"""Test the sphinx.config.Config class.""" from __future__ import annotations import pickle import time from collections import Counter from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from unittest import mock import pytest import sphinx from sphinx.builders.gettext import _gettext_compact_validator from sphinx.config import ( ENUM, Config, _Opt, check_confval_types, correct_copyright_year, is_serializable, ) from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx90Warning from sphinx.errors import ConfigError, ExtensionError, VersionRequirementError if TYPE_CHECKING: from collections.abc import Iterable from typing import Union CircularList = list[Union[int, 'CircularList']] CircularDict = dict[str, Union[int, 'CircularDict']] def check_is_serializable(subject: object, *, circular: bool) -> None: assert is_serializable(subject) if circular: class UselessGuard(frozenset[int]): def __or__(self, other: object, /) -> UselessGuard: # do nothing return self def union(self, *args: Iterable[object]) -> UselessGuard: # do nothing return self # check that without recursive guards, a recursion error occurs with pytest.raises(RecursionError): assert is_serializable(subject, _seen=UselessGuard()) def test_is_serializable() -> None: subject = [1, [2, {3, 'a'}], {'x': {'y': frozenset((4, 5))}}] check_is_serializable(subject, circular=False) a, b = [1], [2] # type: (CircularList, CircularList) a.append(b) b.append(a) check_is_serializable(a, circular=True) check_is_serializable(b, circular=True) x: CircularDict = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 1}} x['b'] = x check_is_serializable(x, circular=True) def test_config_opt_deprecated(recwarn): opt = _Opt('default', '', ()) with pytest.warns(RemovedInSphinx90Warning): default, rebuild, valid_types = opt with pytest.warns(RemovedInSphinx90Warning): _ = opt[0] with pytest.warns(RemovedInSphinx90Warning): _ = list(opt) @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='config', confoverrides={ 'root_doc': 'root', 'nonexisting_value': 'True', 'latex_elements.maketitle': 'blah blah blah', 'modindex_common_prefix': 'path1,path2'}) def test_core_config(app, status, warning): cfg = app.config # simple values assert 'project' in cfg.__dict__ assert cfg.project == 'Sphinx ' assert cfg.templates_path == ['_templates'] # overrides assert cfg.root_doc == 'root' assert cfg.latex_elements['maketitle'] == 'blah blah blah' assert cfg.modindex_common_prefix == ['path1', 'path2'] # simple default values assert 'locale_dirs' in cfg.__dict__ assert cfg.locale_dirs == ['locales'] assert cfg.trim_footnote_reference_space is False # complex default values assert 'html_title' not in cfg.__dict__ assert cfg.html_title == 'Sphinx 0.6alpha1 documentation' # complex default values mustn't raise for valuename in cfg.config_values: getattr(cfg, valuename) # "contains" gives True both for set and unset values assert 'project' in cfg assert 'html_title' in cfg assert 'nonexisting_value' not in cfg # invalid values with pytest.raises(AttributeError): _ = cfg._value with pytest.raises(AttributeError): _ = cfg.nonexisting_value # non-value attributes are deleted from the namespace with pytest.raises(AttributeError): _ = cfg.sys # setting attributes cfg.project = 'Foo' assert cfg.project == 'Foo' # alternative access via item interface cfg['project'] = 'Sphinx Tests' assert cfg['project'] == cfg.project == 'Sphinx Tests' def test_config_not_found(tmp_path): with pytest.raises(ConfigError): Config.read(tmp_path) @pytest.mark.parametrize("protocol", list(range(pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL))) def test_config_pickle_protocol(tmp_path, protocol: int): config = Config() pickled_config = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(config, protocol)) assert list(config._options) == list(pickled_config._options) assert repr(config) == repr(pickled_config) def test_config_pickle_circular_reference_in_list(): a, b = [1], [2] # type: (CircularList, CircularList) a.append(b) b.append(a) check_is_serializable(a, circular=True) check_is_serializable(b, circular=True) config = Config() config.add('a', [], '', types=list) config.add('b', [], '', types=list) config.a, config.b = a, b actual = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(config)) assert isinstance(actual.a, list) check_is_serializable(actual.a, circular=True) assert isinstance(actual.b, list) check_is_serializable(actual.b, circular=True) assert actual.a[0] == 1 assert actual.a[1][0] == 2 assert actual.a[1][1][0] == 1 assert actual.a[1][1][1][0] == 2 assert actual.b[0] == 2 assert actual.b[1][0] == 1 assert actual.b[1][1][0] == 2 assert actual.b[1][1][1][0] == 1 assert len(actual.a) == 2 assert len(actual.a[1]) == 2 assert len(actual.a[1][1]) == 2 assert len(actual.a[1][1][1]) == 2 assert len(actual.a[1][1][1][1]) == 2 assert len(actual.b) == 2 assert len(actual.b[1]) == 2 assert len(actual.b[1][1]) == 2 assert len(actual.b[1][1][1]) == 2 assert len(actual.b[1][1][1][1]) == 2 def check( u: list[list[object] | int], v: list[list[object] | int], *, counter: Counter[type, int] | None = None, guard: frozenset[int] = frozenset(), ) -> Counter[type, int]: counter = Counter() if counter is None else counter if id(u) in guard and id(v) in guard: return counter if isinstance(u, int): assert v.__class__ is u.__class__ assert u == v counter[type(u)] += 1 return counter assert isinstance(u, list) assert v.__class__ is u.__class__ assert len(u) == len(v) for u_i, v_i in zip(u, v): counter[type(u)] += 1 check(u_i, v_i, counter=counter, guard=guard | {id(u), id(v)}) return counter counter = check(actual.a, a) # check(actual.a, a) # check(actual.a[0], a[0]) -> ++counter[dict] # ++counter[int] (a[0] is an int) # check(actual.a[1], a[1]) -> ++counter[dict] # check(actual.a[1][0], a[1][0]) -> ++counter[dict] # ++counter[int] (a[1][0] is an int) # check(actual.a[1][1], a[1][1]) -> ++counter[dict] # recursive guard since a[1][1] == a assert counter[type(a[0])] == 2 assert counter[type(a[1])] == 4 # same logic as above counter = check(actual.b, b) assert counter[type(b[0])] == 2 assert counter[type(b[1])] == 4 def test_config_pickle_circular_reference_in_dict(): x: CircularDict = {'a': 1, 'b': {'c': 1}} x['b'] = x check_is_serializable(x, circular=True) config = Config() config.add('x', [], '', types=dict) config.x = x actual = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(config)) check_is_serializable(actual.x, circular=True) assert isinstance(actual.x, dict) assert actual.x['a'] == 1 assert actual.x['b']['a'] == 1 assert len(actual.x) == 2 assert len(actual.x['b']) == 2 assert len(actual.x['b']['b']) == 2 def check( u: dict[str, dict[str, object] | int], v: dict[str, dict[str, object] | int], *, counter: Counter[type, int] | None = None, guard: frozenset[int] = frozenset(), ) -> Counter: counter = Counter() if counter is None else counter if id(u) in guard and id(v) in guard: return counter if isinstance(u, int): assert v.__class__ is u.__class__ assert u == v counter[type(u)] += 1 return counter assert isinstance(u, dict) assert v.__class__ is u.__class__ assert len(u) == len(v) for u_i, v_i in zip(u, v): counter[type(u)] += 1 check(u[u_i], v[v_i], counter=counter, guard=guard | {id(u), id(v)}) return counter counters = check(actual.x, x, counter=Counter()) # check(actual.x, x) # check(actual.x['a'], x['a']) -> ++counter[dict] # ++counter[int] (x['a'] is an int) # check(actual.x['b'], x['b']) -> ++counter[dict] # recursive guard since x['b'] == x assert counters[type(x['a'])] == 1 assert counters[type(x['b'])] == 2 def test_extension_values(): config = Config() # check standard settings assert config.root_doc == 'index' # can't override it by add_config_value() with pytest.raises(ExtensionError) as excinfo: config.add('root_doc', 'index', 'env', None) assert 'already present' in str(excinfo.value) # add a new config value config.add('value_from_ext', [], 'env', None) assert config.value_from_ext == [] # can't override it by add_config_value() with pytest.raises(ExtensionError) as excinfo: config.add('value_from_ext', [], 'env', None) assert 'already present' in str(excinfo.value) def test_overrides(): config = Config({'value1': '1', 'value2': 2, 'value6': {'default': 6}}, {'value2': 999, 'value3': '999', 'value5.attr1': 999, 'value6.attr1': 999, 'value7': 'abc,def,ghi', 'value8': 'abc,def,ghi'}) config.add('value1', None, 'env', ()) config.add('value2', None, 'env', ()) config.add('value3', 0, 'env', ()) config.add('value4', 0, 'env', ()) config.add('value5', {'default': 0}, 'env', ()) config.add('value6', {'default': 0}, 'env', ()) config.add('value7', None, 'env', ()) config.add('value8', [], 'env', ()) assert config.value1 == '1' assert config.value2 == 999 assert config.value3 == 999 assert config.value4 == 0 assert config.value5 == {'attr1': 999} assert config.value6 == {'default': 6, 'attr1': 999} assert config.value7 == 'abc,def,ghi' assert config.value8 == ['abc', 'def', 'ghi'] def test_overrides_boolean(): config = Config({}, {'value1': '1', 'value2': '0', 'value3': '0'}) config.add('value1', None, 'env', [bool]) config.add('value2', None, 'env', [bool]) config.add('value3', True, 'env', ()) assert config.value1 is True assert config.value2 is False assert config.value3 is False @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_overrides_dict_str(logger): config = Config({}, {'spam': 'lobster'}) config.add('spam', {'ham': 'eggs'}, 'env', {dict, str}) assert config.spam == {'ham': 'eggs'} # assert len(caplog.records) == 1 # msg = caplog.messages[0] assert logger.method_calls msg = str(logger.method_calls[0].args[1]) assert msg == ("cannot override dictionary config setting 'spam', " "ignoring (use 'spam.key=value' to set individual elements)") def test_callable_defer(): config = Config() config.add('alias', lambda c: c.master_doc, '', str) assert config.master_doc == 'index' assert config.alias == 'index' config.master_doc = 'contents' assert config.alias == 'contents' config.master_doc = 'master_doc' config.alias = 'spam' assert config.alias == 'spam' @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_errors_warnings(logger, tmp_path): # test the error for syntax errors in the config file (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text('project = \n', encoding='ascii') with pytest.raises(ConfigError) as excinfo: Config.read(tmp_path, {}, None) assert 'conf.py' in str(excinfo.value) # test the automatic conversion of 2.x only code in configs (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text('project = u"Jägermeister"\n', encoding='utf8') cfg = Config.read(tmp_path, {}, None) assert cfg.project == 'Jägermeister' assert logger.called is False def test_errors_if_setup_is_not_callable(tmp_path, make_app): # test the error to call setup() in the config file (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text('setup = 1', encoding='utf8') with pytest.raises(ConfigError) as excinfo: make_app(srcdir=tmp_path) assert 'callable' in str(excinfo.value) @pytest.fixture def make_app_with_empty_project(make_app, tmp_path): (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text('', encoding='utf8') def _make_app(*args, **kw): kw.setdefault('srcdir', Path(tmp_path)) return make_app(*args, **kw) return _make_app @mock.patch.object(sphinx, '__display_version__', '1.6.4') def test_needs_sphinx(make_app_with_empty_project): make_app = make_app_with_empty_project # micro version make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.6.3'}) # OK: less make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.6.4'}) # OK: equals with pytest.raises(VersionRequirementError): make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.6.5'}) # NG: greater # minor version make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.5'}) # OK: less make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.6'}) # OK: equals with pytest.raises(VersionRequirementError): make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1.7'}) # NG: greater # major version make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '0'}) # OK: less make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '1'}) # OK: equals with pytest.raises(VersionRequirementError): make_app(confoverrides={'needs_sphinx': '2'}) # NG: greater @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_config_eol(logger, tmp_path): # test config file's eol patterns: LF, CRLF configfile = tmp_path / 'conf.py' for eol in (b'\n', b'\r\n'): configfile.write_bytes(b'project = "spam"' + eol) cfg = Config.read(tmp_path, {}, None) assert cfg.project == 'spam' assert logger.called is False @pytest.mark.sphinx(confoverrides={'root_doc': 123, 'language': 'foo', 'primary_domain': None}) def test_builtin_conf(app, status, warning): warnings = warning.getvalue() assert 'root_doc' in warnings, ( 'override on builtin "root_doc" should raise a type warning') assert 'language' not in warnings, ( 'explicitly permitted override on builtin "language" should NOT raise ' 'a type warning') assert 'primary_domain' not in warnings, ( 'override to None on builtin "primary_domain" should NOT raise a type ' 'warning') # example classes for type checking class A: pass class B(A): pass class C(A): pass # name, default, annotation, actual, warned TYPECHECK_WARNINGS = [ ('value1', 'string', None, 123, True), # wrong type ('value2', lambda _: [], None, 123, True), # lambda with wrong type ('value3', lambda _: [], None, [], False), # lambda with correct type ('value4', 100, None, True, True), # child type ('value5', False, None, True, False), # parent type ('value6', [], None, (), True), # other sequence type ('value7', 'string', [list], ['foo'], False), # explicit type annotation ('value8', B(), None, C(), False), # sibling type ('value9', None, None, 'foo', False), # no default or no annotations ('value10', None, None, 123, False), # no default or no annotations ('value11', None, [str], 'bar', False), # str ('value12', 'string', None, 'bar', False), # str ] @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") @pytest.mark.parametrize(('name', 'default', 'annotation', 'actual', 'warned'), TYPECHECK_WARNINGS) def test_check_types(logger, name, default, annotation, actual, warned): config = Config({name: actual}) config.add(name, default, 'env', annotation or ()) check_confval_types(None, config) assert logger.warning.called == warned TYPECHECK_WARNING_MESSAGES = [ ('value1', 'string', [str], ['foo', 'bar'], "The config value `value1' has type `list'; expected `str'."), ('value1', 'string', [str, int], ['foo', 'bar'], "The config value `value1' has type `list'; expected `int' or `str'."), ('value1', 'string', [str, int, tuple], ['foo', 'bar'], "The config value `value1' has type `list'; expected `int', `str', or `tuple'."), ] @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") @pytest.mark.parametrize(('name', 'default', 'annotation', 'actual', 'message'), TYPECHECK_WARNING_MESSAGES) def test_conf_warning_message(logger, name, default, annotation, actual, message): config = Config({name: actual}) config.add(name, default, False, annotation or ()) check_confval_types(None, config) assert logger.warning.called assert logger.warning.call_args[0][0] == message @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_check_enum(logger): config = Config() config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two')) check_confval_types(None, config) logger.warning.assert_not_called() # not warned @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_check_enum_failed(logger): config = Config({'value': 'invalid'}) config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two')) check_confval_types(None, config) assert logger.warning.called @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_check_enum_for_list(logger): config = Config({'value': ['one', 'two']}) config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two')) check_confval_types(None, config) logger.warning.assert_not_called() # not warned @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_check_enum_for_list_failed(logger): config = Config({'value': ['one', 'two', 'invalid']}) config.add('value', 'default', False, ENUM('default', 'one', 'two')) check_confval_types(None, config) assert logger.warning.called @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_check_any(logger): config = Config({'value': None}) config.add('value', 'default', '', Any) check_confval_types(None, config) logger.warning.assert_not_called() # not warned nitpick_warnings = [ "WARNING: py:const reference target not found: prefix.anything.postfix", "WARNING: py:class reference target not found: prefix.anything", "WARNING: py:class reference target not found: anything.postfix", "WARNING: js:class reference target not found: prefix.anything.postfix", ] @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings') def test_nitpick_base(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) warning = warning.getvalue().strip().split('\n') assert len(warning) == len(nitpick_warnings) for actual, expected in zip(warning, nitpick_warnings): assert expected in actual @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={ 'nitpick_ignore': { ('py:const', 'prefix.anything.postfix'), ('py:class', 'prefix.anything'), ('py:class', 'anything.postfix'), ('js:class', 'prefix.anything.postfix'), }, }) def test_nitpick_ignore(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) assert not len(warning.getvalue().strip()) @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={ 'nitpick_ignore_regex': [ (r'py:.*', r'.*postfix'), (r'.*:class', r'prefix.*'), ], }) def test_nitpick_ignore_regex1(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) assert not len(warning.getvalue().strip()) @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={ 'nitpick_ignore_regex': [ (r'py:.*', r'prefix.*'), (r'.*:class', r'.*postfix'), ], }) def test_nitpick_ignore_regex2(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) assert not len(warning.getvalue().strip()) @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='nitpicky-warnings', confoverrides={ 'nitpick_ignore_regex': [ # None of these should match (r'py:', r'.*'), (r':class', r'.*'), (r'', r'.*'), (r'.*', r'anything'), (r'.*', r'prefix'), (r'.*', r'postfix'), (r'.*', r''), ], }) def test_nitpick_ignore_regex_fullmatch(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) warning = warning.getvalue().strip().split('\n') assert len(warning) == len(nitpick_warnings) for actual, expected in zip(warning, nitpick_warnings): assert expected in actual def test_conf_py_language_none(tmp_path): """Regression test for #10474.""" # Given a conf.py file with language = None (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text("language = None", encoding='utf-8') # When we load conf.py into a Config object cfg = Config.read(tmp_path, {}, None) # Then the language is coerced to English assert cfg.language == "en" @mock.patch("sphinx.config.logger") def test_conf_py_language_none_warning(logger, tmp_path): """Regression test for #10474.""" # Given a conf.py file with language = None (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text("language = None", encoding='utf-8') # When we load conf.py into a Config object Config.read(tmp_path, {}, None) # Then a warning is raised assert logger.warning.called assert logger.warning.call_args[0][0] == ( "Invalid configuration value found: 'language = None'. " "Update your configuration to a valid language code. " "Falling back to 'en' (English).") def test_conf_py_no_language(tmp_path): """Regression test for #10474.""" # Given a conf.py file with no language attribute (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text("", encoding='utf-8') # When we load conf.py into a Config object cfg = Config.read(tmp_path, {}, None) # Then the language is coerced to English assert cfg.language == "en" def test_conf_py_nitpick_ignore_list(tmp_path): """Regression test for #11355.""" # Given a conf.py file with no language attribute (tmp_path / 'conf.py').write_text("", encoding='utf-8') # When we load conf.py into a Config object cfg = Config.read(tmp_path, {}, None) # Then the default nitpick_ignore[_regex] is an empty list assert cfg.nitpick_ignore == [] assert cfg.nitpick_ignore_regex == [] @pytest.fixture(params=[ # test with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH unset: no modification None, # test with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set: copyright year should be updated 1293840000, 1293839999, ]) def source_date_year(request, monkeypatch): sde = request.param with monkeypatch.context() as m: if sde: m.setenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', str(sde)) yield time.gmtime(sde).tm_year else: m.delenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', raising=False) yield None @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='copyright-multiline') def test_multi_line_copyright(source_date_year, app, monkeypatch): app.build(force_all=True) content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf-8') if source_date_year is None: # check the copyright footer line by line (empty lines ignored) assert ' © Copyright 2006.
\n' in content assert ' © Copyright 2006-2009, Alice.
\n' in content assert ' © Copyright 2010-2013, Bob.
\n' in content assert ' © Copyright 2014-2017, Charlie.
\n' in content assert ' © Copyright 2018-2021, David.
\n' in content assert ' © Copyright 2022-2025, Eve.' in content # check the raw copyright footer block (empty lines included) assert ( ' © Copyright 2006.
\n' ' \n' ' © Copyright 2006-2009, Alice.
\n' ' \n' ' © Copyright 2010-2013, Bob.
\n' ' \n' ' © Copyright 2014-2017, Charlie.
\n' ' \n' ' © Copyright 2018-2021, David.
\n' ' \n' ' © Copyright 2022-2025, Eve.' ) in content else: # check the copyright footer line by line (empty lines ignored) assert f' © Copyright {source_date_year}.
\n' in content assert f' © Copyright 2006-{source_date_year}, Alice.
\n' in content assert f' © Copyright 2010-{source_date_year}, Bob.
\n' in content assert f' © Copyright 2014-{source_date_year}, Charlie.
\n' in content assert f' © Copyright 2018-{source_date_year}, David.
\n' in content assert f' © Copyright 2022-{source_date_year}, Eve.' in content # check the raw copyright footer block (empty lines included) assert ( f' © Copyright {source_date_year}.
\n' f' \n' f' © Copyright 2006-{source_date_year}, Alice.
\n' f' \n' f' © Copyright 2010-{source_date_year}, Bob.
\n' f' \n' f' © Copyright 2014-{source_date_year}, Charlie.
\n' f' \n' f' © Copyright 2018-{source_date_year}, David.
\n' f' \n' f' © Copyright 2022-{source_date_year}, Eve.' ) in content @pytest.mark.parametrize(('conf_copyright', 'expected_copyright'), [ ('1970', '{current_year}'), # https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/11913 ('1970-1990', '1970-{current_year}'), ('1970-1990 Alice', '1970-{current_year} Alice'), ]) def test_correct_copyright_year(conf_copyright, expected_copyright, source_date_year): config = Config({}, {'copyright': conf_copyright}) correct_copyright_year(_app=None, config=config) actual_copyright = config['copyright'] if source_date_year is None: expected_copyright = conf_copyright else: expected_copyright = expected_copyright.format(current_year=source_date_year) assert actual_copyright == expected_copyright def test_gettext_compact_command_line_true(): config = Config({}, {'gettext_compact': '1'}) config.add('gettext_compact', True, '', {bool, str}) _gettext_compact_validator(..., config) # regression test for #8549 (-D gettext_compact=1) assert config.gettext_compact is True def test_gettext_compact_command_line_false(): config = Config({}, {'gettext_compact': '0'}) config.add('gettext_compact', True, '', {bool, str}) _gettext_compact_validator(..., config) # regression test for #8549 (-D gettext_compact=0) assert config.gettext_compact is False def test_gettext_compact_command_line_str(): config = Config({}, {'gettext_compact': 'spam'}) config.add('gettext_compact', True, '', {bool, str}) _gettext_compact_validator(..., config) # regression test for #8549 (-D gettext_compact=spam) assert config.gettext_compact == 'spam' def test_root_doc_and_master_doc_are_synchronized(): c = Config() assert c.master_doc == 'index' assert c.root_doc == c.master_doc c = Config() c.master_doc = '1234' assert c.master_doc == '1234' assert c.root_doc == c.master_doc c = Config() c.root_doc = '1234' assert c.master_doc == '1234' assert c.root_doc == c.master_doc