:tocdepth: 2 .. _implicit-target: section and label ================== .. This section's label and section title are different. .. This case, the section have 2 target id. :ref:`implicit-target` point to ``implicit-target`` and `section and label`_ point to ``section-and-label``. .. _explicit-target: explicit-target ================ .. This section's label equals to section title. .. This case, a duplicated target id is generated by docutils. :ref:`explicit-target` point to ``explicit-target`` and `explicit-target`_ point to duplicated id like ``id1``. implicit section name ====================== .. This section have no label. .. This case, the section have one id. `implicit section name`_ point to ``implicit-section-name``. duplicated sub section ------------------------ .. This section have no label, but name will be duplicated by next section. .. This case, the section have one id. `duplicated sub section`_ is broken link. .. There is no way to link to this section's ``duplicated-sub-section``` by .. using formal reStructuredText markup. duplicated sub section ------------------------ .. This section have no label, but the section was a duplicate name. .. This case, a duplicated target id is generated by docutils. .. There is no way to link to this section's duplicated id like ``id2`` by .. using formal reStructuredText markup. .. _bridge label: `label bridged target section`_ .. _bridge label2: `section and label`_ label bridged target section ============================= .. This section is targeted through label definition. `bridge label`_ is not translatable but linked to translated section title. `bridge label2`_ point to ``section and label`` and `bridge label`_ point to ``label bridged target section``. The second appeared `bridge label2`_ point to correct target.