"""Test the build process with gettext builder with the test root.""" import gettext import os import re import subprocess import sys from subprocess import CalledProcessError import pytest from sphinx.builders.gettext import Catalog, MsgOrigin if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 11): from contextlib import chdir else: from sphinx.util.osutil import _chdir as chdir _MSGID_PATTERN = re.compile(r'msgid "(.*)"') def msgid_getter(msgid): if m := _MSGID_PATTERN.search(msgid): return m[1] return None def test_Catalog_duplicated_message(): catalog = Catalog() catalog.add('hello', MsgOrigin('/path/to/filename', 1)) catalog.add('hello', MsgOrigin('/path/to/filename', 1)) catalog.add('hello', MsgOrigin('/path/to/filename', 2)) catalog.add('hello', MsgOrigin('/path/to/yetanother', 1)) catalog.add('world', MsgOrigin('/path/to/filename', 1)) assert len(list(catalog)) == 2 msg1, msg2 = list(catalog) assert msg1.text == 'hello' assert msg1.locations == [('/path/to/filename', 1), ('/path/to/filename', 2), ('/path/to/yetanother', 1)] assert msg2.text == 'world' assert msg2.locations == [('/path/to/filename', 1)] @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext', srcdir='root-gettext') def test_build_gettext(app): # Generic build; should fail only when the builder is horribly broken. app.build(force_all=True) # Do messages end up in the correct location? # top-level documents end up in a message catalog assert (app.outdir / 'extapi.pot').is_file() # directory items are grouped into sections assert (app.outdir / 'subdir.pot').is_file() # regression test for issue #960 catalog = (app.outdir / 'markup.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'msgid "something, something else, something more"' in catalog @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext', srcdir='root-gettext') def test_msgfmt(app): app.build(force_all=True) (app.outdir / 'en' / 'LC_MESSAGES').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with chdir(app.outdir): try: args = ['msginit', '--no-translator', '-i', 'markup.pot', '--locale', 'en_US'] subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True, check=True) except OSError: pytest.skip() # most likely msginit was not found except CalledProcessError as exc: print(exc.stdout) print(exc.stderr) msg = f'msginit exited with return code {exc.returncode}' raise AssertionError(msg) from exc assert (app.outdir / 'en_US.po').is_file(), 'msginit failed' try: args = ['msgfmt', 'en_US.po', '-o', os.path.join('en', 'LC_MESSAGES', 'test_root.mo')] subprocess.run(args, capture_output=True, check=True) except OSError: pytest.skip() # most likely msgfmt was not found except CalledProcessError as exc: print(exc.stdout) print(exc.stderr) msg = f'msgfmt exited with return code {exc.returncode}' raise AssertionError(msg) from exc mo = app.outdir / 'en' / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'test_root.mo' assert mo.is_file(), 'msgfmt failed' _ = gettext.translation('test_root', app.outdir, languages=['en']).gettext assert _("Testing various markup") == "Testing various markup" @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'gettext', testroot='intl', srcdir='gettext', confoverrides={'gettext_compact': False}) def test_gettext_index_entries(app): # regression test for #976 app.build(filenames=[app.srcdir / 'index_entries.txt']) pot = (app.outdir / 'index_entries.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') msg_ids = list(filter(None, map(msgid_getter, pot.splitlines()))) assert msg_ids == [ "i18n with index entries", "index target section", "this is :index:`Newsletter` target paragraph.", "various index entries", "That's all.", "Mailing List", "Newsletter", "Recipients List", "First", "Second", "Third", "Entry", "See", ] @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'gettext', testroot='intl', srcdir='gettext', confoverrides={'gettext_compact': False, 'gettext_additional_targets': []}) def test_gettext_disable_index_entries(app): # regression test for #976 app.env._pickled_doctree_cache.clear() # clear cache app.build(filenames=[app.srcdir / 'index_entries.txt']) pot = (app.outdir / 'index_entries.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') msg_ids = list(filter(None, map(msgid_getter, pot.splitlines()))) assert msg_ids == [ "i18n with index entries", "index target section", "this is :index:`Newsletter` target paragraph.", "various index entries", "That's all.", ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext', testroot='intl', srcdir='gettext') def test_gettext_template(app): app.build(force_all=True) assert (app.outdir / 'sphinx.pot').is_file() result = (app.outdir / 'sphinx.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert "Welcome" in result assert "Sphinx %(version)s" in result @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext', testroot='gettext-template') def test_gettext_template_msgid_order_in_sphinxpot(app): app.build(force_all=True) assert (app.outdir / 'sphinx.pot').is_file() result = (app.outdir / 'sphinx.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert re.search( ('msgid "Template 1".*' 'msgid "This is Template 1\\.".*' 'msgid "Template 2".*' 'msgid "This is Template 2\\.".*'), result, flags=re.DOTALL) @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'gettext', srcdir='root-gettext', confoverrides={'gettext_compact': 'documentation'}) def test_build_single_pot(app): app.build(force_all=True) assert (app.outdir / 'documentation.pot').is_file() result = (app.outdir / 'documentation.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert re.search( ('msgid "Todo".*' 'msgid "Like footnotes.".*' 'msgid "The minute.".*' 'msgid "Generated section".*'), result, flags=re.DOTALL) @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'gettext', testroot='intl_substitution_definitions', srcdir='gettext-subst', confoverrides={'gettext_compact': False, 'gettext_additional_targets': ['image']}) def test_gettext_prolog_epilog_substitution(app): app.build(force_all=True) assert (app.outdir / 'prolog_epilog_substitution.pot').is_file() pot = (app.outdir / 'prolog_epilog_substitution.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') msg_ids = list(filter(None, map(msgid_getter, pot.splitlines()))) assert msg_ids == [ "i18n with prologue and epilogue substitutions", "This is content that contains |subst_prolog_1|.", "Substituted image |subst_prolog_2| here.", "subst_prolog_2", ".. image:: /img.png", "This is content that contains |subst_epilog_1|.", "Substituted image |subst_epilog_2| here.", "subst_epilog_2", ".. image:: /i18n.png", ] @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'gettext', testroot='intl_substitution_definitions', srcdir='gettext-subst', confoverrides={'gettext_compact': False, 'gettext_additional_targets': ['image']}) def test_gettext_prolog_epilog_substitution_excluded(app): # regression test for #9428 app.build(force_all=True) assert (app.outdir / 'prolog_epilog_substitution_excluded.pot').is_file() pot = (app.outdir / 'prolog_epilog_substitution_excluded.pot').read_text(encoding='utf8') msg_ids = list(filter(None, map(msgid_getter, pot.splitlines()))) assert msg_ids == [ "i18n without prologue and epilogue substitutions", "This is content that does not include prologue and epilogue substitutions.", ]