from __future__ import annotations import os import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import docutils import pytest import sphinx import sphinx.locale import sphinx.pycode from sphinx.testing.util import _clean_up_global_state if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Iterator def _init_console( locale_dir: str | None = sphinx.locale._LOCALE_DIR, catalog: str = 'sphinx', ) -> tuple[sphinx.locale.NullTranslations, bool]: """Monkeypatch ``init_console`` to skip its action. Some tests rely on warning messages in English. We don't want CLI tests to bleed over those tests and make their warnings translated. """ return sphinx.locale.NullTranslations(), False sphinx.locale.init_console = _init_console pytest_plugins = ['sphinx.testing.fixtures'] # Exclude 'roots' dirs for pytest test collector collect_ignore = ['roots'] os.environ['SPHINX_AUTODOC_RELOAD_MODULES'] = '1' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def rootdir() -> Path: return Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / 'roots' def pytest_report_header(config: pytest.Config) -> str: header = f"libraries: Sphinx-{sphinx.__display_version__}, docutils-{docutils.__version__}" if hasattr(config, '_tmp_path_factory'): header += f"\nbase tmp_path: {config._tmp_path_factory.getbasetemp()}" return header @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _cleanup_docutils() -> Iterator[None]: saved_path = sys.path yield # run the test sys.path[:] = saved_path _clean_up_global_state()