"""The composite types for Sphinx.""" from __future__ import annotations import sys import types import typing from collections.abc import Sequence from contextvars import Context, ContextVar, Token from struct import Struct from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ForwardRef, TypedDict, TypeVar, Union from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner if TYPE_CHECKING: import enum from sphinx.application import Sphinx if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): from types import UnionType else: UnionType = None # classes that have an incorrect .__module__ attribute _INVALID_BUILTIN_CLASSES = { Context: 'contextvars.Context', # Context.__module__ == '_contextvars' ContextVar: 'contextvars.ContextVar', # ContextVar.__module__ == '_contextvars' Token: 'contextvars.Token', # Token.__module__ == '_contextvars' Struct: 'struct.Struct', # Struct.__module__ == '_struct' # types in 'types' with .__module__ == 'builtins': types.AsyncGeneratorType: 'types.AsyncGeneratorType', types.BuiltinFunctionType: 'types.BuiltinFunctionType', types.BuiltinMethodType: 'types.BuiltinMethodType', types.CellType: 'types.CellType', types.ClassMethodDescriptorType: 'types.ClassMethodDescriptorType', types.CodeType: 'types.CodeType', types.CoroutineType: 'types.CoroutineType', types.FrameType: 'types.FrameType', types.FunctionType: 'types.FunctionType', types.GeneratorType: 'types.GeneratorType', types.GetSetDescriptorType: 'types.GetSetDescriptorType', types.LambdaType: 'types.LambdaType', types.MappingProxyType: 'types.MappingProxyType', types.MemberDescriptorType: 'types.MemberDescriptorType', types.MethodDescriptorType: 'types.MethodDescriptorType', types.MethodType: 'types.MethodType', types.MethodWrapperType: 'types.MethodWrapperType', types.ModuleType: 'types.ModuleType', types.TracebackType: 'types.TracebackType', types.WrapperDescriptorType: 'types.WrapperDescriptorType', } def is_invalid_builtin_class(obj: Any) -> bool: """Check *obj* is an invalid built-in class.""" try: return obj in _INVALID_BUILTIN_CLASSES except TypeError: # unhashable type return False # Text like nodes which are initialized with text and rawsource TextlikeNode = Union[nodes.Text, nodes.TextElement] # type of None NoneType = type(None) # path matcher PathMatcher = Callable[[str], bool] # common role functions RoleFunction = Callable[[str, str, str, int, Inliner, dict[str, Any], Sequence[str]], tuple[list[nodes.Node], list[nodes.system_message]]] # A option spec for directive OptionSpec = dict[str, Callable[[str], Any]] # title getter functions for enumerable nodes (see sphinx.domains.std) TitleGetter = Callable[[nodes.Node], str] # inventory data on memory InventoryItem = tuple[ str, # project name str, # project version str, # URL str, # display name ] Inventory = dict[str, dict[str, InventoryItem]] class ExtensionMetadata(TypedDict, total=False): """The metadata returned by an extension's ``setup()`` function. See :ref:`ext-metadata`. """ version: str """The extension version (default: ``'unknown version'``).""" env_version: int """An integer that identifies the version of env data added by the extension.""" parallel_read_safe: bool """Indicate whether parallel reading of source files is supported by the extension. """ parallel_write_safe: bool """Indicate whether parallel writing of output files is supported by the extension (default: ``True``). """ if TYPE_CHECKING: _ExtensionSetupFunc = Callable[[Sphinx], ExtensionMetadata] def get_type_hints( obj: Any, globalns: dict[str, Any] | None = None, localns: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary containing type hints for a function, method, module or class object. This is a simple wrapper of `typing.get_type_hints()` that does not raise an error on runtime. """ from sphinx.util.inspect import safe_getattr # lazy loading try: return typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns, localns) except NameError: # Failed to evaluate ForwardRef (maybe TYPE_CHECKING) return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {}) except AttributeError: # Failed to evaluate ForwardRef (maybe not runtime checkable) return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {}) except TypeError: # Invalid object is given. But try to get __annotations__ as a fallback. return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {}) except KeyError: # a broken class found (refs: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/8084) return {} def is_system_TypeVar(typ: Any) -> bool: """Check *typ* is system defined TypeVar.""" modname = getattr(typ, '__module__', '') return modname == 'typing' and isinstance(typ, TypeVar) def restify(cls: type | None, mode: str = 'fully-qualified-except-typing') -> str: """Convert python class to a reST reference. :param mode: Specify a method how annotations will be stringified. 'fully-qualified-except-typing' Show the module name and qualified name of the annotation except the "typing" module. 'smart' Show the name of the annotation. """ from sphinx.ext.autodoc.mock import ismock, ismockmodule # lazy loading from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading if mode == 'smart': modprefix = '~' else: modprefix = '' try: if cls is None or cls is NoneType: return ':py:obj:`None`' elif cls is Ellipsis: return '...' elif isinstance(cls, str): return cls elif ismockmodule(cls): return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__name__}`' elif ismock(cls): return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`' elif is_invalid_builtin_class(cls): return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{_INVALID_BUILTIN_CLASSES[cls]}`' elif inspect.isNewType(cls): if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10): # newtypes have correct module info since Python 3.10+ return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`' else: return f':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`' elif UnionType and isinstance(cls, UnionType): return ' | '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__) elif cls.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'): if hasattr(cls, '__args__'): if not cls.__args__: # Empty tuple, list, ... return fr':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`\ [{cls.__args__!r}]' concatenated_args = ', '.join(restify(arg, mode) for arg in cls.__args__) return fr':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`\ [{concatenated_args}]' else: return f':py:class:`{cls.__name__}`' elif (inspect.isgenericalias(cls) and cls.__module__ == 'typing' and cls.__origin__ is Union): # type: ignore[attr-defined] return ' | '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__) # type: ignore[attr-defined] elif inspect.isgenericalias(cls): if isinstance(cls.__origin__, typing._SpecialForm): # type: ignore[attr-defined] text = restify(cls.__origin__, mode) # type: ignore[attr-defined,arg-type] elif getattr(cls, '_name', None): cls_name = cls._name # type: ignore[attr-defined] if cls.__module__ == 'typing': text = f':py:class:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls_name}`' else: text = f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls_name}`' else: text = restify(cls.__origin__, mode) # type: ignore[attr-defined] origin = getattr(cls, '__origin__', None) if not hasattr(cls, '__args__'): # NoQA: SIM114 pass elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in cls.__args__): # Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT]) pass elif (cls.__module__ == 'typing' and cls._name == 'Callable'): # type: ignore[attr-defined] args = ', '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__[:-1]) text += fr"\ [[{args}], {restify(cls.__args__[-1], mode)}]" elif cls.__module__ == 'typing' and getattr(origin, '_name', None) == 'Literal': literal_args = [] for a in cls.__args__: if inspect.isenumattribute(a): literal_args.append(_format_literal_enum_arg(a, mode=mode)) else: literal_args.append(repr(a)) text += fr"\ [{', '.join(literal_args)}]" del literal_args elif cls.__args__: text += fr"\ [{', '.join(restify(a, mode) for a in cls.__args__)}]" return text elif isinstance(cls, typing._SpecialForm): return f':py:obj:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls._name}`' elif sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 11) and cls is typing.Any: # handle bpo-46998 return f':py:obj:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`' elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'): if cls.__module__ == 'typing': return f':py:class:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}`' else: return f':py:class:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__qualname__}`' elif isinstance(cls, ForwardRef): return f':py:class:`{cls.__forward_arg__}`' else: # not a class (ex. TypeVar) if cls.__module__ == 'typing': return f':py:obj:`~{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`' else: return f':py:obj:`{modprefix}{cls.__module__}.{cls.__name__}`' except (AttributeError, TypeError): return inspect.object_description(cls) def stringify_annotation( annotation: Any, /, mode: str = 'fully-qualified-except-typing', ) -> str: """Stringify type annotation object. :param annotation: The annotation to stringified. :param mode: Specify a method how annotations will be stringified. 'fully-qualified-except-typing' Show the module name and qualified name of the annotation except the "typing" module. 'smart' Show the name of the annotation. 'fully-qualified' Show the module name and qualified name of the annotation. """ from sphinx.ext.autodoc.mock import ismock, ismockmodule # lazy loading from sphinx.util.inspect import isNewType # lazy loading if mode not in {'fully-qualified-except-typing', 'fully-qualified', 'smart'}: msg = ("'mode' must be one of 'fully-qualified-except-typing', " f"'fully-qualified', or 'smart'; got {mode!r}.") raise ValueError(msg) if mode == 'smart': module_prefix = '~' else: module_prefix = '' annotation_qualname = getattr(annotation, '__qualname__', '') annotation_module = getattr(annotation, '__module__', '') annotation_name = getattr(annotation, '__name__', '') annotation_module_is_typing = annotation_module == 'typing' if isinstance(annotation, str): if annotation.startswith("'") and annotation.endswith("'"): # might be a double Forward-ref'ed type. Go unquoting. return annotation[1:-1] else: return annotation elif isinstance(annotation, TypeVar): if annotation_module_is_typing and mode in {'fully-qualified-except-typing', 'smart'}: return annotation_name else: return module_prefix + f'{annotation_module}.{annotation_name}' elif isNewType(annotation): if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 10): # newtypes have correct module info since Python 3.10+ return module_prefix + f'{annotation_module}.{annotation_name}' else: return annotation_name elif not annotation: return repr(annotation) elif annotation is NoneType: return 'None' elif ismockmodule(annotation): return module_prefix + annotation_name elif ismock(annotation): return module_prefix + f'{annotation_module}.{annotation_name}' elif is_invalid_builtin_class(annotation): return module_prefix + _INVALID_BUILTIN_CLASSES[annotation] elif str(annotation).startswith('typing.Annotated'): # for py310+ pass elif annotation_module == 'builtins' and annotation_qualname: if (args := getattr(annotation, '__args__', None)) is not None: # PEP 585 generic if not args: # Empty tuple, list, ... return repr(annotation) concatenated_args = ', '.join(stringify_annotation(arg, mode) for arg in args) return f'{annotation_qualname}[{concatenated_args}]' else: return annotation_qualname elif annotation is Ellipsis: return '...' module_prefix = f'{annotation_module}.' annotation_forward_arg = getattr(annotation, '__forward_arg__', None) if annotation_qualname or (annotation_module_is_typing and not annotation_forward_arg): if mode == 'smart': module_prefix = '~' + module_prefix if annotation_module_is_typing and mode == 'fully-qualified-except-typing': module_prefix = '' else: module_prefix = '' if annotation_module_is_typing: if annotation_forward_arg: # handle ForwardRefs qualname = annotation_forward_arg else: _name = getattr(annotation, '_name', '') if _name: qualname = _name elif annotation_qualname: qualname = annotation_qualname else: qualname = stringify_annotation( annotation.__origin__, 'fully-qualified-except-typing', ).replace('typing.', '') # ex. Union elif annotation_qualname: qualname = annotation_qualname elif hasattr(annotation, '__origin__'): # instantiated generic provided by a user qualname = stringify_annotation(annotation.__origin__, mode) elif UnionType and isinstance(annotation, UnionType): # types.UnionType (for py3.10+) qualname = 'types.UnionType' else: # we weren't able to extract the base type, appending arguments would # only make them appear twice return repr(annotation) annotation_args = getattr(annotation, '__args__', None) if annotation_args: if not isinstance(annotation_args, (list, tuple)): # broken __args__ found pass elif qualname in {'Optional', 'Union', 'types.UnionType'}: return ' | '.join(stringify_annotation(a, mode) for a in annotation_args) elif qualname == 'Callable': args = ', '.join(stringify_annotation(a, mode) for a in annotation_args[:-1]) returns = stringify_annotation(annotation_args[-1], mode) return f'{module_prefix}Callable[[{args}], {returns}]' elif qualname == 'Literal': from sphinx.util.inspect import isenumattribute # lazy loading def format_literal_arg(arg: Any) -> str: if isenumattribute(arg): enumcls = arg.__class__ if mode == 'smart': # MyEnum.member return f'{enumcls.__qualname__}.{arg.name}' # module.MyEnum.member return f'{enumcls.__module__}.{enumcls.__qualname__}.{arg.name}' return repr(arg) args = ', '.join(map(format_literal_arg, annotation_args)) return f'{module_prefix}Literal[{args}]' elif str(annotation).startswith('typing.Annotated'): # for py39+ return stringify_annotation(annotation_args[0], mode) elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in annotation_args): # Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT]) return module_prefix + qualname else: args = ', '.join(stringify_annotation(a, mode) for a in annotation_args) return f'{module_prefix}{qualname}[{args}]' return module_prefix + qualname def _format_literal_enum_arg(arg: enum.Enum, /, *, mode: str) -> str: enum_cls = arg.__class__ if mode == 'smart' or enum_cls.__module__ == 'typing': return f':py:attr:`~{enum_cls.__module__}.{enum_cls.__qualname__}.{arg.name}`' else: return f':py:attr:`{enum_cls.__module__}.{enum_cls.__qualname__}.{arg.name}`' # deprecated name -> (object to return, canonical path or empty string, removal version) _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS: dict[str, tuple[Any, str, tuple[int, int]]] = { 'stringify': (stringify_annotation, 'sphinx.util.typing.stringify_annotation', (8, 0)), } def __getattr__(name: str) -> Any: if name not in _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS: msg = f'module {__name__!r} has no attribute {name!r}' raise AttributeError(msg) from sphinx.deprecation import _deprecation_warning deprecated_object, canonical_name, remove = _DEPRECATED_OBJECTS[name] _deprecation_warning(__name__, name, canonical_name, remove=remove) return deprecated_object