"""Test message patching for internationalization purposes. Runs the text builder in the test root. """ import os import os.path import re import shutil import time import pytest from babel.messages import mofile, pofile from babel.messages.catalog import Catalog from docutils import nodes from sphinx import locale from sphinx.testing.util import assert_node, etree_parse from sphinx.util.console import strip_colors from sphinx.util.nodes import NodeMatcher _CATALOG_LOCALE = 'xx' sphinx_intl = pytest.mark.sphinx( testroot='intl', confoverrides={ 'language': _CATALOG_LOCALE, 'locale_dirs': ['.'], 'gettext_compact': False, }, ) def read_po(pathname): with open(pathname, encoding='utf-8') as f: return pofile.read_po(f) def write_mo(pathname, po): with open(pathname, 'wb') as f: return mofile.write_mo(f, po) def _set_mtime_ns(target, value): os.utime(target, ns=(value, value)) return os.stat(target).st_mtime_ns def _get_bom_intl_path(app): basedir = app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' return basedir / 'bom.po', basedir / 'bom.mo' def _get_update_targets(app): app.env.find_files(app.config, app.builder) added, changed, removed = app.env.get_outdated_files(config_changed=False) return added, changed, removed @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _info(app): yield print('# language:', app.config.language) print('# locale_dirs:', app.config.locale_dirs) def elem_gettexts(elem): return [_f for _f in [s.strip() for s in elem.itertext()] if _f] def elem_getref(elem): return elem.attrib.get('refid') or elem.attrib.get('refuri') def assert_elem(elem, texts=None, refs=None, names=None): if texts is not None: _texts = elem_gettexts(elem) assert _texts == texts if refs is not None: _refs = [elem_getref(x) for x in elem.findall('reference')] assert _refs == refs if names is not None: _names = elem.attrib.get('names').split() assert _names == names def assert_count(expected_expr, result, count): find_pair = (expected_expr, result) assert len(re.findall(*find_pair)) == count, find_pair @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_emit_warnings(app, warning): app.build() # test warnings in translation warnings = getwarning(warning) warning_expr = ('.*/warnings.txt:4::1: ' 'WARNING: Inline literal start-string without end-string.\n') assert re.search(warning_expr, warnings), f'{warning_expr!r} did not match {warnings!r}' @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_warning_node(app): app.build() # test warnings in translation result = (app.outdir / 'warnings.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = ("3. I18N WITH REST WARNINGS" "\n**************************\n" "\nLINE OF >>``<:1: ' "WARNING: term not in glossary: 'TERM NOT IN GLOSSARY'") assert re.search(expected_warning_expr, warnings), f'{expected_warning_expr!r} did not match {warnings!r}' @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_section(app): app.build() # --- section expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'section.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'section.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_section(app): app.build() # --- section result = (app.outdir / 'section.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'section.po') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.string in result @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_seealso(app): app.build() # --- seealso result = (app.outdir / 'seealso.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = ("12. I18N WITH SEEALSO" "\n*********************\n" "\nSee also: SHORT TEXT 1\n" "\nSee also: LONG TEXT 1\n" "\nSee also:\n" "\n SHORT TEXT 2\n" "\n LONG TEXT 2\n") assert result == expect @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_figure_captions(app): app.build() # --- figure captions: regression test for #940 result = (app.outdir / 'figure.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = ("14. I18N WITH FIGURE CAPTION" "\n****************************\n" "\n [image]MY CAPTION OF THE FIGURE\n" "\n MY DESCRIPTION PARAGRAPH1 OF THE FIGURE.\n" "\n MY DESCRIPTION PARAGRAPH2 OF THE FIGURE.\n" "\n" "\n14.1. FIGURE IN THE BLOCK" "\n=========================\n" "\nBLOCK\n" "\n [image]MY CAPTION OF THE FIGURE\n" "\n MY DESCRIPTION PARAGRAPH1 OF THE FIGURE.\n" "\n MY DESCRIPTION PARAGRAPH2 OF THE FIGURE.\n" "\n" "\n" "14.2. IMAGE URL AND ALT\n" "=======================\n" "\n" "[image: I18N -> IMG][image]\n" "\n" " [image: IMG -> I18N][image]\n" "\n" "\n" "14.3. IMAGE ON SUBSTITUTION\n" "===========================\n" "\n" "\n" "14.4. IMAGE UNDER NOTE\n" "======================\n" "\n" "Note:\n" "\n" " [image: i18n under note][image]\n" "\n" " [image: img under note][image]\n") assert result == expect @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_rubric(app): app.build() # --- rubric: regression test for pull request #190 result = (app.outdir / 'rubric.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = ("I18N WITH RUBRIC" "\n****************\n" "\n-[ RUBRIC TITLE ]-\n" "\n" "\nRUBRIC IN THE BLOCK" "\n===================\n" "\nBLOCK\n" "\n -[ RUBRIC TITLE ]-\n") assert result == expect @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_docfields(app): app.build() # --- docfields result = (app.outdir / 'docfields.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = ("21. I18N WITH DOCFIELDS" "\n***********************\n" "\nclass Cls1\n" "\n Parameters:" "\n **param** -- DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETER param\n" "\nclass Cls2\n" "\n Parameters:" "\n * **foo** -- DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETER foo\n" "\n * **bar** -- DESCRIPTION OF PARAMETER bar\n" "\nclass Cls3(values)\n" "\n Raises:" "\n **ValueError** -- IF THE VALUES ARE OUT OF RANGE\n" "\nclass Cls4(values)\n" "\n Raises:" "\n * **TypeError** -- IF THE VALUES ARE NOT VALID\n" "\n * **ValueError** -- IF THE VALUES ARE OUT OF RANGE\n" "\nclass Cls5\n" "\n Returns:" '\n A NEW "Cls3" INSTANCE\n') assert result == expect @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_admonitions(app): app.build() # --- admonitions # #1206: gettext did not translate admonition directive's title # seealso: https://docutils.sourceforge.io/docs/ref/rst/directives.html#admonitions result = (app.outdir / 'admonitions.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') directives = ( "attention", "caution", "danger", "error", "hint", "important", "note", "tip", "warning", "admonition") for d in directives: assert d.upper() + " TITLE" in result assert d.upper() + " BODY" in result # for #4938 `1. ` prefixed admonition title assert "1. ADMONITION TITLE" in result @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_toctree(app): app.build() # --- toctree (index.rst) expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'index.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'index.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] # --- toctree (toctree.rst) expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'toctree.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'toctree.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_table(app): app.build() # --- toctree expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'table.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'table.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_table(app): app.build() # --- toctree result = (app.outdir / 'table.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'table.po') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.string in result @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_toctree(app): app.build() # --- toctree (index.rst) # Note: index.rst contains contents that is not shown in text. result = (app.outdir / 'index.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'CONTENTS' in result assert 'TABLE OF CONTENTS' in result # --- toctree (toctree.rst) result = (app.outdir / 'toctree.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'toctree.po') for expect_msg in (m for m in expect if m.id): assert expect_msg.string in result @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_topic(app): app.build() # --- topic expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'topic.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'topic.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_topic(app): app.build() # --- topic result = (app.outdir / 'topic.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'topic.po') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.string in result @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_definition_terms(app): app.build() # --- definition terms: regression test for #2198, #2205 expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'definition_terms.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'definition_terms.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_glossary_terms(app, warning): app.build() # --- glossary terms: regression test for #1090 expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'glossary_terms.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'glossary_terms.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] warnings = warning.getvalue().replace(os.sep, '/') assert 'term not in glossary' not in warnings @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_glossary_term_inconsistencies(app): app.build() # --- glossary term inconsistencies: regression test for #1090 expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'glossary_terms_inconsistency.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'glossary_terms_inconsistency.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_literalblock(app): app.build() # --- gettext builder always ignores ``only`` directive expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'literalblock.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'literalblock.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: if len(expect_msg.id.splitlines()) == 1: # compare translations only labels assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] else: pass # skip code-blocks and literalblocks @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_gettext') def test_gettext_buildr_ignores_only_directive(app): app.build() # --- gettext builder always ignores ``only`` directive expect = read_po(app.srcdir / _CATALOG_LOCALE / 'LC_MESSAGES' / 'only.po') actual = read_po(app.outdir / 'only.pot') for expect_msg in [m for m in expect if m.id]: assert expect_msg.id in [m.id for m in actual if m.id] @sphinx_intl def test_node_translated_attribute(app): app.build(filenames=[app.srcdir / 'translation_progress.txt']) doctree = app.env.get_doctree('translation_progress') translated_nodes = sum(1 for _ in doctree.findall(NodeMatcher(translated=True))) assert translated_nodes == 10 + 1 # 10 lines + title untranslated_nodes = sum(1 for _ in doctree.findall(NodeMatcher(translated=False))) assert untranslated_nodes == 2 + 2 + 1 # 2 lines + 2 lines + substitution reference @sphinx_intl def test_translation_progress_substitution(app): app.build(filenames=[app.srcdir / 'translation_progress.txt']) doctree = app.env.get_doctree('translation_progress') assert doctree[0][19][0] == '68.75%' # 11 out of 16 lines are translated @pytest.mark.sphinx(testroot='intl', freshenv=True, confoverrides={ 'language': _CATALOG_LOCALE, 'locale_dirs': ['.'], 'gettext_compact': False, 'translation_progress_classes': True, }) def test_translation_progress_classes_true(app): app.build(filenames=[app.srcdir / 'translation_progress.txt']) doctree = app.env.get_doctree('translation_progress') # title assert 'translated' in doctree[0][0]['classes'] # translated lines assert 'translated' in doctree[0][1]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][2]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][3]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][4]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][5]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][6]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][7]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][8]['classes'] assert doctree[0][9]['classes'] == [] # comment node # idempotent assert 'translated' in doctree[0][10]['classes'] assert 'translated' in doctree[0][11]['classes'] assert doctree[0][12]['classes'] == [] # comment node # untranslated assert 'untranslated' in doctree[0][13]['classes'] assert 'untranslated' in doctree[0][14]['classes'] assert doctree[0][15]['classes'] == [] # comment node # missing assert 'untranslated' in doctree[0][16]['classes'] assert 'untranslated' in doctree[0][17]['classes'] assert doctree[0][18]['classes'] == [] # comment node # substitution reference assert 'untranslated' in doctree[0][19]['classes'] assert len(doctree[0]) == 20 class _MockClock: """Object for mocking :func:`time.time_ns` (if needed). Use :meth:`sleep` to make this specific clock sleep for some time. """ def time(self) -> int: """Nanosecond since 'fake' epoch.""" raise NotImplementedError def sleep(self, ds: float) -> None: """Sleep *ds* seconds.""" raise NotImplementedError class _MockWindowsClock(_MockClock): """Object for mocking :func:`time.time_ns` on Windows platforms. The result is in 'nanoseconds' but with a microsecond resolution so that the division by 1_000 does not cause rounding issues. """ def __init__(self) -> None: self.us: int = 0 # current microsecond 'tick' def time(self) -> int: ret = 1_000 * self.us self.us += 1 return ret def sleep(self, ds: float) -> None: self.us += int(ds * 1e6) class _MockUnixClock(_MockClock): """Object for mocking :func:`time.time_ns` on Unix platforms. Since nothing is needed for Unix platforms, this object acts as a proxy so that the API is the same as :class:`_MockWindowsClock`. """ def time(self) -> int: return time.time_ns() def sleep(self, ds: float) -> None: time.sleep(ds) @pytest.fixture def mock_time_and_i18n( monkeypatch: pytest.MonkeyPatch, ) -> tuple[pytest.MonkeyPatch, _MockClock]: from sphinx.util.i18n import CatalogInfo # save the 'original' definition catalog_write_mo = CatalogInfo.write_mo def mock_write_mo(self, locale, use_fuzzy=False): catalog_write_mo(self, locale, use_fuzzy) # ensure that the .mo file being written has a correct fake timestamp _set_mtime_ns(self.mo_path, time.time_ns()) # see: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/363 with pytest.MonkeyPatch.context() as mock: if os.name == 'posix': clock = _MockUnixClock() else: # When using pytest.mark.parametrize() to emulate test repetition, # the teardown phase on Windows fails due to an error apparently in # the colorama.ansitowin32 module, so we forcibly disable colors. mock.setenv('NO_COLOR', '1') # apply the patch only for Windows clock = _MockWindowsClock() mock.setattr('time.time_ns', clock.time) # Use clock.sleep() to emulate time.sleep() but do not try # to mock the latter since this might break other libraries. mock.setattr('sphinx.util.i18n.CatalogInfo.write_mo', mock_write_mo) yield mock, clock @sphinx_intl # use the same testroot as 'gettext' since the latter contains less PO files @pytest.mark.sphinx('dummy', testroot='builder-gettext-dont-rebuild-mo', freshenv=True) def test_dummy_should_rebuild_mo(mock_time_and_i18n, make_app, app_params): mock, clock = mock_time_and_i18n assert os.name == 'posix' or clock.time() == 0 args, kwargs = app_params app = make_app(*args, **kwargs) po_path, mo_path = _get_bom_intl_path(app) # creation time of the those files (order does not matter) bom_rst = app.srcdir / 'bom.rst' bom_rst_time = time.time_ns() index_rst = app.srcdir / 'index.rst' index_rst_time = time.time_ns() po_time = time.time_ns() # patch the 'creation time' of the source files assert _set_mtime_ns(po_path, po_time) == po_time assert _set_mtime_ns(bom_rst, bom_rst_time) == bom_rst_time assert _set_mtime_ns(index_rst, index_rst_time) == index_rst_time assert not mo_path.exists() # when writing mo files, the counter is updated by calling # patch_write_mo which is called to create .mo files (and # thus the timestamp of the files are not those given by # the OS but our fake ones) app.build() assert mo_path.exists() # Do a real sleep on POSIX, or simulate a sleep on Windows # to ensure that calls to time.time_ns() remain consistent. clock.sleep(0.1 if os.name == 'posix' else 1) # check that the source files were not modified assert bom_rst.stat().st_mtime_ns == bom_rst_time assert index_rst.stat().st_mtime_ns == index_rst_time # check that the 'bom' document is discovered after the .mo # file has been written on the disk (i.e., read_doc() is called # after the creation of the .mo files) assert app.env.all_docs['bom'] > mo_path.stat().st_mtime_ns // 1000 # Since it is after the build, the number of documents to be updated is 0 update_targets = _get_update_targets(app) assert update_targets[1] == set() # When rewriting the timestamp of mo file, the number of documents to be # updated will be changed. new_mo_time = time.time_ns() assert _set_mtime_ns(mo_path, new_mo_time) == new_mo_time update_targets = _get_update_targets(app) assert update_targets[1] == {'bom'} mock.undo() # explicit call since it's not a context # remove all sources for the next test shutil.rmtree(app.srcdir, ignore_errors=True) time.sleep(0.1 if os.name == 'posix' else 0.5) # real sleep @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('gettext', testroot='builder-gettext-dont-rebuild-mo', freshenv=True) def test_gettext_dont_rebuild_mo(mock_time_and_i18n, app): mock, clock = mock_time_and_i18n assert os.name == 'posix' or clock.time() == 0 assert app.srcdir.exists() # patch the 'creation time' of the source files bom_rst = app.srcdir / 'bom.rst' bom_rst_time = time.time_ns() assert _set_mtime_ns(bom_rst, bom_rst_time) == bom_rst_time index_rst = app.srcdir / 'index.rst' index_rst_time = time.time_ns() assert _set_mtime_ns(index_rst, index_rst_time) == index_rst_time # phase 1: create fake MO file in the src directory po_path, mo_path = _get_bom_intl_path(app) write_mo(mo_path, read_po(po_path)) po_time = time.time_ns() assert _set_mtime_ns(po_path, po_time) == po_time # phase 2: build document with gettext builder. # The mo file in the srcdir directory is retained. app.build() # Do a real sleep on POSIX, or simulate a sleep on Windows # to ensure that calls to time.time_ns() remain consistent. clock.sleep(0.5 if os.name == 'posix' else 1) # Since it is after the build, the number of documents to be updated is 0 update_targets = _get_update_targets(app) assert update_targets[1] == set() # Even if the timestamp of the mo file is updated, the number of documents # to be updated is 0. gettext builder does not rebuild because of mo update. new_mo_time = time.time_ns() assert _set_mtime_ns(mo_path, new_mo_time) == new_mo_time update_targets = _get_update_targets(app) assert update_targets[1] == set() mock.undo() # remove the patch # remove all sources for the next test shutil.rmtree(app.srcdir, ignore_errors=True) time.sleep(0.1 if os.name == 'posix' else 0.5) # real sleep @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_meta(app): app.build() # --- test for meta result = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') expected_expr = '' assert expected_expr in result expected_expr = '' assert expected_expr in result expected_expr = '


' assert expected_expr in result @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_footnotes(app): app.build() # --- test for #955 cant-build-html-with-footnotes-when-using # expect no error by build (app.outdir / 'footnote.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_undefined_refs(app): app.build() # --- links to undefined reference result = (app.outdir / 'refs_inconsistency.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') expected_expr = ('reference') assert len(re.findall(expected_expr, result)) == 2 expected_expr = ('reference') assert len(re.findall(expected_expr, result)) == 0 expected_expr = ('I18N WITH ' 'REFS INCONSISTENCY') assert len(re.findall(expected_expr, result)) == 1 @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_index_entries(app): app.build() # --- index entries: regression test for #976 result = (app.outdir / 'genindex.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') def wrap(tag, keyword): start_tag = "<%s[^>]*>" % tag end_tag = "" % tag return fr"{start_tag}\s*{keyword}\s*{end_tag}" def wrap_nest(parenttag, childtag, keyword): start_tag1 = "<%s[^>]*>" % parenttag start_tag2 = "<%s[^>]*>" % childtag return fr"{start_tag1}\s*{keyword}\s*{start_tag2}" expected_exprs = [ wrap('h2', 'Symbols'), wrap('h2', 'C'), wrap('h2', 'E'), wrap('h2', 'F'), wrap('h2', 'M'), wrap('h2', 'N'), wrap('h2', 'R'), wrap('h2', 'S'), wrap('h2', 'T'), wrap('h2', 'V'), wrap('a', 'NEWSLETTER'), wrap('a', 'MAILING LIST'), wrap('a', 'RECIPIENTS LIST'), wrap('a', 'FIRST SECOND'), wrap('a', 'SECOND THIRD'), wrap('a', 'THIRD, FIRST'), wrap_nest('li', 'ul', 'ENTRY'), wrap_nest('li', 'ul', 'SEE'), ] for expr in expected_exprs: assert re.search(expr, result, re.MULTILINE), f'{expr!r} did not match {result!r}' @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_versionchanges(app): app.build() # --- versionchanges result = (app.outdir / 'versionchange.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') def get_content(result, name): matched = re.search(r'
' % name, result, re.DOTALL) if matched: return matched.group(1) else: return '' expect1 = ( """

Deprecated since version 1.0: """ """THIS IS THE FIRST PARAGRAPH OF DEPRECATED.

\n""" """


\n""") matched_content = get_content(result, "deprecated") assert expect1 == matched_content expect2 = ( """


\n""") matched_content = get_content(result, "versionadded") assert expect2 == matched_content expect3 = ( """


\n""") matched_content = get_content(result, "versionchanged") assert expect3 == matched_content expect4 = ( """


\n""") matched_content = get_content(result, "versionremoved") assert expect4 == matched_content @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_docfields(app): app.build() # --- docfields # expect no error by build (app.outdir / 'docfields.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_template(app): app.build() # --- gettext template result = (app.outdir / 'contents.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert "WELCOME" in result assert "SPHINX 2013.120" in result @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_html_rebuild_mo(app): app.build() # --- rebuild by .mo mtime app.build() _, updated, _ = _get_update_targets(app) assert updated == set() _, bom_file = _get_bom_intl_path(app) old_mtime = bom_file.stat().st_mtime new_mtime = old_mtime + (dt := 5) os.utime(bom_file, (new_mtime, new_mtime)) assert old_mtime + dt == new_mtime, (old_mtime + dt, new_mtime) _, updated, _ = _get_update_targets(app) assert updated == {'bom'} @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_footnotes(app, warning): app.build() # --- footnotes: regression test for fix #955, #1176 et = etree_parse(app.outdir / 'footnote.xml') secs = et.findall('section') para0 = secs[0].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para0[0], ['I18N WITH FOOTNOTE', 'INCLUDE THIS CONTENTS', '2', '[ref]', '1', '100', '*', '. SECOND FOOTNOTE_REF', '100', '.'], ['i18n-with-footnote', 'ref']) # check node_id for footnote_references which refer same footnote (refs: #3002) assert para0[0][4].text == para0[0][6].text == '100' assert para0[0][4].attrib['ids'] != para0[0][6].attrib['ids'] footnote0 = secs[0].findall('footnote') assert_elem( footnote0[0], ['1', 'THIS IS A AUTO NUMBERED FOOTNOTE.'], None, ['1']) assert_elem( footnote0[1], ['100', 'THIS IS A NUMBERED FOOTNOTE.'], None, ['100']) assert_elem( footnote0[2], ['2', 'THIS IS A AUTO NUMBERED NAMED FOOTNOTE.'], None, ['named']) assert_elem( footnote0[3], ['*', 'THIS IS A AUTO SYMBOL FOOTNOTE.'], None, None) citation0 = secs[0].findall('citation') assert_elem( citation0[0], ['ref', 'THIS IS A NAMED FOOTNOTE.'], None, ['ref']) warnings = getwarning(warning) warning_expr = '.*/footnote.xml:\\d*: SEVERE: Duplicate ID: ".*".\n' assert not re.search(warning_expr, warnings), f'{warning_expr!r} did match {warnings!r}' @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_footnote_backlinks(app): app.build() # --- footnote backlinks: i18n test for #1058 et = etree_parse(app.outdir / 'footnote.xml') secs = et.findall('section') para0 = secs[0].findall('paragraph') refs0 = para0[0].findall('footnote_reference') refid2id = {r.attrib.get('refid'): r.attrib.get('ids') for r in refs0} footnote0 = secs[0].findall('footnote') for footnote in footnote0: ids = footnote.attrib.get('ids') backrefs = footnote.attrib.get('backrefs').split() assert refid2id[ids] in backrefs @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_refs_in_python_domain(app): app.build() # --- refs in the Python domain et = etree_parse(app.outdir / 'refs_python_domain.xml') secs = et.findall('section') # regression test for fix #1363 para0 = secs[0].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para0[0], ['SEE THIS DECORATOR:', 'sensitive_variables()', '.'], ['sensitive.sensitive_variables']) @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_keep_external_links(app): app.build() # --- keep external links: regression test for #1044 et = etree_parse(app.outdir / 'external_links.xml') secs = et.findall('section') para0 = secs[0].findall('paragraph') # external link check assert_elem( para0[0], ['EXTERNAL LINK TO', 'Python', '.'], ['https://python.org/index.html']) # internal link check assert_elem( para0[1], ['EXTERNAL LINKS', 'IS INTERNAL LINK.'], ['i18n-with-external-links']) # inline link check assert_elem( para0[2], ['INLINE LINK BY', 'THE SPHINX SITE', '.'], ['https://sphinx-doc.org']) # unnamed link check assert_elem( para0[3], ['UNNAMED', 'LINK', '.'], ['https://google.com']) # link target swapped translation para1 = secs[1].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para1[0], ['LINK TO', 'external2', 'AND', 'external1', '.'], ['https://www.google.com/external2', 'https://www.google.com/external1']) assert_elem( para1[1], ['LINK TO', 'THE PYTHON SITE', 'AND', 'THE SPHINX SITE', '.'], ['https://python.org', 'https://sphinx-doc.org']) # multiple references in the same line para2 = secs[2].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para2[0], ['LINK TO', 'EXTERNAL LINKS', ',', 'Python', ',', 'THE SPHINX SITE', ',', 'UNNAMED', 'AND', 'THE PYTHON SITE', '.'], ['i18n-with-external-links', 'https://python.org/index.html', 'https://sphinx-doc.org', 'https://google.com', 'https://python.org']) @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_role_xref(app): app.build() # --- role xref: regression test for #1090, #1193 et = etree_parse(app.outdir / 'role_xref.xml') sec1, sec2 = et.findall('section') para1, = sec1.findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para1, ['LINK TO', "I18N ROCK'N ROLE XREF", ',', 'CONTENTS', ',', 'SOME NEW TERM', '.'], ['i18n-role-xref', 'index', 'glossary_terms#term-Some-term']) sec1_1, = sec1.findall('section') title, = sec1_1.findall('title') assert_elem( title, ['LINK TO', "I18N ROCK'N ROLE XREF", ',', 'CONTENTS', ',', 'SOME NEW TERM', '.'], ['i18n-role-xref', 'index', 'glossary_terms#term-Some-term']) para2 = sec2.findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para2[0], ['LINK TO', 'SOME OTHER NEW TERM', 'AND', 'SOME NEW TERM', '.'], ['glossary_terms#term-Some-other-term', 'glossary_terms#term-Some-term']) assert_elem( para2[1], ['LINK TO', 'LABEL', 'AND', 'SAME TYPE LINKS', 'AND', 'SAME TYPE LINKS', '.'], ['i18n-role-xref', 'same-type-links', 'same-type-links']) assert_elem( para2[2], ['LINK TO', 'I18N WITH GLOSSARY TERMS', 'AND', 'CONTENTS', '.'], ['glossary_terms', 'index']) assert_elem( para2[3], ['LINK TO', '--module', 'AND', '-m', '.'], ['cmdoption-module', 'cmdoption-m']) assert_elem( para2[4], ['LINK TO', 'env2', 'AND', 'env1', '.'], ['envvar-env2', 'envvar-env1']) assert_elem( para2[5], ['LINK TO', 'token2', 'AND', 'token1', '.'], []) # TODO: how do I link token role to productionlist? assert_elem( para2[6], ['LINK TO', 'same-type-links', 'AND', "i18n-role-xref", '.'], ['same-type-links', 'i18n-role-xref']) @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_warnings(app, warning): app.build() # warnings warnings = getwarning(warning) assert warnings.count('term not in glossary') == 1 assert 'undefined label' not in warnings assert 'unknown document' not in warnings @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_label_targets(app): app.build() # --- label targets: regression test for #1193, #1265 et = etree_parse(app.outdir / 'label_target.xml') secs = et.findall('section') para0 = secs[0].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para0[0], ['X SECTION AND LABEL', 'POINT TO', 'implicit-target', 'AND', 'X SECTION AND LABEL', 'POINT TO', 'section-and-label', '.'], ['implicit-target', 'section-and-label']) para1 = secs[1].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para1[0], ['X EXPLICIT-TARGET', 'POINT TO', 'explicit-target', 'AND', 'X EXPLICIT-TARGET', 'POINT TO DUPLICATED ID LIKE', 'id1', '.'], ['explicit-target', 'id1']) para2 = secs[2].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para2[0], ['X IMPLICIT SECTION NAME', 'POINT TO', 'implicit-section-name', '.'], ['implicit-section-name']) sec2 = secs[2].findall('section') para2_0 = sec2[0].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para2_0[0], ['`X DUPLICATED SUB SECTION`_', 'IS BROKEN LINK.'], []) para3 = secs[3].findall('paragraph') assert_elem( para3[0], ['X', 'bridge label', 'IS NOT TRANSLATABLE BUT LINKED TO TRANSLATED ' + 'SECTION TITLE.'], ['label-bridged-target-section']) assert_elem( para3[1], ['X', 'bridge label', 'POINT TO', 'LABEL BRIDGED TARGET SECTION', 'AND', 'bridge label2', 'POINT TO', 'SECTION AND LABEL', '. THE SECOND APPEARED', 'bridge label2', 'POINT TO CORRECT TARGET.'], ['label-bridged-target-section', 'section-and-label', 'section-and-label']) @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('xml') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_xml_strange_markup(app): app.build() et = etree_parse(app.outdir / 'markup.xml') secs = et.findall('section') subsec1, = secs[0].findall('section') title1, = subsec1.findall('title') assert_elem(title1, ['1. TITLE STARTING WITH 1.']) @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('html') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_additional_targets_should_not_be_translated(app): app.build() # [literalblock.txt] result = (app.outdir / 'literalblock.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') # title should be translated expected_expr = 'CODE-BLOCKS' assert_count(expected_expr, result, 2) # ruby code block should not be translated but be highlighted expected_expr = """'result'""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # C code block without lang should not be translated and *ruby* highlighted expected_expr = """#include <stdlib.h>""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # C code block with lang should not be translated but be *C* highlighted expected_expr = ("""#include""" """ """ """<stdio.h>""") assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # literal block in list item should not be translated expected_expr = ("""literal""" """-""" """block\n""" """in""" """ """ """list""") assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # doctest block should not be translated but be highlighted expected_expr = ( """>>> """ """import sys """ """# sys importing""") assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # [raw.txt] result = (app.outdir / 'raw.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') # raw block should not be translated expected_expr = """""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # [figure.txt] result = (app.outdir / 'figure.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') # src for image block should not be translated (alt is translated) expected_expr = """I18N -> IMG""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # src for figure block should not be translated (alt is translated) expected_expr = """IMG -> I18N""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'html', srcdir='test_additional_targets_should_be_translated', confoverrides={ 'language': _CATALOG_LOCALE, 'locale_dirs': ['.'], 'gettext_compact': False, 'gettext_additional_targets': [ 'index', 'literal-block', 'doctest-block', 'raw', 'image', ], }, ) def test_additional_targets_should_be_translated(app): app.build() # [literalblock.txt] result = (app.outdir / 'literalblock.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') # basic literal bloc should be translated expected_expr = ('THIS IS\n' 'LITERAL BLOCK') assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # literalinclude should be translated expected_expr = '"HTTPS://SPHINX-DOC.ORG"' assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # title should be translated expected_expr = 'CODE-BLOCKS' assert_count(expected_expr, result, 2) # ruby code block should be translated and be highlighted expected_expr = """'RESULT'""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # C code block without lang should be translated and *ruby* highlighted expected_expr = """#include <STDLIB.H>""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # C code block with lang should be translated and be *C* highlighted expected_expr = ("""#include""" """ """ """<STDIO.H>""") assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # literal block in list item should be translated expected_expr = ("""LITERAL""" """-""" """BLOCK\n""" """IN""" """ """ """LIST""") assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # doctest block should not be translated but be highlighted expected_expr = ( """>>> """ """import sys """ """# SYS IMPORTING""") assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # 'noqa' comments should remain in literal blocks. assert_count("#noqa", result, 1) # [raw.txt] result = (app.outdir / 'raw.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') # raw block should be translated expected_expr = """""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # [figure.txt] result = (app.outdir / 'figure.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') # alt and src for image block should be translated expected_expr = """I18N -> IMG""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # alt and src for figure block should be translated expected_expr = """IMG -> I18N""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'html', testroot='intl_substitution_definitions', confoverrides={ 'language': _CATALOG_LOCALE, 'locale_dirs': ['.'], 'gettext_compact': False, 'gettext_additional_targets': [ 'index', 'literal-block', 'doctest-block', 'raw', 'image', ], }, ) def test_additional_targets_should_be_translated_substitution_definitions(app): app.build(force_all=True) # [prolog_epilog_substitution.txt] result = (app.outdir / 'prolog_epilog_substitution.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') # alt and src for image block should be translated expected_expr = """SUBST_PROLOG_2 TRANSLATED""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) # alt and src for image block should be translated expected_expr = """SUBST_EPILOG_2 TRANSLATED""" assert_count(expected_expr, result, 1) @sphinx_intl @pytest.mark.sphinx('text') @pytest.mark.test_params(shared_result='test_intl_basic') def test_text_references(app, warning): app.build(filenames=[app.srcdir / 'refs.txt']) warnings = warning.getvalue().replace(os.sep, '/') warning_expr = 'refs.txt:\\d+: ERROR: Unknown target name:' assert_count(warning_expr, warnings, 0) @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'text', testroot='intl_substitution_definitions', confoverrides={ 'language': _CATALOG_LOCALE, 'locale_dirs': ['.'], 'gettext_compact': False, }, ) def test_text_prolog_epilog_substitution(app): app.build() result = (app.outdir / 'prolog_epilog_substitution.txt').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert result == """\ 1. I18N WITH PROLOGUE AND EPILOGUE SUBSTITUTIONS ************************************************ THIS IS CONTENT THAT CONTAINS prologue substitute text. SUBSTITUTED IMAGE [image: SUBST_PROLOG_2 TRANSLATED][image] HERE. THIS IS CONTENT THAT CONTAINS epilogue substitute text. SUBSTITUTED IMAGE [image: SUBST_EPILOG_2 TRANSLATED][image] HERE. """ @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'dummy', testroot='images', srcdir='test_intl_images', confoverrides={'language': _CATALOG_LOCALE}, ) def test_image_glob_intl(app): app.build() # index.rst doctree = app.env.get_doctree('index') assert_node(doctree[0][1], nodes.image, uri='rimg.xx.png', candidates={'*': 'rimg.xx.png'}) assert isinstance(doctree[0][2], nodes.figure) assert_node(doctree[0][2][0], nodes.image, uri='rimg.xx.png', candidates={'*': 'rimg.xx.png'}) assert_node(doctree[0][3], nodes.image, uri='img.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'img.pdf', 'image/gif': 'img.gif', 'image/png': 'img.png'}) assert isinstance(doctree[0][4], nodes.figure) assert_node(doctree[0][4][0], nodes.image, uri='img.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'img.pdf', 'image/gif': 'img.gif', 'image/png': 'img.png'}) # subdir/index.rst doctree = app.env.get_doctree('subdir/index') assert_node(doctree[0][1], nodes.image, uri='subdir/rimg.xx.png', candidates={'*': 'subdir/rimg.xx.png'}) assert_node(doctree[0][2], nodes.image, uri='subdir/svgimg.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'subdir/svgimg.pdf', 'image/svg+xml': 'subdir/svgimg.xx.svg'}) assert isinstance(doctree[0][3], nodes.figure) assert_node(doctree[0][3][0], nodes.image, uri='subdir/svgimg.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'subdir/svgimg.pdf', 'image/svg+xml': 'subdir/svgimg.xx.svg'}) @pytest.mark.sphinx( 'dummy', testroot='images', srcdir='test_intl_images', confoverrides={ 'language': _CATALOG_LOCALE, 'figure_language_filename': '{root}{ext}.{language}', }, ) def test_image_glob_intl_using_figure_language_filename(app): app.build() # index.rst doctree = app.env.get_doctree('index') assert_node(doctree[0][1], nodes.image, uri='rimg.png.xx', candidates={'*': 'rimg.png.xx'}) assert isinstance(doctree[0][2], nodes.figure) assert_node(doctree[0][2][0], nodes.image, uri='rimg.png.xx', candidates={'*': 'rimg.png.xx'}) assert_node(doctree[0][3], nodes.image, uri='img.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'img.pdf', 'image/gif': 'img.gif', 'image/png': 'img.png'}) assert isinstance(doctree[0][4], nodes.figure) assert_node(doctree[0][4][0], nodes.image, uri='img.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'img.pdf', 'image/gif': 'img.gif', 'image/png': 'img.png'}) # subdir/index.rst doctree = app.env.get_doctree('subdir/index') assert_node(doctree[0][1], nodes.image, uri='subdir/rimg.png', candidates={'*': 'subdir/rimg.png'}) assert_node(doctree[0][2], nodes.image, uri='subdir/svgimg.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'subdir/svgimg.pdf', 'image/svg+xml': 'subdir/svgimg.svg'}) assert isinstance(doctree[0][3], nodes.figure) assert_node(doctree[0][3][0], nodes.image, uri='subdir/svgimg.*', candidates={'application/pdf': 'subdir/svgimg.pdf', 'image/svg+xml': 'subdir/svgimg.svg'}) def getwarning(warnings): return strip_colors(warnings.getvalue().replace(os.sep, '/')) @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='basic', srcdir='gettext_allow_fuzzy_translations', confoverrides={ 'language': 'de', 'gettext_allow_fuzzy_translations': True, }) def test_gettext_allow_fuzzy_translations(app): locale_dir = app.srcdir / 'locales' / 'de' / 'LC_MESSAGES' locale_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with (locale_dir / 'index.po').open('wb') as f: catalog = Catalog() catalog.add('features', 'FEATURES', flags=('fuzzy',)) pofile.write_po(f, catalog) app.build() content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'FEATURES' in content @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='basic', srcdir='gettext_disallow_fuzzy_translations', confoverrides={ 'language': 'de', 'gettext_allow_fuzzy_translations': False, }) def test_gettext_disallow_fuzzy_translations(app): locale_dir = app.srcdir / 'locales' / 'de' / 'LC_MESSAGES' locale_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with (locale_dir / 'index.po').open('wb') as f: catalog = Catalog() catalog.add('features', 'FEATURES', flags=('fuzzy',)) pofile.write_po(f, catalog) app.build() content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'FEATURES' not in content @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='basic', confoverrides={'language': 'de'}) def test_customize_system_message(make_app, app_params): try: # clear translators cache locale.translators.clear() # prepare message catalog (.po) locale_dir = app_params.kwargs['srcdir'] / 'locales' / 'de' / 'LC_MESSAGES' locale_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with (locale_dir / 'sphinx.po').open('wb') as f: catalog = Catalog() catalog.add('Quick search', 'QUICK SEARCH') pofile.write_po(f, catalog) # construct application and convert po file to .mo args, kwargs = app_params app = make_app(*args, **kwargs) assert (locale_dir / 'sphinx.mo').exists() assert app.translator.gettext('Quick search') == 'QUICK SEARCH' app.build() content = (app.outdir / 'index.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert 'QUICK SEARCH' in content finally: locale.translators.clear() @pytest.mark.sphinx('html', testroot='intl', confoverrides={'today_fmt': '%Y-%m-%d'}) def test_customize_today_date_format(app, monkeypatch): with monkeypatch.context() as m: m.setenv('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', '1439131307') app.build() content = (app.outdir / 'refs.html').read_text(encoding='utf8') assert '2015-08-09' in content