"""Test the Pygments highlighting bridge.""" from unittest import mock from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer from pygments.token import Name, Text from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge class MyLexer(RegexLexer): name = 'testlexer' tokens = { 'root': [ ('a', Name), ('b', Text), ], } class MyFormatter(HtmlFormatter): def format(self, tokensource, outfile): for tok in tokensource: outfile.write(tok[1]) class ComplainOnUnhighlighted(PygmentsBridge): def unhighlighted(self, source): raise AssertionError("should highlight %r" % source) def test_add_lexer(app, status, warning): app.add_lexer('test', MyLexer) bridge = PygmentsBridge('html') ret = bridge.highlight_block('ab', 'test') assert 'ab' in ret def test_detect_interactive(): bridge = ComplainOnUnhighlighted('html') blocks = [ """ >>> testing() True """, ] for block in blocks: ret = bridge.highlight_block(block.lstrip(), 'python') assert ret.startswith("
") def test_lexer_options(): bridge = PygmentsBridge('html') ret = bridge.highlight_block('//comment', 'php', opts={'startinline': True}) assert '//comment' in ret def test_set_formatter(): PygmentsBridge.html_formatter = MyFormatter try: bridge = PygmentsBridge('html') ret = bridge.highlight_block('foo\n', 'python') assert ret == 'foo\n' finally: PygmentsBridge.html_formatter = HtmlFormatter @mock.patch('sphinx.highlighting.logger') def test_default_highlight(logger): bridge = PygmentsBridge('html') # default: highlights as python3 ret = bridge.highlight_block('print "Hello sphinx world"', 'default') assert ret == ('
print '
                   '"Hello sphinx world"\n
\n') # default: fallbacks to none if highlighting failed ret = bridge.highlight_block('reST ``like`` text', 'default') assert ret == '
reST ``like`` text\n
\n' # python: highlights as python3 ret = bridge.highlight_block('print("Hello sphinx world")', 'python') assert ret == ('
                   '"Hello sphinx world"'
\n') # python3: highlights as python3 ret = bridge.highlight_block('print("Hello sphinx world")', 'python3') assert ret == ('
                   '"Hello sphinx world"'
\n') # python: raises error if highlighting failed ret = bridge.highlight_block('reST ``like`` text', 'python') logger.warning.assert_called_with('Lexing literal_block %r as "%s" resulted in an error at token: %r. ' 'Retrying in relaxed mode.', 'reST ``like`` text', 'python', '`', type='misc', subtype='highlighting_failure', location=None)