longtables ========== longtable --------- .. table:: :class: longtable, borderless ======= ======= header1 header2 ======= ======= cell1-1 cell1-2 cell2-1 cell2-2 cell3-1 cell3-2 ======= ======= longtable having :widths: option -------------------------------- .. _mylongtable: .. table:: :class: longtable :widths: 30,70 :name: namedlongtable ======= ======= header1 header2 ======= ======= cell1-1 cell1-2 cell2-1 cell2-2 cell3-1 cell3-2 ======= ======= See mylongtable_, same as :ref:`this one `. longtable having :align: option ------------------------------- .. table:: :align: right :class: longtable ======= ======= header1 header2 ======= ======= cell1-1 cell1-2 cell2-1 cell2-2 cell3-1 cell3-2 ======= ======= longtable with tabularcolumn ---------------------------- .. tabularcolumns:: |c|c| .. table:: :class: longtable ======= ======= header1 header2 ======= ======= cell1-1 cell1-2 cell2-1 cell2-2 cell3-1 cell3-2 ======= ======= longtable having caption ------------------------ .. list-table:: caption for longtable :class: longtable :header-rows: 1 * - header1 - header2 * - cell1-1 - cell1-2 * - cell2-1 - cell2-2 * - cell3-1 - cell3-2 longtable having verbatim ------------------------- .. list-table:: :class: longtable :header-rows: 1 * - header1 - header2 * - :: hello world - cell1-2 * - cell2-1 - cell2-2 * - cell3-1 - cell3-2 longtable having both :widths: and problematic cell --------------------------------------------------- .. list-table:: :class: longtable :header-rows: 1 :widths: 30,70 * - header1 - header2 * - + item1 + item2 - cell1-2 * - cell2-1 - cell2-2 * - cell3-1 - cell3-2 longtable having problematic cell --------------------------------- .. list-table:: :class: longtable :header-rows: 1 * - header1 - header2 * - + item1 + item2 - cell1-2 * - cell2-1 - cell2-2 * - cell3-1 - cell3-2 longtable having both stub columns and problematic cell ------------------------------------------------------- .. list-table:: :class: longtable :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 2 * - header1 - header2 - header3 * - + instub1-1a + instub1-1b - instub1-2 - notinstub1-3 * - cell2-1 - cell2-2 - cell2-3