from __future__ import annotations import itertools import operator from typing import TYPE_CHECKING import pytest from sphinx.util.console import blue, reset, strip_colors, strip_escape_sequences if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Callable, Sequence from typing import Final, TypeVar _T = TypeVar('_T') CURSOR_UP: Final[str] = '\x1b[2A' # ignored ANSI code ERASE_LINE: Final[str] = '\x1b[2K' # supported ANSI code TEXT: Final[str] = '\x07 Hello world!' @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('strip_function', 'ansi_base_blocks', 'text_base_blocks'), [ ( strip_colors, # double ERASE_LINE so that the tested strings may have 2 of them [TEXT, blue(TEXT), reset(TEXT), ERASE_LINE, ERASE_LINE, CURSOR_UP], # :func:`strip_colors` removes color codes but keeps ERASE_LINE and CURSOR_UP [TEXT, TEXT, TEXT, ERASE_LINE, ERASE_LINE, CURSOR_UP], ), ( strip_escape_sequences, # double ERASE_LINE so that the tested strings may have 2 of them [TEXT, blue(TEXT), reset(TEXT), ERASE_LINE, ERASE_LINE, CURSOR_UP], # :func:`strip_escape_sequences` strips ANSI codes known by Sphinx [TEXT, TEXT, TEXT, '', '', CURSOR_UP], ), ], ids=[strip_colors.__name__, strip_escape_sequences.__name__], ) def test_strip_ansi( strip_function: Callable[[str], str], ansi_base_blocks: Sequence[str], text_base_blocks: Sequence[str], ) -> None: assert callable(strip_function) assert len(text_base_blocks) == len(ansi_base_blocks) N = len(ansi_base_blocks) def next_ansi_blocks(choices: Sequence[str], n: int) -> Sequence[str]: # Get a list of *n* words from a cyclic sequence of *choices*. # # For instance ``next_ansi_blocks(['a', 'b'], 3) == ['a', 'b', 'a']``. stream = itertools.cycle(choices) return list(map(operator.itemgetter(0), zip(stream, range(n)))) # generate all permutations of length N for sigma in itertools.permutations(range(N), N): # apply the permutation on the blocks with ANSI codes ansi_blocks = list(map(ansi_base_blocks.__getitem__, sigma)) # apply the permutation on the blocks with stripped codes text_blocks = list(map(text_base_blocks.__getitem__, sigma)) for glue, n in itertools.product(['.', '\n', '\r\n'], range(4 * N)): ansi_strings = next_ansi_blocks(ansi_blocks, n) text_strings = next_ansi_blocks(text_blocks, n) assert len(ansi_strings) == len(text_strings) == n ansi_string = glue.join(ansi_strings) text_string = glue.join(text_strings) assert strip_function(ansi_string) == text_string def test_strip_ansi_short_forms(): # In Sphinx, we always "normalize" the color codes so that they # match "\x1b\[(\d\d;){0,2}(\d\d)m" but it might happen that # some messages use '\x1b[0m' instead of ``reset(s)``, so we # test whether this alternative form is supported or not. for strip_function in [strip_colors, strip_escape_sequences]: # \x1b[m and \x1b[0m are equivalent to \x1b[00m assert strip_function('\x1b[m') == '' assert strip_function('\x1b[0m') == '' # \x1b[1m is equivalent to \x1b[01m assert strip_function('\x1b[1mbold\x1b[0m') == 'bold' # \x1b[K is equivalent to \x1b[0K assert strip_escape_sequences('\x1b[K') == ''