"""Test the autodoc extension. This tests mainly the Documenters; the auto directives are tested in a test source file translated by test_build. """ from __future__ import annotations import typing from typing import Union import pytest from tests.test_extensions.autodoc_util import do_autodoc @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_classes(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.classes.Foo') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:function:: Foo()', ' :module: target.classes', '', ] actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.classes.Bar') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:function:: Bar(x, y)', ' :module: target.classes', '', ] actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.classes.Baz') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:function:: Baz(x, y)', ' :module: target.classes', '', ] actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.classes.Qux') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:function:: Qux(foo, bar)', ' :module: target.classes', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_instance_variable(app): options = {'members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.instance_variable.Bar', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Bar()', ' :module: target.instance_variable', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr2', ' :module: target.instance_variable', '', ' docstring bar', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr3', ' :module: target.instance_variable', '', ' docstring bar', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_inherited_instance_variable(app): options = {'members': None, 'inherited-members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.instance_variable.Bar', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Bar()', ' :module: target.instance_variable', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr1', ' :module: target.instance_variable', '', ' docstring foo', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr2', ' :module: target.instance_variable', '', ' docstring bar', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr3', ' :module: target.instance_variable', '', ' docstring bar', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_uninitialized_attributes(app): options = {"members": None, "inherited-members": None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.uninitialized_attributes.Derived', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Derived()', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr1', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr3', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_undocumented_uninitialized_attributes(app): options = {"members": None, "inherited-members": None, "undoc-members": None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.uninitialized_attributes.Derived', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Derived()', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr1', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr2', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', ' :type: str', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr3', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Derived.attr4', ' :module: target.uninitialized_attributes', ' :type: str', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_decorators(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.decorator.Baz') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Baz(name=None, age=None)', ' :module: target.decorator', '', ] actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.decorator.Qux') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Qux(name=None, age=None)', ' :module: target.decorator', '', ] actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.decorator.Quux') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Quux(name=None, age=None)', ' :module: target.decorator', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_properties(app): options = {"members": None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.properties.Foo', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Foo()', ' :module: target.properties', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: Foo.prop1', ' :module: target.properties', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: Foo.prop1_with_type_comment', ' :module: target.properties', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: Foo.prop2', ' :module: target.properties', ' :classmethod:', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: Foo.prop2_with_type_comment', ' :module: target.properties', ' :classmethod:', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_slots_attribute(app): options = {"members": None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.slots.Bar', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Bar()', ' :module: target.slots', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr1', ' :module: target.slots', ' :type: int', '', ' docstring of attr1', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: Bar.attr2', ' :module: target.slots', '', ' docstring of instance attr2', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_show_inheritance_for_subclass_of_generic_type(app): options = {'show-inheritance': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.classes.Quux', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Quux(iterable=(), /)', ' :module: target.classes', '', ' Bases: :py:class:`~typing.List`\\ [:py:class:`int` | :py:class:`float`]', '', ' A subclass of List[Union[int, float]]', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_show_inheritance_for_decendants_of_generic_type(app): options = {'show-inheritance': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.classes.Corge', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Corge(iterable=(), /)', ' :module: target.classes', '', ' Bases: :py:class:`~target.classes.Quux`', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_autodoc_process_bases(app): def autodoc_process_bases(app, name, obj, options, bases): assert name == 'target.classes.Quux' assert obj.__module__ == 'target.classes' assert obj.__name__ == 'Quux' assert options == {'show-inheritance': True, 'members': []} assert bases == [typing.List[Union[int, float]]] # NoQA: UP006 bases.pop() bases.extend([int, str]) app.connect('autodoc-process-bases', autodoc_process_bases) options = {'show-inheritance': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.classes.Quux', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Quux(iterable=(), /)', ' :module: target.classes', '', ' Bases: :py:class:`int`, :py:class:`str`', '', ' A subclass of List[Union[int, float]]', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_class_doc_from_class(app): options = {"members": None, "class-doc-from": "class"} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.autoclass_content.C', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: C()', ' :module: target.autoclass_content', '', ' A class having __init__, no __new__', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_class_doc_from_init(app): options = {"members": None, "class-doc-from": "init"} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.autoclass_content.C', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: C()', ' :module: target.autoclass_content', '', ' __init__ docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_class_doc_from_both(app): options = {"members": None, "class-doc-from": "both"} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.autoclass_content.C', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: C()', ' :module: target.autoclass_content', '', ' A class having __init__, no __new__', '', ' __init__ docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_class_alias(app): def autodoc_process_docstring(*args): """A handler always raises an error. This confirms this handler is never called for class aliases. """ raise app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', autodoc_process_docstring) actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.classes.Alias') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:attribute:: Alias', ' :module: target.classes', '', ' alias of :py:class:`~target.classes.Foo`', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_class_alias_having_doccomment(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.classes.OtherAlias') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:attribute:: OtherAlias', ' :module: target.classes', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_class_alias_for_imported_object_having_doccomment(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.classes.IntAlias') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:attribute:: IntAlias', ' :module: target.classes', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_coroutine(app): options = {"members": None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.coroutine.AsyncClass', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: AsyncClass()', ' :module: target.coroutine', '', '', ' .. py:method:: AsyncClass.do_asyncgen()', ' :module: target.coroutine', ' :async:', '', ' A documented async generator', '', '', ' .. py:method:: AsyncClass.do_coroutine()', ' :module: target.coroutine', ' :async:', '', ' A documented coroutine function', '', '', ' .. py:method:: AsyncClass.do_coroutine2()', ' :module: target.coroutine', ' :async:', ' :classmethod:', '', ' A documented coroutine classmethod', '', '', ' .. py:method:: AsyncClass.do_coroutine3()', ' :module: target.coroutine', ' :async:', ' :staticmethod:', '', ' A documented coroutine staticmethod', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_autodata_NewType_module_level(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.typevar.T6') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: T6', ' :module: target.typevar', '', ' T6', '', ' alias of :py:class:`~datetime.date`', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_autoattribute_NewType_class_level(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.typevar.Class.T6') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Class.T6', ' :module: target.typevar', '', ' T6', '', ' alias of :py:class:`~datetime.date`', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_autodata_TypeVar_class_level(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.typevar.T1') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: T1', ' :module: target.typevar', '', ' T1', '', " alias of TypeVar('T1')", '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_autoattribute_TypeVar_module_level(app): actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.typevar.Class.T1') assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: Class.T1', ' :module: target.typevar', '', ' T1', '', " alias of TypeVar('T1')", '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_inherited_instance_variable_with_annotations(app): options = {'members': None, 'inherited-members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inherited_annotations.NoTypeAnnotation', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: NoTypeAnnotation()', ' :module: target.inherited_annotations', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: NoTypeAnnotation.a', ' :module: target.inherited_annotations', ' :value: 1', '', ' Local', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: NoTypeAnnotation.inherit_me', ' :module: target.inherited_annotations', ' :type: int', '', ' Inherited', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc') def test_no_inherited_instance_variable_with_annotations(app): options = {'members': None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.inherited_annotations.NoTypeAnnotation2', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:class:: NoTypeAnnotation2()', ' :module: target.inherited_annotations', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: NoTypeAnnotation2.a', ' :module: target.inherited_annotations', ' :value: 1', '', ' Local', '', ]