"""Test the autodoc extension. This tests mainly the Documenters; the auto directives are tested in a test source file translated by test_build. """ import sys import pytest from .test_ext_autodoc import do_autodoc @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_empty_all(app): options = {'members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.empty_all', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:module:: target.empty_all', '', ' docsting of empty_all module.', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_automodule(app): options = {'members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.module', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:module:: target.module', '', '', '.. py:data:: annotated', ' :module: target.module', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:data:: documented', ' :module: target.module', ' :value: 1', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_automodule_undoc_members(app): options = {'members': None, 'undoc-members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.module', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:module:: target.module', '', '', '.. py:data:: annotated', ' :module: target.module', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:data:: documented', ' :module: target.module', ' :value: 1', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:data:: undoc_annotated', ' :module: target.module', ' :type: int', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_automodule_special_members(app): options = {'members': None, 'special-members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.module', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:module:: target.module', '', '', '.. py:data:: __documented_special__', ' :module: target.module', ' :value: 1', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:data:: annotated', ' :module: target.module', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:data:: documented', ' :module: target.module', ' :value: 1', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_automodule_inherited_members(app): options = {'members': None, 'undoc-members': None, 'inherited-members': 'Base, list'} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.inheritance', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:module:: target.inheritance', '', '', '.. py:class:: Base()', ' :module: target.inheritance', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Base.inheritedattr', ' :module: target.inheritance', ' :value: None', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedclassmeth()', ' :module: target.inheritance', ' :classmethod:', '', ' Inherited class method.', '', '', ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedmeth()', ' :module: target.inheritance', '', ' Inherited function.', '', '', ' .. py:method:: Base.inheritedstaticmeth(cls)', ' :module: target.inheritance', ' :staticmethod:', '', ' Inherited static method.', '', '', '.. py:class:: Derived()', ' :module: target.inheritance', '', '', ' .. py:method:: Derived.inheritedmeth()', ' :module: target.inheritance', '', ' Inherited function.', '', '', '.. py:class:: MyList(iterable=(), /)', ' :module: target.inheritance', '', '', ' .. py:method:: MyList.meth()', ' :module: target.inheritance', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc', confoverrides={'autodoc_mock_imports': ['missing_module', 'missing_package1', 'missing_package2', 'missing_package3', 'sphinx.missing_module4']}) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("rollback_sysmodules") def test_subclass_of_mocked_object(app): sys.modules.pop('target', None) # unload target module to clear the module cache options = {'members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.need_mocks', options) assert '.. py:class:: Inherited(*args: ~typing.Any, **kwargs: ~typing.Any)' in actual