"""Test the autosummary extension.""" import sys from io import StringIO from pathlib import Path from unittest.mock import Mock, patch import pytest from docutils import nodes from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.ext.autosummary import ( autosummary_table, autosummary_toc, extract_summary, import_by_name, mangle_signature, ) from sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate import ( AutosummaryEntry, generate_autosummary_content, generate_autosummary_docs, ) from sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate import main as autogen_main from sphinx.testing.util import assert_node, etree_parse from sphinx.util.docutils import new_document try: from contextlib import chdir except ImportError: from sphinx.util.osutil import _chdir as chdir html_warnfile = StringIO() default_kw = { 'testroot': 'autosummary', 'confoverrides': { 'extensions': ['sphinx.ext.autosummary'], 'autosummary_generate': True, 'autosummary_generate_overwrite': False, 'source_suffix': '.rst', }, } @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _unload_target_module(): sys.modules.pop('target', None) def test_mangle_signature(): TEST = """ () :: () (a, b, c, d, e) :: (a, b, c, d, e) (a, b, c=1, d=2, e=3) :: (a, b[, c, d, e]) (a, b, aaa=1, bbb=1, ccc=1, eee=1, fff=1, ggg=1, hhh=1, iii=1, jjj=1)\ :: (a, b[, aaa, bbb, ccc, ...]) (a, b, c=(), d=) :: (a, b[, c, d]) (a, b, c='foobar()', d=123) :: (a, b[, c, d]) (a, b[, c]) :: (a, b[, c]) (a, b[, cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]) :: (a, b[, ...) (a, b='c=d, e=f, g=h', c=3) :: (a[, b, c]) (a, b="c=d, e=f, g=h", c=3) :: (a[, b, c]) (a, b='c=d, \\'e=f,\\' g=h', c=3) :: (a[, b, c]) (a, b='c=d, ', e='\\\\' g=h, c=3) :: (a[, b, e, c]) (a, b={'c=d, ': 3, '\\\\': 3}) :: (a[, b]) (a=1, b=2, c=3) :: ([a, b, c]) (a=1, b=, c=3) :: ([a, b, c]) (a=1, b=T(a=1, b=2), c=3) :: ([a, b, c]) (a: Tuple[int, str], b: int) -> str :: (a, b) """ TEST = [[y.strip() for y in x.split("::")] for x in TEST.split("\n") if '::' in x] for inp, outp in TEST: res = mangle_signature(inp).strip().replace("\u00a0", " ") assert res == outp, (f"'{inp}' -> '{res}' != '{outp}'") def test_extract_summary(capsys): settings = Mock(language_code='en', id_prefix='', auto_id_prefix='', pep_reference=False, rfc_reference=False) document = new_document('', settings) # normal case doc = ['', 'This is a first sentence. And second one.', '', 'Second block is here'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == 'This is a first sentence.' # inliner case doc = ['This sentence contains *emphasis text having dots.*,', 'it does not break sentence.'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == ' '.join(doc) # abbreviations doc = ['Blabla, i.e. bla.'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == ' '.join(doc) doc = ['Blabla, (i.e. bla).'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == ' '.join(doc) doc = ['Blabla, e.g. bla.'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == ' '.join(doc) doc = ['Blabla, (e.g. bla).'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == ' '.join(doc) doc = ['Blabla, et al. bla.'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == ' '.join(doc) # literal doc = ['blah blah::'] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == 'blah blah.' # heading doc = ['blah blah', '========='] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == 'blah blah' doc = ['=========', 'blah blah', '========='] assert extract_summary(doc, document) == 'blah blah' # hyperlink target doc = ['Do `this `_ and that. ' 'blah blah blah.'] assert (extract_summary(doc, document) == 'Do `this `_ and that.') _, err = capsys.readouterr() assert err == '' @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', **default_kw) def test_get_items_summary(make_app, app_params): import sphinx.ext.autosummary import sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate args, kwargs = app_params app = make_app(*args, **kwargs) sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.setup_documenters(app) # monkey-patch Autosummary.get_items so we can easily get access to it's # results.. orig_get_items = sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items autosummary_items = {} def new_get_items(self, names, *args, **kwargs): results = orig_get_items(self, names, *args, **kwargs) for name, result in zip(names, results): autosummary_items[name] = result # NoQA: PERF403 return results def handler(app, what, name, obj, options, lines): assert isinstance(lines, list) # ensure no docstring is processed twice: assert 'THIS HAS BEEN HANDLED' not in lines lines.append('THIS HAS BEEN HANDLED') app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', handler) sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items = new_get_items try: app.build(force_all=True) finally: sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items = orig_get_items html_warnings = app._warning.getvalue() assert html_warnings == '' expected_values = { 'withSentence': 'I have a sentence which spans multiple lines.', 'noSentence': "this doesn't start with a capital.", 'emptyLine': "This is the real summary", 'module_attr': 'This is a module attribute', 'C.class_attr': 'This is a class attribute', 'C.instance_attr': 'This is an instance attribute', 'C.prop_attr1': 'This is a function docstring', 'C.prop_attr2': 'This is a attribute docstring', 'C.C2': 'This is a nested inner class docstring', } for key, expected in expected_values.items(): assert autosummary_items[key][2] == expected, 'Summary for %s was %r -'\ ' expected %r' % (key, autosummary_items[key], expected) # check an item in detail assert 'func' in autosummary_items func_attrs = ('func', '(arg_, *args, **kwargs)', 'Test function take an argument ended with underscore.', 'dummy_module.func') assert autosummary_items['func'] == func_attrs def str_content(elem): if elem.text is not None: return elem.text else: return ''.join(str_content(e) for e in elem) @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml', **default_kw) def test_escaping(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) outdir = Path(app.builder.outdir) docpage = outdir / 'underscore_module_.xml' assert docpage.exists() title = etree_parse(docpage).find('section/title') assert str_content(title) == 'underscore_module_' @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autosummary') def test_autosummary_generate_content_for_module(app): import autosummary_dummy_module template = Mock() generate_autosummary_content('autosummary_dummy_module', autosummary_dummy_module, None, template, None, False, app, False, {}) assert template.render.call_args[0][0] == 'module' context = template.render.call_args[0][1] assert context['members'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'CONSTANT2', 'Exc', 'Foo', '_Baz', '_Exc', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '_quux', 'bar', 'non_imported_member', 'quuz', 'qux'] assert context['functions'] == ['bar'] assert context['all_functions'] == ['_quux', 'bar'] assert context['classes'] == ['Foo'] assert context['all_classes'] == ['Foo', '_Baz'] assert context['exceptions'] == ['Exc'] assert context['all_exceptions'] == ['Exc', '_Exc'] assert context['attributes'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'qux', 'quuz', 'non_imported_member'] assert context['all_attributes'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'qux', 'quuz', 'non_imported_member'] assert context['fullname'] == 'autosummary_dummy_module' assert context['module'] == 'autosummary_dummy_module' assert context['objname'] == '' assert context['name'] == '' assert context['objtype'] == 'module' @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autosummary') def test_autosummary_generate_content_for_module___all__(app): import autosummary_dummy_module template = Mock() app.config.autosummary_ignore_module_all = False generate_autosummary_content('autosummary_dummy_module', autosummary_dummy_module, None, template, None, False, app, False, {}) assert template.render.call_args[0][0] == 'module' context = template.render.call_args[0][1] assert context['members'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'Exc', 'Foo', '_Baz', 'bar', 'qux', 'path'] assert context['functions'] == ['bar'] assert context['all_functions'] == ['bar'] assert context['classes'] == ['Foo'] assert context['all_classes'] == ['Foo', '_Baz'] assert context['exceptions'] == ['Exc'] assert context['all_exceptions'] == ['Exc'] assert context['attributes'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'qux'] assert context['all_attributes'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'qux'] assert context['fullname'] == 'autosummary_dummy_module' assert context['module'] == 'autosummary_dummy_module' assert context['objname'] == '' assert context['name'] == '' assert context['objtype'] == 'module' @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autosummary') def test_autosummary_generate_content_for_module_skipped(app): import autosummary_dummy_module template = Mock() def skip_member(app, what, name, obj, skip, options): if name in ('Foo', 'bar', 'Exc'): return True return None app.connect('autodoc-skip-member', skip_member) generate_autosummary_content('autosummary_dummy_module', autosummary_dummy_module, None, template, None, False, app, False, {}) context = template.render.call_args[0][1] assert context['members'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'CONSTANT2', '_Baz', '_Exc', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__name__', '__package__', '_quux', 'non_imported_member', 'quuz', 'qux'] assert context['functions'] == [] assert context['classes'] == [] assert context['exceptions'] == [] @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autosummary') def test_autosummary_generate_content_for_module_imported_members(app): import autosummary_dummy_module template = Mock() generate_autosummary_content('autosummary_dummy_module', autosummary_dummy_module, None, template, None, True, app, False, {}) assert template.render.call_args[0][0] == 'module' context = template.render.call_args[0][1] assert context['members'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'CONSTANT2', 'Class', 'Exc', 'Foo', 'Union', '_Baz', '_Exc', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', '_quux', 'bar', 'considered_as_imported', 'non_imported_member', 'path', 'quuz', 'qux'] assert context['functions'] == ['bar'] assert context['all_functions'] == ['_quux', 'bar'] assert context['classes'] == ['Class', 'Foo'] assert context['all_classes'] == ['Class', 'Foo', '_Baz'] assert context['exceptions'] == ['Exc'] assert context['all_exceptions'] == ['Exc', '_Exc'] assert context['attributes'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'qux', 'quuz', 'non_imported_member'] assert context['all_attributes'] == ['CONSTANT1', 'qux', 'quuz', 'non_imported_member'] assert context['fullname'] == 'autosummary_dummy_module' assert context['module'] == 'autosummary_dummy_module' assert context['objname'] == '' assert context['name'] == '' assert context['objtype'] == 'module' @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autosummary') def test_autosummary_generate_content_for_module_imported_members_inherited_module(app): import autosummary_dummy_inherited_module template = Mock() generate_autosummary_content('autosummary_dummy_inherited_module', autosummary_dummy_inherited_module, None, template, None, True, app, False, {}) assert template.render.call_args[0][0] == 'module' context = template.render.call_args[0][1] assert context['members'] == ['Foo', 'InheritedAttrClass', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__'] assert context['functions'] == [] assert context['classes'] == ['Foo', 'InheritedAttrClass'] assert context['exceptions'] == [] assert context['all_exceptions'] == [] assert context['attributes'] == [] assert context['all_attributes'] == [] assert context['fullname'] == 'autosummary_dummy_inherited_module' assert context['module'] == 'autosummary_dummy_inherited_module' assert context['objname'] == '' assert context['name'] == '' assert context['objtype'] == 'module' @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary') def test_autosummary_generate(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) doctree = app.env.get_doctree('index') assert_node(doctree, (nodes.paragraph, nodes.paragraph, addnodes.tabular_col_spec, autosummary_table, [autosummary_toc, addnodes.toctree])) assert_node(doctree[3], [autosummary_table, nodes.table, nodes.tgroup, (nodes.colspec, nodes.colspec, [nodes.tbody, (nodes.row, nodes.row, nodes.row, nodes.row, nodes.row, nodes.row, nodes.row, nodes.row)])]) assert_node(doctree[4][0], addnodes.toctree, caption="An autosummary") assert len(doctree[3][0][0][2]) == 8 assert doctree[3][0][0][2][0].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_module\n\n' assert doctree[3][0][0][2][1].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_module.Foo()\n\n' assert doctree[3][0][0][2][2].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_module.Foo.Bar()\n\n' assert doctree[3][0][0][2][3].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_module.Foo.value\n\ndocstring' assert doctree[3][0][0][2][4].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_module.bar(x[, y])\n\n' assert doctree[3][0][0][2][5].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_module.qux\n\na module-level attribute' assert doctree[3][0][0][2][6].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_inherited_module.InheritedAttrClass()\n\n' assert doctree[3][0][0][2][7].astext() == 'autosummary_dummy_inherited_module.InheritedAttrClass.subclassattr\n\nother docstring' module = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' Foo\n' ' \n' in module) assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' CONSTANT1\n' ' qux\n' ' quuz\n' ' non_imported_member\n' ' \n' in module) Foo = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.Foo.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert '.. automethod:: __init__' in Foo assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' ~Foo.__init__\n' ' ~Foo.bar\n' ' \n' in Foo) assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' ~Foo.CONSTANT3\n' ' ~Foo.CONSTANT4\n' ' ~Foo.baz\n' ' ~Foo.value\n' ' \n' in Foo) FooBar = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.Foo.Bar.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert ('.. currentmodule:: autosummary_dummy_module\n' '\n' '.. autoclass:: Foo.Bar\n' in FooBar) Foo_value = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.Foo.value.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert ('.. currentmodule:: autosummary_dummy_module\n' '\n' '.. autoattribute:: Foo.value' in Foo_value) qux = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.qux.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert ('.. currentmodule:: autosummary_dummy_module\n' '\n' '.. autodata:: qux' in qux) InheritedAttrClass = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_inherited_module.InheritedAttrClass.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') print(InheritedAttrClass) assert '.. automethod:: __init__' in Foo assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' ~InheritedAttrClass.__init__\n' ' ~InheritedAttrClass.bar\n' ' \n' in InheritedAttrClass) assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' ~InheritedAttrClass.CONSTANT3\n' ' ~InheritedAttrClass.CONSTANT4\n' ' ~InheritedAttrClass.baz\n' ' ~InheritedAttrClass.subclassattr\n' ' ~InheritedAttrClass.value\n' ' \n' in InheritedAttrClass) InheritedAttrClass_subclassattr = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_inherited_module.InheritedAttrClass.subclassattr.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert ('.. currentmodule:: autosummary_dummy_inherited_module\n' '\n' '.. autoattribute:: InheritedAttrClass.subclassattr' in InheritedAttrClass_subclassattr) @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary', confoverrides={'autosummary_generate_overwrite': False}) def test_autosummary_generate_overwrite1(app_params, make_app): args, kwargs = app_params srcdir = kwargs.get('srcdir') (srcdir / 'generated').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst').write_text('', encoding='utf8') app = make_app(*args, **kwargs) content = (srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert content == '' assert 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst' not in app._warning.getvalue() @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary', confoverrides={'autosummary_generate_overwrite': True}) def test_autosummary_generate_overwrite2(app_params, make_app): args, kwargs = app_params srcdir = kwargs.get('srcdir') (srcdir / 'generated').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst').write_text('', encoding='utf8') app = make_app(*args, **kwargs) content = (srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert content != '' assert 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst' not in app._warning.getvalue() @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary-recursive') @pytest.mark.usefixtures("rollback_sysmodules") def test_autosummary_recursive(app, status, warning): sys.modules.pop('package', None) # unload target module to clear the module cache app.build() # autosummary having :recursive: option assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.module.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.module_importfail.rst').exists() is False assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.package.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.package.module.rst').exists() # autosummary not having :recursive: option assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package2.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package2.module.rst').exists() is False # Check content of recursively generated stub-files content = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'package.module' in content assert 'package.package' in content assert 'package.module_importfail' in content content = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.package.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'package.package.module' in content @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary-recursive', srcdir='test_autosummary_recursive_skips_mocked_modules', confoverrides={'autosummary_mock_imports': ['package.package']}) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("rollback_sysmodules") def test_autosummary_recursive_skips_mocked_modules(app, status, warning): sys.modules.pop('package', None) # unload target module to clear the module cache app.build() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.module.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.package.rst').exists() is False assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'package.package.module.rst').exists() is False @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary-filename-map') def test_autosummary_filename_map(app, status, warning): app.build() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'module_mangled.rst').exists() assert not (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'bar.rst').exists() assert not (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.bar.rst').exists() assert (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_module.Foo.rst').exists() html_warnings = app._warning.getvalue() assert html_warnings == '' @pytest.mark.sphinx('latex', **default_kw) def test_autosummary_latex_table_colspec(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) result = (app.outdir / 'python.tex').read_text(encoding='utf8') print(status.getvalue()) print(warning.getvalue()) assert r'\begin{longtable}{\X{1}{2}\X{1}{2}}' in result assert r'p{0.5\linewidth}' not in result def test_import_by_name(): import sphinx import sphinx.ext.autosummary prefixed_name, obj, parent, modname = import_by_name('sphinx') assert prefixed_name == 'sphinx' assert obj is sphinx assert parent is None assert modname == 'sphinx' prefixed_name, obj, parent, modname = import_by_name('sphinx.ext.autosummary.__name__') assert prefixed_name == 'sphinx.ext.autosummary.__name__' assert obj is sphinx.ext.autosummary.__name__ assert parent is sphinx.ext.autosummary assert modname == 'sphinx.ext.autosummary' prefixed_name, obj, parent, modname = \ import_by_name('sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items') assert prefixed_name == 'sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items' assert obj == sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary.get_items assert parent is sphinx.ext.autosummary.Autosummary assert modname == 'sphinx.ext.autosummary' @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary-mock_imports') def test_autosummary_mock_imports(app, status, warning): try: app.build() assert warning.getvalue() == '' # generated/foo is generated successfully assert app.env.get_doctree('generated/foo') finally: sys.modules.pop('foo', None) # unload foo module @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary-imported_members') def test_autosummary_imported_members(app, status, warning): try: app.build() # generated/foo is generated successfully assert app.env.get_doctree('generated/autosummary_dummy_package') module = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_package.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' Bar\n' ' \n' in module) assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' foo\n' ' \n' in module) finally: sys.modules.pop('autosummary_dummy_package', None) @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary-module_all') def test_autosummary_module_all(app, status, warning): try: app.build() # generated/foo is generated successfully assert app.env.get_doctree('generated/autosummary_dummy_package_all') module = (app.srcdir / 'generated' / 'autosummary_dummy_package_all.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' PublicBar\n' ' \n' in module) assert (' .. autosummary::\n' ' \n' ' public_foo\n' ' public_baz\n' ' \n' in module) assert ('.. autosummary::\n' ' :toctree:\n' ' :recursive:\n\n' ' autosummary_dummy_package_all.extra_dummy_module\n\n' in module) finally: sys.modules.pop('autosummary_dummy_package_all', None) @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autodoc', confoverrides={'extensions': ['sphinx.ext.autosummary']}) def test_generate_autosummary_docs_property(app): with patch('sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.find_autosummary_in_files') as mock: mock.return_value = [AutosummaryEntry('target.methods.Base.prop', 'prop', None, False)] generate_autosummary_docs([], output_dir=app.srcdir, app=app) content = (app.srcdir / 'target.methods.Base.prop.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert content == ("target.methods.Base.prop\n" "========================\n" "\n" ".. currentmodule:: target.methods\n" "\n" ".. autoproperty:: Base.prop") @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autosummary-skip-member') def test_autosummary_skip_member(app): app.build() content = (app.srcdir / 'generate' / 'target.Foo.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'Foo.skipmeth' not in content assert 'Foo._privatemeth' in content @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='ext-autosummary-template') def test_autosummary_template(app): app.build() content = (app.srcdir / 'generate' / 'target.Foo.rst').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'EMPTY' in content @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary', confoverrides={'autosummary_generate': []}) def test_empty_autosummary_generate(app, status, warning): app.build() assert ("WARNING: autosummary: failed to import autosummary_importfail" in warning.getvalue()) @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='ext-autosummary', confoverrides={'autosummary_generate': ['unknown']}) def test_invalid_autosummary_generate(app, status, warning): assert 'WARNING: autosummary_generate: file not found: unknown.rst' in warning.getvalue() def test_autogen(rootdir, tmp_path): with chdir(rootdir / 'test-templating'): args = ['-o', str(tmp_path), '-t', '.', 'autosummary_templating.txt'] autogen_main(args) assert (tmp_path / 'sphinx.application.TemplateBridge.rst').exists()