Documentation.addTranslations({ "locale": "tr", "messages": { "%(filename)s — %(docstitle)s": "%(filename)s — %(docstitle)s", "© %(copyright_prefix)s %(copyright)s.": "", ", in ": ", \u015funun i\u00e7inde:", "About these documents": "Bu belgeler hakk\u0131nda", "Automatically generated list of changes in version %(version)s": "%(version)s s\u00fcr\u00fcm\u00fcndeki de\u011fi\u015fikliklerin otomatik olarak \u00fcretilmi\u015f listesi", "C API changes": "C API'sindeki de\u011fi\u015fiklikler", "Changes in Version %(version)s — %(docstitle)s": "S\u00fcr\u00fcm %(version)s — %(docstitle)s i\u00e7indeki De\u011fi\u015fiklikler", "Collapse sidebar": "Yan \u00e7ubu\u011fu daralt", "Complete Table of Contents": "Tam \u0130\u00e7indekiler", "Contents": "\u0130\u00e7indekiler", "Copyright": "Telif hakk\u0131", "Created using Sphinx %(sphinx_version)s.": "", "Expand sidebar": "Yan \u00e7ubu\u011fu geni\u015flet", "Full index on one page": "Tek sayfada tam dizin", "General Index": "Genel Dizin", "Global Module Index": "Genel Mod\u00fcl Dizini", "Go": "Git", "Hide Search Matches": "Arama E\u015fle\u015fmelerini Gizle", "Index": "Dizin", "Index – %(key)s": "Dizin – %(key)s", "Index pages by letter": "Harfe g\u00f6re dizin sayfalar\u0131", "Indices and tables:": "Dizinler ve tablolar:", "Last updated on %(last_updated)s.": "Son g\u00fcncelleme: %(last_updated)s.", "Library changes": "K\u00fct\u00fcphane de\u011fi\u015fiklikleri", "Navigation": "Gezinti", "Next topic": "Sonraki konu", "Other changes": "Di\u011fer de\u011fi\u015fiklikler", "Overview": "Genel Bak\u0131\u015f", "Please activate JavaScript to enable the search\n functionality.": "Arama i\u015flevini kullanabilmek i\u00e7in l\u00fctfen JavaScript'i\n etkinle\u015ftirin.", "Preparing search...": "Aramaya haz\u0131rlan\u0131yor...", "Previous topic": "\u00d6nceki konu", "Quick search": "H\u0131zl\u0131 Arama", "Search": "Ara", "Search Page": "Arama Sayfas\u0131", "Search Results": "Arama Sonu\u00e7lar\u0131", "Search finished, found ${resultCount} page(s) matching the search query.": "", "Search within %(docstitle)s": "%(docstitle)s i\u00e7inde ara", "Searching": "Aran\u0131yor", "Searching for multiple words only shows matches that contain\n all words.": "", "Show Source": "Kayna\u011f\u0131 G\u00f6ster", "Table of Contents": "\u0130\u00e7indekiler", "This Page": "Bu Sayfa", "Welcome! This is": "Ho\u015f Geldiniz! Kar\u015f\u0131n\u0131zda", "Your search did not match any documents. Please make sure that all words are spelled correctly and that you've selected enough categories.": "Arama sonucunda herhangi bir belge bulunamad\u0131. B\u00fct\u00fcn kelimeleri do\u011fru yazd\u0131\u011f\u0131n\u0131zdan ve gerekli b\u00fct\u00fcn kategorileri se\u00e7ti\u011finizden emin olun.", "all functions, classes, terms": "t\u00fcm i\u015flevler, s\u0131n\u0131flar, terimler", "can be huge": "\u00e7ok b\u00fcy\u00fck olabilir", "last updated": "son g\u00fcncelleme", "lists all sections and subsections": "t\u00fcm b\u00f6l\u00fcmleri ve alt b\u00f6l\u00fcmleri listeler", "next chapter": "sonraki b\u00f6l\u00fcm", "previous chapter": "\u00f6nceki b\u00f6l\u00fcm", "quick access to all modules": "t\u00fcm mod\u00fcllere h\u0131zl\u0131 eri\u015fim", "search": "ara", "search this documentation": "bu belgelendirmeyi ara", "the documentation for": "belgelendirme konusu: " }, "plural_expr": "(n > 1)" });