from __future__ import annotations __all__ = ('http_server',) import socket from contextlib import contextmanager from http.server import ThreadingHTTPServer from pathlib import Path from ssl import PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER, SSLContext from threading import Thread from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from urllib.parse import urlparse if TYPE_CHECKING: from import Iterator from http.server import HTTPServer from socketserver import BaseRequestHandler from typing import Final from sphinx.application import Sphinx # Generated with: # $ openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -nodes -out cert.pem \ # -keyout cert.pem -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:localhost" TESTS_ROOT: Final[Path] = Path(__file__).parent CERT_FILE: Final[str] = str(TESTS_ROOT / 'certs' / 'cert.pem') class HttpServerThread(Thread): def __init__(self, handler: type[BaseRequestHandler], *, port: int = 0) -> None: """ Constructs a threaded HTTP server. The default port number of ``0`` delegates selection of a port number to bind to to Python. Ref: """ super().__init__(daemon=True) self.server = ThreadingHTTPServer(('localhost', port), handler) def run(self) -> None: self.server.serve_forever(poll_interval=0.001) def terminate(self) -> None: self.server.shutdown() self.server.server_close() self.join() class HttpsServerThread(HttpServerThread): def __init__(self, handler: type[BaseRequestHandler], *, port: int = 0) -> None: super().__init__(handler, port=port) sslcontext = SSLContext(PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) sslcontext.load_cert_chain(CERT_FILE) self.server.socket = sslcontext.wrap_socket(self.server.socket, server_side=True) @contextmanager def http_server( handler: type[BaseRequestHandler], *, tls_enabled: bool = False, port: int = 0, ) -> Iterator[HTTPServer]: server_cls = HttpsServerThread if tls_enabled else HttpServerThread server_thread = server_cls(handler, port=port) server_thread.start() server_port = server_thread.server.server_port assert port == 0 or server_port == port try: socket.create_connection(('localhost', server_port), timeout=0.5).close() yield server_thread.server # Connection has been confirmed possible; proceed. finally: server_thread.terminate() @contextmanager def rewrite_hyperlinks(app: Sphinx, server: HTTPServer) -> Iterator[None]: """ Rewrite hyperlinks that refer to network location 'localhost:7777', allowing that location to vary dynamically with the arbitrary test HTTP server port assigned during unit testing. :param app: The Sphinx application where link replacement is to occur. :param server: Destination server to redirect the hyperlinks to. """ match_netloc, replacement_netloc = ( 'localhost:7777', f'localhost:{server.server_port}', ) def rewrite_hyperlink(_app: Sphinx, uri: str) -> str | None: parsed_uri = urlparse(uri) if parsed_uri.netloc != match_netloc: return uri return parsed_uri._replace(netloc=replacement_netloc).geturl() listener_id = app.connect('linkcheck-process-uri', rewrite_hyperlink) yield app.disconnect(listener_id) @contextmanager def serve_application( app: Sphinx, handler: type[BaseRequestHandler], *, tls_enabled: bool = False, port: int = 0, ) -> Iterator[str]: """ Prepare a temporary server to handle HTTP requests related to the links found in a Sphinx application project. :param app: The Sphinx application. :param handler: Determines how each request will be handled. :param tls_enabled: Whether TLS (SSL) should be enabled for the server. :param port: Optional server port (default: auto). :return: The address of the temporary HTTP server. """ with ( http_server(handler, tls_enabled=tls_enabled, port=port) as server, rewrite_hyperlinks(app, server), ): yield f'localhost:{server.server_port}'