"""Highlight code blocks using Pygments.""" from __future__ import annotations from functools import partial from importlib import import_module from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from pygments import highlight from pygments.filters import ErrorToken from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter, LatexFormatter from pygments.lexers import ( CLexer, PythonConsoleLexer, PythonLexer, RstLexer, TextLexer, get_lexer_by_name, guess_lexer, ) from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name from pygments.util import ClassNotFound from sphinx.locale import __ from sphinx.pygments_styles import NoneStyle, SphinxStyle from sphinx.util import logging, texescape if TYPE_CHECKING: from pygments.formatter import Formatter from pygments.lexer import Lexer from pygments.style import Style logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) lexers: dict[str, Lexer] = {} lexer_classes: dict[str, type[Lexer] | partial[Lexer]] = { 'none': partial(TextLexer, stripnl=False), 'python': partial(PythonLexer, stripnl=False), 'pycon': partial(PythonConsoleLexer, stripnl=False), 'rest': partial(RstLexer, stripnl=False), 'c': partial(CLexer, stripnl=False), } escape_hl_chars = {ord('\\'): '\\PYGZbs{}', ord('{'): '\\PYGZob{}', ord('}'): '\\PYGZcb{}'} # used if Pygments is available # MEMO: no use of \protected here to avoid having to do hyperref extras, # (if in future code highlighting in sectioning titles is activated): # the definitions here use only robust, protected or chardef tokens, # which are all known to the hyperref re-encoding for bookmarks. # The " is troublesome because we would like to use \text\textquotedbl # but \textquotedbl is *defined to raise an error* (!) if the font # encoding is OT1. This however could happen from 'fontenc' key. # MEMO: the Pygments escapes with \char`\ syntax, if the document # uses old OT1 font encoding, work correctly only in monospace font. # MEMO: the Pygmentize output mark-up is always with a {} after. _LATEX_ADD_STYLES = r""" % Sphinx redefinitions % Originally to obtain a straight single quote via package textcomp, then % to fix problems for the 5.0.0 inline code highlighting (captions!). % The \text is from amstext, a dependency of sphinx.sty. It is here only % to avoid build errors if for some reason expansion is in math mode. \def\PYGZbs{\text\textbackslash} \def\PYGZus{\_} \def\PYGZob{\{} \def\PYGZcb{\}} \def\PYGZca{\text\textasciicircum} \def\PYGZam{\&} \def\PYGZlt{\text\textless} \def\PYGZgt{\text\textgreater} \def\PYGZsh{\#} \def\PYGZpc{\%} \def\PYGZdl{\$} \def\PYGZhy{\sphinxhyphen}% defined in sphinxlatexstyletext.sty \def\PYGZsq{\text\textquotesingle} \def\PYGZdq{"} \def\PYGZti{\text\textasciitilde} \makeatletter % use \protected to allow syntax highlighting in captions \protected\def\PYG#1#2{\PYG@reset\PYG@toks#1+\relax+{\PYG@do{#2}}} \makeatother """ class PygmentsBridge: # Set these attributes if you want to have different Pygments formatters # than the default ones. html_formatter = HtmlFormatter latex_formatter = LatexFormatter def __init__( self, dest: str = 'html', stylename: str = 'sphinx', latex_engine: str | None = None ) -> None: self.dest = dest self.latex_engine = latex_engine style = self.get_style(stylename) self.formatter_args: dict[str, Any] = {'style': style} if dest == 'html': self.formatter = self.html_formatter else: self.formatter = self.latex_formatter self.formatter_args['commandprefix'] = 'PYG' def get_style(self, stylename: str) -> type[Style]: if not stylename or stylename == 'sphinx': return SphinxStyle elif stylename == 'none': return NoneStyle elif '.' in stylename: module, stylename = stylename.rsplit('.', 1) return getattr(import_module(module), stylename) else: return get_style_by_name(stylename) def get_formatter(self, **kwargs: Any) -> Formatter: kwargs.update(self.formatter_args) return self.formatter(**kwargs) def get_lexer( self, source: str, lang: str, opts: dict | None = None, force: bool = False, location: Any = None, ) -> Lexer: if not opts: opts = {} # find out which lexer to use if lang in {'py', 'python', 'py3', 'python3', 'default'}: if source.startswith('>>>'): # interactive session lang = 'pycon' else: lang = 'python' if lang == 'pycon3': lang = 'pycon' if lang in lexers: # just return custom lexers here (without installing raiseonerror filter) return lexers[lang] elif lang in lexer_classes: lexer = lexer_classes[lang](**opts) else: try: if lang == 'guess': lexer = guess_lexer(source, **opts) else: lexer = get_lexer_by_name(lang, **opts) except ClassNotFound: logger.warning( __('Pygments lexer name %r is not known'), lang, location=location ) lexer = lexer_classes['none'](**opts) if not force: lexer.add_filter('raiseonerror') return lexer def highlight_block( self, source: str, lang: str, opts: dict | None = None, force: bool = False, location: Any = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> str: if not isinstance(source, str): source = source.decode() lexer = self.get_lexer(source, lang, opts, force, location) # highlight via Pygments formatter = self.get_formatter(**kwargs) try: hlsource = highlight(source, lexer, formatter) except ErrorToken as err: # this is most probably not the selected language, # so let it pass un highlighted if lang == 'default': lang = 'none' # automatic highlighting failed. else: logger.warning( __( 'Lexing literal_block %r as "%s" resulted in an error at token: %r. ' 'Retrying in relaxed mode.' ), source, lang, str(err), type='misc', subtype='highlighting_failure', location=location, ) if force: lang = 'none' else: force = True lexer = self.get_lexer(source, lang, opts, force, location) hlsource = highlight(source, lexer, formatter) if self.dest == 'html': return hlsource else: # MEMO: this is done to escape Unicode chars with non-Unicode engines return texescape.hlescape(hlsource, self.latex_engine) def get_stylesheet(self) -> str: formatter = self.get_formatter() if self.dest == 'html': return formatter.get_style_defs('.highlight') else: return formatter.get_style_defs() + _LATEX_ADD_STYLES