"""Test copyright year adjustment""" import pytest @pytest.fixture( params=[ # test with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH unset: no modification (None, '2006-2009'), # test with SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH set: copyright year should be updated ('1293840000', '2006-2011'), ('1293839999', '2006-2010'), ], ) def expect_date(request, monkeypatch): sde, expect = request.param with monkeypatch.context() as m: if sde: m.setenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', sde) else: m.delenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', raising=False) yield expect @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='correct-year') def test_correct_year(expect_date, app): app.build() content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert expect_date in content