"""Test the Builder class.""" import sys import pytest @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', srcdir="test_builder", freshenv=True) def test_incremental_reading(app): # first reading updated = app.builder.read() assert set(updated) == app.env.found_docs == set(app.env.all_docs) assert updated == sorted(updated) # sorted by alphanumeric # test if exclude_patterns works ok assert 'subdir/excluded' not in app.env.found_docs # before second reading, add, modify and remove source files (app.srcdir / 'new.txt').write_text('New file\n========\n', encoding='utf8') app.env.all_docs['index'] = 0 # mark as modified (app.srcdir / 'autodoc.txt').unlink() # second reading updated = app.builder.read() assert set(updated) == {'index', 'new'} assert 'autodoc' not in app.env.all_docs assert 'autodoc' not in app.env.found_docs @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='warnings', freshenv=True) def test_incremental_reading_for_missing_files(app): # first reading updated = app.builder.read() assert set(updated) == app.env.found_docs == set(app.env.all_docs) # second reading updated = app.builder.read() # "index" is listed up to updated because it contains references # to nonexisting downloadable or image files assert set(updated) == {'index'} sys.modules.pop('autodoc_fodder', None)