% % sphinx.sty % % Adapted from the old python.sty, mostly written by Fred Drake, % by Georg Brandl. % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1995/12/01] \ProvidesPackage{sphinx}[2023/03/19 v6.2.0 LaTeX package (Sphinx markup)] % provides \ltx@ifundefined % (many packages load ltxcmds: graphicx does for pdftex and lualatex but % not xelatex, and anyhow kvoptions does, but it may be needed in future to % use \sphinxdeprecationwarning earlier, and it needs \ltx@ifundefined) \RequirePackage{ltxcmds} %% for deprecation warnings \newcommand\sphinxdeprecationwarning[4]{% #1 the deprecated macro or name, % #2 = when deprecated, #3 = when removed, #4 = additional info {% limit scope of \spx@tempa, \AtEndDocument works even if nested. \edef\spx@tempa{\detokenize{#1}}% \ltx@ifundefined{sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa}{% \global\expandafter\let\csname sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa\endcsname\spx@tempa \expandafter\AtEndDocument\expandafter{\expandafter\let\expandafter \sphinxdeprecatedmacro\csname sphinx_depr_\spx@tempa\endcsname \PackageWarningNoLine{sphinx}{^^J**** SPHINX DEPRECATION WARNING:^^J \sphinxdeprecatedmacro^^J \@spaces- is deprecated at Sphinx #2^^J \@spaces- and removed at Sphinx #3.^^J #4^^J****}}% }{% warning already emitted (at end of latex log), don't repeat }% }% end of scope limiting group for \spx@tempa } %% important build warnings use an undefined reference to induce latexmk %% into complaining (once per warning) at very end of console output \newcommand\sphinxbuildwarning[1]{% \ifcsname sphinx_emitted_#1\endcsname \else \global\expandafter\let\csname sphinx_emitted_#1\endcsname\@empty \AtEndDocument{\hbox{% should the printing of text be made conditional on % some boolean? \bfseries\color{red}% \@nameuse{sphinx_buildwarning_#1}% % place an undefined reference deliberately \let\nfss@text\@gobble % no ?? \ref{!!\@nameuse{sphinx_buildwarning_#1}}% }}% \fi } \@namedef{sphinx_buildwarning_coloursyntax}{% The colours whose definition used xcolor syntax were set to white as xcolor was not found; check the latex log warnings for details} \@namedef{sphinx_buildwarning_colorblend}{% Command \string\sphinxcolorblend\space seen but ignored in tables as xcolor was not found; check the latex log warnings for details} \@namedef{sphinx_buildwarning_badtitlesec}{% Your system has titlesec version 2.10.1 which causes disappearance of section numbers; check the latex log warning for details} \@namedef{sphinx_buildwarning_booktabs}{% Some tables with booktabs class (check latex log) but booktabs package not loaded; add its loading to the latex preamble}% \@namedef{sphinx_buildwarning_badfootnotes}{% Footnote rendering may have had problems, due to extra package or document class; check latex log for instructions}% %% OPTION HANDLING % % We generally first handle options then load packages, but we need % \definecolor from xcolor/color to handle the options. % MEMO: xcolor \fcolorbox coloured boxes render better in some PDF viewers % than with color package \fcolorbox. Since 1.6.3, Sphinx uses only its own % custom variant of \fcolorbox when handling code-blocks. But \fcolorbox % appears also in Pygmentize output mark-up. Also, since 5.3.0, 'sphinxsetup' % color options get a richer input syntax if Sphinx knows xcolor is loaded, % and the \sphinxcolorblend (for tables) is made available only if xcolor is % loaded. \IfFileExists{xcolor.sty}{ % Should Sphinx load xcolor with its dvipsnames and svgnames options? \RequirePackage{xcolor} }{ \RequirePackage{color} } % the \colorlet of xcolor (if at all loaded) is overkill for most internal use \newcommand{\sphinxcolorlet}[2] {\expandafter\let\csname\@backslashchar color@#1\expandafter\endcsname \csname\@backslashchar color@#2\endcsname } % (5.3.0) Allow colour options to use both the \definecolor and the \colorlet % syntaxes, for example VerbatimColor={gray}{0.9} or VerbatimColor=red!10 % In the latter case we need the real \colorlet from xcolor package. \def\spx@defineorletcolor#1{% \def\spx@definedcolor{{#1}}% \futurelet\spx@token\spx@defineorlet} \def\spx@defineorlet{% \ifx\spx@token\bgroup \expandafter\spx@definecolor\else\expandafter\spx@colorlet\fi} \def\spx@colorlet#1\relax{\expandafter\colorlet\spx@definedcolor{#1}} \def\spx@definecolor{\expandafter\definecolor\spx@definedcolor} % \@ifpackageloaded{xcolor}% {}% {% xcolor not loaded because it was not found in the LaTeX installation \def\spx@colorlet#1\relax{% \sphinxbuildwarning{coloursyntax}% \PackageWarning{sphinx}{% Sorry, the #1 syntax requires package xcolor,\MessageBreak which was not found on your TeX/LaTeX installation.\MessageBreak \@spaces\expandafter\@firstofone\spx@definedcolor\MessageBreak will be set to white}% \expandafter\definecolor\spx@definedcolor{rgb}{1,1,1}% }% end of redefinition of \spx@colorlet }% end of xcolor not found branch % Handle options via "kvoptions" (later loaded by hyperref anyhow) \RequirePackage{kvoptions} \SetupKeyvalOptions{prefix=spx@opt@} % use \spx@opt@ prefix % Optional usage of booktabs package for tables \DeclareBoolOption[false]{booktabs} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{borderless} \DeclareBoolOption[true]{booktabscolorgaps} \DeclareVoidOption{booktabsnogaps}{% \ifx\@nodocument\relax % in body \expandafter\@firstofone \else % in preamble, wait for at begin document \expandafter\AtBeginDocument \fi {\ifdefined\abovetopsep % silently do nothing if booktabs not loaded \abovetopsep\z@\belowrulesep\z@\aboverulesep\z@\belowbottomsep\z@ \fi }% } % Coloured table rows \DeclareBoolOption[false]{colorrows} % Sphinx legacy text layout: 1in margins on all four sides \ifx\@jsc@uplatextrue\@undefined \DeclareStringOption[1in]{hmargin} \DeclareStringOption[1in]{vmargin} \DeclareStringOption[.5in]{marginpar} \else % Japanese standard document classes handle \mag in a special way \DeclareStringOption[\inv@mag in]{hmargin} \DeclareStringOption[\inv@mag in]{vmargin} \DeclareStringOption[.5\dimexpr\inv@mag in\relax]{marginpar} \fi \DeclareStringOption[0]{maxlistdepth}% \newcommand*\spx@opt@maxlistdepth{0} \DeclareStringOption[-1]{numfigreset} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{nonumfigreset} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{mathnumfig} \define@key{sphinx}{bookmarksdepth}{\AtBeginDocument{\hypersetup{bookmarksdepth=#1}}} \AtBeginDocument{\define@key{sphinx}{bookmarksdepth}{\hypersetup{bookmarksdepth=#1}}} % \DeclareBoolOption[false]{usespart}% not used % INFO: the keys for padding and border widths were extended at 5.1.0, % and legacy names for user interface were kept, but their definitions % are delayed further down. The legacy internally used dimen registers % \sphinxverbatimborder and \sphinxverbatimsep got removed at 6.2.0. \DeclareBoolOption[true]{verbatimwithframe} \DeclareBoolOption[true]{verbatimwrapslines} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{verbatimforcewraps} \DeclareStringOption[3]{verbatimmaxoverfull} \DeclareStringOption[100]{verbatimmaxunderfull} \DeclareBoolOption[true]{verbatimhintsturnover} \DeclareBoolOption[true]{inlineliteralwraps} \DeclareStringOption[t]{literalblockcappos} \DeclareStringOption[r]{verbatimcontinuedalign} \DeclareStringOption[r]{verbatimcontinuesalign} % parsed literal \DeclareBoolOption[true]{parsedliteralwraps} % \textvisiblespace for compatibility with fontspec+XeTeX/LuaTeX \DeclareStringOption[\textcolor{red}{\textvisiblespace}]{verbatimvisiblespace} \DeclareStringOption % must use braces to hide the brackets [{\makebox[2\fontcharwd\font`\x][r]{\textcolor{red}{\tiny$\m@th\hookrightarrow$}}}]% {verbatimcontinued} % topic boxes % % 5.1.0 added new keys for configuration. The legacy keys shadowsep, % shadowsize, shadowrule were kept for backward compatibility. Unfortunately % this had bugs due to typos, which got fixed later at 6.1.2. % % All configuration is now to be found in the "CSS" section below. % % \sphinxshadowsep, \sphinxshadowsize, \sphinxshadowrule \dimen registers % became at 5.1.0 either no-op or, for the latter, were used under an aliased % name. They got removed at 6.2.0. % % notices/admonitions % % 5.1.0 added much customizability to warning, caution, attention, danger and % error types of notices via an enhanced sphinxheavybox environment. % % 6.2.0 added the possibility to use the same kind of rendering also for % note, hint, important, and tip. % % Legacy user interface for options was kept working. All of it is handled in % the "CSS" section below. % % These 6.2.0 added booleans serve internally. There is no reason for user to % know about them, except if it is desired to toggle mid-way in the document % whether note, hint, important, and tip should use the "lightbox" or the % "heavybox" rendering. \DeclareBoolOption[false]{heavynote} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{heavyhint} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{heavyimportant} \DeclareBoolOption[false]{heavytip} % footnotes \DeclareStringOption[\mbox{ }]{AtStartFootnote} % we need a public macro name for direct use in latex file \newcommand*{\sphinxAtStartFootnote}{\spx@opt@AtStartFootnote} % no such need for this one, as it is used inside other macros \DeclareStringOption[\leavevmode\unskip]{BeforeFootnote} % some font styling. \DeclareStringOption[\sffamily\bfseries]{HeaderFamily} % colours % same problems as for dimensions: we want the key handler to use \definecolor. % first, some colours with no prefix, for backward compatibility \newcommand*{\sphinxDeclareColorOption}[2]{% % set the initial default; only \definecolor syntax for defaults! \definecolor{#1}#2% % set the key handler to accept both \definecolor and \colorlet syntax \define@key{sphinx}{#1}{\spx@defineorletcolor{#1}##1\relax}% }% \sphinxDeclareColorOption{TitleColor}{{rgb}{0.126,0.263,0.361}} \sphinxDeclareColorOption{InnerLinkColor}{{rgb}{0.208,0.374,0.486}} \sphinxDeclareColorOption{OuterLinkColor}{{rgb}{0.216,0.439,0.388}} \sphinxDeclareColorOption{VerbatimColor}{{gray}{0.95}} \sphinxDeclareColorOption{VerbatimBorderColor}{{RGB}{32,32,32}} % all other colours will be named with a "sphinx" prefix \newcommand*{\sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption}[2]{% % set the initial default; only \definecolor syntax for defaults! \definecolor{sphinx#1}#2% % set the key handler to accept both \definecolor and \colorlet syntax \define@key{sphinx}{#1}{\spx@defineorletcolor{sphinx#1}##1\relax}% }% % table row colors \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{TableRowColorHeader}{{gray}{0.86}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{TableRowColorOdd}{{gray}{0.92}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{TableRowColorEven}{{gray}{0.98}} % if not set, the "Merge" colour will keep in sync with the "Row" colour \def\sphinxTableMergeColorHeader{sphinxTableRowColorHeader} \define@key{sphinx}{TableMergeColorHeader}{% \spx@defineorletcolor{sphinxTableMergeColorHeader}#1\relax \def\sphinxTableMergeColorHeader{sphinxTableMergeColorHeader}% }% \def\sphinxTableMergeColorOdd{sphinxTableRowColorOdd} \define@key{sphinx}{TableMergeColorOdd}{% \spx@defineorletcolor{sphinxTableMergeColorOdd}#1\relax \def\sphinxTableMergeColorOdd{sphinxTableMergeColorOdd}% }% \def\sphinxTableMergeColorEven{sphinxTableRowColorEven} \define@key{sphinx}{TableMergeColorEven}{% \spx@defineorletcolor{sphinxTableMergeColorEven}#1\relax \def\sphinxTableMergeColorEven{sphinxTableMergeColorEven}% }% % Default color chosen to be as in minted.sty LaTeX package! \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{VerbatimHighlightColor}{{rgb}{0.878,1,1}} % admonition boxes, "light" style % border color defaults to black % at 6.2.0 also background color is possible, but it then triggers % usage of the "sphinxheavybox" from sphinxlatexadmonitions.sty. \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{noteBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{hintBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{importantBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{tipBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{noteBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{hintBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{importantBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{tipBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} % admonition boxes, "heavy" style % border color defaults to black and background color to white % As long as the color are not explicitly set via user options, % the sphinxpackageboxes.sty code will actually not use them anyhow. \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{warningBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{cautionBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{attentionBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{dangerBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{errorBorderColor}{{rgb}{0,0,0}} % BgColor should have been from the start BackgroundColor for better % match with CSS property names, but this is legacy interface % which is too late to change because the internal color names % and not only the option names have been documented at user level. \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{warningBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{cautionBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{attentionBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{dangerBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} \sphinxDeclareSphinxColorOption{errorBgColor}{{rgb}{1,1,1}} %%%%%%%% % % Additions of CSS-like keys at 5.1.0 (and possibility of rounded boxes) % ----------------------------------- % % These CSS-named alikes allow to configure 4 border widths, 4 padding seps, 4 % corner radii, optional shadow, border color, background color, shadow color. % % In future, an alternative user interface will perhaps be provided to parse % genuine CSS, but this will be easier to do in Python than in LaTeX. % % Refactoring (and extension) at 6.2.0 % ------------------------------------ % % 6.2.0 batch defines in one go all auxiliaries for code-blocks, topics, and % admonitions. The needed steps to maintain the legacy option names working % and to set some specific defaults are handled in a second step. % % This allowed to: % % - associate these CSS-named options also to note, hint, important, and tip % which thus can access the full customizability of sphinxheavybox if they use % it. % % - provide a \sphinxbox command for boxing inline text elements with the same % full customizability. % % The \dimen's \sphinxverbatimborder, \sphinxverbatimsep, \sphinxshadowsep, % \sphinxshadowsize, and \sphinxshadowrule, which had been deprecated have % finally been removed entirely. No more \dimen register is used here only % storage in macros. % \def\spxstring@none{none} \def\spxstring@clone{clone} % % Border keys % \def\spx@tempa#1{% #1 = macro prefix \expandafter\spx@tempb \csname #1border\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1border@top\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1border@right\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1border@bottom\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1border@left\expandafter\endcsname \csname if#1border@open\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1border@opentrue\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1border@openfalse\endcsname }% \def\spx@tempb #1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{% #9 = option prefix \define@key{sphinx}{#9border-top-width}{\def#2{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#9border-right-width}{\def#3{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#9border-bottom-width}{\def#4{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#9border-left-width}{\def#5{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#9border-width}{% \def#1{##1}% MEMO: not immediately expanded, should this be changed? \def#2{#1}\let#3#2\let#4#2\let#5#2% }% \newif#6% \define@key{sphinx}{#9box-decoration-break}% {\begingroup\edef\spx@tempa{##1}\expandafter\endgroup \ifx\spx@tempa\spxstring@clone#8\else#7\fi}% \spx@tempc{#9}% option prefix } \def\spx@tempc #1#2{% #1 = option prefix, #2 = legacy option name % keep legacy option names as aliases to new-named options \expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#2\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@#1border-width\endcsname % init border-width (fetches next argument) \csname KV@sphinx@#1border-width\endcsname } % MEMO: prior to 6.2.0 the \fboxrule value (0.4pt, a priori) was frozen here via % a \dimen assignment done immediately. Now it remains \fboxrule until being used. % macro prefix option prefix legacy option init value \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} {pre_} {verbatimborder} \fboxrule \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} {div.topic_} {shadowrule} \fboxrule \spx@tempa{spx@note@} {div.note_} {noteborder} {0.5pt} \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} {div.hint_} {hintborder} {0.5pt} \spx@tempa{spx@important@}{div.important_}{importantborder}{0.5pt} \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} {div.tip_} {tipborder} {0.5pt} \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} {div.warning_} {warningborder} {1pt} \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} {div.caution_} {cautionborder} {1pt} \spx@tempa{spx@attention@}{div.attention_}{attentionborder}{1pt} \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} {div.danger_} {dangerborder} {1pt} \spx@tempa{spx@error@} {div.error_} {errorborder} {1pt} % this one new at 6.2.0: (we do not create a "legacy name" for it) \spx@tempa{spx@box@} {box_} {box_border-width}\fboxrule % Set default box-decoration-break style for codeblocks to slice \spx@pre@border@opentrue % new default at 6.0.0: slice, not clone % 6.2.0 has added support for box-decoration-break=slice to all % other directives, formerly the option setting was ignored for them. % Padding keys % \def\spx@tempa#1{% \expandafter\spx@tempb \csname #1padding\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1padding@top\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1padding@right\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1padding@bottom\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1padding@left\endcsname }% \def\spx@tempb #1#2#3#4#5#6{% #6 = option prefix \define@key{sphinx}{#6padding-top}{\def#2{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#6padding-right}{\def#3{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#6padding-bottom}{\def#4{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#6padding-left}{\def#5{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#6padding}{% \def#1{##1}% \def#2{#1}\let#3#2\let#4#2\let#5#2% }% % initialization (will fetch "init" argument next): \csname KV@sphinx@#6padding\endcsname } % MEMO: prior to 6.2.0 the \fboxsep value (3pt, a priori) was frozen here via % a \dimen assignment done immediately. Now it remains \fboxsep until being used. % #1 macro prefix #6 option prefix init value \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} {pre_} \fboxsep \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} {div.topic_} {5pt} % MEMO: prior to 6.2.0, "note" type admonitions used sphinxlightbox automatically % and had no interface to set the padding parameters needed by sphinxheavybox. % At 6.2.0 they acquired such interface and the default is set as for legacy % default of "warning" type. I hesitated using \fboxsep, but if I did I would % then need to explain how to change "note etc..." into behaving exactly % as "warning etc...", which goes via the \dimexpr here which is too scary to % put sanely into documentation. \spx@tempa{spx@note@} {div.note_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@note@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} {div.hint_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@hint@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@important@}{div.important_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@important@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} {div.tip_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@tip@border\relax} % MEMO: prior to 5.1.0 padding was not separately customizable from border % width for warning type admonitions. The below keeps the legacy behavior of a % constant borderwidth+padding. The dim expression is not evaluated yet, only % at time of use (so that it dynamically adapts to the border width setting). % MEMO: I could use everywhere \spx@notice@border, as sphinxadmonition environment % configures it to hold the \spx@@border value. \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} {div.warning_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@warning@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} {div.caution_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@caution@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@attention@}{div.attention_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@attention@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} {div.danger_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@danger@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@error@} {div.error_} {\dimexpr.6\baselineskip-\spx@error@border\relax} \spx@tempa{spx@box@} {box_} \fboxsep % define legacy verbatimsep key as alias of pre_padding key \expandafter\let\expandafter\KV@sphinx@verbatimsep\csname KV@sphinx@pre_padding\endcsname % define legacy shadowsep key as alias of div.topic_padding key \expandafter\let\expandafter\KV@sphinx@shadowsep\csname KV@sphinx@div.topic_padding\endcsname % Corner radii keys % % Prior to 6.2.0, the "rounded box" branch obeyed the 4 radii but ignored % the separate border widths and used only the border-width setting. % Now, all 4 + 4 parameters are obeyed. \def\spx@tempa#1{% #1 = macro prefix \expandafter\spx@tempb \csname #1radius@topleft\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1radius@topright\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1radius@bottomright\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1radius@bottomleft\endcsname }% \def\spx@tempb #1#2#3#4#5{% #5 = option prefix \define@key{sphinx}{#5border-top-left-radius}{\def#1{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#5border-top-right-radius}{\def#2{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#5border-bottom-right-radius}{\def#3{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#5border-bottom-left-radius}{\def#4{##1}}% \define@key{sphinx}{#5border-radius}{\def#1{##1}\let#2#1\let#3#1\let#4#1}% \csname KV@sphinx@#5border-radius\endcsname % fetches next argument } % The init value for corner radius in code-blocks was \z@ (i.e. 0pt) prior % to 6.0.0., then 3pt, then \fboxsep at 6.2.0 as padding is \fboxsep, % and \fboxsep=3pt per default (also with platex). % macro prefix option prefix init value \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} {pre_} \fboxsep \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} {div.topic_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@note@} {div.note_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} {div.hint_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@important@}{div.important_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} {div.tip_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} {div.warning_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} {div.caution_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@attention@}{div.attention_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} {div.danger_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@error@} {div.error_} \z@ \spx@tempa{spx@box@} {box_} \fboxsep % Shadow keys % % Prior to 6.2.0, an "inset" shadow caused the rendering to ignore % rounded corners. Starting with 6.2.0, an "inset" shadow is simply % ignored (not implemented) if any of the corner radii is positive, % rather than forcing a rectangle+inset shadow output. \def\spx@tempa#1{% \expandafter\spx@tempb \csname if#1withshadow\expandafter\endcsname \csname if#1insetshadow\endcsname }% \def\spx@tempb#1#2{\newif#1\newif#2}% % macro prefix \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} \spx@tempa{spx@note@} \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} \spx@tempa{spx@important@} \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} \spx@tempa{spx@attention@} \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} \spx@tempa{spx@error@} \spx@tempa{spx@box@} % \def\spx@tempa#1{% #1 = macro prefix \expandafter\spx@tempb \csname #1withshadowtrue\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1withshadowfalse\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1insetshadowtrue\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1insetshadowfalse\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1shadow@setter\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1shadow@xoffset\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1shadow@yoffset\endcsname }% \def\spx@tempb#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{% #8 = option prefix \define@key{sphinx}{#8box-shadow}{#5##1 {} {} \@nnil}% \def#5##1 ##2 ##3 ##4\@nnil{% \begingroup\edef\spx@tempa{##1}\expandafter\endgroup \ifx\spx@tempa\spxstring@none #2% % MEMO: at 5.1.0 and up to 6.2.0, an \edef with \number\dimexpr was % used here. Since 6.2.0, expansion is delayed to time of use as for % the other dimensions handled above. This is synched with an added % encapsulation in \dimexpr...\relax by the "setup" from % sphinxpackageboxes.sty. An induced regression had to be fixed in % the sphinxShadowBox environment as it was using in an \ifdim the % \spx@topic@shadow@yoffset macro, now holding by default 4pt+\z@ % rather than an already digested 262144sp. The +\z@ is in case ##2 % is empty. \else #1% \def#6{##1}\def#7{##2+\z@}% \if\relax\detokenize{##3}\relax#4\else#3\fi \fi }% #5none {} {} \@nnil % no shadow by default (except for topic, see below) } \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} {pre_} \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} {div.topic_} % This corresponds to the legacy parameters of ShadowBox \spx@topic@shadow@setter 4pt 4pt {} \@nnil \spx@tempa{spx@note@} {div.note_} \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} {div.hint_} \spx@tempa{spx@important@}{div.important_} \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} {div.tip_} \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} {div.warning_} \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} {div.caution_} \spx@tempa{spx@attention@}{div.attention_} \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} {div.danger_} \spx@tempa{spx@error@} {div.error_} \spx@tempa{spx@box@} {box_} % Support for legacy shadowsize (topic/contents) % This definition was broken due to a typo at 5.1.0 and got fixed at 6.1.2 % MEMO: at 6.2.0 this no longer does \number\dimexpr in an \edef. Reason is to % keep in sync with div.topic_box-shadow handling of xoffset and yoffset. % Attention in particular to \ifdim context, we add a \dimexpr to the one here. \define@key{sphinx}{shadowsize}{% \def\spx@topic@shadow@xoffset{#1}% \let\spx@topic@shadow@yoffset\spx@topic@shadow@xoffset \ifdim\dimexpr\spx@topic@shadow@xoffset=\z@ \spx@topic@withshadowfalse \else \spx@topic@withshadowtrue \spx@topic@insetshadowfalse \fi }% % Color keys % (four of them: border, background, shadow and the text color) % % Some problems due to legacy naming scheme which had diverging conventions % for code-blocks (VerbatimBorderColor, VerbatimColor) and admonitions % (sphinxwarningBorderColor, sphinxwarningBgColor, etc...) regarding the % internal names of the used colors. Unfortunately VerbatimColor and for % example sphinxwarningBgColor are also documented at user level, they are not % only internally used. % % For topic directive, "legacy" (by this I mean Sphinx around 2016-2017 after % my first additions to LaTeX) had no interface for colors, so I could change % some internals with no breakage during 5.x up to 6.2.0. So topic % (shadowbox) could be unified with admonitions (sphinxheavybox), and the % "set-up" macros could all be moved into a single one in the % sphinxpackageboxes.sty file, with only one argument holding the directive % type. % % It was then needed only for sphinxlatexliterals.sty to let its % \spx@verb@boxes@fcolorbox@setup incorporate some extra adjustment. % % We associate a boolean to each color, so that the box code can % decide to insert a \color command or consider it is not needed. \def\spx@tempa#1{% \expandafter\spx@tempb \csname if#1withshadowcolor\expandafter\endcsname \csname if#1withbordercolor\expandafter\endcsname \csname if#1withbackgroundcolor\expandafter\endcsname \csname if#1withtextcolor\endcsname }% \def\spx@tempb#1#2#3#4{\newif#1\newif#2\newif#3\newif#4}% % macro prefix \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} \spx@tempa{spx@note@} \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} \spx@tempa{spx@important@} \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} \spx@tempa{spx@attention@} \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} \spx@tempa{spx@error@} \spx@tempa{spx@box@} % \def\spx@tempa#1{% #1 = macro prefix \expandafter\spx@tempb \csname #1withbordercolortrue\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1withbackgroundcolortrue\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1withshadowcolortrue\expandafter\endcsname \csname #1withtextcolortrue\endcsname } \def\spx@tempb#1#2#3#4#5#6{% #5 = option prefix, #6 = color name prefix \define@key{sphinx}{#5border-TeXcolor}% {#1\spx@defineorletcolor{#6BorderColor}##1\relax}% \define@key{sphinx}{#5background-TeXcolor}% {#2\spx@defineorletcolor{#6BgColor}##1\relax}% \define@key{sphinx}{#5box-shadow-TeXcolor}% {#3\spx@defineorletcolor{#6ShadowColor}##1\relax}% \define@key{sphinx}{#5TeXcolor}% {#4\spx@defineorletcolor{#6TextColor}##1\relax}% } % macro prefix option prefix color name prefix \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} {pre_} {Verbatim} % (memo: internal VerbatimShadowColor was formerly sphinxVerbatimShadowColor) % internal legacy color name is VerbatimColor not VerbatimBgColor, so redefine: \define@key{sphinx}{pre_background-TeXcolor}% {\spx@pre@withbackgroundcolortrue\spx@defineorletcolor{VerbatimColor}#1\relax}% \spx@pre@withbordercolortrue % 6.0.0 VerbatimBorderColor {RGB}{32,32,32} \spx@pre@withbackgroundcolortrue % 6.0.0 VerbatimColor {gray}{0.95} % Keep legacy option names working \expandafter\let\expandafter\KV@sphinx@VerbatimBorderColor \csname KV@sphinx@pre_border-TeXcolor\endcsname \expandafter\let\expandafter\KV@sphinx@VerbatimColor \csname KV@sphinx@pre_background-TeXcolor\endcsname % (6.2.0 modified some internal namings for the colors of topic boxes) % macro prefix option prefix color name prefix \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} {div.topic_} {sphinxtopic}% (no legacy interface) \spx@tempa{spx@note@} {div.note_} {sphinxnote} \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} {div.hint_} {sphinxhint} \spx@tempa{spx@important@}{div.important_} {sphinximportant} \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} {div.tip_} {sphinxtip} \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} {div.warning_} {sphinxwarning} \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} {div.caution_} {sphinxcaution} \spx@tempa{spx@attention@}{div.attention_} {sphinxattention} \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} {div.danger_} {sphinxdanger} \spx@tempa{spx@error@} {div.error_} {sphinxerror} \spx@tempa{spx@box@} {box_} {sphinxbox} % Keep legacy sphinxsetup color options interface for "strong" admonitions \def\spx@tempa#1#2{% #1 = option prefix, #2 = legacy option prefix \expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#2BorderColor\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@#1border-TeXcolor\endcsname \expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#2BgColor\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@#1background-TeXcolor\endcsname } \spx@tempa{div.warning_} {warning} \spx@tempa{div.caution_} {caution} \spx@tempa{div.attention_} {attention} \spx@tempa{div.danger_} {danger} \spx@tempa{div.error_} {error} % Keep legacy sphinxsetup BorderColor for =note, hint, ... % which will not trigger sphinxheavybox % Add "legacy" hintTextColor etc... that will not trigger sphinxheavybox \def\spx@tempa#1#2{% #1 = CSS like option prefix, #2 = legacy option prefix \expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#2BorderColor\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@#1border-TeXcolor\endcsname \expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#2TextColor\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@#1TeXcolor\endcsname } \spx@tempa{div.note_} {note} \spx@tempa{div.hint_} {hint} \spx@tempa{div.important_} {important} \spx@tempa{div.tip_} {tip} % The TeXextras key % \def\spx@tempa#1{% #1 = macro prefix \expandafter\spx@tempb\csname #1TeXextras\endcsname } \def\spx@tempb#1#2{% #2 = option prefix \define@key{sphinx}{#2TeXextras}{\def#1{##1}}% } % macro prefix option prefix \spx@tempa{spx@pre@} {pre_} \spx@tempa{spx@topic@} {div.topic_} \spx@tempa{spx@note@} {div.note_} \spx@tempa{spx@hint@} {div.hint_} \spx@tempa{spx@important@}{div.important_} \spx@tempa{spx@tip@} {div.tip_} \spx@tempa{spx@warning@} {div.warning_} \spx@tempa{spx@caution@} {div.caution_} \spx@tempa{spx@attention@}{div.attention_} \spx@tempa{spx@danger@} {div.danger_} \spx@tempa{spx@error@} {div.error_} \spx@tempa{spx@box@} {box_} % Add "legacy" hintTeXextras etc... that will not trigger sphinxheavybox \def\spx@tempa#1#2{% #1 = CSS like option prefix, #2 = legacy option prefix \expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#2TeXextras\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@#1TeXextras\endcsname } \spx@tempa{div.note_} {note} \spx@tempa{div.hint_} {hint} \spx@tempa{div.important_} {important} \spx@tempa{div.tip_} {tip} % For note type admonitions, redefine all CSS-like named options to trigger % the "heavybox" path. % % MEMO: the noteBorderColor and noteborder legacy options have already been % re-created and they do not trigger the "heavybox" as their meaning will not % be modified in the loop below contrarily to their CSS counterparts % div.note_border-TeXcolor and div.note_border-width, and to the noteBgColor % etc... which are handled below. % % This goes via rather hardcore TeX here. \def\spx@tempa#1{\if\relax#1\expandafter\@gobble \else \toks@{##1}% \expandafter\def\csname KV@sphinx@div.note_#1\expandafter\endcsname \the\toks0\expandafter{% \csname spx@opt@heavynotetrue\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@div.note_#1\endcsname{##1}}% \expandafter\def\csname KV@sphinx@div.hint_#1\expandafter\endcsname \the\toks0\expandafter{% \csname spx@opt@heavyhinttrue\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@div.hint_#1\endcsname{##1}}% \expandafter\def\csname KV@sphinx@div.important_#1\expandafter\endcsname \the\toks0\expandafter{% \csname spx@opt@heavyimportanttrue\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@div.important_#1\endcsname{##1}}% \expandafter\def\csname KV@sphinx@div.tip_#1\expandafter\endcsname \the\toks0\expandafter{% \csname spx@opt@heavytiptrue\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@div.tip_#1\endcsname{##1}}% \fi \spx@tempa } \spx@tempa{border-width}% {border-top-width}{border-right-width}{border-bottom-width}{border-left-width}% {box-decoration-break}% {padding}% {padding-top}{padding-right}{padding-bottom}{padding-left}% {border-radius}% {border-top-left-radius}{border-top-right-radius}% {border-bottom-right-radius}{border-bottom-left-radius}% {box-shadow}% {border-TeXcolor}{background-TeXcolor}{box-shadow-TeXcolor}{TeXcolor}% {TeXextras}% \relax % Now we add at 6.2.0 BgColor et al. options which will trigger the % "heavybox" as they are \let to the div._background-TeXColor option % which has already been enhanced to set the boolean for rendering via % "heavybox". This is in contrast with legacy BorderColor, % and with the new TeXcolor and TeXextras. \def\spx@tempa#1#2{% #1 = CSS like option prefix, #2 = legacy style option prefix \expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinx@#2BgColor\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@#1background-TeXcolor\endcsname } \spx@tempa{div.note_} {note} \spx@tempa{div.hint_} {hint} \spx@tempa{div.important_} {important} \spx@tempa{div.tip_} {tip} \newif\ifspx@opt@box@addstrut \expandafter\def\csname KV@sphinx@box_addstrut\endcsname#1{% \csname spx@opt@box@addstrut#1\endcsname } \expandafter\def\csname KV@sphinx@box_addstrut@default\endcsname{% \spx@opt@box@addstruttrue } \DeclareDefaultOption{\@unknownoptionerror} \ProcessKeyvalOptions* % don't allow use of maxlistdepth via \sphinxsetup. \DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{maxlistdepth} \DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{numfigreset} \DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{nonumfigreset} \DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{mathnumfig} \DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{booktabs} \DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{borderless} \DisableKeyvalOption{sphinx}{rowcolors} % FIXME: this is unrelated to an option, move this elsewhere % To allow hyphenation of first word in narrow contexts; no option, % customization to be done via 'preamble' key \newcommand*\sphinxAtStartPar{\leavevmode\nobreak\hskip\z@skip} % No need for the \hspace{0pt} trick (\hskip\z@skip) with luatex \ifdefined\directlua\let\sphinxAtStartPar\@empty\fi % user interface: options can be changed midway in a document! \newcommand\sphinxsetup{\setkeys{sphinx}} %% MISCELLANEOUS CONTEXT % % flag to be set in a framed environment % (defined here as currently needed by three sphinxlatex....sty files and % even if not needed if such files are replaced, the definition does no harm) \newif\ifspx@inframed % % \spx@ifcaptionpackage (defined at begin document) % is needed currently in macros from: % sphinxlatexliterals.sty (sphinxVerbatim) % sphinxlatextables.sty (for some macros used in the table templates) % % \sphinxcaption is mark-up injected by the tabular and tabulary templates % it is defined in sphinxlatextables.sty % % store the original \caption macro for usage with figures inside longtable % and tabulary cells. Make sure we get the final \caption in presence of % caption package, whether the latter was loaded before or after sphinx. \AtBeginDocument{% \let\spx@originalcaption\caption \@ifpackageloaded{caption} {\let\spx@ifcaptionpackage\@firstoftwo \caption@AtBeginDocument*{\let\spx@originalcaption\caption}% % in presence of caption package, drop our own \sphinxcaption whose aim was to % ensure same width of caption to all kinds of tables (tabular(y), longtable), % because caption package has its own width (or margin) option \def\sphinxcaption{\caption}% }% {\let\spx@ifcaptionpackage\@secondoftwo}% } %% PASS OPTIONS % % pass options to hyperref; it must not have been loaded already \input{sphinxoptionshyperref.sty} % pass options to geometry; it must not have been loaded already \input{sphinxoptionsgeometry.sty} %% COLOR (general) % % FIXME: these two should be deprecated % % FIXME: \normalcolor should be used and \py@NormalColor never defined \def\py@NormalColor{\color{black}} % FIXME: \color{TitleColor} should be used directly and \py@TitleColor % should never get defined. \def\py@TitleColor{\color{TitleColor}} %% PACKAGES % % as will be indicated below, secondary style files load some more packages % % For \text macro (sphinx.util.texescape) % also for usage of \firstchoice@true(false) in sphinxlatexgraphics.sty \RequirePackage{amstext} % It was passed "warn" option from latex template in case it is already loaded % via some other package before \usepackage{sphinx} in preamble \RequirePackage{textcomp} % For the H specifier. Do not \restylefloat{figure}, it breaks Sphinx code % for allowing figures in tables. \RequirePackage{float} % For floating figures in the text. Better to load after float. \RequirePackage{wrapfig} % Provides \captionof, used once by latex writer (\captionof{figure}) \RequirePackage{capt-of} % Support hlist directive \RequirePackage{multicol} %% GRAPHICS % % It will always be needed, so let's load it here \RequirePackage{graphicx} \input{sphinxlatexgraphics.sty} %% FRAMED ENVIRONMENTS % % \sphinxbox added at 6.2.0, its definition is in sphinxpackageboxes. % % Alias all \sphinxsetup "box_" keys to become \sphinxboxsetup no-prefix keys \@tfor\x:={border-width}% {border-top-width}{border-right-width}{border-bottom-width}{border-left-width}% {box-decoration-break}% This one is actually useless, as \sphinxbox % creates an unbreakable horizontal box, not a breakable vertical % box. And as is well-known it is very complicated (not to say % impossible) to create in LaTeX breakable horizontal boxes. No % package offers them. See the complications for the support of % verbatimforcewraps in sphinxlatexliterals.sty or see the source % code of the soul or soulutf8 packages. {padding}% {padding-top}{padding-right}{padding-bottom}{padding-left}% {border-radius}% {border-top-left-radius}{border-top-right-radius}% {border-bottom-right-radius}{border-bottom-left-radius}% {box-shadow}% {border-TeXcolor}{background-TeXcolor}{box-shadow-TeXcolor}{TeXcolor}% {TeXextras}{addstrut}{addstrut@default}% \do{\expandafter\let\csname KV@sphinxbox@\x\expandafter\endcsname \csname KV@sphinx@box_\x\endcsname} % Let \sphinxboxsetup also prepare a "reset", which will be used by nested % boxes; currently and by laziness this is implemented simply by accumulating % all passed options inside some storage, in the order they were given, rather % than saving the box would-be parameters. Advantage is that this will not % have to be modified if additional keys are added in future (e.g. for % elliptic corners). Storing obeys TeX groups. (these details would be % relevant only for some genuine independent LaTeX package and manual user % authored mark-up, not Sphinx auto mark-up). \newcommand\sphinxboxsetup[1]{% \setkeys{sphinxbox}{#1}% \expandafter\def\expandafter\spx@boxes@sphinxbox@defaults\expandafter {\spx@boxes@sphinxbox@defaults,#1}% } \def\spx@boxes@sphinxbox@reset{% \begingroup\def\x{\endgroup\setkeys{sphinxbox}}% \expandafter\x\expandafter{\spx@boxes@sphinxbox@defaults}% } % Some of these defaults got already set. But we now list them all explicitly % for a complete initial configuration of reset storage. % \let\spx@boxes@sphinxbox@defaults\@gobble \sphinxboxsetup{% border-width=\fboxrule,% <-not really needed to avoid EOL space padding=\fboxsep,% but done here out of habit border-radius=\fboxsep,% box-shadow=none,% % As xcolor is perhaps not loaded we can not use background-TeXcolor=VerbatimColor % which would not be compatible with \definecolor syntax. border-TeXcolor={RGB}{32,32,32},% the default VerbatimBorderColor background-TeXcolor={gray}{0.95},% the default VerbatimColor box-shadow-TeXcolor={rgb}{0,0,0},% TeXextras={},% addstrut=false% (a final comma here would not hurt) }% \RequirePackage{sphinxpackageboxes} \input{sphinxlatexadmonitions.sty} \input{sphinxlatexliterals.sty} \input{sphinxlatexshadowbox.sty} %% CONTAINERS % \input{sphinxlatexcontainers.sty} %% PYGMENTS % stylesheet for highlighting with pygments \RequirePackage{sphinxhighlight} %% TABLES % \input{sphinxlatextables.sty} %% NUMBERING OF FIGURES, TABLES, AND LITERAL BLOCKS % \input{sphinxlatexnumfig.sty} %% LISTS % \input{sphinxlatexlists.sty} %% FOOTNOTES % % Support scopes for footnote numbering % This is currently stepped at each input file \newcounter{sphinxscope} \newcommand{\sphinxstepscope}{\stepcounter{sphinxscope}} % We ensure \thesphinxscope expands to digits tokens, independently of language \renewcommand{\thesphinxscope}{\number\value{sphinxscope}} \newcommand\sphinxthefootnotemark[2]{% % this is used to make reference to an explicitly numbered footnote not on same page % #1=label of footnote text, #2=page number where footnote text was printed \ifdefined\pagename \pagename\space#2, % <- space \else p. #2, % <- space \fi #1% no space } % support large numbered footnotes in minipage; but this is now obsolete % from systematic use of savenotes environment around minipages \def\thempfootnote{\arabic{mpfootnote}} % This package is needed to support hyperlinked footnotes in tables and % framed contents, and to allow code-blocks in footnotes. \RequirePackage{sphinxpackagefootnote} %% INDEX, BIBLIOGRAPHY, APPENDIX, TABLE OF CONTENTS % \input{sphinxlatexindbibtoc.sty} %% STYLING % \input{sphinxlatexstylepage.sty} \input{sphinxlatexstyleheadings.sty} \input{sphinxlatexstyletext.sty} %% MODULE RELEASE DATA AND OBJECT DESCRIPTIONS % \input{sphinxlatexobjects.sty} % FIXME: this line should be dropped, as "9" is default anyhow. \ifdefined\pdfcompresslevel\pdfcompresslevel = 9 \fi \endinput