory of the built docs. For example, if you put JSMath into the static path of the Sphinx docs, this value would be ``jsMath/easy/load.js``. If you host more than one Sphinx documentation set on one server, it is advisable to install jsMath in a shared location. .. _dvipng: https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/dvipng/ .. _dvisvgm: https://dvisvgm.de/ .. _dvisvgm FAQ: https://dvisvgm.de/FAQ .. _MathJax: https://www.mathjax.org/ .. _jsMath: https://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsmath/ .. _LaTeX preview package: https://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/preview-latex.html