"""Test sphinx.ext.graphviz extension.""" import re import sys import pytest from sphinx.ext.graphviz import ClickableMapDefinition @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-graphviz') @pytest.mark.usefixtures('if_graphviz_found') def test_graphviz_png_html(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') html = (r'
\s*' r'
\s*' r'

caption of graph.*

\s*' r'
') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) html = 'Hello
\n graphviz world' assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) html = ('digraph foo {\nbaz -> qux\n}') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) html = (r'
\s*' r'
\s*' r'

on right.*

\s*' r'
') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) html = (r'
' r'
') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='ext-graphviz', confoverrides={'graphviz_output_format': 'svg'}) @pytest.mark.usefixtures('if_graphviz_found') def test_graphviz_svg_html(app, status, warning): app.build(force_all=True) content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') html = (r'
\n' r'
\n' r'\s*

digraph foo {\n' r'bar -> baz\n' r'}

\n' r'
\n' r'

caption of graph.*

\n' r'
\n' r'
') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) html = (r'Hello
\n' r'\s*


\n' r' graphviz world') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) html = (r'
\n' r'
\n' r'\s*

digraph bar {\n' r'foo -> bar\n' r'}

\n' r'
\n' r'

on right.*

\n' r'
\n' r'
') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) html = (r'
' r'
\n' r'\s*

digraph foo {\n' r'centered\n' r'}

\n' r'
') assert re.search(html, content, re.DOTALL) image_re = r'.*data="([^"]+)".*?digraph test' image_path_match = re.search(image_re, content, re.DOTALL) assert image_path_match image_path = image_path_match.group(1) image_content = (app.outdir / image_path).read_text(encoding='utf8') if sys.platform == 'win32': assert '".\\_static\\' not in image_content assert r'\n' '') cmap = ClickableMapDefinition('dummy.map', content, code) assert cmap.filename == 'dummy.map' assert cmap.id == 'grapvizb08107169e' assert len(cmap.clickable) == 0 assert cmap.generate_clickable_map() == '' # normal graph code = ('digraph {\n' ' foo [href="https://www.google.com/"];\n' ' foo -> bar;\n' '}\n') content = ('\n' '\n' '') cmap = ClickableMapDefinition('dummy.map', content, code) assert cmap.filename == 'dummy.map' assert cmap.id == 'grapvizff087ab863' assert len(cmap.clickable) == 1 assert cmap.generate_clickable_map() == content.replace('%3', cmap.id) # inheritance-diagram:: sphinx.builders.html content = ( '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '\n' '' ) cmap = ClickableMapDefinition('dummy.map', content, 'dummy_code') assert cmap.filename == 'dummy.map' assert cmap.id == 'inheritance66ff5471b9' assert len(cmap.clickable) == 0 assert cmap.generate_clickable_map() == ''