"""Test the autodoc extension.""" import pytest from tests.test_extensions.autodoc_util import do_autodoc @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc', confoverrides={'autodoc_preserve_defaults': True}) def test_preserve_defaults(app): color = "0xFFFFFF" options = {"members": None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.preserve_defaults', options) assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:module:: target.preserve_defaults', '', '', '.. py:class:: Class()', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:method:: Class.clsmeth(name: str = CONSTANT, sentinel: ~typing.Any = ' 'SENTINEL, now: ~datetime.datetime = datetime.now(), color: int = %s, *, ' 'kwarg1, kwarg2=%s) -> None' % (color, color), ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', ' :classmethod:', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:method:: Class.meth(name: str = CONSTANT, sentinel: ~typing.Any = ' 'SENTINEL, now: ~datetime.datetime = datetime.now(), color: int = %s, *, ' 'kwarg1, kwarg2=%s) -> None' % (color, color), ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:class:: MultiLine()', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: MultiLine.prop1', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: MultiLine.prop2', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: MultiLine.prop3', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: MultiLine.prop4', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:property:: MultiLine.prop5', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:function:: foo(name: str = CONSTANT, sentinel: ~typing.Any = SENTINEL, ' 'now: ~datetime.datetime = datetime.now(), color: int = %s, *, kwarg1, ' 'kwarg2=%s) -> None' % (color, color), ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:function:: get_sentinel(custom=SENTINEL)', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults', '', ' docstring', '', ] @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-autodoc', confoverrides={'autodoc_preserve_defaults': True}) def test_preserve_defaults_special_constructs(app): options = {"members": None} actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', options) # * dataclasses.dataclass: # - __init__ source code is not available # - default values specified at class level are not discovered # - values wrapped in a field(...) expression cannot be analyzed # easily even if annotations were to be parsed # * typing.NamedTuple: # - __init__ source code is not available # - default values specified at class level are not discovered # * collections.namedtuple: # - default values are specified as "default=(d1, d2, ...)" # # In the future, it might be possible to find some additional default # values by parsing the source code of the annotations but the task is # rather complex. assert list(actual) == [ '', '.. py:module:: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', '', '.. py:class:: DataClass(' 'a: int, b: object = , c: list[int] = )', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:class:: DataClassNoInit()', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:class:: MyNamedTuple1(' 'a: int, b: object = , c: list[int] = [1, 2, 3])', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', ' docstring', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: MyNamedTuple1.a', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', ' :type: int', '', ' Alias for field number 0', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: MyNamedTuple1.b', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', ' :type: object', '', ' Alias for field number 1', '', '', ' .. py:attribute:: MyNamedTuple1.c', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', ' :type: list[int]', '', ' Alias for field number 2', '', '', '.. py:class:: MyNamedTuple2(a=0, b=)', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:class:: MyTypedDict', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:data:: SENTINEL', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', ' :value: ', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:function:: foo(x, y, z=SENTINEL)', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', ' docstring', '', '', '.. py:function:: ze_lambda(z=SENTINEL)', ' :module: target.preserve_defaults_special_constructs', '', ' docstring', '', ]