import os import re import sys import pytest from sphinx.util.console import strip_colors ENV_WARNINGS = """\ {root}/ of autodoc_fodder.MarkupError:\\d+: \ WARNING: Explicit markup ends without a blank line; unexpected unindent. {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: Encoding 'utf-8-sig' used for reading included \ file '{root}/' seems to be wrong, try giving an :encoding: option {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: invalid single index entry '' {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: image file not readable: foo.png {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: download file not readable: {root}/nonexisting.png {root}/undecodable.rst:\\d+: WARNING: undecodable source characters, replacing \ with "\\?": b?'here: >>>(\\\\|/)xbb<<<((\\\\|/)r)?' """ HTML_WARNINGS = ENV_WARNINGS + """\ {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: unknown option: '&option' {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: citation not found: missing {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: a suitable image for html builder not found: foo.\\* {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: Lexing literal_block ".*" as "c" resulted in an error at token: ".*". Retrying in relaxed mode. """ LATEX_WARNINGS = ENV_WARNINGS + """\ {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: unknown option: '&option' {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: citation not found: missing {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: a suitable image for latex builder not found: foo.\\* {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: Lexing literal_block ".*" as "c" resulted in an error at token: ".*". Retrying in relaxed mode. """ TEXINFO_WARNINGS = ENV_WARNINGS + """\ {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: unknown option: '&option' {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: citation not found: missing {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: a suitable image for texinfo builder not found: foo.\\* {root}/index.rst:\\d+: WARNING: a suitable image for texinfo builder not found: \ \\['application/pdf', 'image/svg\\+xml'\\] \\(svgimg.\\*\\) """ def _check_warnings(expected_warnings: str, warning: str) -> None: warnings = strip_colors(re.sub(re.escape(os.sep) + '{1,2}', '/', warning)) assert re.match(f'{expected_warnings}$', warnings), ( "Warnings don't match:\n" + f'--- Expected (regex):\n{expected_warnings}\n' + f'--- Got:\n{warnings}' ) sys.modules.pop('autodoc_fodder', None) @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='warnings', freshenv=True) def test_html_warnings(app, warning): warnings_exp = HTML_WARNINGS.format(root=re.escape(app.srcdir.as_posix())) _check_warnings(warnings_exp, warning.getvalue()) @pytest.mark.sphinx('latex', testroot='warnings', freshenv=True) def test_latex_warnings(app, warning): warnings_exp = LATEX_WARNINGS.format(root=re.escape(app.srcdir.as_posix())) _check_warnings(warnings_exp, warning.getvalue()) @pytest.mark.sphinx('texinfo', testroot='warnings', freshenv=True) def test_texinfo_warnings(app, warning): warnings_exp = TEXINFO_WARNINGS.format(root=re.escape(app.srcdir.as_posix())) _check_warnings(warnings_exp, warning.getvalue()) def test_uncacheable_config_warning(make_app, tmp_path): """Test that an unpickleable config value raises a warning.""" tmp_path.joinpath('').write_text("""\ my_config = lambda: None show_warning_types = True def setup(app): app.add_config_value('my_config', None, 'env') """, encoding='utf-8') tmp_path.joinpath('index.rst').write_text('Test\n====\n', encoding='utf-8') app = make_app(srcdir=tmp_path) assert strip_colors(app.warning.getvalue()).strip() == ( "WARNING: cannot cache unpickable configuration value: 'my_config' " "(because it contains a function, class, or module object) [config.cache]" )