"""Docutils transforms used by Sphinx.""" from __future__ import annotations import re from itertools import starmap from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, cast from docutils import nodes from docutils.nodes import Element, Node from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.errors import NoUri from sphinx.locale import __ from sphinx.transforms import SphinxTransform from sphinx.util import logging from sphinx.util.docutils import SphinxTranslator from sphinx.util.nodes import find_pending_xref_condition, process_only_nodes if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Sequence from sphinx.addnodes import pending_xref from sphinx.application import Sphinx from sphinx.domains import Domain from sphinx.util.typing import ExtensionMetadata logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SphinxPostTransform(SphinxTransform): """A base class of post-transforms. Post transforms are invoked to modify the document to restructure it for outputting. They resolve references, convert images, do special transformation for each output formats and so on. This class helps to implement these post transforms. """ builders: tuple[str, ...] = () formats: tuple[str, ...] = () def apply(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if self.is_supported(): self.run(**kwargs) def is_supported(self) -> bool: """Check this transform working for current builder.""" if self.builders and self.app.builder.name not in self.builders: return False return not self.formats or self.app.builder.format in self.formats def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Main method of post transforms. Subclasses should override this method instead of ``apply()``. """ raise NotImplementedError class ReferencesResolver(SphinxPostTransform): """ Resolves cross-references on doctrees. """ default_priority = 10 def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: for node in self.document.findall(addnodes.pending_xref): content = self.find_pending_xref_condition(node, ("resolved", "*")) if content: contnode = cast(Element, content[0].deepcopy()) else: contnode = cast(Element, node[0].deepcopy()) newnode = None typ = node['reftype'] target = node['reftarget'] node.setdefault('refdoc', self.env.docname) refdoc = node.get('refdoc') domain = None try: if node.get('refdomain', False): # let the domain try to resolve the reference try: domain = self.env.domains[node['refdomain']] except KeyError as exc: raise NoUri(target, typ) from exc newnode = domain.resolve_xref(self.env, refdoc, self.app.builder, typ, target, node, contnode) # really hardwired reference types elif typ == 'any': newnode = self.resolve_anyref(refdoc, node, contnode) # no new node found? try the missing-reference event if newnode is None: newnode = self.app.emit_firstresult('missing-reference', self.env, node, contnode, allowed_exceptions=(NoUri,)) # still not found? warn if node wishes to be warned about or # we are in nit-picky mode if newnode is None: self.warn_missing_reference(refdoc, typ, target, node, domain) except NoUri: newnode = None if newnode: newnodes: list[Node] = [newnode] else: newnodes = [contnode] if newnode is None and isinstance(node[0], addnodes.pending_xref_condition): matched = self.find_pending_xref_condition(node, ("*",)) if matched: newnodes = matched else: logger.warning(__('Could not determine the fallback text for the ' 'cross-reference. Might be a bug.'), location=node) node.replace_self(newnodes) def resolve_anyref( self, refdoc: str, node: pending_xref, contnode: Element, ) -> Element | None: """Resolve reference generated by the "any" role.""" stddomain = self.env.get_domain('std') target = node['reftarget'] results: list[tuple[str, Element]] = [] # first, try resolving as :doc: doc_ref = stddomain.resolve_xref(self.env, refdoc, self.app.builder, 'doc', target, node, contnode) if doc_ref: results.append(('doc', doc_ref)) # next, do the standard domain (makes this a priority) results.extend(stddomain.resolve_any_xref(self.env, refdoc, self.app.builder, target, node, contnode)) for domain in self.env.domains.values(): if domain.name == 'std': continue # we did this one already try: results.extend(domain.resolve_any_xref(self.env, refdoc, self.app.builder, target, node, contnode)) except NotImplementedError: # the domain doesn't yet support the new interface # we have to manually collect possible references (SLOW) for role in domain.roles: res = domain.resolve_xref(self.env, refdoc, self.app.builder, role, target, node, contnode) if res and len(res) > 0 and isinstance(res[0], nodes.Element): results.append((f'{domain.name}:{role}', res)) # now, see how many matches we got... if not results: return None if len(results) > 1: def stringify(name: str, node: Element) -> str: reftitle = node.get('reftitle', node.astext()) return f':{name}:`{reftitle}`' candidates = ' or '.join(starmap(stringify, results)) logger.warning(__("more than one target found for 'any' cross-" 'reference %r: could be %s'), target, candidates, location=node) res_role, newnode = results[0] # Override "any" class with the actual role type to get the styling # approximately correct. res_domain = res_role.split(':')[0] if (len(newnode) > 0 and isinstance(newnode[0], nodes.Element) and newnode[0].get('classes')): newnode[0]['classes'].append(res_domain) newnode[0]['classes'].append(res_role.replace(':', '-')) return newnode def warn_missing_reference(self, refdoc: str, typ: str, target: str, node: pending_xref, domain: Domain | None) -> None: warn = node.get('refwarn') if self.config.nitpicky: warn = True dtype = f'{domain.name}:{typ}' if domain else typ if self.config.nitpick_ignore: if (dtype, target) in self.config.nitpick_ignore: warn = False # for "std" types also try without domain name if (not domain or domain.name == 'std') and \ (typ, target) in self.config.nitpick_ignore: warn = False if self.config.nitpick_ignore_regex: def matches_ignore(entry_type: str, entry_target: str) -> bool: return any( ( re.fullmatch(ignore_type, entry_type) and re.fullmatch(ignore_target, entry_target) ) for ignore_type, ignore_target in self.config.nitpick_ignore_regex ) if matches_ignore(dtype, target): warn = False # for "std" types also try without domain name if (not domain or domain.name == 'std') and \ matches_ignore(typ, target): warn = False if not warn: return if self.app.emit_firstresult('warn-missing-reference', domain, node): return elif domain and typ in domain.dangling_warnings: msg = domain.dangling_warnings[typ] % {'target': target} elif node.get('refdomain', 'std') not in ('', 'std'): msg = (__('%s:%s reference target not found: %s') % (node['refdomain'], typ, target)) else: msg = __('%r reference target not found: %s') % (typ, target) logger.warning(msg, location=node, type='ref', subtype=typ) def find_pending_xref_condition(self, node: pending_xref, conditions: Sequence[str], ) -> list[Node] | None: for condition in conditions: matched = find_pending_xref_condition(node, condition) if matched: return matched.children return None class OnlyNodeTransform(SphinxPostTransform): default_priority = 50 def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: # A comment on the comment() nodes being inserted: replacing by [] would # result in a "Losing ids" exception if there is a target node before # the only node, so we make sure docutils can transfer the id to # something, even if it's just a comment and will lose the id anyway... process_only_nodes(self.document, self.app.builder.tags) class SigElementFallbackTransform(SphinxPostTransform): """Fallback various desc_* nodes to inline if translator does not support them.""" default_priority = 200 def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: def has_visitor(translator: type[nodes.NodeVisitor], node: type[Element]) -> bool: return hasattr(translator, "visit_%s" % node.__name__) try: translator = self.app.builder.get_translator_class() except AttributeError: # do nothing if no translator class is specified (e.g., on a dummy builder) return if issubclass(translator, SphinxTranslator): # subclass of SphinxTranslator supports desc_sig_element nodes automatically. return # for the leaf elements (desc_sig_element), the translator should support _all_, # unless there exists a generic visit_desc_sig_element default visitor if (not all(has_visitor(translator, node) for node in addnodes.SIG_ELEMENTS) and not has_visitor(translator, addnodes.desc_sig_element)): self.fallback(addnodes.desc_sig_element) if not has_visitor(translator, addnodes.desc_inline): self.fallback(addnodes.desc_inline) def fallback(self, node_type: Any) -> None: """Translate nodes of type *node_type* to docutils inline nodes. The original node type name is stored as a string in a private ``_sig_node_type`` attribute if the latter did not exist. """ for node in self.document.findall(node_type): newnode = nodes.inline() newnode.update_all_atts(node) newnode.extend(node) # Only set _sig_node_type if not defined by the user newnode.setdefault('_sig_node_type', node.tagname) node.replace_self(newnode) class PropagateDescDomain(SphinxPostTransform): """Add the domain name of the parent node as a class in each desc_signature node.""" default_priority = 200 def run(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: for node in self.document.findall(addnodes.desc_signature): if node.parent.get('domain'): node['classes'].append(node.parent['domain']) def setup(app: Sphinx) -> ExtensionMetadata: app.add_post_transform(ReferencesResolver) app.add_post_transform(OnlyNodeTransform) app.add_post_transform(SigElementFallbackTransform) app.add_post_transform(PropagateDescDomain) return { 'version': 'builtin', 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }