complex tables ============== grid table ---------- .. rst-class:: nocolorrows +---------+---------+---------+ | header1 | header2 | header3 | +=========+=========+=========+ | cell1-1 | cell1-2 | cell1-3 | +---------+ +---------+ | cell2-1 | | cell2-3 | + +---------+---------+ | | cell3-2-par1 | +---------+ | | cell4-1 | cell3-2-par2 | +---------+---------+---------+ | cell5-1 | +---------+---------+---------+ grid table with tabularcolumns having no vline ---------------------------------------------- .. tabularcolumns:: TTT +---------+---------+---------+ | header1 | header2 | header3 | +=========+=========+=========+ | cell1-1 | cell1-2 | cell1-3 | +---------+ +---------+ | cell2-1 | | cell2-3 | + +---------+---------+ | | cell3-2-par1 | +---------+ | | cell4-1 | cell3-2-par2 | +---------+---------+---------+ | cell5-1 | +---------+---------+---------+ complex spanning cell --------------------- table having ... * consecutive multirow at top of row (1-1 and 1-2) * consecutive multirow at end of row (1-4 and 1-5) .. rst-class:: standard +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | | | cell1-3 | | | | | +-----------+ | cell1-5 | | cell1-1 | cell1-2 | | cell1-4 | | | | | cell2-3 | +-----------+ | | | | | cell3-5 | +-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+