:tocdepth: 2 i18n with external links ======================== .. #1044 external-links-dont-work-in-localized-html External link to Python_. Internal link to `i18n with external links`_. Inline link by `Sphinx Site `_. Unnamed link__. .. _Python: https://python.org/index.html .. __: https://google.com link target swapped translation ================================ link to external1_ and external2_. link to `Sphinx Site `_ and `Python Site `_. .. _external1: https://www.google.com/external1 .. _external2: https://www.google.com/external2 Multiple references in the same line ===================================== Link to `Sphinx Site `_, `Python Site `_, Python_, Unnamed__ and `i18n with external links`_. .. __: https://google.com