"""Tests uti.nodes functions.""" from __future__ import annotations import warnings from textwrap import dedent from typing import Any import pytest from docutils import frontend, nodes from docutils.parsers import rst from docutils.utils import new_document from sphinx.transforms import ApplySourceWorkaround from sphinx.util.nodes import ( NodeMatcher, apply_source_workaround, clean_astext, extract_messages, make_id, split_explicit_title, ) def _transform(doctree): ApplySourceWorkaround(doctree).apply() def create_new_document(): with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) # DeprecationWarning: The frontend.OptionParser class will be replaced # by a subclass of argparse.ArgumentParser in Docutils 0.21 or later. settings = frontend.OptionParser( components=(rst.Parser,)).get_default_values() settings.id_prefix = 'id' document = new_document('dummy.txt', settings) return document def _get_doctree(text): document = create_new_document() rst.Parser().parse(text, document) _transform(document) return document def assert_node_count(messages, node_type, expect_count): count = 0 node_list = [node for node, msg in messages] for node in node_list: if isinstance(node, node_type): count += 1 assert count == expect_count, ( "Count of %r in the %r is %d instead of %d" % (node_type, node_list, count, expect_count)) def test_NodeMatcher(): doctree = nodes.document(None, None) doctree += nodes.paragraph('', 'Hello') doctree += nodes.paragraph('', 'Sphinx', block=1) doctree += nodes.paragraph('', 'World', block=2) doctree += nodes.literal_block('', 'blah blah blah', block=3) # search by node class matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.paragraph) assert len(list(doctree.findall(matcher))) == 3 # search by multiple node classes matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.paragraph, nodes.literal_block) assert len(list(doctree.findall(matcher))) == 4 # search by node attribute matcher = NodeMatcher(block=1) assert len(list(doctree.findall(matcher))) == 1 # search by node attribute (Any) matcher = NodeMatcher(block=Any) assert len(list(doctree.findall(matcher))) == 3 # search by both class and attribute matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.paragraph, block=Any) assert len(list(doctree.findall(matcher))) == 2 # mismatched matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.title) assert len(list(doctree.findall(matcher))) == 0 # search with Any does not match to Text node matcher = NodeMatcher(blah=Any) assert len(list(doctree.findall(matcher))) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('rst', 'node_cls', 'count'), [ ( """ .. admonition:: admonition title admonition body """, nodes.title, 1, ), ( """ .. figure:: foo.jpg this is title """, nodes.caption, 1, ), ( """ .. rubric:: spam """, nodes.rubric, 1, ), ( """ | spam | egg """, nodes.line, 2, ), ( """ section ======= +----------------+ | | **Title 1** | | | Message 1 | +----------------+ """, nodes.line, 2, ), ( """ * | **Title 1** | Message 1 """, nodes.line, 2, ), ], ) def test_extract_messages(rst, node_cls, count): msg = extract_messages(_get_doctree(dedent(rst))) assert_node_count(msg, node_cls, count) def test_extract_messages_without_rawsource(): """ Check node.rawsource is fall-backed by using node.astext() value. `extract_message` which is used from Sphinx i18n feature drop ``not node.rawsource`` nodes. So, all nodes which want to translate must have ``rawsource`` value. However, sometimes node.rawsource is not set. For example: recommonmark-0.2.0 doesn't set rawsource to `paragraph` node. refs #1994: Fall back to node's astext() during i18n message extraction. """ p = nodes.paragraph() p.append(nodes.Text('test')) p.append(nodes.Text('sentence')) assert not p.rawsource # target node must not have rawsource value document = create_new_document() document.append(p) _transform(document) assert_node_count(extract_messages(document), nodes.TextElement, 1) assert [m for n, m in extract_messages(document)][0], 'text sentence' def test_clean_astext(): node = nodes.paragraph(text='hello world') assert clean_astext(node) == 'hello world' node = nodes.image(alt='hello world') assert clean_astext(node) == '' node = nodes.paragraph(text='hello world') node += nodes.raw('', 'raw text', format='html') assert clean_astext(node) == 'hello world' @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('prefix', 'term', 'expected'), [ ('', '', 'id0'), ('term', '', 'term-0'), ('term', 'Sphinx', 'term-Sphinx'), ('', 'io.StringIO', 'io.StringIO'), # contains a dot ('', 'sphinx.setup_command', 'sphinx.setup_command'), # contains a dot & underscore ('', '_io.StringIO', 'io.StringIO'), # starts with underscore ('', 'sphinx', 'sphinx'), # alphabets in unicode fullwidth characters ('', '悠好', 'id0'), # multibytes text (in Chinese) ('', 'Hello=悠好=こんにちは', 'Hello'), # alphabets and multibytes text ('', 'fünf', 'funf'), # latin1 (umlaut) ('', '0sphinx', 'sphinx'), # starts with number ('', 'sphinx-', 'sphinx'), # ends with hyphen ]) def test_make_id(app, prefix, term, expected): document = create_new_document() assert make_id(app.env, document, prefix, term) == expected def test_make_id_already_registered(app): document = create_new_document() document.ids['term-Sphinx'] = True # register "term-Sphinx" manually assert make_id(app.env, document, 'term', 'Sphinx') == 'term-0' def test_make_id_sequential(app): document = create_new_document() document.ids['term-0'] = True assert make_id(app.env, document, 'term') == 'term-1' @pytest.mark.parametrize( ('title', 'expected'), [ # implicit ('hello', (False, 'hello', 'hello')), # explicit ('hello ', (True, 'hello', 'world')), # explicit (title having angle brackets) ('hello ', (True, 'hello ', 'sphinx')), ], ) def test_split_explicit_target(title, expected): assert expected == split_explicit_title(title) def test_apply_source_workaround_literal_block_no_source(): """Regression test for #11091. Test that apply_source_workaround doesn't raise. """ literal_block = nodes.literal_block('', '') list_item = nodes.list_item('', literal_block) bullet_list = nodes.bullet_list('', list_item) assert literal_block.source is None assert list_item.source is None assert bullet_list.source is None apply_source_workaround(literal_block) assert literal_block.source is None assert list_item.source is None assert bullet_list.source is None