.. _index: test-tocdepth ============= .. toctree:: :numbered: foo bar .. _fig1: .. figure:: rimg.png should be Fig.1 .. figure:: rimg.png should be Fig.2 .. _table-1: .. csv-table:: should be Table 1 :header-rows: 0 hello,world .. csv-table:: should be Table 2 :header-rows: 0 hello,world .. _CODE_1: .. code-block:: python :caption: should be List 1 print('hello world') .. code-block:: python :caption: should be List 2 print('hello world') * Fig.1 is :numref:`fig1` * Fig.2.2 is :numref:`Figure%s ` * Table.1 is :numref:`table-1` * Table.2.2 is :numref:`Table:%s ` * List.1 is :numref:`CODE_1` * List.2.2 is :numref:`Code-%s ` * Section.1 is :numref:`foo` * Section.2.1 is :numref:`bar_a` * Unnumbered section is :numref:`index` * Invalid numfig_format 01: :numref:`invalid ` * Invalid numfig_format 02: :numref:`Fig %s %s ` * Fig.1 is :numref:`Fig.{number} {name} ` * Section.1 is :numref:`Sect.{number} {name} `